My Life as an Omega - Act. 02 Ch. 25

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Super Alpha Erica back again.
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Erica and I contacted my Parents the next morning, we told them our plans and wondered if they'd approve of having our wedding on the farm.

"Yes! Of Course!" My mum excitedly yelled through the phone.

"That's great, we'll send you our wedding planner's details and they will get in contact with you." I told my mum.

"Okay Hun! That's completely fine, we're happy to help!" She said to me.

"How's Miss Erica?" She asked.

"I'm good! Getting ready for work." Erica said to her.

"Keeping busy at work?" She asked.

"It never ends, I'll tell you that much." Erica said back to her.

"Sounds like our work! never ending!" My mum laughed.

We hung up the phone after saying our goodbyes, Erica was about to head off with Rachel to another Taekwondo Practice session, instead of coming straight home she was going to head to work and get breakfast there.

"Your parents are always up so early." Erica said to me as she brushed her hair.

"They're farmers, Dad can't sleep past 5:30am." I said to her.

"That's just insanely early." Erica said to me.

I looked at the time, and it was 5:50am.

"You both get up around the same time, different time zones though." I said to her.

"Only because of Rachel, I wouldn't get up this early otherwise." Erica told me.

"Why don't you just come back to bed and give me a hug." I said as I held my arms out.

"You'll be alright Jess, I'll see you when I'm looking at ya." Erica said with a smile as she walked out of the bedroom.

I missed Erica already, even though I knew she was still in the house, I just wanted her back here.

I pouted as I hugged my pillow, I was never this much of a sook before Erica.

I fell back to sleep, I dreamt about our wedding, I could see it so clearly, it was wonderful, I could see everyone having fun, including Erica's brother Daniel and his girlfriend Alice.

That's when I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Alice pulled a gun out from Daniels trouser pocket and discharged the handgun, firing at me as the bullets pierced into my body, each one of them stabbing me into me and exiting out the otherside.

I immediately woke up, grasping at my top, I was dripping with sweat and my throat felt like it was on fire.

Rachel rushed into my bedroom.

"Are you alright Jess!" She yelled as she rushed in.

"I'm alright." I said to her as I slipped my top off.

"I'm sweating so much." I said to her softly.

"You were screaming something terrible." Rachel told me.

"Was I? No wonder my Voice Hurts." I said croaking back at her as I coughed it out.

Rachel handed me another shirt.

"Unlike you to not care that your boobs are out." Rachel said to me as I caught her blatantly looking at them..

"You've seen them before so it doesn't bother me." I told her as I slipped the shirt on.

"Fair enough." She said to me.

"What's your plans for today?" Rachel asked me as she stood up.

"I'm not 100% sure yet, I'm probably going to lounge around all day." I said to her.

"Sounds like a good idea, I've got more work to do now." Rachel told me as she let out a heavy sigh.

"What's the issue?" I asked her, to me it seemed like she was bored.

"I'm getting tired from working on models all the time, I think I'm burning myself out." Rachel told me.

"I thought you loved it?" I asked her.

"I do! Trust me." She said happily with a half smile.

"I just think I need a long break, maybe focus on other things." Rachel said as she sighed again.

"Like?" I asked.

"Maybe start a family, I'm not sure, I've been seeing heaps of pregnant people lately and it's making me wanna be pregnant." Rachel said softly, she slightly laughed at her comment.

"Nevermind, it's just a dream." Rachel said as she waved her hand in the air, passing on the thought.

"I'm gonna go back to work now, have fun Jessica." Rachel said to me as she exited the room.

I sat up in bed.

"Yeah, I'll talk to you at lunch." I said as she walked out.

I put my hand on my stomach, Imagining myself pregnant with Erica's Baby.

I sighed. "One day..."


"Trial Two is ready." David said to me as I spun around on my office chair.

"Excellent, finally." I said as I stopped myself from spinning, putting my face down on the desk.

David put the package on my desk next to my head.

"Good Luck with it, Erica." He said to me as he turned and walked out.

I sighed and sat up.

I picked the package up and slipped the packet full of the Trial Drugs. 'TEXRA-C32'

In Trial Two we had fixed all of the issues Trial One had, now it was time to find out what new things would happen with Trial Two, I was hoping the trial would be a success this time around, I couldn't wait any longer to be honest.

I'd been working hard for the last week on finalising everything with the team, now it was time to trial them again.

TEXRA-C31 was handed to another team who wanted to attempt to look into it as some kind of legal sex drug, I personally thought it was weird that they were making our hard work into a sex drug, just because of a side effect.

Sarah and I met in the bathroom.

"Down the hatch." I said as I took the drug at the same time as her.

"Feeling weird yet?" Sarah asked me.

"Uhuh, It'll take a few minutes for it to take effect." I said to her.

"I'm only playing." Sarah said to me as she sat up on the counter.

"I know." I told her as I leant up against the wall.

I was worried, I didn't know what to expect with this trial, I was hoping that it would be normal.

"Any Pain?" I asked Sarah as we both stood there.

"Still the usual cramping whenever I'm in the mood." She said as she looked at me, "How about you?" She asked.

"I'm having an off day today, I haven't had any pain yet." I told her.

"Lucky Bitch." Sarah laughed at me.

"You might be pregnant." Sarah joked.

"God I hope not!" I yelled with a shocked expression on my face.

"Huh?" Sarah said as she cocked her head at me.

"Weird reaction, who are you seeing other than Jessica? Hmm?" Sarah asked me.

"No one, Sarah." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yeah, I can see it in your eyes that you're bullshitting." Sarah said to me with a smirk.

"Gosh!" I exclaimed as I looked at her. "It's no one."

"So who's the lucky guy or girl?" Sarah asked.

"Literal-" I was cut off.

"Who? Jessica must be letting you have sex with someone surely, You and I both know that its the only way for the pain to recede temporarily." Sarah demanded.

"It's Jessica's Best Friend's Boyfriend." I told her.

"Don't fucking tell anyone." I said angrily at her.

"I'm not, chill." Sarah said to me, putting her hands up.

"Is he an Alpha?" Sarah asked with wonder in her eyes.

"Yes and It's the first Male I've ever had funnily enough." I told her.

"Oh! You let a man pop your cherry, I'm very surprised Erica." Sarah clapped her hands congratulating me.

"I did..." I told her. "I'm not proud of it either, I feel like I betrayed Jessica." I said to her wholeheartedly.

"Why is that?" Sarah asked me.

"Well it was Jessica's idea to even begin with apparently, I had no idea Jessica knew about the Pills, and when she found out she arranged for Tyler, who was sleeping at our house for a few nights, to come and surprise me." I told her as I flopped my arms to my side and sighed.

"Jessica obviously cares about you, she doesn't want you to be in pain." Sarah told me.

"I think it's nice, in a weird way, that Jessica allowed Tyler to help you." She said to me.

"Personally I don't think Yelena would ever allow that to happen." Sarah said as she hopped off the counter.

"Feeling better?" I asked her.

"Nah, I got bored of sitting." Sarah laughed.

"Thanks for the talk, Boss." Sarah said as she patted my shoulder and walked out of the bathroom.

"No worries..." I mumbled.

At the current time, nothing had happened, I was having an extremely normal experience with Trial Two, there were no side effects, I couldn't feel any pain when I purposely got myself in the mood while in my office.

I quickly dived into my work, ridding myself of my horniness, forgetting about it completely.

I finished my documents early, after letting everyone know I was finishing early today I walked out to my car.

I had shopping to do for Jessica, which I was completely happy to do and since I worked closer to the supermarket, it'd be easier for me to get everything on the way home instead of Jessica coming out of the house.

I was walking around in the meat section of the Supermarket, I looked around at all the people here today, god there were so many.

I felt faint, am I okay? I hadn't ever been in this situation before. Was I about to have a meltdown in public?

I quickly dropped the meat I had picked up and stored my trolley that was full of items in an isle and briskly walked out of the supermarket and into the central area of the mall.

My vision was becoming blurry, I stumbled around a bit, quickly I lent myself up against a wall.

My head was spinning, all I could smell was multiple people in Heat.

I felt so weak.

My knees were shaking, I could barely stand up, the smell was so intoxicating, I wanted Jessica.

I was scared.

I got my phone out, opening what I thought to be my messages with Jessica.

'Send help, shopping mall.' I said as I sent the message.

I fell to the floor, sitting there as my face grew redder as my own heat started, I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle on the ground.

"Erica!" I heard echoing as I was pulled up to my feet by someone, I couldn't make out their face.

I could barely hear the person's voice.

"J-Jessica." I said as I was lifted up off the ground by the person.

"It's okay Erica, I've got you." I heard them say.

"Home." I managed before I completely lost sight and disappeared into the black.

When I woke up, I felt like I was laying on a bed.

I couldn't see, the lights were off.

I hunted around in the dark, trying to find a lightswitch.

"Be Careful." A male's voice said softly with a groan as I touched something squishy.

"Tyler!" I shouted.

"Yes, what's wrong." He said as he woke up immediately.

"Turn the fucking light on." I demanded.

"Alright, it's all good." He told me.

The light turned on.

It revealed I was not at my house, I was at Rachel's House, in Jessica's Old bed! With Tyler laying naked next to me! I was even Naked!

"What on earth happened!" I asked as I shouted.

"Please do not shout, you've been out for a day!" Tyler said to me.

"A day! Why am I not at my own house!" I asked him.

"I brought you here because Jessica said you were going crazy after I took you back to your house." Tyler told me.

"What did I do?" I asked, afraid of his answer.

"Nothing serious, you went on a sexual rampage, but nothing serious." Tyler said to me.

"A Sexual Rampage!!" I shouted, I was mortified.

"Jessica said she had seen you do this before and she thought it'd be best if you weren't at the house until you calmed down." Tyler said to me.

"I-I didn't hurt Jessica did I?" I asked him, as I began to cry.

"No no, You didn't hurt anyone, you didn't have sex with either of the girls, and they're not angry, they're scared for your safety though." Tyler said to me.

"Jesus, I don't know what this is..." I said to him.

I sighed as I flopped back into bed.

"I didn't fuck you, did I?" I asked him blatantly.

"Would it help if I lied?" Tyler said to me.

"Oh jesus..." I groaned as I held my eyes shut with my hands.

"I'm such a mess." I said to him.

"You're all good, as long as you're feeling better now." He said to me.

"I'm feeling very lightheaded and why am I naked." I said as I instantly changed the conversation.

"You immediately stripped off when you got here, then you attempted to have sex with me but you submitted to me very quickly, like unusually quick." Tyler told me.

"Wait wait wait!" I said as I sat up again.

"We had sex again!" I asked him.

"You forced me!" He told me.

"Forced you!?" I questioned him with a shocked look on my face.

"Yes, I wasn't horny at all! You got very mad at that and literally forced me down." Tyler said.

"How many times?" I said to him, embarrassed.

"Each time you woke up, you woke me up with you climbing on top of me and riding me to your own completion." He told me.

"How many times is that?" I asked him.

"I lost count after 14." He said to me.

"WE HAD SEX OVER 14 TIMES!!!" I shouted.

"I have neighbours you know." He said to me quietly.

"I cannot believe it!" I said loudly.

"You were very dominant after the first time." Tyler told me.

"When we first got here you and I tumbled around for a good 10 Minutes at least, you kept submitting to me multiple times so I left you alone and walked away." Tyler said to me.

I was absolutely shocked.

"I think when I kept ignoring you, it only made you more angrier at me for not fucking you." He said to me.

"Wait wait, you didn't want to have sex with me?" I asked him, I was slightly offended, weirdly.

"If you were single, yeah sure!" Tyler said to me.

"I wanted to do right by Jessica and Rachel, I wanted to prove to my Omega that she was the only one I wanted." Tyler said to me.

"Rachel and I... We're trying to start a family soon." Tyler told me.

"Oh god, I'm terribly sorry for everything I did." I said as I put my hands to my face. I started to cry.

"I told Rachel and Jessica about the situation." Tyler told me.

"Oh god..." I groaned.

"Rachel and Jessica both laughed at my misfortune, so I think you're okay." Tyler smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh jeez..." I laughed slightly through my own tears as I sniffed.

"They said something about finally meeting Super Alpha Erica, and wished me and my pelvis good luck." Tyler laughed as he held me.

"Ofcourse!" I said, I wiped my tears away, sniffing again.

"Wanna know something?" Tyler whispered to me.

"What?" I asked him.

"For the amount of times we had sex today, I didn't end up cumming once." He laughed softly.

"What! You're weird! As if!" I said to him.

"I put myself into another world and just let you do your own thing." He said to me with a smile.

"There's no way." I said to him again.

"Cross my heart." He said to me.

"God, you're a menace." I said to him.

"You're the menace, you're the one who kept fucking me." He said to me as he looked down at me.

I looked up at him, his cock was rock hard and so was my own.

"Would you like some help?" I asked.

"I wouldn't mind." He said to me as he knelt down next to me, I felt him grab my cock.

I reached for him and softly worked my fingers around his shaft.

I felt his hand slide down my shaft, curling his fingers up and around as they dove into my pussy.

I moaned as I continued to lock eyes with him.

"Did you like to have your cock touched?" Tyler said to me.

"It's strange when you touch it." I said to him.

"It's because I'm a male isn't it?" He laughed.

"You're not my first Alpha Female Y'know?." He told me.

"Yes it is, I've never had a man touch my... thing..." I told him, I was slightly embarrassed with how turned on I had become.

"That's fair enough, I prefer pussy anyway." He said to me.

I looked away from him, putting my head onto his shoulder as he continued to finger me, and I continued to jerk him off.

"Your little moans are very adorable." He said to me.

"Shut u-" I said as he rubbed up the underside of my cock, I jumped a little as I let out a relaxed sigh.

"What was that?" He said as he smiled playfully.

I sighed as I relaxed myself, I was enjoying this treatment.

I was absolutely loving the handjob I was receiving, it was nice, he knew all the sensitive spots...

"Do you want me to suck it?" He whispered.

"Maybe another time." I said as my face went red.

I was getting lazier with my handjob, I didn't care I was too invested in this moment.

He stopped suddenly, he pushed me over, turning me onto my side.

"Are you that keen?" I asked him.

I felt his hand spread my ass as his cock searched its way towards my pussy.

"I'm pretty keen, seeing you all embarrassed turned me on." He said as he grunted, sliding it directly on my wet slit.

He poked at my pussy a few times before I put my own hand down there and guided him in.

He sighed as he slipped into my pussy, I was aching something terrible down there from all the previous sex we had earlier, but I was still desperately horny.

"I was enjoying just poking around." He said with a low growl into my ear as he wrapped his hand around my front, gripping my entire right breast with his hand and squeezing it.

"You were getting too close to my ass, I was worried you might accidentally put it in there." I said to him as I humped up against him.

"Maybe I wanted to go deep into your ass." He growled.

"Not gonna happen." I said as I finally felt him beginning to thrust against me.

"You might have a kink you don't know about hidden there." He said as he rasped his voice as he held onto me, fucking me with long deliberate strokes.

"Definitely not." I said to him.

"God it's so tight." He said as he bit my ear.

Oh my god, what on earth. A moan immediately escaped my lips, I lost control for a moment.

I felt him nibbling on my ear and I was getting wetter from it. What was happening to me.

The combination of him biting my ear, his hot breath on me, his grunting directly into my ear as well.

It was sending me overboard.

I could very well feel my climax arriving, very quickly.

"Tyler, it feels so good, you've gotta stop..." I said as I gasped for air.

"I'll cum..." I said softly.

"Good, cum for me." Tyler said as he kissed my neck.

"Noo..." I said as I shivered.

"You're addicted to my cock aren't you." Tyler said to me.

"No no..." I began to quake as I felt my orgasm arriving.

I screamed out and grabbed at the pillow besides me as I quaked with my orgasm.

Suddenly I felt myself flipped up onto my knees.

My face planted firmly into the pillow as I felt him begin to pound into my pussy from behind.

I was still cumming, I was screaming out with my orgasm still washing over me as he pumped his cock in and out of my pussy as I continued to cum.

I felt his fingers beginning to play with my asshole, I swiped my hand back at him to get him to stop, It was met with his own hand, grabbing my wrist as he continued to play with my asshole with his other hand now.

"No no! It feels so weird." I softly said as he continued to assault my asshole, I felt myself beginning to melt, it was too much stimulation.

I was getting pounded into the bed again, He let go of my hand and I laid there, flopping my arm down to my side.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me back up onto his cock as he continued to fuck me.

"I'm C-cumming again!" I said as I slammed my fist on the bed, gripping at the sheets as a very powerful orgasm washed over me.

Tyler didn't stop fucking me, his grunting only got more animalistic as he continued.

It was very sexy, it turned me on even more hearing how loud he was.

He slapped my ass, I yelped as I sat up for a short moment, planting my face down into the bed again shortly after.

I couldn't get away, my legs were filled with pins and needles.

I was dripping wet, My thighs were coated in sweat, my whole body was just sweating at this point as another orgasm washed over me.

"Are you going to C- Aah! Fucken Hell!" I shouted as I came again, this time I felt myself squirt all over his legs.

"God, that's so attractive." He said as he bent down next to my ear, biting it again.

"I can't take much more..." I said to him.

"Yes you can." He growled at me. "Tonight you're my bitch."

I felt his thumb slide into my asshole as he continued to fuck me, I was too sore to care, everything that was happening was sending me wild, I couldn't think straight.