My Exhibitionist Nudist Daughter Ch. 10

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Sam tells some friends and we have some more fun.
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Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/21/2024
Created 02/11/2022
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I continue to alternate between eating my food and feeding Sam. I want to see her keep her hands behind her back for a little longer. She smiles as I do so while my cum drips down her face.

"I decided who I was going to tell and invited a few people to come over tomorrow night," Sam says.

"I was wondering when that would come. The plan is to still only mention the nudity part, right?"

"Yes. If people ask me about it being weird around you I will tell them the truth about that part -- that you are accepting me being me and if we're ever seen together it's because you want to protect me as much as you can."

"Which is true."

"I know."

"Well, I'm ready if you are."

"I am. I want to see how life like this will really work. I don't want to hide anymore."

"You're probably going to make a good amount of people upset. All of those uptight people looking for a reason. And there will be perverts as well."

"I don't care. People can judge me all they want. It won't affect me. And who is more perverted, them or me," she asks with a smile.

"I guess you're right."

"Are you sure you're ok with this," she asks. "This decision will affect you too. Things like how people view you, what they say about you, and all of that. I also really hope nothing happens with your job."

"I won't lie. At first I was worried about what people would think about me once they found out, but I'm at the point now that I don't care. If people don't like it they can say whatever they want. I don't think it going to get to my job or affect anything there. It's not like you're going to get famous."

She looks at me and smiles. "What if I do? Would that be a problem?"

"Is that what you want?"

"I don't think so. I don't know. I just know that something like this is not common and if word spreads then you never know."

"If anything like that happens we will deal with it." She smiles again.

"I appreciate it more than you know."

"I'll do anything for you."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

We finish eating and I clean up. While I do so I look back at Sam as she remains sitting at the table.

"So for tomorrow I can either make myself scarce or can join if you want me there."

"I think it would be best if it was just me and them."

"No problem. Who are you going to invite?"

"Jess, Ash, and Danny."

Jessica and Ashley are friends of Sam's that I have seen a lot of over the years until recently. Danny is Ashley's boyfriend.

"Alright. I'll find something to do tomorrow night after work."

"They're coming at six. Maybe come back around eight or so?"

"Sounds good. I can't wait to hear about it. I wonder how they'll react and hope it's positive."

"I'm guessing they will be confused, but ultimately supportive as while we haven't been super close since all of this I still consider them my closest friends. They probably won't want to go places with me, though. Well not at first. If you're wondering, no, none of them have seen me naked or know about my fetishes."

"I figured you would have told me."

"They have probably seen down my shirt or up my skirt at points, but no one has ever said anything."

After I finish cleaning up we hang out and watch a baseball game. I tell Sam she can remove her hands from behind her back and spoon her as we watch. I put myself into her ass, but don't fuck her. I just leave myself inside of her and acting as a plug.

We agree that it's time for bed. Sam pulls away and sucks me clean. I wash up and Sam freshens up a little. She leaves my cum on her face and hair. She grabs and inserts a long plug then climbs into bed. After we cuddle for a little bit we fall asleep with me spooning her.

The next day I wake up and get ready. I kiss Sam goodbye before heading off to work. She is half awake and stays in bed as I leave. I stay late at work so Sam can have time with her friends. After I wrap everything up I go out with a co-worker for a couple of beers.


After sleeping in late and showering I have spent all day cleaning the house then relax for a while while catching up on a few shows. I have my large dildo plug in and don't plan on taking it out when everyone comes. I also don't plan on mentioning that part to them either. That will be for another time.

It's a little after six when I hear the doorbell.

"Ok, here we go," I think to myself. As I open the door I see their eyes go wide. They all look me up and down.

"Sam, what the... Why are you naked," Jess asks.

"Are you ok," Danny exclaims and his eyes look me up and down.

"Yes guys. I am ok. I promise. I'll explain if you want to come in."

"Are you going to stay like that," Ash asks.


"Why," she replies.

"If you come in I'll tell you."

"Is your dad here," Jess asks.

"No, he's out."

They all look at each other with hesitation before Jessica enters. She is followed by Ash and Danny as they look at each other wide-eyed. I lead them to the living room and invite them to sit down while I do so myself.

"So what the hell is going on," Ash asks. They are all looking at my body.

Knowing there would be nothing else they'd want to talk about I get right to it. "Starting a while back I found myself enjoying being naked at home when my dad was at work or out. It was a thrill to walk around the house like this and it made me feel good. It started one day after a shower when I was alone. I was about to throw on some clothes and thought to myself what would happen if I didn't? I dried off and walked to the living room naked. I sat down and watched TV. I made lunch and hung out. It felt so freeing being like that for hours. Right before I knew my dad would be home I got dressed."

They continue to stare at me and not say a word.

"After that it quickly became that the only time I would have clothes on was when he got home from work until I went into my room at night. I stripped as soon as I closed my door. I would even risk going to the bathroom naked late at night as he never came out after going to sleep. During the week I wouldn't see him in the mornings so I would be nude from like 10pm until about 6pm the next day if I didn't leave to go do something. The weekends sucked as he was home a lot more, but anytime he left for anything I would immediately strip and quickly put on shorts and a shirt once I heard his truck. There were a few close calls, but he never caught me."

"Wow," Ashley states.

"So you're a home nudist" Jess states.

"Kind of."

"Kind of," Jess asks.

Danny is staring at my tits and Ash punches his arm.

"Sorry," he says.

"Don't be. All of you are free to look. I'm not embarrassed at all. And I did invite you here knowing you would see me naked."

Rather than come out and say it I decide to build up to it. "It's no longer just at home. I do it outside too."

"Are you serious," Ashley asks.

"Yes. I started by walking around the backyard like this then built up to going to the street. Only when it was dark and very late and no one was out. You know how it is around here. It's a ghost town late at night. I never see anyone. Eventually I got riskier and riskier, going a little further each time, and one night I walked all the way to the park."

"You gotta be kidding."


"I went on the swings and walked around enjoying the air on my body. It felt amazing and the risk of knowing someone might catch me was exhilarating. That is until I was caught by the police and arrested."



"While completely naked?"


"What did they say?"

"They asked me why I was naked and what I was doing there. I told them I did it on a dare," I lie to them.

"Holy shit! Did they bring you to the police station naked?"

"No. One of the cops gave me a hoodie that they had in their car."

"So what happened after that?"

"After very nervously wondering what would happen, and getting processed, they called my dad. He came and picked me up." I don't tell them I was masturbating and had a great orgasm in front of them when they found me or that I had a plug in my ass.

"So he knows you were naked outside at the park," Jess asks.


"What did he say?"

"When we got out of the station I explained everything to him." I summarize everything we talked about in the truck. "When we got home we said we would talk the next day as it was very late."

"So what happened the next day?"

"We avoided talking pretty much the whole day. We had dinner and had a full on discussion where I laid everything out. He was pretty shocked."

"I bet."

"At that point, since he knew everything, and I really wanted to keep doing it, I asked him if it would be ok to keep doing it, even when he was there. While feeling awkward about seeing me naked, he accepted it after a bit of discussion and said that if it made me happy then he was ok with it. He said I could be naked whenever I wanted and that he supports me. There was more to it, but that's the gist."

"You walk around naked in front of him?"


"And you really don't mind him seeing you naked?"

"Not at all. It's just a body. I know he's seen naked girls before. Plus I don't think of him as a guy. He's my dad." If only they knew how he makes me feel and about all of the things we have done, I think to myself.

"So is that why you have been M.I.A.?"

"Yes. There's a little more to it, though."

"More," Ash exclaims.

"Yes. I didn't leave the house except late at night and after a bit I challenged myself stay naked for a whole week. I didn't want to wear clothes at all. I wanted to be completely naked twenty four seven. Since my Dad was ok with it we would eat dinner and hang out and watch TV while I remained naked. He got as used to it as he could after not long."

"This can't be real," Jess says to Ash.

"It's real. When that week was over I wanted to continue it and it became two weeks. Two weeks became a month and it's been over five weeks now."

"Wait, what," Jess exclaims.

"The last time I wore anything was when I went to Molly's one night then came home. I stripped the moment I got in the door. That was a little over five weeks ago."

"What are you talking about?"

"I have been as you see me now since then."


"Yes. That's why you haven't seen me. I was worried about telling you guys and what you would think. I had to work up the courage after first trying to come to terms with how it would all work."

"When are you going to wear clothes again?"

"I have made a decision to stay nude for the rest of my life. I am now a permanent nudist."

They sit silent and stare at me for a few seconds. "Alright, where's the hidden camera," Ash asks. "You can't be serious. Being naked at home is one thing, but you can't honestly think you will stay naked forever."

"It's the truth. We actually gave away every piece of clothing and jewelry I had. There is not a single item of clothing for me in this house or anywhere else."

"Are you kidding," Jess asks.

"I promise I am not. You can search the house if you want."

"You don't ever throw on a shirt or anything when cold?"

"No. I don't really ever get cold -- a benefit of living here. Plus, like I said, I don't have clothes anyways. I'm used to it."

"Well your dad has clothes."

"I don't even think of his clothes. It has not crossed my mind one time."

"What about shoes?"

"Nope. I love the feeling of the ground, especially pavement, on my feet." I reiterate no clothes, jewelry, anything at all. I then explain everything other than my new relationship with my dad, the gangbang and bukkake parties, and my obsession with being anal only to them, for now at least. I sit there and answer all of their questions for minutes.

"Are you sure you're ok. We can help if there's a problem. You can tell us anything."

"I know, and that's why I'm telling you this. I'm hoping that you try your best to understand as my closest friends. I know how weird it is for you and everyone else, but to me this is honestly what I want."

"I don't know Sam," Ash states. "This is a little much. Are you sure there's nothing we can help you with."

"I'll swear on whatever you want me to swear on. I am ok. I'm more than ok. I'm so happy and excited for what's ahead. Everything I said tonight is true and I want it all. It is all my idea. I want to live the rest of my life as you see me now and do it as I would if I were wearing clothes. I want to go about my business just as anyone else does. I know I won't be able to go to many places, but am hoping something changes with that or I find places that are accommodating. I am in no danger and my dad is doing everything he can to make this as easy as possible for me. He's been amazing and I am the luckiest daughter in the world."

"Assuming you are serious, are you really going to walk into stores and public places like this one day?"

"Yes. I cannot wait to do so."

"And you're ok with the fact that everyone will be staring at you wherever you go and that everyone will see you naked? All the people and families we know."


"What if no one wants you around their business or wherever?"

"If it's illegal, or I would get in some kind of trouble, I won't go. If I am asked to leave somewhere I will."

"Have you really thought about all of the aspects of your life that this will affect? Like, even if you don't care, you always have to be ready to not get in somewhere. Even places like a doctor. This is going to affect every single second of your life. You're ok with that," Jess asks.

"Of course I don't want anything to be hard or to be turned away. The thing is it doesn't matter. I am going to be me and if that upsets people then fine. It won't bother me. I feel confident, beautiful, and strong. I don't want that to go away. And because of that I'll have to deal with all that comes with me getting to feel that way. So yes, I know it will affect me whenever I leave my house every day for the rest of my life and I completely accept it."

"Seriously though, what if you need to go to the doctor or have some kind of emergency?"

"Knock on wood, but I have always been very healthy. My dad also has quite a bit of money. If I need something looked at, or something routine, we will try our best to find someone to make a house call and explain the situation to them. Maybe we can pay someone to be my private doctor. If I had to guess, it probably won't be hard to convince someone to come be around a naked girl," I joke.

"I'll have to do my best to avoid any kind of emergency. I don't want to even think about that and hope it never comes."

"What if you get caught while out and you get arrested? I'm guessing the police won't let you remain naked."

"All I can say is I will do my best to avoid that. We will only go places that tell us they are ok with it."

"On one hand this is the most absurd thing I've ever heard. On the other if this is what really makes you happy then I guess we'll have to accept it."

"I truly am happier than I've ever been."

"I will support you," Ashley says.

"Me too," Jess adds.

"Me too," replies Danny.

"Why such an emphasis on nothing at all like jewelry or shoes?"

"It's like an obsession. I like looking at myself and seeing only me. I don't wait to feel the weight of a single thing. No earrings dangling from my ears. No ring around my finger. I like feeling nothing." I don't clarify that I mean on the outside and don't count my toys.

"For a while I've wanted to tell people, but couldn't find the right opportunity. My dad was also worried that it would look bad for him."

"Yeah, the more people find out the more they will judge him too."

"He told me he is ready for that and supports me no matter what. I believe him. He really only wants me to be happy."

"He doesn't know....."

"Not that I know of," I lie. "He's always very respectful and helpful. I don't treat it as sexual and he says the same thing," I lie again. "Like I said, it's just a body. We all have private parts."

"Other than your park adventure have you gone anywhere else naked?"

"Not many places really. Once in a while we will go for a drive. I'll be in the back and not seen." The lies keep coming. "I just like being out of the house naked, even if in the truck. We also went to a nude beach once. That was fun. I do late night walks once in a while still."

"So you went from here to the beach naked?"

"Yup. Left and drove the whole way there and back like this. I am not kidding when I say I am a permanent nudist and it's been for five weeks and counting. Everything I have done since then and from now on will be as you see me now. The beach was great. I hope for many more visits. You guys can come if you want."

I look at their expressions after I say that. Danny has a smile on his face while Ash and Jess say not likely.

"Well, no pressure, but if you ever change your mind I will be there for you and think you'd actually enjoy it. There's a stigma to being seen nude. I want so badly for it to not be."

"I can't imagine being naked in front of random strangers."

"That's the thing. For the most part they are not there to see you naked. They are just being themselves and enjoying the sun. Everyone is respectful. If there are perverts I don't notice as I really don't care. If they want to look then they can look."

I see the gears spinning in Jess' head after I say that as she looks away.

"We also went to a restaurant once."


I tell them the full story about the first time, but not the second time, and don't mention Molly being with us. I also tell them about my trip to the gas station without any of the dirty parts. They are amazed and ask many questions that I answer.

"I hope I can continue to do things like that where we ask ahead of time and find people that are ok with it. I will honestly go anywhere that allows me. I don't care how many people are there, as long as I know there will be no trouble."

"What if you find that most places won't let you in?"

"Worst case scenario maybe we move to a place in the middle of nowhere where no one sees me or cares. I don't need much. I just want to never have to put anything on again."

"You'd really move away?"

"If I have no choice, yes. I hope that I don't have to, or that if I do then it won't be too far."

"What about work and money?"

"We have discussed that. In the likely event I can't get a job then we may just go buy a cheap place somewhere, downgrade, and live a simple life. I haven't ruled out all possibilities on what kinds of jobs I can do like this..." I trail off while waiting for their reaction.

"You mean"

"I don't know, maybe. If the right opportunity presents itself, you never know. It could be as simple as one of those paid subscription sites where I have my own page. People around here will see me. I don't mind others across the world seeing as well. I am perfectly comfortable with anyone looking at me at any time for any reason."

"If this is real then you might actually become famous."

"If that happens then I am fine with it."

"So if we want to hang out you'll always be completely naked?"

"Yes. I understand if that means you don't invite me places. I don't expect any of you to have to deal with this if you don't want, but I would love to be able to resume hanging out. Even if it's just at someone's house."

"Well, this is definitely...different, but you are one of my good friends," Jess says. "If this is really what you want I will try to find ways to see you or hang out with you."

"Us too," Ash says while holding Danny's hand and looking at him while he nods."

A wave of emotion comes over me and I start to cry. "You have no idea how nice that is to hear. I have been so worried and anxious about how you guys would react. I didn't know if you'd run away right when I opened the door or leave once I started explaining and judge me after you left."