My Man, My Marine, My Lover! Pt. 03


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I felt Brian's body tense just before he broke our kiss. "Andrea, I can't hold on much longer."

"It's ok Brian. I'm ok baby." I said. I was too wrapped up in the emotions and feelings of this moment to allow my body the freedom it needed to reach orgasm. I loved every minute of making love with Brian. I enjoyed every touch, every kiss, and every taste of him. I was more than ok. I felt great having my man with me and making love to me once again. I had all I needed in that moment. I had my Brian.

I tightened myself around him and matched him thrust for thrust until he cried out my name and came. I felt his body tighten in my arms, then I felt him quiver as his body released all of the pent up energy it was holding on to. His muscles spasmed and he struggled to hold his weight off of me until I wrapped my arms around his back and pulled him to me. I held him in my arms until his breathing returned to normal.

I whispered in his ear, "I love you. I'm so glad your home. I'm so glad we're together."

He didn't answer me for what seemed like several minutes. Then he turned his head and kissed my neck. He lifted his head and whispered into my ear copying what I had done just a few moments earlier. "I love you too. I'm glad to be home. I'm glad to be with you."


We lay in silence for a while. I massaged my hands up and down Brian's back as his body returned to a more relaxed state. I felt as his breathing and the pumping in his chest slow. He lay partially on top of me and his arms were still around me. I felt completely at home in his embrace. Then he surprised me as he started to speak quietly about his feelings.

"Andrea I meant every single word I wrote in my letters and emails." He whispered. "There wasn't one day that I didn't wish I were here with you."

I kept gently massaging up and down his back with my left hand as I ran the fingers of my right hand through his hair. I remembered how he relaxed and sighed in the hospital shower when I lightly scratched his scalp in circles, so I started to do that. He took a deep breath in and exhaled and I felt some of the tension leave his body.

"I know you meant everything Baby. I did too." I kissed the top of his head as it rest on my chest.

"Can I tell you something Brat? Something I haven't admitted to anyone else." His voice was barely audible.

"Of course, tell me anything."

"I hated it over there. I thought I would like doing what I had wanted to do all my life, but I hated it."

I didn't know exactly what to say, so I just remained quiet and waited for him to continue. A few silent minutes passed before he started again.

"I loved my men, my unit, and they were like family to me, but I hated the job itself." He hesitated, as if waiting for me to pass judgment. I just remained quiet and continued to hold him. It worked because he kept talking. "I hated thinking that every time I made a decision, someone else might have to pay the price for it."

I kissed him and just kept my mouth resting on top of his head. It was enough for him to know he could continue.

"They teach you a lot of theory and practical application of leadership and management in Officer's Training School. But when you're making decisions that could get someone hurt or killed, it's totally different." He hesitated, as if he were reliving some event. "Every time I sent out one of my teams, I felt my gut sink until they returned safe."

I continued to massage his back and scratch his scalp and tried not to react to what he was saying one way or the other. I didn't want to say or do anything that would make him feel judged and might stop him from talking about these things.

"I hated protecting and defending something that I knew in my head was never going to change. I knew no matter how much we did, no matter how many lives we lost or how many of us were injured, nothing we did would make a damn bit of difference." He sighed and kissed my breast.

"Do you think I'm pathetic for saying that?" He rested his chin on my chest and faced me as if he was looking to see my reaction.

"No. No, I don't." I leaned down and kissed him.

"My father would." He said as a matter of fact.

"No Baby, I don't think he would." I hesitated. "In fact, I know he wouldn't."

"How do you know that?" I could hear the hope in his voice.

"I know it because I heard him say the same thing after we got word that you were hurt." I stopped rubbing his back and held his cheek in my palm as I prepared to continue.

"He said the same thing?" He was shocked.

"Yes. He did. He and my dad were trying to find out exactly what happened over there and to what extent you were injured. They were taking phone calls from several people trying to get information. Finally, when one of the calls came and gave a picture of what was going on, I heard him say almost those exact words."

"What did he say? Do you remember exactly what he said?" There was a sort of hope in his voice. I knew he didn't want to disappoint his father. If his father had said anything that resembled his words, it would relieve a burden from his shoulders. The one thing I wouldn't do was lie to him. So I told him what I remembered.

"As best I remember, he said to my dad, 'If those fuckers hurt my son and the same shit goes down over there that has been going on for more than two hundred years, I'll blow the fuckers up myself'."

He looked up at me with disbelief on his face. "He did not. Did he?"

"I swear baby that is almost exactly what he said. Ask our mom's. All three of us were eaves dropping and when we heard him, we ran into the kitchen because we couldn't believe those words came out of your father's mouth. Then we looked at each other and started laughing and crying at the same time."

"I can't see my dad saying anything like that."

"You've never seen your dad when he thinks his boy is hurt. I have. He said it and he meant it."

I stroked my hand down his cheek and then traced his lips with my fingertips. He sucked my finger into his mouth and playfully bit it. Brian moved up until his face was at the level of mine and we started kissing. It was a slow romantic make out. We just wanted to be near each other, to touch each other. Neither one of us had enough energy for anything more just yet. We just kissed and caressed each other until we were too tired to continue.

"Brian, we need to get some sleep. We have work to do tomorrow."

"What work?" His voice sounded a little tense.

"You know what work. We discussed this before we left the hospital and you promised to work with me. We have to do your cane practice outside and we have your vision rehab exercises." I said firmly but tried not to sound like I was mothering him.

"I only promised that to make sure you got me out and brought me here." He said it in a teasing manner, but I also knew that to some extent it was true.

"I know why you promised Marine. That doesn't change the fact that you did promise and I'm holding you to it."

"Brat I think.." I put my fingers over his mouth before he could say another word.

"Sleep Marine. We can argue in the morning." Then I moved my fingers from his lips and kissed them instead.

"Some things never change." He said sarcastically.

A few minutes later we fell asleep in each other's arms. We slept side by side with our arms and legs wrapped around each other and my head tucked under his chin. I'm not sure how long we slept, but when I woke, the orange glow of the early morning sun was shining into the bedroom. It placed a warm curtain of soft light through the room. I could see the sun dust angels fluttering in the orange and yellow rays that filtered through the windows.

I looked up to see Brian still sleeping. He looked so peaceful. His face was relaxed and for the first time, in a long time, he didn't look worried or mad at the world. I was content to lie next to him and watch him. I wanted to touch him, to trace my finger along his profile, to kiss his lips, but I didn't want to wake him.

Instead I let him sleep and said a prayer thanking God for returning my man to me. Giving thanks that my Brian was home and safe and given time, my Marine would be back to full force.

We had a long road ahead of us, but together we could do anything. That was the last thought in my mind as I fell back to sleep in his arms; calmed by the beating of his heart. Together we could do anything.


to be continued! ...

Dear Readers,

I hope you enjoyed Part 3 of Brat and Brian's story. Brat and Brian's story continues in their journey to find just what their future holds. Please vote and leave your comments. I enjoy reading your feedback and appreciate every comment or suggestion you share.

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KingCuddleKingCuddlealmost 7 years ago
A solid extension...

Ma'am....You're building one helluva fan base here!

I foresee you being featured in a touring USO show! :+))

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I am a disabled Marine Corps Veteran & my parents are Marines, as well, so it's easy to relate to all of your characters. I've read all the stories in this series & can't wait to read the next one. I was going to give you a 5-star rating, but I accidentally hit the 1. So, keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I love this story! So beautiful. My one concern is the way you present the war. Many marines came back from Iraq feeling completely disillusioned. Their concern was not only what happened to our soldiers, but they also felt disgusted with fighting a war that turned out to be based on a lie. The best soldiers, with the level of integrity Brian seems to have, don't only worry about their own men, they reject seeing all Iraqis as inferior, hate wasting innocent lives, have enough intellect to see the real reasons we went there (oil). These soldiers, including Marines, have spoken out about the trauma of being under assault all the time but also feeling like they had to hold on to their humanity. Some came back with PTSD and didn't even get the care that is due to them or the support (read about Walter Reede hospital for example and the travesty that was there with no resources etc). But you talk about the war as if the only thing bothering Brian is that "these people" are so barbaric and backward that they are beyond redeeming by the Great American Civilization. I think Brian is too intelligent, sensitive, strong and empathetic to be that incapable of independent thought, even if it went against his father's logic. That would've been an interesting layer of emotion to add to this story- how you disagree and still respect and love each other. As I said, I am a fan, but I think stories get taken to another level when characters invite us, through their experiences, to feel *and* think, and avoid cliches. Still gave it a five.

mcollectmcollectabout 9 years ago
It keeps getting better

Chapter 1 was great 2 even better and now three is superb. Keep up the great writing.I am an old Viet Nam era vet stationed at Walter Reed and this is for all of us a good story.

Apple_of_EdenApple_of_Edenover 9 years agoAuthor
Thank You..Part 4 is in edits as we speak!

Hello All and Thank you so very much!

Anon@Not to Worry: I'm happy to hear you will be with us until the mission is complete. I hope you continue to enjoy the story. Thanks for sticking with us through the journey.

Industrial_bondage: You're correct, the loved ones left behind have a difficult job to do. Hopefully, when both parties work together, love, and support each other, things turn out for the best. I hope everything works out for the best for you.

georgeblack: I'm glad you care about the characters, that is part of my goal when writing a story. I think for many, they are as real as the boy and girl next door. I'm sure many of us can relate to them and what they are facing together. Struggles come in all shapes and sizes in life; the key is to realize you must make the best life out of what you have today. Tomorrow is not a guarantee for anyone.

kalonaleigh: Thank you for your kind words. You are so right about love, patience, etc., without which we would never overcome life's obstacles.

vmc312: Thank you for your wonderful and thoughtful comments. Your feedback is very much appreciated. Sorry about the OT/PT mix up; I know better. xo

Anon/Barry: Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. I think we should all realize that any loss (function,limb, or life) is too great a loss. Those of us at home should make every attempt to give support in any form available to us. Be safe.

FYI: Dear Readers and Friends, "My Man, My Marine, My Lover!" Part 4 is in final edits and I'm expecting to submit it by mid next week. Hopefully, it will be posted by Friday, March that I think about it, maybe the Friday the 13th is not the best idea! Let's hope for Thursday or Saturday. Thank you for your support and feedback. I'm looking forward to hear what your thoughts are on Part 4!

RedRhythmicSerpent...if you thought Part 3 got your ticker pumping, I know you will love Part 4! Keep the aspirin and maybe the nitro close by my friend. xo!


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
More please—it's too good to stop

I love your writing. I love that you chose to focus on those who serve us far from home and risk their whole being. I've long thought that those who are injured are worse off than those who are killed—they may suffer for years and years.

I love this story, the characters, the way you have them interact, and the particular way that you write the sex scenes. Thank you, and don't stop now.


vmc312vmc312over 9 years ago
So impressive

Such an amazing job. Your dedication and desire to produce quality is evident in the research that needed to be done. If you are not telling this story from personal experience, even if you are, the research that went into this and your writing skills are impressive.

I'm an occupational therapist and have worked with cortical blindness as well as so many other types of traumatic injuries. You captured the frustration of the health care provider and the will to do anything to help your patient realize that a traumatic injury does not mean the end of life but a change of life that can be conquered. There is realism in the term traumatic. Support from loved ones is essential in recovery which you express with such love and recognition of the small steps needed.

Well done. Looking forward to more.

(One tiny error is the OT addresses ADL not PT, no biggie in this context)

kalonaleighkalonaleighover 9 years ago

Your interactions with these two characters is fantastic. The dynamics of military life even without war and injury are difficult to live with, but add an injury to the mix it's almost impossible to endure. Only love, patience, perseverance can overcome!!! You have hit the nail on the head with this story.

georgeblackgeorgeblackover 9 years ago

I like the interplay of the characters. You end up caring about them in spite of yourself. The sex scenes are steamy and erotic but realistic too. The author understands that good sex is as much between the ears as it is between the legs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
The Toughest Job...

"The Toughest Job Afloat: Navy Wife", when I was under arms the words were everywhere on camp; signs, t-shirts, posters. There is no doubt that the people we leave behind have a rough way of it. And sometimes, they are all that brings us back. The only reason we survive and the only thing that gives us a grip on who we were before. You, madam, have done all of those ladies proud!

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