My Life


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She ran her tongue down the front and then the back of my cock, sucking on my loose skin as it dimpled at the top of my cock head. She pulled with her teeth and nibbled on it as well, causing me to moan at the pleasure I was beginning to feel. She leaned in closer and took my balls into her mouth, one at a time, rolling them around in her warmness and licking them with her tongue. Then she licked just below my balls, in that place that I love to feel her attention, causing my cock to get even harder.

She sat back on the sofa, spreading her legs. Then she reached out and pulled my shirt to her, drawing me closer as well.

"Eat me!" she told me


"I said, EAT ME!!" she yelled.

I got down on my knees and asked her to pull herself open for me, which she gladly did.

I looked down at her hairless cunt, glistening with her running juices, and knew that I wanted to do this as much as she wanted me to. I eagerly lowered my mouth to her hole, sticking out my own tongue and licking along the outer lips, tasting her cum for the first time that day. It was an amazing taste, too. Not quite salty and not quite tangy, but more of a combination of both. Then there was the aroma of not only her feminine essence, but also of the perfume she'd dabbed herself with and the combination of the two only made me want to eat her more.

It's amazing how the scent of a woman can drive a man to do things he'd never thought of before, and yet here I was, starting to lick her out and savor her taste on my taste buds.

The smoothness of her lips surprised me. I never thought a shaved pussy could feel so good.

Then I remembered that she'd told me that she's used had all her hair electronically removed. Damned if I could remember the right word right then, but my attention WAS elsewhere.

I paid attention to her outer lips for a long time, both licking and sucking on them then I began to focus on her inner lips and her extended clitoris, licking and sucking on both. Her inner lips were quite slippery with her abundant juices flowing freely for me to enjoy. At times it was almost like I was taking a drink directly from her pussy, as her juices flowed almost like water, at times almost over powering me with the abundance of leakage.

I pulled her clit into my mouth and sucked on it, rubbing the tip with my tongue, eliciting loud moans from her as she came in my mouth as I continued to administer to her.

At one point she wrapped her legs around my head and pulled her deeper into her hole, trying to pull me inside of her. At first I tried to fight it, but soon learned that the more I pulled against her, the more she wrapped those wonderful legs around my head. I didn't want to get hurt, or to hurt her, either, so I just relaxed and let her control the situation.

I think she same at least 6 times while I orally manipulated her clitoris and lips, and her juices were continually flowing the whole time as well.

When I finally pulled my face from her cunt I could feel the excess juices streaming down my face and dripping from my chin.

I was somewhat surprised when she pulled me back to her, though this time face-to-face, and kissed me, later licking her own juices from my face and pushing her tongue into my mouth, allowing me to taste her again as well.

I was surprised when she pushed me back, letting me fall to the floor behind me, and then she got off the sofa and situated herself between my legs and began to suck me once more.

My hardness had remained and my pre cum was now running freely down the front of my cock, soaking my balls.

She started on my balls, licking up the overflow and continued up to the base of my cock and then up to my head and the skin stretched across it. She pulled my skin back once and took my cock into her mouth and swallowed it all in one swift down plunge, not gagging on it as she once had, but now steadily pumping her head up and down, taking my full length with each down plunge, using her tongue on my head and skin each time. While she sucked she used her hand to pump up and down as well, causing the friction to increase on my cock until I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

"I'm cuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg," I yelled.

And I did just that. I shot perhaps the biggest load of cum that I'd ever produced! I couldn't believe that I was shooting that much into her mouth, but it was like I couldn't stop. I know I felt at least 4 good shots before the sensations became less and less and in no time she was pulling my cock out of her mouth and licking me, cleaning me up.

I don't think she even let a drop of my cum slip out of her mouth, either.

I was exhausted at that time,unable to even sit up and collect myself.

Looking into her face I could see that she was content, but I could also see that she wasn't completely satisfied, either.

I knew what was going to happen next, too.

Just as I expected, she took my cock back into her mouth, working it until I was once again hard, then straddled my hips, and lowered herself until her hot, wet cunt was encasing my hardness, as she allowed me to enter her for the first time. Once I was completed surrounded by her wet cunt she just sat there, letting my hardness fill her.

While I'm not as big as she told me Sam was, I still had enough cock to apparently please her, cause in no time she was bouncing up and down on my loins, taking me into her with each down thrust. She pushed her head back and moaned like mine was the last cock she'd ever have in her, thoroughly enjoying getting fucked by me.

Hell, I think at that time she'd have enjoyed anything with a cock. She was that far gone.

Well, not really 'gone', but definitely into the moment.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww," she moaned. "Here I cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................."

And with that she collapsed forward, falling on my chest, with her head coming to rest on my right shoulder. Her breathing was fast and her breaths short, almost like she was hyperventilating, but it was steady and I knew she'd be fine.

We laid like that for what seemed like ages, neither one of us moving. I was still buried inside her, shrinking from exhaustion, feeling both our mingled juices draining from her hole and onto my loins, down between my legs and finally pooling on the floor beneath us.

When she sat up and looked at me there was something in her eyes that told me she'd enjoyed every minute of it.

Hey, I enjoyed it all, too.

* * * *

"Are we almost finished?" Chris asked.

I acted like I was finishing my notes and then answered, "Yes, I think we are for this evening. Tell me, Chris, how are you feeling?"

"In general?"

"Right now," I answered.

"I feel ok," she hesitated a little bit, "I guess."

"How so?" I prompted.

"Well, it seems like my life is turning around just a bit, but I never, in my wildest imagination, thought that I'd make out with someone who was 80 years old!"

"Does that still bother you?"

"You know something really weird?" she asked.

"Tell me."

"I thought it would bother me, but it doesn't at all.

"I mean, it's not like it was planned out or anything like that.

"It just happened. And I allowed it to happen. I guess that I wanted something to happen and it probably would've happened with whom ever I was with at that particular time. Right then it just happened to be Sam. I feel good about it. I feel relieved that my virginity if finally over!"

At that she laughed, with a genuine smile on her face for the first time since she'd begun seeing me.

She sat and looked at me and I had to wonder what was going on behind those eyes. In a way I was glad that I didn't know. After all, hypnotizing my patients to do what I want them to do is one thing, but to actually know their thoughts is something entirely different. Thank goodness I'm not a mind-reader. I don't think I could take all that information.

I finished my notes and look at her again, remembering how it felt to have had her right here in this office, knowing that I'd experience her again. Not regretting it one bit and looking forward to the next time.

"Well, I guess we are finished for tonight. Thank you for calling and coming in."

"I didn't know if you'd see me without an appointment, Dick, but I'm glad you did. I really did need to talk to someone tonight."

"Chris, it's never a problem. Whenever you feel the need to talk all you have to do is call the office and I've already instructed my secretary to work you in."

"Thank you, Dick. I do appreciate it very much."

We went into the outer office and I unlocked the outer door, opening it for her. She left, but turned to face me one more time.

"Thanks again."

Then she headed towards the elevators and I shut the door, locking it once more. It was time to close up and head home myself.

Chapter 6

I had another visit to the doctor today, but this time not with Dr. Edwards. This time I had a visit planned with my OB-Gyn, Dr. Nancie Wray. I was due for my yearly physical and it seemed as good a time as any other, besides, I had to see about getting on some sort of birth control. After all, with my new awareness of my sexuality comes the responsibility of making sure I didn't get pregnant.

I had to wait approximately 25 minutes in her outer office before being called to the examination room. Once there the nurse had me strip and put on that next-to-nothing gown that we all hate to wear. You know the one, with the opening all way up your back, where your ass shows with just the slightest movement on your part.

The exam went like all the others had in the past 3 years, but this time Dr. Wray had a quizzical look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure right now, Chris. I want to do a sonogram. To be sure, she added. If you've got the time I'd like to do it now."

"Sure," I told her.

She did her other test and I was asked to get dressed and wait in Dr. Wray's office, which is what I did. It seemed like I sat in that office for an hour before she finally came in and sat down behind her desk, my file opened on the desk in front of her. She read the test results and then looked up at me.

"Well?" I asked.

"The good news is you won't be needing those birth control pills," she told me.

"And? The bad news?"

"Let me ask you something first."


"How's your period?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you regular? Irregular?"

That was a new one. I'd never thought too much about my periods.

"To tell the truth," I started, "I hardly have one at all any more. I think the last time I had one was about 3 months ago. Why?"

"We'll get to that in a minute, Ok?

"So tell me this, has your period always been so irregular?"

"For as long as I can remember. I can't ever remember having one on a monthly basis. It's always been like every three or four months before I had one. I used to worry about it but got so use to them being that way that I soon forgot about it.

"Should I have been worried?"

"No, you shouldn't have. Irregular periods are not that uncommon. In fact, for someone who's not sexually active, that can be the norm.

"Are you still a virgin?"

Now I WAS embarrassed.


"No need to get so red, dear. It's a normal question in my profession."

We both laughed lightly. More to relieve the tension then anything else.

"Ok. Now to my test results.

"First of all, I don't want to alarm you, or make you nervous."

"Too late for that," I told her.

"It's ok, Chris. It really is.

"After running the new test, my prognosis is right. You're unable to get pregnant."

Surprise doesn't even begin to tell you what I felt at that particular moment.

"What do you mean, I can't get pregnant?" I asked her.

"First things first, ok?"

I was getting tired of all the waiting, but went along. I nodded to her.

"You know why women have periods, don't you?"

"Isn't it nature's way of cleaning out your uterus?"

"That's one way to look at it. You know that women produce eggs during a certain time of the month and that those eggs eventually settle into the uterus, attach themselves to the uterine lining, and then the pregnancy starts. If the egg is unfertilized it's 'tossed' out of the uterus by a discharge of blood, thus cleaning the inside of the uterus and preparing itself for the next month."


"Well, where your ovaries are supposed to be located..."

"Hey! What do you mean by 'supposed to be located'?"

"Your ovaries are there, Chris. They're just not functional."

"You mean I'm sterile?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes."

Now I was numb!

"What I found from the sonogram is that while your ovaries are there, what's actually inside each one is not the egg production that's supposed to be taking place. Instead, I found multiple lumps in each one. This means that there's no way you can produce the eggs you need to get pregnant."

"It's not cancer, is it?"

"Heavens, no!"

I was relieved to hear that.

"Can it be corrected?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not."

For some strange reason I felt more relief then sorrow. In fact, there was no sorrow in me at all. I've never considered myself to be parental anyway, and I guess this is just mother nature's way of letting me know that I'd never have children. Took a lot off my mind at that point.

"Are you ok?" Dr. Wray asked.

"Amazingly, I am." And I was!

"I'm going to give you some medication to take which will help with the production your body's not capable of right now. Once you get your system used to that you should be fine."

"What are the side effects?"

"Surprisingly, very little. Until your body gets use to the medication you'll be tired for a while, but that'll pass. It should take about two or three weeks for them to fully work on your body and you'll have to take them for the rest of your life, but we'll be able to cut back on the initial dosage after the first four weeks. You should be fine though."

We sat there and discussed some other personal issues I'd seen her about in the past and in about 30 more minutes we were finished and I left her office to return to work.

Thank goodness it was late in the afternoon and I wouldn't have to stay at work much longer. I had a lot to think about and I wanted to stop at Grandpa Ned's and Sam's place on the way home to talk to both of them.

* * * *

After I left Dr. Wray's office I walked around the buildings immediately downtown, which was only a few blocks from the office. There's a small park in the center of town with a beautiful fountain that I like to sit next to and just watch the water, the ducks, the doves practically begging for peanuts from those sitting there, and the children playing on the playground equipment.

Around here the populace seem to get along with each other. There's no 'black/white' issue and everyone seems happy with that, so I am, as well. I've never considered myself a 'racist' and I'm happy to share my 'space' where ever I sit, with someone else. We chat, we ignore each other, just whatever happens.....................happens. Nothing too serious, nothing to trivial. I love this community I've settled in and don't think I'd be as happy anywhere else.

As I continued to sit there the sky got cloudier and the weather began to get darker. By darker, I mean that the cloud covering was getting darker, threatening rain. And here I was, in the part without my umbrella! Oh well, I'd walked in the rain plenty of times, and I had no problem doing it again, if I had to.

When I finally got to Grandpa Ned's and Sam's house it was almost 7 pm and I could see the lights on in their living room. I gently knocked on the door and waited.

When the door opened it was Grandpa Ned standing there.

"Hello, Chris," he greeted me, and motioned for me to follow him into the living room. After he closed the door he stuck his head in the room and told me that he had to check on Samuel and would be right with me.

"I hope he's ok," I told him.

"Thank you," came the reply, as he was already heading down the short hallway to his brother's room.

About fifteen minutes later he reentered the living room and sat on the sofa across from me. I could see a sad look on his face and I guessed that Sam wasn't doing too well.

"Samuel's not having a good day, today," he told me.

"But he looked so good to me the other day," I replied.

"He has his good days, as well as his bad days. Thankfully the bad days aren't too often and we've learned to take it a day at a time. I think we both prefer it that way and we try our best not to dwell on what's going on, though we both know what's happening and what's gonna happen in the future. We're just not sure when that future is going to get here, and quite frankly, I'm in no hurry to see it arrive, and neither is Sam."

I cold understand that.

As I said earlier, I've known Grandpa Ned almost all my life and he always seemed a compassionate man, not only for his family, but for his friends as well. I can remember how he took care of the kids in the neighborhood and I'm sure he still felt that way.

"Samuel told me about the cancer about six years ago. We had no idea of how bad it would eventually get and we all hoped that he'd just go into remission and that he'd pass on without it flaring up again. Turns out we were wrong on that part.

"This is the third remission he's been through and it's also the worse. He took up body building about four years ago, as a way to build up his body to fight the cancer. At one time he traveled to Canada for medicines he couldn't get here. Once, for about 18 months, he moved to Mexico, to get treatment and medications he couldn't get here. He's proud of his body and how well he's taken care of it. He acts like the cancer is in another remission and, if you ask him, he'll tell you that it is, but we've both known for almost a year what was really happening.

"He's been on chemo now for about 4 weeks, with another 4 weeks to go."

"He looks mighty good for someone on chemo," I told him. I've know a few people on chemo that didn't look nearly as good as Sam does, even after their remission returned. They all had that 'cancer look' to them. In their defense though, they never talked about their illnesses, either. They all seemed happy with were they were in their lives and not one of them regretted anything they'd had to do to try to stay alive. They all fought to the end for what little bit of time they had left. I respected them all for that."

"Samuel's the same way, Chris. He really is. His pride is something he's very guarded about and he's not ashamed to let anyone know that."

"Just how bad is he?" I asked.

"If it's like the last couple of times he'll be down for 3 or 4 days and then he'll suddenly be right back up again, acting as though nothing has happened. He'll wait a couple of days and then hit the gym again and start with the weights and the pushups, the chin ups, the sit ups and all that other stuff he does to keep his mind off the cancer.

"He's a tough fighter and I love him dearly. He's all I have left now and I'm going to fight with him just as much as I'll fight for him. I'd give him anything I could to help him. If he needed a kidney he'd be welcome to one of mine, if I was a match."

"I've seen how close the two of you are," I told him.

He looked at me for a moment, and I could see the conflict in his eyes. I could almost read his mind, "Is she talking about what Sam and I did last week while she was here?"

"I saw the two of you that night," I told him. The relief on his face was like someone let the air out of a balloon. Yet he seemed relieved, too. Almost glad that someone else, besides Sam that is, knew what the two of them did.
