My Little Ventrue Pt. 03 Ch. 04


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When she at last got control of her muscles again, she looked down at Brad, and giggled. Another very, very not-Natasha sound, but the man had cum on his stomach from when it'd dripped off of her. Damn she was a giddy mess. A hungry, horny, giddy school girl. Ugh.

Grinning, wiping her wrist across her lips to clear them of cum, she reached down, and let the beast take over. A different sensation to a forced Kiss, and one she hadn't experienced in a long, long time. The beast in her gut was normally content to stalk from the shadows, grab someone with her Kindred strength, and drink of them. But now, it was getting a taste of sensual feeding, sexual feeding, with all her nerves firing bliss as a precursor for the impending meal.

Brad sat up as she pulled on his shoulders. He had to slouch a bit, big as he was, petite as she was, but with a little work, he managed to get down low enough so she could get her lips up to his neck. Big, muscled neck, filled with warm blood, something she could bite, drink, devour.

"Hold still," she said. The moment before the Kiss was like edging an orgasm, and the sweet release of sinking her fangs into skin and blood and life was every bit as sweet.

He may have held still, but she didn't. Moving her hips just enough to keep the friction going, a subtle and playful motion, she started to drink him.

It was enough to send the man into orgasm, and she grinned as she felt his whole body flex for a moment, before the man relaxed into her. Warm cum flooded her insides, but she was already stuffed to nigh painful capacity, and it leaked out of her by the second spurt. It wasn't the cum she was paying attention to though, it was the blood.

Sweet, delicious, warm blood flowing into her mouth. Each wave drowned her in a potent concoction of bliss, satisfaction, hunger sated, and muscles relaxing, only for the grinding of her pussy along Brad's cock to stoke the heat between her thighs. Part of her mind drifted down to the sensation of her pussy squeezing, pulsing, little spasms making her own cum drip into the mix of white oozing out of her. Most of her mind remained fixated on sucking every drop of blood out of her prey.

She slid her knees out from under her, and wrapped her legs around the man. So big compared to her, she fit inside his arms and legs, disappearing in his lap and embrace. But it was him that was trapped, unable to move, groaning, pumping seed into her until she was sure the man was going to drain himself dry. And still she drank down his blood. He was huge, he had a lot! And she indulged, gulping down the thick liquid as the two of them came.

It wasn't until he started to fall back that she let go. He went down like a bag of sand, back to the blankets, panting, exhausted. She was still sitting on his cock, and shifting her hips a little to milk her own orgasm aftershocks, taut muscles squeezing on his shaft. Every motion, every inch of him she worked in and out of her, had her trembling, and her back arched and body spasmed as the sparks worked through her.

She looked over to Chris and Vincent. The two of them were on Jessy again, sort of. Chris was massaging her breasts, and Vincent was fingering her sex, while Isaac continued to fuck her ass. Three men, touching her and rubbing her and feeling her and fucking her. She'd just been in that boat! A foursome! The little Mekhet blinked down at her cum-covered chest, her hard nipples on her small breasts, and where her lips were spread open on Brad's girth. He was still hard; because of the drugs no doubt. So, Natasha, powered with a belly full of blood and unable to help herself, started to grind her hips a bit on the exhausted man. Six people on her bed, every bit of space taken up by panting, sweating, moaning bodies. And Chris and Vincent were hard once again.

No wonder Jessy was a sex addict. She could get used to this.


Focus on the ugly thing in your hands, Natasha. Focus. Focus.

No use, it wasn't happening. She had one thing on the mind, and that was sex. Sex. Sex. And more sex. Memories of Brad and Vincent and Chris, their warmth, their blood, their cum, covering her, surrounding her, one on each side and one underneath her, between her thighs. She couldn't stop thinking about it! But being a vampire had its advantages: without the blush of life on, her arousal was kept to the mind.

The mind was a powerful thing though, prone to wandering, exaggerating, and crafting little universes all its own. And Natasha's was a potent one. It had no trouble crafting glorious scenes of her and the four ghouls, and Jessy too, wrapped in lust and sex and cum and orgasms and flesh and heat and delicious, delicious blood. Many scenes, in many circumstances. Most of them with her in the middle, being lathered from head to toe in sex, pampered in some fantasies, held down and forced to enjoy it in others. She and Jessy had been the dominate ones, from beginning to end, but she had to admit, the idea of being pinned down by those men, and having things done to her...

Any minute now, she was going to buy a trash erotica novel, indulge in the trite romance, just so she could experience a little more of that heat that had somehow brainwashed her. And then after that, watch some porn. And then, maybe ask Jessy about doing that again, if she could muster up the courage. Now that she was out of the heat of the moment, she had trouble even imagining it'd been her in the middle of an orgy. Cum was all over her by the end of it when Chris and Vincent rejoined her. She Kissed Isaac too! Her belly was still full of blood, and she felt high on the energy, and the memory. Maybe—


"Ah, sorry Sire. Just, distracted."

He nodded, and returned to his dictation. It was a nice room for quiet conversation, an office in the underground of the Elysium tower, with the typical black marble walls, but some normal chairs around a table for their laptops.

"This bowl was found in Egypt, from likely before 1000 BC, and as you can see from the bones, these belonged to a human child."

Ok, thoughts of sex gone. She'd thought they were just animal bones, but human bones, a child's at that, soured her train of thought. Probably for the best, her distracted mind was ruining her focus.

"Why human? Why a child?"

Daniel shrugged, and reached for the bowl in her hands. More than happy to give it back now that she knew what it was, and her sire put it down next to the bowls holding other body parts. Next to them were carvings in clay, old old clay.

"Before the end of the classical antiquity period, we have evidence to suggest the Greeks and Egyptians practiced haruspex and other divinations from human bodies as much as the bodies of goats and sheep. The records are difficult to decipher, hieroglyphs and whatnot. But we do know that certain groups would practice this darker form of haruspex and bone studying, and from it, acquired knowledge considered evil." Her sire raised his hands, and quoted 'evil' with his fingers.

Natasha laughed. "You are t-too old to do that, Sire."

He managed a tiny smile, and returned to the table the two of them sat at.

"These are diagrams of the liver, created by ancient Egyptians, not dissimilar to those created by the Etruscan centuries later. Many of the symbols here a have never been translated; much of it hidden or lost to time."

"C-Can we translate?"

"No. But, we can observe them through the same lens we use on the other occult objects. They have power, but what that power is, we do not know." Adjusting his glasses, he peered down at one of the clay molds, and ran his gloved fingers along the symbols carved on its face. Make no nevermind he was holding a clay mold of a human liver or anything. She needed gloves.

"What does the lens show?"

"The symbols glow, but that's it. There's no chemical here that would make them do such, so whatever it is, is of the same nature as the ghosts the lens is also capable of showing."

He said it so casually, ghosts, like they were normal things. They weren't! He might have accepted them as a factual part of life, but to her, they were just blurry images she could only see when looking through a weird device they called the 'lens' when the room was lit with blue flame light. Scary hands reaching out and grabbing her ankles whenever she closed her eyes.

Course now those thoughts were fighting for space against the plethora of sexual thoughts in her head. Chris's groans as she milked him. Vincent covering her breasts in cum. Brad filling her as she drank his warm blood down. Jessy, watching it all.

Enough. You're not a horny young man, you're a professional. Act like it.

"M-Maybe we should... see about connecting items?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we have a lot of occult things, and... and we know the lens shows something. We know certain items can interact, like the Prince showed with the charm and the... the... shrunken head." Bringing up the memory made her face scrunch up. "P-Process of elimination. Check each item against each item."

"Could take a lot of work. The inventory on these items is large."

Her bosses had a treasure trove of the world's darkest, evilest, vilest, most disturbing objects. Wonderful.

"If it's the only way we can look for other interactions, then—"

The door swung open, and cracked against the wall. Daniel didn't react, but Natasha jumped in her seat with a meep, and looked to the storming Prince.

She was normally so calm, so calculating, so strong and confident and everything a leader should be. The woman before her was a raging typhoon, and Natasha's beast curled up and whimpered inside her gut. This was a look behind the curtain she wasn't looking forward to.

"I should kill her," Antoinette said, hands in fists at her side.

Daniel shook his head. "You know it will only cause more trouble, Prince."

"She dares to squat in my city, and proceeds to taunt me with her bargaining? I should rip her limb from limb."

The sheriff sighed, put down the clay mold, and turned his head to look at her directly.

"Could you?"

Natasha smirked. Of course the Prince could kill... whoever this person was they were angry about. Woman was five centuries old, and she'd seen the Prince slaughter Kindred with her bare hands, while being shot from several guns.

But Antoinette snarled and looked down.

"Perhaps, but... perhaps not." She sighed, long and heavy, before she joined them at the table. "With Viktor, Tony, and Lucas all dead, I thought perhaps calmness would settle upon the city. But now that damn Begotten has—" She stopped short when her eyes met Natasha's. "Ah, I am sorry my dear. This is horrible of me, to lament to you and your sire like this."

"Ah, it's... it's ok, Prince." Mental note: ask what a Begotten is later.

"You will get to see a side of me only Daniel is familiar with. And Jack on occasion." She smirked, leaned back in her chair, folded a leg over the other, and rested her chin in her palm. Like a young girl, fantasizing. Like Natasha was just a few seconds ago. "Poor boy. I scared him terribly, that night Lucas arrived at my Black Hall uninvited."

Natasha blinked, and tried to offer the ancient creature a genuine smile, but all she managed was a nervous tick. Genuine, one-to-one normal talk, with the Prince. Jack may have gotten used to it, but she certainly hadn't.

Silence followed as Natasha waited for the Prince to finish her thoughts. But that might have been a bad idea, as with a slow dawning of some hidden realization, the Prince eyed her, quizzically, and Natasha froze. Uh oh.

"My dear Natasha, I have a job for you."

Daniel raised a brow, and looked between the two of them. "I thought the investigation was to be my concern, Prince?"

"I need you looking into Azamel more, old friend. She is hiding something, and that Mark fellow... well, you were there."

Secret information. Secret information. Natasha was tempted to raise her hands and cover her ears rather than listen. She was used to dealing with such things with the Invictus, but the Invictus were a large corporation of contracts and money and power, with one hand oblivious to the other's actions. The Prince was all that and then more, condensed into a single person; every limb knew everything. One misspoken sentence from her, and Natasha could be walking out of the office with information that could land her dead by sunrise.

Or you're just exaggerating everything because you've become a scared baby, Natasha. You used to be a right hand of the Invictus, what's the matter with you?

"Natasha," Antoinette said, "we have been warned of an unusual threat. We do not understand its nature, or understand its motives. All we know is that our old acquaintance Azamel has warned of us spiders."


The Prince nodded, and reached across the table to grab one of the bowls. This one had tiny bones in it, some feathers, and some dried up bits that looked like prunes that Natasha was pretty sure weren't prunes.

"Azamel is holding information from me, Miss Vola, and I do not appreciate her nerve, her bargaining, or her gall. But, in order to play the game, I need to know every detail."

"Every d-detail?"

"Of course. How do you think I became Prince? To risk is to throw away what could be yours, if only you were to exercise patience, and cunning." She leaned in, put her elbows on the table, and smirked at the tiny Mekhet. "And while Azamel may think I have grown lax or careless in my time, she will learn otherwise."

Natasha wasn't so sure. The Prince was a softer person now, even with her anger. But then, she was ten fold older than Natasha, so perhaps it was the young Mekhet's ignorance. She couldn't imagine what sort of roots Antoinette had planted in the city, what sort of safeguards. The Invictus often suspected a corporation, a talented agent, an unusual city district, were all her doing, but they had no way to be sure. She was crafty.

"I... I d-d-did see spiders."


"Just regular spiders! Regular sp-piders, my first day. On the stairs." They were just regular looking spiders after all, and she dismissed the silly idea with a hand wave.

Daniel and Antoinette both hmmm'd their interest though.

"All the more reason I am giving you this task, Miss Vola. You have a great eye for detail, and that is what I need. Azamel told us the spider threat grows in the tunnels, beneath Devil's Corner. You are to investigate and discover what you can."

Spiders, ugh. She may have been a Kindred, but she was still a girl.

"Yes P-Prince."

Maybe she'd get to see Damien again?

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Deepreader123Deepreader123over 1 year ago

The longer I read this series, the more I find myself skimming over the sex scenes,to get back to the actual plot. Which is to say,I am very much enjoying the story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

It doesn’t matter where those characters are going within the story arch. It’s wonderful IF Natasha could come out of her stutter shell. This chapter reads like writer has run out of ideas for content. We had fights and elder killings and some good stuff but now it’s just sex. Oh I know this is sex site but damn three quarters of chapter didn’t have to be those two screwing. All the great stories have real plots of amazing characters that throw some good sex scenes in.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Re: a suggestion...

Natasha and Jessy are not side characters, they have been an integral part of this story, since their introduction.

You always have the option of skipping the sex scene, if you don't like it. Besides, you have NO clue where the writer is heading with THEIR tale.

Besides, that's part of the enjoyment of reading; not knowing where the story is going. Predictable stories are boring, and typically not very good.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
A suggestion....

We don't need to have half a chapter's focus on side characters having sex. Maybe reduce the duration of the sex scene by half when side characters like Jessy/Natasha are involved and focus on the development of those characters because of the sex and on the main plot itself ?

NovusAnimusNovusAnimusover 5 years agoAuthor

Now that I'm writing MLV so much, I have to expand the setting a bit to allow for the story to fit. The story is going to be looong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Intriguing characters emerge.

I like the slow boil you have here. I should have expected a crossover with another supernatural but didn't expect to find Beasts. Interesting. I like it.


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