My Friend The Call Girl


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"Yeah; I sent her two sets of divorce papers today, one conciliatory, the other pugnacious, and told her that it was her choice. I'll file one of them tomorrow morning."

"No chance of reconciliation?"

"I've thought long and hard about it. There is no way I can forgive or forget. Fidelity is very important to me, and obviously she doesn't give a shit about it. I don't even intend to talk to her again."

Cecile kept switching her gaze between her hand on mine, and my eyes. Finally she spoke. "When your divorce is final I want first crack at you."

"What?" I asked, sure that I hadn't heard her right.

"You're my best friend – PLUS, I'm in love with you. Once we go on our first date I'm done with my present job; I have enough confidence in myself now to get another job, and I don't care if it doesn't pay squat. I've got enough saved to last me until I can land you – and I will if you give me a chance."

I was stunned. I had no idea that Cecile was actually in love with me. She interpreted my silence to be reticence rather than what it really was – shock. I was wondering how in the hell she didn't know that I would not only "give her a shot" but would fall madly in love with a goddess who was already my best friend. Just the thought of sex with this supernatural being suddenly made not just my dick, but my entire body, tingle.

"I know that you're probably reluctant to have a former call girl as a girlfriend, but I promise you that you won't regret it if..."

"Shutup!" I barked. Then I rose and kissed Cecile hard on the lips. After a couple of seconds she got with the program, rose up from her seat, and we kissed passionately over the table.

When we finally un-locked our lips I sat back down. "If you're crazy enough to be in love with me, let me tell you my plan. We keep our relationship as is until two weeks before my divorce becomes final. At that point you quit your job, I sell my Condo, and you break your lease. The day that the divorce is final we go off to a resort for a week, and if after that you still want a relationship we move to another part of the country, we get an apartment together, and if you're still wacky enough to want me, we get married."

Cecile put her hands up to her mouth and actually started crying.

We held hands as we walked back to our condos. I never felt more alive and Cecile was virtually giddy. We passionately kissed – and I didn't care that my cock was sticking her in the crotch – before she went into 5B and I went into 5A, staring at each other with big smiles on our faces until the doors closed.

That night I knew that I wanted the plan that we had outlined after pizza to work out more than anything else that I had ever wanted in my life. However, I was expecting complications, and the first one came when at 7:50 a.m. Jaime's father, James (never Jim or Jimmy), called. When I heard his voice I steeled myself.

"Hello Blake, this is James Snowden. I was hoping that I could get Jaime an extension of time of an hour from your 9:00 a. m. deadline so that we could have a chance to meet."

"Meeting isn't going to change anything, James."

"Blake, you have nothing to lose. If after you meet with me for an hour you still want to proceed with a divorce I will guarantee that Jaime will choose the irreconcilable differences option, and things will move along quickly. Please, you owe me that."

I didn't owe him shit – but in view of how I wanted my relationship with Cecile to move along, speed was at a premium. "OK, where should we meet?"

"I can be there in a half hour."

"See you then," I said as I hung up.

The meeting with James was worthless – except to confirm that he had no idea what I was really like. He essentially was trying to convince me how economically advantageous it would be for me to stay married to Jaime; how rich I'd end up. He did everything but offer me two million in cash to stay married, and promised that Jaime would sign a post-nuptial, that he would guarantee, that would give me another two million if she ever cheated again.

"Sorry, James; you've done the best that you can for your little girl, but no deal. I'm still trying to figure out why she wants to stay married – I would think that she'd be happy to have me not cramping her style."

"Cheating wasn't 'her style,' Blake; she just lost focus on what was important."

"Sorry; I haven't. Be sure to have her get the signed papers to my attorney this morning."

James actually looked sad when he left – probably not because he was getting rid of me, but maybe because his little girl was going to have to go see a shrink.

* * * * *

The day finally came. The divorce was final. Both Cecile and I would be moving out of our condos in ten days. I had sold my condo and all of the furniture in it (except for my computer equipment) that Jamie didn't want, and Cecile's thirty day notice for her lease was up, and she had sold her furniture too. I had all but finalized the sale of the hardware part of my business to my employees.

Jaime didn't show in court, only her attorney, for the final hearing. The only reason that I showed was because I immediately wanted a copy of the decree in hand.

After court, when I knocked on 5B, my luggage for our trip to the resort was already packed. I expected Cecile to be ready to go. She was, in fact, ready to go – but not on a trip. She was naked except for high heels and an ankle bracelet. I almost creamed my pants by just looking at her.

"We have time to get better acquainted before we go to the resort; plus I don't think you'll make it in a two hour drive," she giggled, motioning to my severely tented pants.

Cecile dragged me into her condo by my tie. Since her bed had already been carried away by its purchaser, her couch cushions were on the floor of her living room. As we passionately kissed she undid all of my clothes, took off my shirt, moved my boxers down, and handled my cock and balls. Meanwhile I was thoroughly enjoying massaging her huge, perfectly shaped, mammary glands. There was a problem, however; I was so excited I was about to blow, just like a horny teenager.

I broke our kiss and mumbled "Cecile, I'm about to go off like a volcano."

"No problem," she mumbled back, then grabbed my cock in such a way that what felt just seconds ago like it couldn't be stopped was now in neutral. "You've got to eat me first, stud, then I'll make sure that you get off properly!"

She broke away giggling, laid down on the couch cushions, and spread her magnificent toned and tanned thighs, exposing her scrumptious looking pussy.

I removed my shoes, stepped out of my pants and boxers, and with only my socks still on went after her honey pot. It tasted and felt even better than it looked. Her clit was gigantic and sensitive, her lips moist and succulent, and the inside of her pussy felt nice, though strange. I do believe that she had a real orgasm – which I couldn't allow myself to be sure of because I had heard that call girls don't get real orgasms – but if it wasn't real it was an Emmy-winning acting job.

A little while after the peak of her orgasm, while I was still licking her pussy and manipulating her tits with my hands, she mumbled "Now make love to me."

I lithely shinnied up her body and buried my cock in her moist pussy. It took a few seconds to do that, however, because her pussy was much more snug than I had imagined that it would be.

When I was balls deep she kissed me as she wrapped those magnificent thighs around me and then a unique experience – she started contracting her pelvic floor muscles in earnest. I could not fucking believe how powerful they were. I excitedly reciprocated in and out while she seemed to just as excitedly pulsate her muscles. The result was that I quickly ejaculated an all-time load into her sweet pussy. A few seconds after I started ejaculating her pussy clamped down on my cock even harder and we both screamed and shook.

I don't know if I passed out, but I was delirious. Cecile held me tight. I finally regained full cognizance, rolled to the side – getting a delicious jolt up my spine when my cock popped out of what now had become its favorite place in the world – and gazed into her face. She was smiling widely.

"Those were the first two real orgasms I've had in as long as I can remember," she chirped, still grinning. "You know why?"

"Because I'm such a remarkable sex god," I replied with a laugh.

"You wish," she chuckled, and then got serious. "I had orgasms because we made love; we didn't just fuck. I really do love you Blake."

"And I really do love you too, Cecile; even before you just rocked my world with sex so much better than what I've experienced before that it's like a different thing altogether."

She gave me a big kiss.

"In addition to being in love with me, you know why the sex was so good?" she asked, so giddily that she could hardly contain herself.

"Because you're a sex goddess?" I replied.

"Almost right," she giggled. "I have a very unusual vagina and powerful pc muscles."

"Really, how's that?" I inquired while squeezing a boob.

"My vagina is slightly ribbed – according to my OB/GYN unique in her experience. It doesn't pose a health problem, but instead of being smooth the walls of my vagina have irregularly spaced ribs – which cocks REALLY like."

"Seriously?" I responded.

"Seriously," she shot back.

I knew that my cock sure as hell loved her pussy. "What about the powerful pc muscles?" I continued.

"I use a device that assists in doing Kegel exercises. It has eight springs and can measure the clamping force of your pc muscles. I use all eight springs and can exert a clamping force of about eight and one-half pounds – and the maximum the device can measure is nine pounds."

"Holy shit – I certainly did feel you clamping on to me, and it was fabulous. Actually, 'fabulous' is too tame a word; I need something more dramatic – help me figure one out."

Cecile smiled; "How about 'sextastic?'"

I chuckled. "How about 'maxi-sextastic?'"

"I'm OK with that; now suck on my boobs while I play with your balls, and then we'll get up and go on vacation," she snickered, while reaching for my scrotum.

After sucking and playing we fucked again – actually, correction; we made love again, because that's really what it was. We finally got dressed, I loaded our suitcases into my car, and off we went.

On the drive to the resort, Cecile snuggled up to me until we were about an hour into it. They she backed off and said "Blake, I have four things to tell you. I need to now before we go any further. Ready."

"Ready," I replied with a smile.

"First, my name is not Cecile Wilson. It's Barbara Godden; 'Babs' for short. I have a complete set of fake IDs so good that I was able to sign my lease for the condo and buy my car using them. If things work out between us I intend to jettison my old identity completely so that I break all contact with my four years working as an escort."

"WOW – you could work for the CIA," I whistled in response. "You're great at that hiding your identity thing. Should I call you 'Babs' from now on?"

"Don't call me 'Babs' unless and until you're ready to 'put a ring on it' as Beyoncé sings," she chuckled.

"OK Cecile; what's the next revelation?"

"I stopped working as an escort the day that I told you that I loved you, and accelerated my Community College course curriculum so that I'm completely through with my first year and have three credits toward my second year."

"That's fantastic," I genuinely replied, for more than one reason. "You're full of surprises."

"I'm not done," she chuckled. "Third, I've come up with a new concept for a primarily Internet business that I would like to start up; I'll pitch the idea to you after our resort visit and if you like it we can go into it 50-50."

"I can't wait to hear about it," I smiled.

"Finally; and this is the only one that makes me squirm," she sighed, and seemed to blush. "If you have any questions about my work as an escort you need to ask them this week, and I'll honestly answer them. After this week I never want to even allude to it again, and any mention of it will really piss me off....So, if you have any questions, ask them this week."

It was obvious that this topic made her nervous. Since I had long ago determined that I didn't care about her past profession – although I'd be telling a lie if I didn't admit that I was very pleased that she had stopped working as an escort more than two months ago – I didn't really have anything else I wanted to ask her. But I couldn't just leave her hanging. So I came up with what I thought was a clever response.

After an appropriately long pause I said "I really have only one question, and then I'm done for good."

She looked at me expectantly.

"You say that you charged $700 an hour, right?"

"Yeah," she hesitantly replied.

"Well now that I've made love to you I wonder; why did you charge so little? You should have charged one hundred times that!"

She got a big smile on her face, kissed me on the cheek, and then put her head on my shoulder. It was the last time that we ever talked about it.

* * * * * *

Our time at the resort was phenomenal. I'm sure that no one has ever had a better honeymoon, even though we weren't technically on a honeymoon. For me it was doing all sorts of activities like snorkeling, swimming, jet-skiing, hiking, playing beach volleyball, trap shooting, and drinking with your best friend, and then dancing, snuggling, and kissing a goddess. That didn't even count the sex which truly was other-worldly. The only – and I mean only – problem that I had after seven days was that my cock and tongue were both so sore that I was in pain. But it was a truly contented and satisfied pain, because I was the happiest that I had ever been.

After the first day at the resort, when we fell asleep in each other's arms after she rode me reverse cowgirl while massaging my balls, it was a forgone conclusion that I would ask her to marry me – which I did on the fifth day. She said "Yes," and then proceeded to give me the best blowjob in the history of mankind!

I would have gotten married the day after we left the resort, but since Cecile/Babs had never been married, and since she had a few – a very few – relatives that she cared about who she wanted to be there, we actually waited three months and had a small, though entirely proper, wedding ceremony and reception, in our new city.

Within nine months after we had moved to our new city, Babs got her associates degree in business administration, we worked together in my software business, and by three months after that we had launched her new business using a proprietary system that she had come up with for maximizing exposure on the Internet using hybrid search term recognition. However, now three years after its launch we decided to sell her business – for seven figures – because she has something else to focus on.

Babs, my best friend, sex goddess, and the love of my life, is pregnant with twins!

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ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon25 days ago

Who uses "haste" and "pugnacious" in a Lit story? LMAO

Also, no one talks about this after sex, for fuck's sake.

"I use a device that assists in doing Kegel exercises. It has eight springs and can measure the clamping force of your pc muscles. I use all eight springs and can exert a clamping force of about eight and one-half pounds – and the maximum the device can measure is nine pounds."

FluidswallowerFluidswallower5 months ago

Thanks for another well-written and uplifting tale. Excellent job!!

miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

Jamie was a paper thin, one dimensional character. Ending a marriage without even having a conversation always leaves me feeling a bit empty. Granted there wasn't much of anything Jamie could say to defend her actions but, still it would seem like after being together for that long they would both owe it to each other to have a meaningful, adult conversation.

Still, overall a very enjoyable story.

AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 2 years ago

Only question is... who registered for college, Cecile or Babs...?

Not much sense in registering as Babs since the credits would have been Cecile's, not Babs'...

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartabout 2 years ago

5 stars. Good romance, a good happy ending. Kinda interesting how the ex-wife was almost a ghost the entire story, barely there at all.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

5 stars - I like this story.

Beast1961caBeast1961caalmost 3 years ago

Aw! That turned out to be such a sweet story!

justbobkcjustbobkcalmost 3 years ago

My very first in HS had the same kind of thing. She was tight and gripped rhythmically very noticeably as soon as I started entering her. First time I lasted about 10 seconds. Never had another woman anywhere near that able down there.

At least I knew ONE! :-)

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Great story done in the inimitable imhapless style.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago

LW Pretty Woman. Enjoyed it.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 3 years ago

Good story. Finally a six foot tall goddess who isn't a cheating wife. Lucky guy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I come back to this one every now and again when I just need a nice short happy ending.

Rolando1225Rolando1225about 4 years ago

I liked the story and the symmetry of it. The wife who turns into a whore and the whore who turns into the ideal wife. If course how the writer develops the plot into a very enjoyable story, reveals the unique talent of the writer. Thanks for it.

penneydog55penneydog55over 5 years ago

I always love a good ending!.....What ever happened to Jamie "She got off too easy and there wasn't any B.T.B......Oh well not to worry. ★★★★★ WOOF!

LeRoyEdwardsLeRoyEdwardsabout 7 years ago
Nice story

Jamie is a bit of a hang up. Understanding her needs and desires would have fleshed out the work.

Elmer100Elmer100over 7 years ago

Great story keep at it. Who wants to know about Jaime?

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