My Little Ventrue Pt. 10 Ch. 23


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"And you took both!?" Samantha asked Triss, voice rising a lot more than expected.

Whoever said women were prim and proper and didn't talk about extremely intimate details, never met two or more women at the same time. Utterly filthy creatures. Vile. Eve tempted Adam, and Jezebel was fed to the dogs.

Damien laughed quietly, shaking his head as he looked back to his piano and gently practiced some scales. Lucas's old lessons sounded so ridiculous in hindsight.

"And I lived to tell about it," Triss said. "Joys of being a vampire. We're pretty durable."

"I mean, I've seen some porn of normal women putting some large things inside them," Fiona said. "Even a living lass can stretch quite a bit."

Everyone went quiet, before erupting into laughter again.

"It's nice you ladies are having fun," Samantha said, with a little inflection Damien hadn't expected. Ah, right, she'd had some sexual interactions with all the witches. Her friendship with them was different than the one with Athalia.

"How about you?" Triss asked. "Taste any interesting kine lately?"

"I'll have you know I met a very nice man at a book store a few nights ago."

"Really? How'd he approach you in at a book store?"

"I approached him."

Jennifer whistled. "Oh my." No need to say it. No one expected Samantha to have that much courage, not in a social situation like that.

"I did!" Samantha said. "And I... I um..."

"Tell us tell us!" Fiona said.

"We uh..." Samantha was squirming. Damien didn't have to look to tell. "I took him into one of the quieter corners, hidden behind some bookshelves, and I... I Kissed him."

Jennifer clapped. "Quite the Daeva, aren't you? Seducing kine... in strange places, but seducing nonetheless. Did you sleep with him?"

"No. I--"

"Why not?"

"Jennifer! I just met him."


Jennifer. A modern day Lilith.

"Because I... I don't know. He was a kine. I don't want to start a relationship with a kine... do I?"

"Plenty of books about it," Triss said. "You know, those black tragedy books about vampires romancing a human, getting the human all obsessed with them, only for it to all go down in flames."

"Triss!" Fiona said. "Dinnae be mean."

"Hey I'm just trying to be real. Human-vampire relationships can get pretty fucked up, especially if she makes him a thrall or ghoul. Then you've got a doting servant who'll do almost anything for you. That's fine if you're keeping them at an emotional distance. Not so fine if you're looking for more."

"But, couldn't I just... not give him my blood?" Samantha asked.

"Sure, if you're cool with your lover dying of old age. But what vamp is going to let their lover, or even their fucking pet, die of old age? It's a pretty weird, shitty situation. Buuuut, if you just want a fuck toy and a servant, thralls and ghouls are awesome."

Fiona hopped up from the couch, and sat on Damien's bench with a loud plop, body facing the couches and the girls, but head pointed directly at him. That, was a Jezebel grin.

"You want me to adopt a thrall, or a ghoul," Damien said, eying his wicked, sinful girlfriend.


"A man, I assume."

"Ha! Aye, a lad, if ye can stand it. But I wouldnae mind having a lass in bed with us." She walked some fingers up his arm to his shoulder, very spider like. "Someone we could both have some fun with, ye ken?"

He rolled his eyes, now intimately familiar with the dark space hidden inside the upper echelons of his eyelids and brain.

"Ya dinnae want a ghoul?"

"Mekhets like to do things quietly, and alone."

"Is that so?" Triss asked, and she replaced Fiona on the couch beside Samantha. "Sam, you shoulda seen the way this church boy fucked Fiona in Bloodlust. I swear he was putting Fiona on display for Jen and me. We got to see everything." Triss leaned in toward Samantha. "I mean everything. Big dick, her little pussy, making a mess. Damien made it all very visible."

Samantha gasped and looked over the couch back at him. "Damien!" The look in her eyes was a combination of surprised and disappointed, classic mother look. Damien had never been close with his parents, at all, hence his attachment to Lucas back then, but even he could feel the ancient weight of a mother's mom gaze.

"I... it was..." He grumbled and looked back down at his keys, earning more laughs from the girls.

"Aye, and it was great," Fiona said. "Begotten blood turns vamps into truly wicked creatures. I love it." She scrunched up her nose, leaned in, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. She knew this social environment was Hell for him, and this was her way of telling him she'd make it up to him.

"Damien's aversion to joy aside," Jennifer said, watching him and apparently reading his mind, "Triss makes a good point. If you want a fuck toy, or even just a blood bag you can trust, a thrall is a great option. You'll definitely want to run it by Antoinette first, though."

"Okay," Samantha said. "I'll... think about it. About that, and what Triss said, 'cause I like him and I don't wanna ruin that."

"Smart," Triss said. "It's a whole lot healthier to be in a relationship with someone who has some free will, ya know?"

"That... is a little sad to hear. My son has three thralls, and--"

"Antoinette probably has a dozen or so, Sam, not to mention her two ghouls. It's just a fact, the older you get, the more you need some thralls and ghouls to keep you safe during the day, and be a food source in emergencies. But she also seems to know better than to get romantically into one. And, speaking of, how is Jack?"

"Jack is good!" Naturally, Samantha's voice rose in pitch. She liked talking about her son. She was proud of him. "I was talking to him yesterday. He's... He's different. Very different, than when he was alive. But, very different than he was after that, too. When I woke up that first night, as a vampire, I could tell Jack was all torn up inside, you know? He was worried about me, but he was the one who..." After a slow, heavy sigh, Samantha sat up a bit straighter. "He's doing much better than before."

"Sam, you have a serious mother complex," Jennifer said. "Stop worrying about your son so much. Yes, he had to deal with some pretty horrible things, but he also had some powerful friends to help him."

"I know! I can't help it. He's my boy. My... only child..."

Before Damien could blink, Jen and Triss both got close to Samantha, and hugged her. Fiona ran over to join them, leaving Damien to stare at the trio of heads surrounding Jack's mother. That was way too much social contact. But, instead of getting up and shoving people away, Samantha let out a very happy 'aww' sound and gave everyone hugs in return.

How Jack came from this women, Damien had no idea.

"Jack's fine, like you said," Triss said. "You, on the other hand, need a man."

"I don't need--"

"You need a man to snuggle with, and talk to about your day. You know it. I know it. And we're gonna find you said man."

Samantha grumbled. Ah, there it was, a noise Damien had heard from Jack many times. They were related.

"Come on," Jennifer said, "let's go to... um... I would say Bloodlust, but you'd rather hunt for men elsewhere."

"Not hunt!" Samantha stood with the Ventrue and Nos, shaking her head. "Not hunt. Socialize. We could try a... quieter night lounge, maybe?"

"You mean an expensive club filled with preppy types and rich shits?" Triss asked.

"I mean... yes?"

The girls laughed and hugged each other some more, before Triss gave Damien a small wave.

"Same time next week, Damien?" Triss asked.

He frowned at her with his most intense glare, which wasn't very intense. Jack could do intense. Not Damien, and she knew it. Laughing, she waved, and she, Jen, and Samantha left.

"Your friends are evil," Damien said.

Fiona giggled up a storm as she came and sat with him at the piano again.

"They're nae evil!"

"You don't see it because you're too close, but they're very evil."


He shook his head. "Not her, but she will be soon enough. Daeva blood, Antoinette as a sire, and those two as close friends? She's doomed."

Laughing until he had to grab her shoulder so she didn't fall off the bench, Fiona eventually leaned in toward him and hugged him.

"I'm nae?"

"You're just as corrupted as those two. Always were, even before you came to the city. Probably before Vrall joined you."

She stuck out her tongue. "I blame the internet."

"So do I. Clearly you've been living a sinful lifestyle since you hit puberty."

He got her. Giggling like a maniac, she blushed and hugged him, and rubbed her nose into his.

"When I was a wee lass, I read those vampire novels every girl loves."

"Those aren't exactly healthy reading."

"Pffft. They're fun!" She kissed him, and tightened her hug on him before getting up, and reaching for the light. "Vrall wanted to spend some time wit ye. Ye up for it? She dinnae have two dicks, but I think she'll keep things interesting."

He hadn't spent much time with Vrall lately, not since Azamel died. Fiona wanted him around, and he wanted to be around.

"Only if it's okay with you."

"I am Vrall, ye ken. Of course."

She flipped the light switch, and the room went dark.


It was the jungle. Her jungle. Usually when he visited Vrall they went to the haunted hospital nightmare. A dense jungle wasn't exactly the best place for a chat, or sex.

"Vrall?" he said. No response. That happened sometimes when she pulled him into her lair. She told him it was because of the nature of opening and closing chamber doors, but he was pretty sure she liked making him stumble around in the dark. It was kind of frightening.

That's why she liked it. No matter how comfortable he grew with the spider woman, there was always that element to her that wanted him to be afraid of her. Begotten struggled with that, and how it ruined their relationships with the people around them, Athalia being the prime example. It was also part of the reason Fiona left her hometown. But it was a good move, coming to Dolareido, both to get away from her family so she didn't hurt them, and to find more food.

It also meant that, every time Damien interacted with Vrall, there was always that tiny element of fear in the mix, because there had to be. Vrall was beautiful, and frightening. Triss felt the same way about Sándor's Horror, and it probably made their romantic encounter... spicier.

He'd never admit it to Triss, but it made his encounters with Vrall more thrilling as well.

Sure enough, after a couple minutes of careful walking through a jungle of dense foliage full of insects and stalking predators, he found a dangling, thick white rope of spider silk. In the darkness with the canopy blocking out the two moons, he couldn't see shit, but the rope caught just enough light to glint slightly. Plus, he basically fell into it. And surprisingly, it didn't stick to him.

When in Rome. He grabbed the rope, and climbed. And climbed. And climbed. There were a few trees around that were absurdly thick, and the canopy of the shorter trees hid their tops from him, until he managed to get a good fifty feet up. Past the first canopy, he found another fifty feet to climb up to a more parse canopy, giant leaves and branches spread apart so the moons were visible. Stars, too.

It would have been a beautiful sight, and it sort of was, except for the distant howls of predators.

The rope took him up to a giant... trampoline? Something like a trampoline, made of web, spread out over empty air.

"Lie down," the darkness whispered.

Damien smiled, and stepped off a branch onto the huge, tightly wound web. It didn't stick to him, which should have made him feel a little less nervous about tangling with a spider monster. But it also meant a very large fall was right beneath him, and from above, it looked more like a death pit trap, the sort filled with poison spikes.

But, thankfully, the web didn't have any gaps in it larger than an inch, and he was free to lie down on it. If he rolled too far to any side, he'd plummet, and probably break a dozen bones, even as a Kindred. He wasn't afraid of heights, but still, it was a little frightening. Which was, of course, Vrall's goal.

The spider woman descended from the shadow of a tree, and Damien gulped as she lowered herself with such smooth, seamless motion, it was chilling. Eight spider legs, each coming out of her spine, each ridiculously long at almost thirty feet, thin, and almost a pure shade of dark steel, ending in tips she could easily skewer him with. Eight Blade Arach, her old title, made sense.

But, terrifying as the blade legs were, the human-ish part of her was always a treat to look at. She didn't bother with her usual white silk dress this time, nude and onyx-colored skin on full display, glistening slightly in the moonlight. Human-like legs that ended in blade points, and three claws instead of fingers and thumb. Breasts just as massive as Fiona's, but on a slimmer body and an inhumanly small waist.

Even more distinct than that, was the lack of eyes. An onyx bone-like plate covered where eyes should have been, and raised up and back into giant horns that curved back like a crown. Not a single hair on her body, anywhere. Combined with her sharp chin and small, sharp navy-tinted lips, it was no wonder ancient tribes worshiped her, feared her, and lusted for her.

She grinned down at him as she used her spider legs to walk onto the giant, flat web, and stood over him, licking her lips. She was about as tall as Damien, without the horns.

Without a word, she leaned forward slightly so two of her spider legs rested on the web near Damien's feet, and two more rested on the web past his head, putting her horizontal. He smiled up at her, doing his best to not let her see how vulnerable he felt, a spike pit of death beneath him, deadly spider monster above him. And he smiled because her hanging like that made her huge breasts hang and sway underneath her.

She used her other four spider legs to poke at and undo his clothes. He helped her. No need to cut them off this time, not without any stick in her web. And with how sharp her spider legs were, he had plenty of reason to undress quickly. She did like to stab him, gently, when he didn't obey fast enough.

Naked, he spread out on the web as if it bound him like a trapped fly, even though this was one unusual web. It was the first time she didn't bother with the stick. Or, was sticky default, and she had to do something to make it not stick?

Vrall lowered herself down toward him, until her heavy hanging breasts brushed against his face, and the rest of her hovered a single inch over his skin.

"Beatrice and Jennifer had sex with Sándor, while he was transformed."

He nodded, cheeks brushing against the inner contours of her breasts.

"She told you?"

"I am her. I hear what she hears."

"Right, right."

Chuckling, she lowered herself down more, and buried his face with her breasts as her stomach settled on his chest. Her thighs spread around his waist, and he shivered as the long, sharp points her human-ish legs ended with teased along his own legs, almost hard enough to cut him.

"The gargoyle is quite the beast," she said.

"Pretty scary, last time I ran into him."

"And gorgeous."

"You think?"

She chuckled, voice quiet and deadly. "I do."

"Going to make me jealous."

"Oh? Fiona adores her pretty vampire boyfriend. She loves that you are beautiful, and would look good with mascara."

He frowned up at her, but she just laughed and slid forward until her breasts fell off the top of his head. Higher and higher she slid up, until she righted her torso over his neck, thighs spread around his shoulders.

"I'm not a pirate in a movie," he said.

"Of course not." Nodding, she reached down, and ran her long claws through his hair. She was looking down at him, but without eyes, it was hard to tell. And with her sitting up directly over him, huge breasts hanging down and blocking a lot of his view, it was hard to notice anything else.

"You made it sound like my girlfriend would prefer to be ravaged by a giant gargoyle."

"I think being ravaged by you, more thoroughly, interests her. You should experiment with inserting large objects into both of her holes."

He blinked. That was pretty forward advice, even for Vrall.

"I'll... talk to her."

"By all means." Nodding, the spider lady shifted her hips forward, and lowered her sex directly onto his mouth.


Vrall's proportions were exaggerated, in the most sexual, alluring, deadly sort of ways. A ridiculously tiny waist with huge breasts, a small mouth hiding long fangs, and a very, very small slit. She wasn't just some spider monster. She was an ancient nightmare god, worshiped and loved, with ritual sacrifices done for her, and she'd likely slept with many of her followers, hundreds of years ago. A divine gift in the eyes of the tribes that paid her tribute.

What she saw in him, he'd never know.

He Blushed Life, and ran his tongue slowly along the outside of her smooth lips, wetting them before sliding his tongue higher. A quick brush against her clitoris was enough to make her shudder, and he grinned up at her before moving his tongue back down to explore the lips of her entrance some more.

"You may be wondering why my web does not stick to you tonight."

He nodded.

"I thought," Vrall said, "I would enjoy tonight more if my prey was... not so much my prey, as my helpless, doting servant. You will do as I say, with the utmost enthusiasm. Understood?"

He nodded, and gave her clit a quick kiss, earning an evil, soft chuckle from the spider woman and her quiet, raspy voice. Like a lounge singer who'd smoked her whole life. She hadn't sounded like that when he'd first met her, but she'd adapted to Dolareido quite a bit.

"Good. I want my lover bound by my words tonight, not my webs." She leaned forward, and set her claws onto the web over his head. How she managed to dance her claws along the web without cutting it, he had no idea. "Now, continue. Devour me."

So he was going to be a slave tonight? He could do that. He spent so many nights tying Fiona up, and sometimes he also ordered her around and made her do things for him. To him. Maybe Vrall wanted to try that?

"Hold my legs, vampire."

That was, indeed, what she wanted. He put his hands on top of her thighs, and helped hold her snug against his mouth as she got comfortable.

They went slow at first. No need to rush things; the novelty of that truth was still euphoric. They could spend all night doing things to each other, and no emergency would blink on their phones to greet them. So, slow kisses on her inner thighs, one for the left, one for the right, before again his lips found her sex, and explored her lips some more. Gentle, teasing, playful, a part of him he hadn't ever known.

When he tasted a drop of her juices, she leaned forward more, and pressed the front of her slit down against his face. He opened his mouth wide and devoured her, like she'd ordered, and her smile was positively evil. She shifted her hips back and forth slightly, barely moving them at all, only helping him bury her clitoris in heavier a longer strokes of his tongue. More of her juices wet his face, and the spider monster moaned as she shivered on top of him.

Her claws took her breasts, and squeezed, causing their huge softness to spill over her fingers. Her bodyweight never planted down on him hard; she weighed very little even if it did. Her spider legs kept most of her weight off him, giving him no trouble keeping his mouth latched onto her slit, so he could hide her clitoris in his mouth and massage it in faster and faster licks. She preferred it when he started soft, and got faster and harder as she grew more and more aroused, and the beautiful spider creature was growing more aroused by the minute.