My Ideas of Heaven


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That weekend I even went shopping and got myself a nice sleeping bag. I also bought a couple of bikinis and other clothes. I looked round for some books to read that were light enough to carry.

Mum did want to know who I was going with so I told her a girl from work. As she seemed happy with that I guessed she thought better than with a boy. She knew I was still a virgin as I had told her I was when she asked. So far I had never been able to date long enough to get the chance to lose it. I wasn't sad I was still a virgin as I thought I was more sad I had found no one to really love and want to spend the rest of my life with. I knew I was still young at 20 and guess it was the not knowing of what my future held and if I ever would find the right one that made me feel sadder.


Tanya had a VW convertible and we drove down to Brighton mid-morning Monday the week before the Bank Holiday. It was lovely with the soft-top down. A bit noisy but the scenery was beautiful as Tanya pointed out places after we crossed the A30 and headed towards Dorking. Then it was the back roads down to Brighton until we had to take the motorway for the last leg of the journey. Then we drove into Brighton and along the front heading for the campsite. After looking around to see what I could see I told her it looked lovely when we slowed down for traffic lights.

I did give money to Tanya when we paid for two weeks. Then we drove into the camping area at the far back. After parking the car we got out and gave our legs a good stretch as we looked around looking for the best place to pitch the tent. There were not many tents there so we decided the spot right by the car as there was only room enough for two tents so we would not get crowded out as Tanya warned it could get very busy over the Bank Holiday. I did think the place was great and Tanya admitted she thought so too which was why she came each year.

Once we got the tent up we unpacked the car. The tent was a modern one and slept four and a far cry to my parent's very old one. Tanya had a double sleeping bag and even pillows and gave a spare one to me. Our bags we placed in any available spot. It wasn't hard to see Tanya was use to it as she had a double ring hob and a small plastic case that had everything for eating out as well as a kettle and pans.

As soon as we were feeling fit we walked into town. Tanya pointed out all the shops especially those where we could get supplies. We did try to keep to the shade of the buildings as it was so hot. Once we reached town we walked up the hill looking in the windows of more shops. Tanya told me what shops were where along The Lanes and other back streets as she pointed out what roads led where.

After looking around the big shopping centre we then walked back down the hill and headed for the pier. We did get ice-creams and that as it was still a bit too hot to eat we decided. Then we went on the pier and Tanya helped me to get my bearings before we went and sat on the beach.

I let Tanya guide me like on where the best places to eat and that as well as when as she was used to it. We did have coats in the car just in case it did rain although Tanya said so far she only had one day of rain and that was a couple of years ago.

When we were ready we looked in the gift shops and that. More so I had some ideas for presents and for anything else I thought I might need for the holiday. I did tell her there seemed better shops here than back home. Tanya teased another good reason she liked coming here.

We did take our time even walking along the front towards Hove before turning back. By then it was time to eat so we went to a cafe she liked. The food was good I had to admit. And after more cold drinks we took a slow walk along the front heading back to the camp site. When we did move to the back streets in one of the shops we bought a few snacks and bottles of soft drinks as well as a bottle of wine. Then we carried onto the camp site.

When it got a bit dark to read even with the small lamp we had while we lay on our sleeping bags and with a cup of wine each we decided to go and have a shower. As Tanya stripped down so did I and we put our robes on and went and hit the shower-block. We even shared a cubicle. I did tell her I liked. She had trimmed her black pubic hair and then shaved it into a heart. I did tell her I would have liked similar but mine was sparse. Tanya suggested I shaved it off and told me she was sure I would love the feel of it. I told her I might just do that.

We even helped dry each other and then as soon as we were ready after cleaning our teeth and that we went back to our tent. I copied Tanya and hung my towel up just inside the main flap. After zipping up the outside we got into the main tent. Tanya zipped that up then undid another zip. I thought that was neat as there was just the fly screen and would allow cool air to enter to stop us from getting too hot.

As soon as Tanya had stripped she got in her sleeping bag. She held up the corner and told me if I wanted to just cuddle up. I nodded and after stripping slid in beside her. While she lay on her back I moved to lay on my side facing her. I even rested my head on her arm as it was more comfortable. I told her then I was really glad I came. Tanya said she was glad too as she preferred company and I was good company, I thanked her and told her she was too.

I did tell her this reminded me of my schooldays as my friends and I used to love sleepovers and cuddling up and telling each other our secrets. She did ask like what so I told her which pop star we had a crush on and which singer we would love to be like. She asked who my favourite was so I admitted Cyndi Lauper. I told her too one of the young hairdressers where I went looked just like her and she always wore these short tight skirts which I thought looked really sexy as she had great legs. I did tell her she was shorter than me but still well put together that made me a bit envious as I was still growing at the time.

I did ask if Tanya and her friends were the same. She told me they were although teased she liked some of her friends too. I did ask if she had girlfriends but she told me even though she liked girls a lot she didn't have a girlfriend then. I thought that was sad especially if they felt the same way. She thought so too and asked what if one of my friends was a lesbian and was afraid to tell me. I told her I would have hoped our friendship would have made no difference as I liked my friends too much to want to lose them. I did tell her even when I was younger I did wonder about some of my friends and wonder if they could like girls and found it would not have worried me if they were.

I even told her my friends and I had watched Tipping the Velvet. She asked what I thought of it. I admitted not very much and more the acting although I did find it sad in parts. I told her I preferred Fingersmith by the same author as I found that sadder. As she wanted to know why I liked it sad I told her it wasn't because of that but I thought more if the woman was me I would feel sad the love went wrong. I asked if she had ever seen A Summer Story and Tanya told me she hadn't. I told her it was a romance and had my favourite actress Imogen Stubbs. In ways although she was blonde she reminded me very much of Tanya but I did not tell her that. I told her she falls in love with a guy and when she is meant to meet him so he can take her away he bottles it. As he meets a friend who is with his sister in a nutshell he finally marries her. I did admit it was mostly the actress I concentrated on and her feelings so when the guy comes back years later touring with his wife he finds the girl died and had his son. I admitted I was still never sure if she died giving birth because I found it so sad I wept buckets each time. Tanya thought I was a romantic at heart and I thought so too. She did tell me she would have to see it sometime. I told her if she got the chance to watch Anna Lee the TV series too as it was the same actress. She told me she had seen it so I confessed I don't remember much of it as too busy watching my favourite actress. Tanya did raise an eyebrow at that so I had to admit she did look sexy. I liked Tanya had to admit she thought so too.

I had almost forgot and told her I saw a very sad lesbian film once. I did giggle when I told her I had to lie in bed with the sound down low so my parents did not know. I told her one of the channels was showing sex films although I did not see most of them as I soon turned off as the acting were so bad. I went on and told her how this young girl was going to marry her boyfriend. Before she tied the knot she went on a tour with an older woman. They had an affair and I thought they seemed to really love each other but when they got back home the girl went off and married. I thought that was really sad as the older woman loved her so much. Tanya thought that was sad too. I did have to tell her I could not remember the name of the film as she thought she might like to see it.

I awoke in the night and for a moment wondered where I was. It was a bit strange as I remember cuddling into Tanya while she lay on her back. Now I was lying on my side while Tanya cuddled me to her front while I was facing away from her. It did feel nice feeling her shallow breath as it softly whispered through my hair. I did feel a little sad for Tanya as I thought Sue had to be a total idiot as Tanya was so lovely.

While I lay there waiting for sleep I did wonder what girls did together. I guessed they probably touched each other up. That made me a bit sad as I had never had that earth-shattering orgasm I had overheard some girls talk about when I played with myself and wondered if there was something wrong with me.

The next morning wearing shorts and skimpy tops we drove over to Eastbourne. I liked it when after we parked up Tanya let me hold her hand. I had always loved holding my friends hands when we went shopping. We would tease too it was to stop us getting lost in the crowds.

We toured the town first and deciding where we would eat when we were ready for food. We decided on a restaurant near the front as the place looked nice as we headed for the beach. Along the front we did stop at the bandstand to hear a big band play. Then when we were ready we took a slow walk to the far end often stopping to admire the views.

I think we must have explored everywhere before with more ice-creams we headed back to the bandstand where we stood in the shade and listened to some more music. Not our style but it was nice just to relax and enjoy ourselves.

After the pier we explored more back streets and finding little shops tucked away. I did look out for a present for Tanya to thank her for when the holiday was over but had not seen anything that had caught my eye yet. After looking at more shops we went to the restaurant. It was late afternoon but still quiet so we could relax and enjoy our meal. While we ate I told her I thought it would be lovely to live down this way. Tanya thought so too. She wasn't sure about jobs although would love a place somewhere on the front especially in Brighton. I told her if she ever did and wanted someone to share and I got a job I would like that very much. Tanya told me she would too.

That night in the showers I watched Tanya shave off the little stubble there was around her heart. It wasn't hard to see she had done that often as she seemed to take no time at all. When she held the razor up and looked at me I knew what she was thinking so I nodded. I did let Tanya put the foam on and then shave me as I wasn't sure if I would end up with loads of cuts. Afterwards I told her it reminded me of when I was a young girl but admitted it felt sexy when I ran my hand across it a few times. Tanya thought it looked sexy too which pleased me. I did hope she did not notice though that I felt a bit damp between the legs as I wasn't sure if it was because I was shaved and it felt so sexy or it was something else.

In bed that night Tanya caught me touching myself while we lay cuddled up. As she wanted to know if I was okay I told her I really loved the feel where she had shaved me. I thought I would have to keep myself shaved from now on as it felt so good. She did smile at my grin showing how good it really did feel to me.

The next morning we decided to stay in Brighton and spend time on the beach. We hadn't got far along when Tanya told me that was the nudist beach ahead. I thought it was worth a look anyway to see what it was like. There were a few men at the back we saw before we headed closer to the water. About half way along Tanya asked if I was game to go nude. I thought so. As she had seen me naked anyway I couldn't see it hurt.

While Tanya did my back coating it with sunscreen I did my front and legs. I did Tanya's back while she did her front and then we sat on the towels. Tanya did have a nice tan I thought while I just fried without lots of protection on.

We did lay back and watch the view. A few men passed who looked at us. Two girl's together and holding hands looked too. I did take a peek at Tanya hoping the sight did not make her sad thinking of her and Sue.

I was a bit miffed there were not many women there. More so I could compare their bodies to mine and mine to theirs to see what they thought. I was about the same size as Tanya but my breasts were not so firm. I did like mine but I liked my friends and I compared each other in the showers to see who we thought had the best breasts and the best legs. A woman's thoughts was always better I knew since boys never seemed to mind and seemed more than just happy to see any of the girls boobs at school if they could. Mind you they were just as bad trying to see what knickers you had on. Sometimes we forgot to stay near the wall when going upstairs and you soon knew when someone saw as the boys would comment on the colour. The best windup was when you wear pink and the boys mention it and you tell them you don't have a pink pair so must have forgotten to put a pair on. It was great to make fun of the boys seeing their eyes almost pop out of their heads.

When it got a bit quiet Tanya and I lay there reading books. Both crime novels as Tanya borrowed one of mine. We did often talk if we saw someone walk by. Tanya seemed to know if they were after women or men whatever sex they were. We also often took walks into the water to cool off. I held Tanya's hand often except when we played about and splashed each other. I did wonder when I saw the women look at us if they thought we could be an item. Not that I minded and think I worried more if I was to be in the way if on the off chance Tanya found someone she fancied.

Dinner-time we dressed and walked into town where we got a snack and looked down The Lanes. Then it was back to the nudist beach. There were a few more women there. I did tease Tanya telling her I didn't fancy hers much which made her laugh. She did ask if I was to fancy one which one would it be. I told her the taller one and more because she was taller and I liked the height difference. When I asked she said the shorter one for the same reason. I would have liked to have known if Sue was shorter and more because I thought she would have been to my mind.

Tanya did ask about the men but I told her it never worked liked that. I did admit I might see one and think he was handsome or something but unless I got to know them and know they were nice to talk to and that then I usually did not bother about them. I told her too I never felt this feeling that he could be the one so another reason not to see them if they asked for a date or something. She told me sometimes love grows from spending time together. I told her I knew what she meant but I guess being a romantic I would love to look at someone and even feel my heart go "WOW!" She asked what if it was a woman that made me feel that way. I thought about that and admitted if I loved someone that much and they felt the same way then knowing I was loved I wasn't sure I would be able to pass that up. I told her I guess what I was trying to say was I guess I wanted to love and to be loved and that was more important. Tanya thought that was true. I did move my hand to her's and told her I hoped I had not upset her. She told me I hadn't and gave me a smile so I smiled back.

That night while we lay in bed while she held me to her front I feigned sleep after waking up. Tanya was trying not to move too much while she played with herself. I thought that was dead sexy as she tried to stifle her moans. I could even feel myself getting moist between the legs. I did bite my lower lip trying to stop a little moan escaping and feeling the need to relieve myself. I think I was almost ready to climax when Tanya did as I felt her bury her face in the pillow.

It seemed ages while in my mind I kept willing her to go to sleep. Finally I thought she had and tentatively moved my hand down there. I did sigh in relief as I slid a finger gently inside me. The worst part was when she would move slightly or snuffle and I thought I was going to have kittens if she caught me.

I think I almost shot through the roof when I got carried away and had to keep biting my lower lip to stifle the sounds as best I could when her mouth moved near my ear and whispered "don't stop as you are making me feel horny again." I did tell her she nearly gave me a heart attack and then giggled seeing the funny side of it. Tanya laughed when I told her how I nearly had kittens each time and how I tried to be quiet.

When she snuggled into my back she moved her hand to mine and then moved it down. She did tease to get some sleep sometime. I wasn't sure if she was asleep although at one point I thought she had to be so played with myself. I only knew for sure she wasn't when she cuddled me while I came down from my climax. I did like she said nothing and just held me tight to her while she nuzzled my hair. I liked too I had been right and had that nice feeling of feeling safe while held in her arms.

The next morning we woke late so did not really have time to talk about the night before. After breakfast we got ready and then drove over to Hastings. Tanya liked seeing those places and I did love she wanted me to see them too as I had not seen much of this coastline since I was a small child as the family mostly went to Devon for holidays.

I liked Tanya held my hand after parking up as I would have hated for things to have been different between us. We would smile at each other often as we walked around the shops. We even took the Victorian funicular railway up the cliff to explore the top and admire the views of the surrounding coastline and countryside. It was really beautiful and I loved Tanya thought the same.

After that we explored the beach and doing a little sunbathing on a beach a bit further along. Then it was time to go and find somewhere to eat before we headed back to camp. On the drive back I thanked Tanya for another lovely day and gently squeezed her hand back when she took hold of mine.

That night we lay in our usual positions with Tanya on her back and I snuggled into her side as we talked more about our day as well as little anecdotes about our lives when something reminded us. I did like too Tanya was the youngest of three children so we could share certain similarities with our being the baby of our family.

When Tanya did turn enough to look at me she asked if I minded she had played with herself. I decided to be honest and told her I was awake and I thought it was really sexy. She did laugh when I told her I got so frisky and how much I was willing her to sleep so I could relieve myself. She did admit she did wonder if I was awake but got a bit carried away. She laughed again when I told her what I was imagining while she tried to keep quiet and that. We did talk about sleepovers and how we often felt like it but couldn't with friends there.