My Daughter's Fantasy Ch. 02

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She enlists help to see how far she can go.
5.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 12/03/2023
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Since I worked from home and Emma was usually home working on her Master's degree, she and I fell into an almost daily habit, often multiple times, of our mutual masturbation "shows" that we put on for each other. First, I just loved that we were always naked, and I had come to grips with getting turned on by my super-sexy daughter, as long as that's as far as it went. Simply being naked was usually enough to start one of us getting our engine revved up, then off we'd go.

She began buying sex toys from Amazon, which led to some interesting buying suggestion on my algorithm. I know that she wanted to take it further, for us to actually... do things, but I wasn't ready for that yet.

She found an amazing, and surprisingly cheap subscription porn website, and we started watching all sorts of categories of high quality porn that neither of us had explored before. So much bi porn is "forced" and "humiliated", which I hate, but here there were lots of scenes of couples just exploring, men confessing bi fantasies to their wives, women encouraging, asking him "just once for me", and other sexy set-ups. Emma found hot lesbian scenes with actual stories, some really funny, and the trans women section was out of this world. I had only been with one trans woman, my ex and I were seeing her for awhile, and Emma suggested maybe I should look at a trans dating sight.

She really pushed my boundaries by playing with her fantasies, too, like letting her fuck my ass with a realistic dildo, (bigger than me), while I jacked off. It really turned her on, and, although I'd only let a couple of lovers play with my ass a few times, seeing how excited she would get turned it into a regular thing for us. She even bought us matching butt plugs, then a larger size, and made no secret of how she wanted to peg me. She bought a strap-on harness and a couple of "as real as possible" dildos for it. She'd often wear one casually around the house, hinting "someday soon" in a sultry voice.

One day she announced that she had invited Jack and Janelle over the next Saturday for a BBQ and to watch a football game of his Alma Mater. I thought it was a great idea, as they hadn't been around much since Rae left. They were very close friends, and the closest Emma's ever had to Godparents, but she only recently discovered that, when Rae was still here, all four of us were playmates, and the MM videos of Jack and I were sexual catnip to Emma.

"And don't forget, you said if Jack and Janelle were into it..."

"Wait a minute, Emma. I said in that Extremely unlikely Event. You can't just surprise people with father/daughter stuff. Promise me you're not going to spring anything on them. A lot of people would have serious reservations about our little games."

"I will not surprise them with anything next Saturday. The worst I might do is make a joke if something comes up during Cards Against Humanity. You know, to see how they react. But I won't surprise them with anything new. Oh, I also remember that if you and Jack ever do put on a show, I'll call you that dirty name. But you'll have to earn it." I shuddered with lust.

Even with a gorgeous twenty-something naked and masturbating around the house, the week seemed to drag in anticipation of my dearest friends.

Seeing them really did my heart a world of good. Jack and I were dressed nearly identically in polo shirts and cargo shorts. Emma and Janelle both wore blue jean cutoffs and skimpy bikini tops. Since Emma was naked most of the time now, it was easy for me not to stare at her and come off like some creeper in front of our friends. I did a bit of creeping on Janelle, however, but due to our sexual history, and the fact that we all hadn't been together in months, she didn't mind the lusty glances, and even shook her tush for me now and then.

When Emma would do a little shaking for Jack, his eyebrows would go up, and I'd pretend not to notice. It also seemed that Emma and Janelle were pretty flirty with each other, but, then again, she was an adult now, and Janelle and Rae had always been pretty touchy-feely as well. Maybe Emma had always been in on the girl play and I hadn't noticed till now.

When the ball game was over, we had some drinks and played Uno. A couple hands in, Emma piped up.

"I know a secret," she said, in a sing-song way. My sphincter tightened, afraid that she would tell them about our masturbation shows.

"All right, I'll bite," I said. "What's your secret?"

"It's not my secret, it's Jack's," she said.

"Well it's not really your secret to tell then, is it?" I asked.

"I didn't say that I'd tell anyone, I just know it, that's all."

"So you have dirt on Jack, and you're publicly blackmailing him. Are you going to auction it off, or what?"

"It's not a bad secret, just interesting," she said with a big smile.

"Do you know about this?" I asked Jack.

"Yeah, it's OK," he sighed. "Go ahead, Emma, spill my secrets."

"Well, did you know that in college, Jack was a DJ?"

"No, I didn't," I answered.

"He was a DJ in a club. A STRIP club."

"Really? How come you never told me?" I asked.

"It never came up," he said.

"But that's not the big deal," Janelle said, picking up the story. "The big deal was that his cousin Abbie got him the job, because she was a stripper there, and then, his sister started working there, too. Think about it: Night after night, watching his sister on the pole, giving lap dances, doing girl-girl dances with her cousin on stage, and, and, and..."

"Abbie,," I asked. "Have I met her?"

"Almost sure you haven't," he answered.

"But Kat, how many times have you two met?" Janelle asked, looking at me. "How many pool parties, how many barely-there bikinis? Let's face it, Jack's sister is smokin' hot."

"Hell yes, she is," I said, jumping in the fun.

"Well, believe me, Abbie is no slouch, either. Imagine his suffering, every night, heading to work, knowing what he was going to have to endure. Kat told me that on their days off, she and Abbie would ask his advice on new outfits, rehearse new routines, have him judge competitions between the two. Offering him bribes..."

"It must have been hell, soldier," I said in my best Drill Sergeant voice. "How did you make it out alive?"

"Well, I did get the purple heart, wounded in action. But the worst part is the flashbacks. I duck and cover whenever I hear 'Pour Some Sugar On Me'," he said with mock sincerity as Emma burst out laughing.

"My poor baby," Janelle said, and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"That's uh, amazing," I said, tossing my cards in the pile. We were clearly not coming back to the game. "So what is all this about guys?"

"There's more. Tell him, Uncle Jack, or you know I will," Emma said, and put on a silly-stern face, to let him know she meant business.

Calling him Uncle Jack got my attention. That was something she usually reserved for Christmas and birthdays. Like last year, shooting pool on Christmas Eve at Jack and Jan's place. She was keeping up with us, beer for beer, doing shots like a biker, and kicking Jack's ass at 9 ball.

But she was wearing the Tiara I got her as a kid at Disneyland, and when she was handed a present, she would use that silly spoiled Princess voice when tearing through wrapping paper. I thought she was too old to keep up the Shirley Temple act, and said so. Suddenly serious and sober, she informed me, in no uncertain terms, that no matter how old a girl gets, a Princess will wear her Tiara whenever she feels like it, and will always be excited to open presents. Janelle came over and draped her arm around Emma and they tried to look tough and threatening, but those beautiful smiles. Girl Power had beaten me again.

Jack cleared his throat, snapping my attention back.

"See, Strippers sometimes get an offer to earn a little extra money, really good money, by doing private parties. Not just a birthday stripper at the office, but like, bachelor parties where they put on a real show. I've known some strippers that will fuck the bachelor, or even the whole party, but Kat never did that. She, uh... She and another girl, usually Abbie, would work it and put on a live sex show together."

"Your sister and your cousin would put on a live sex show? Really?"

"That's right. And, to make sure the girls are safe, they bring..."

"Bodyguards," I said.

"We called ourselves 'chaperones', but yeah, you get the idea. Now, I was playing sports in college, and my arms were, well, I looked more intimidating than I do now, and Kat always had me chaperone for her, because she felt safer, and chaperone money was a helluva lot better than my DJ tip jar. Sometimes another guy would come along, depending on how many guys were going to be there. But I was always first choice, regardless. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciated the money, however, that also meant..."

"That you watched your sister have sex with other girls," I finished.

"Right. Exactly. And believe me, we're not talking about soft-core, simulated, cover your face with hair scenes. This was the real deal, and after a couple lines of coke, sometimes it got wild. I mean, the guys never, ever got to touch, but sometimes, if the money was good, the girls ended up in the middle of a circle jerk, face-deep in pussy, and covered in cum. Big money nights."

By this time, everyone had thrown in their cards and abandoned the card game altogether. Both Emma and Janelle were obviously turned on, fidgeting in their seats.

"OK, in time, I have a lot of questions, and want lots of details. But, for now, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out where this is heading. The question I have is: How did Emma get this ball rolling?"

"Why, whatever do you mean?" Janelle said in a voice so dripping with sugar-sweet innocence, I would have to test for diabetes.

"This was obviously planned out. Carefully. Except I didn't get a script, so I'm the audience. So, how did she get you guys to read your sexual diaries to her? And, most important, how did she already know what she'd find there?"

"What makes you think she knew?" Jack asked.

"Are you kidding? She like high priced lawyer. She doesn't ask questions unless she knows the answer first. Now, how did this little sneak-"

"HEY!" Emma called out, a bit sharper than she intended, I think.

"I'm sorry, Punkin, let me rephrase. How did my beautiful, sneaky little minx of a daughter get you to spill the beans on yourselves like she was waterboarding you?" I asked, then batted my eyes at her. She seemed uncertain if I was upset or impressed with her, and, to be honest, the way this conversation was going, I wasn't sure yet myself.

"She called me," Janelle began. "We went out to lunch, and since I'm somewhere between Godmother and Cool Aunt, she and I have had a lot of deep conversations over the years. She started by telling me that, on her way out the door, Rae had shown her your porn file, and the videos of the four of us on our... Playdates.

"I thought she was trying to suggest a threesome with me and Jack, which I'll admit, I was considering. I've never had sex with a parent and their kid, and the forbidden part got me worked up. All I could think of was the Friends episode where Monica had been sleeping with Tom Selleck, then met his hot son. Phoebe said something like "You don't want to be in a relationship where you can say 'That's not how your father does it'.' But in that moment, that's Exactly what I wanted.

"Then she explained her deviant plan to seduce you into masturbating with her, and how surprised she was at how well it worked, and how fast. She had my attention. I didn't know or care what she was about to ask me to do, I was all in. When she got around to saying that she wanted to see you and Jack together, live and in person, I really couldn't see the harm. And that you had already agreed, in principal-"

"Because I knew it would never happen."

"Because you THOUGHT it could never happen. Well, I took her back to our place before my jeans got so wet they'd shrink. We got naked, pulled out my toy box, and we put on our own little show for each other. I'll tell you, the girl's got imagination. Anyway, then we got to talking about her little fantasy, working through the logistics...

"And then Jack came home and caught us wet-handed. Well, the story didn't phase him much, considering how many times he had watched his own sister, and how many times he had jacked off to her, sometimes even ON her in a circle jerk, trying to her paint her white all by his horny little self. Not to mention that we... Well, that's a story for later.

"Anyway, we realized that telling you about them was the perfect way in, to open the conversation, show you it was OK with us, and we weren't going to judge. And we are more than willing to fulfill this hot young lady's naughty little incestuous fantasy.

"It was just luck that Emma called when she did. Just last week, Jack and I were talking about how we hadn't gotten together since Rae left, and we probably should have checked in on you guys more. We talk about you two all the time, like, literally every day. So when Miss Em called, it all just came together like a perverted perfect storm. And as long as we were getting together, what's a little cocksucking between friends?"

"Janelle, you have such a way with words. You missed your calling as a poet. For sailors. On the midnight-only show," I said to her, completely deadpan.

"Jealous," she said with a tiny sneer and a grin.

"Damn right," I agreed, then turned to Jack. "Sooooo... Wow. Um... This is crazy. Ever since Emma first brought up the idea of her, me, us, playing together... Looking at it now, I honestly can't tell you how she got me to agree to our diddling duets. I can't imagine what my thought process was, how I agreed to it. She's like our trip to the Grand Canyon a couple years back." Jack held up his hand to stop me, and his eyebrows popped up with surprise, angled like chopsticks trying to grab the bridge of his nose.

"Hang on, hang on. Walk me through that non-sequitur. How did we get from Emma wanting to film her own Bi porno film starring her own father to her being the Grand Canyon?"

"Easy. It's the most beautiful, amazing thing I've ever seen, just like Emma. But, no matter how they explained how it was carved by water, through millions of years, there's just no way to wrap your brain around it, it's too complex. With Emma, you're better off not listening to her pretzel logic. Just accept that you bought the ticket, and take the ride. She's going to get her way, so sit back and just enjoy.

"The mutual masturbation happened faster than I was aware. But this? I never would have believed it. I mean, how do you even approach someone about t? 'Excuse me, will you help my daughter with her dirty daddy fantasies?' Say it to the wrong person, and you become a social pariah, or even much, much worse. Of course I trust you guys, but this is really going a long way, even for old friends. I seriously never thought it could happen."

"The Grand Canyon found a way, and so did I. It may hits over 100 degrees at the canyon, but this is gonna be Really hot," Emma said, then suddenly stood up and began peeling off her shorts, revealing the bottom half of her tiny bikini underneath. When the shorts hit the floor, Janelle stood and followed suit.

"Remember, Dad? You said that we lived in a nudist house now. Everybody seems really overdressed."

Two incredibly sexy women, one mid-twenties, with a "spring break bod", the other twice her age, with a Zumba teacher's bod, both barely contained in their skimpy bikinis, joined hands and headed for the living room. Jake shrugged, pulled his polo shirt over his head, and followed them. Who was I to argue? I lost my shirt and had my belt unbuckled before I reached the doorway.

I had no idea what the night had in store, but once thing was certain: when my daughter wants something, nothing would get in her way.

Although I was mere seconds behind Jack, I was the last one naked. Emma put on some music while Janelle searched her purse with some concentration. Emma began a sultry dance across the floor, hips swaying to the beat, when suddenly Janelle lifted a black something out of her purse with a Eureka flair. She tossed the purse behind a chair and began dancing Emma around the room.

Jack tapped my arm and beckoned me to follow him to the couch, where we could watch our own private naked hottie show.

She had two little black things, which I finally recognized as cameras that could take HD pics or video. These are what we used to make our previous sex tapes. Janelle handed one to Emma, who put her arms around her and they began kissing with a passion I had not seen for months, when she and Rae would go at it.

They clearly weren't just putting on a show for me and Jack. Watching well produced porn is undeniably sexy, but this, two smoking hot women, truly hot for each other, live in person was so erotic. Then I became aware that one of them was my daughter, turning up the heat. Why did their age difference make it so much more dirty-hot-sexy? With obvious effort, Janelle tore herself from this mad embrace before she lost all control.

"All right, boys, the name of the game is 'Quid Pro Quo'. We're starting with your 'Quid', because this little vixen has a fantasy. Make her happy and I promise you, our 'Pro Quo' will knock your socks off. Give us one second." The girls huddled together, while Janelle quickly explained how the cameras worked. Finally, Emma spoke.

"So you're video, and I'm stills?"

"Right. That way, if you get carried away by the action, all we'll miss are a few pics, and you'll still have my Scorsese-like film. I mean, like, if Scorsese directed direct-to-video porn." They both turned and looked at us expectantly. "Well?"

"Babe," Jack started, "Directors start by calling 'Action'."

"Oh, right, right." Janelle turned on the camera, and Emma seemed to be struck with inspiration as she stood in front of us.

"Hot guys who suck cock, take one," Emma said, and held her arms out, slapping them together in place of a clapper board.

"Hot guys who suck cock?" Janelle asked.

"Eh, it's a working title," she answered with a shrug.

"Right," Janelle said, aiming the camera. "And... ACTION."

Jack and I looked at each other. I was a bit nervous, because always before when we got together to play, it just flowed so naturally, and, frankly, I was frozen with how forced this all felt. Jack seemed to read my situation clearly, and also seemed a bit uncomfortable with the situation.

But that memo had not reached my dick, who was still standing at full attention because he had been watching the girls. Jack reached over and took my flagpole in his hand as a means to get the party started. Emma leaned over and whispered something to Janelle.

"Hey, you're the director," Janelle said. "You've got to tell them what you want to see. Actors don't win Oscars by themselves. Take charge."

And take charge Emma did. She had Jack sit on the arm of the couch, back to the wall, while I knelt on the cushions, shoulder to the back of the couch. The girls swarmed around us with the cameras, and in seconds it was clear that Em knew what she was doing, as it really opened up angles.

The person I love most in the world conscripted my two very dearest friends to help her fulfill this fantasy. It just then hit me the effort she had gone to, the chances she had taken. If it meant that much to her, then I should take it seriously for her. I gazed with some nostalgia at Jack's raging cock that I had sucked so many times before, cheered on by Janelle and Rae, with the dirtiest words of encouragement imaginable, praising me, saying how proud they were of me, such a sexy cocksucker. I decided at that moment to put on the best show I possibly could. For Emma.