My Mother Owns Me Ch. 07

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The family discusses potential ramifications.
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Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 03/19/2023
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"Hello Dave." Amanda said over the phone two days later, just after lunch. "I'm thinking I might stop by and visit tonight. Sheila is busy but I need to see Crystal to touch base to satisfy my supervisory requirement for the court. How about you? Have you missed me as much as I've missed you? Maybe you should be ready for me this evening. You know, all clean and submissive like a good slave." I barely choked out a simple "yes ma'am." She chuckled.

Leah shrugged when I told her. "Nothing I can do about it. You know she has full access to you and Crystal. If you really think you are suffering physical damage you need to say something. I'll examine you and decide if there is a problem. If I agree I can and will call Amanda off using you. If I think it is borderline, Mom and Amanda will examine you with me and we will discuss it. None of us are willing to risk a problem." Leah must have seen my expression. "Sorry slave boy. Such is the life of a slave. Deal with it. Neither your comfort nor your dignity is an issue. ONLY your health. And as much as it hurts, a few snaps with a rubber band will not cause lasting damage."

"You passed the slave handler's exam so you know the laws. Slaves get yearly checkups at a minimum. Any signs of physical abuse is reported. Between those exams it is your right to complain you are being abused. And you know being used sexually no matter how offensive you find it is not considered abuse by the law. But if you think you are in danger or are being injured, by all means report us for abuse. I'd personally like to see you get a few more years added to your sentence for making false accusations. It will give me more time to train and condition your ass. Plus your probation time will be automatically invoked unless they show we abused you." Leah said. I quickly told her I was just venting. "Oh I know. Just be careful how you vent and to whom. There is always respectful venting to me, what I call bitching, and how Amanda may interpret that same statement. I'm just making sure you know where you stand."

I grumbled about mental abuse being as bad as the physical. Leah almost laughed. "Dumbass, mental abuse is really the point. The law and society WANT mental changes in slaves. Now of course they don't rabid dogs running around, and if that happens, and a person goes off the range, they are either re-enslaved or put down depending on the crime. There are full courses in college on slave psychology. Studies galore done. They have half way houses and government sponsored programs to help slaves re-assimilate into society. For the most part they don't care if a released slave is a shadow of who he was as long as he does not commit another crime."

"Mom just called me to tell me she was coming over to visit tonight." Crystal said when she called a few minutes later. I told her Amanda had called me as well and I thought I was her intended target. "Well, I'm not going to take the risk and not be ready. You need to learn to always be extra careful. The very idea she called me is enough. We both need to get our asses flushed. I'll bet you I wind up licking Mom's pussy before she goes home no matter what she does with you."

Listening in on our conversation, Leah grinned. "I'd give odds she has both your tongues up her pussy tonight. Too bad you have nothing to bet."

We had eaten supper and cleaned up the kitchen before Amanda arrived. She gestured for us to follow her to my bedroom. I had already stripped the bed of everything but the bottom sheet. Crystal nodded at me to get my attention and began to strip. I followed suit. Amanda watched silently as we climbed onto my bed and assumed our proper positions on the end of the bed, kneeling with legs spread wide, hands behind our backs.

"I love it when your cock gets hard for me, Dave." Amanda said, smiling. "Not that I plan to use it. If you do a good job for me, I'll let this other slave get you off and feed you your cum. I'm sure her pussy is wet in anticipation." I kept my face forward but in my peripheral vision could see Amanda reach out. "Oh yes, it is like the Atchafalaya swamp, hot, wet and smelling mildly of fish." Amanda laughed uproariously. I knew Crystal had to be cringing at the comments, but I did not dare look at her to confirm.

"I am surprised your skin is so sensitive, Dave. Your little nipples bruised from only two little snaps of my rubber band. Let's see how your cock looks." She grabbed it and pulled it up and out for her inspection. "Yeah it is bruised too. Did it hurt too much to play with this other slave?" Amanda asked, looking at Crystal. "Ahh I can see from her expression it didn't slow you down much. Either she won't let you escape her playing with it or I didn't hurt it as much as you made out. You are still happily fucking away. Good. I only wanted to sting it to get your attention."

She examined both of us from head to toe commenting on bruises and sensitive areas. "Sheila told me you broke down and confessed to her how bad you felt about being a drug dealer. She said she thought your confession was genuine. I'm surprised. You only played lip service to me. Speaking of lip service, I want both of you to get busy. Do a good job and I will let you go for the rest of evening. Otherwise you'll both get a dildo up your bottoms." I guess our job was at least adequate because not long after, Amanda left.

"That is how it'll go most of the time once the novelty of fucking you wears off. I'm basing that on past history." Crystal said. "We degrade ourselves, clean ourselves out, and then don't get used. At least not anally. I can live with that." I wondered once again at Crystal's cavalier attitude. I'd had to lick my own mother a few times, the last time in her office to celebrate my passing my exam. I could not begin to express how much the idea much less the actual action bothered me.

"Don't think about it. Imagine it is just another pussy like mine or my mom's. I envision I am licking Leah or your Mom when Sheila or my mom use me or at least I try. Hell, I am one to talk about ways to cope. It always make me feel like shit. After three years, I still cannot get my head around what I have to do every few days. I can't just accept it is no big deal for my Mom to use me. And now my sister is in the mix. They have no problem with it at all. In fact they seem to relish the idea." I realized that despite her outward attitude Crystal still had a shred of dignity. She could not totally turn it off and think of herself as merely a slave play toy.

"I try to tell myself the mantra I've heard from other slaves. 'If you can't thrive, at least survive'." Crystal added.

I put that mantra to the test when Mom told me she wanted to 'talk' in my bedroom the next (Friday) evening. "Tomorrow I am going to give you, well, rather loan you, to Sheila for a week. The girl is a virgin. I think she wants the boyfriend experience rather than just get screwed to orgasm. I expect you to act accordingly. So does Amanda. Now of course the whole thing is colored by the events of the past week. Technical virgin or not, and I hope you realize that just means she has never had a real cock, she has learned a great deal about handling slaves. When she treats you like a boyfriend, play the part. And when she switches to treating you like a slave, be the best slave you can. This experience is for her benefit, not yours."

"Leah has used your cock several times, I'm sure." Mom said."I am NOT going to be the last free woman in our household to do so." Mom began to strip and ordered me to do the same. "Tonight I want you on top when you fuck me. I'll rub myself a bit but you are gonna work hard to get me off. You know the statistics of a woman having an orgasm from vaginal sex alone is small. But I get an extra thrill knowing it is my own slave boy son doing his best to get me to cum." She reached over and cupped my scrotum in her palm. "It may bother you a bit that I am using you as a toy. Too bad. I own these and I own you. You are gonna suck your sperm out of me before the night is out. And you can bet that alone will make me cum like a racehorse. The very idea has me trembling on the edge. I'll be sated by the time I am finished with you tonight."

"Mom is always right! I knew I'd enjoy myself. " Mom told me as she got dressed later. "Go have fun with your sister and Crystal." I so wanted to ask her why the incestuous aspect of using me did not bother her at least a little, my being a slave or not, but I was learning to keep my mouth shut.

It had taken a week of sleeping with Leah to begin to get used to the idea of having sex with her. I was actually starting to fall in line with their view I was merely a slave and as such I would perform as requested no matter who it was using me. But my Mom was still a different matter. It was like day one of my slavery and I was terribly intimidated and troubled afterwards. Leah popped me across the chest. "Listen to me asshole. You are a slave. That is all you are when ordered to perform. Not my brother nor Mom's son. You are simply a slave, a warm body with a cock and a tongue to be used, no matter who it is who wants to use you." I tried my best to get into that mindset.

I'd hoped for a few hours the next morning to relax. The day was supposed to rotate around Sheila and I hoped to mimic Bob and be a fly on the wall, present but not participating. Leah dashed those expectations when she ordered me to lay my clothing across my bed before I packed so she could inspect. I had to pack proper clothing for work. "You might need some casual clothes for the afternoons and evenings. I doubt Sheila is going to keep you naked at home all week but I suspect she will try." Leah joked. "And where is your blue dildo?" Leah asked. "Unless of course you packed the cock shaped one we bought last week."

I sputtered "I'd hoped to leave that here. This is supposed to be a boyfriend experience for Sheila."

"You know better than that. Mom told you to be ready to switch from boyfriend to slave. And I suspect Amanda told you to bring a dildo." Leah admonished me. "Now I won't punish you for trying to get over on them. In fact, I'll do you a favor and give you an order: you will NOT take the enema kit. I might need it for Crystal." Leah grinned. "Sheila will have to decide to make do without cleaning you out or skip using the dildo. Of course if she really wants your ass, she can go buy a kit or bring you over here to flush you out. But she'll have to work for it if she wants your butt that bad. Oh well, that'll be her problem." Leah chuckled.

High school graduation was so important, Joel even drove down from Shreveport to see his sister walk across the stage. His only comment to me about my new status upon seeing me was, "Son of a bitch, dude!" Of course he had been told I'd gotten enslaved, but I was surprised he did not press for any details of my home life. Later I suspected he really did not want to know just how vicious his mother and kid sister could be. I'm sure he at least suspected Amanda used Crystal just like she would any other slave.

The graduates all had to report to the auditorium an hour early to rehearse. While they did, many families gathered outside to socialize. I knew they'd be bullshitting for an hour or two after the graduation ceremony as well.

I heard my name called and a slender blonde stepped up to give me a hug. It was Melanie, my ex-roommate's older sister. She didn't shout but she didn't exactly whisper either when she said. "We all thought karma stepped up and bit you on the ass when we heard you got enslaved. But then we found out your Mom owns you so you lucked out and skipped the whole slave experience." I hoped Mom had not heard her and might decide to correct her assumptions. Leah clearly had and shifted to hear better.

I asked what she was doing at the graduation. I knew she and Bill who was a year younger, were the only kids in her family. "My youngest cousin, my Mom's sister's daughter, is graduating so Mom and I came with my aunt. Mom's gonna get a kick out of seeing you in that collar. Especially after what all you and Bill did with her slaves. Dad convinced her letting you guys use the girls was cheap payment for your tutoring services. He claimed Bill would never have passed his computer classes without you and you did get him to settle down and study. Hell of a thing to get a slave girl for the weekend if you got over a certain score on an exam." Melanie laughed at the memory.

The slave 'girls' were late twenties through mid-thirties. They were pleasant to look at but not what you'd call pretty. A couple carried more than a few extra pounds but to a horny college kid, they were great.

"Not to mention you guys taking four or five girls out to the fish camp for Spring break every year and the occasional long weekend. Do you ever hear from Joel or his roommate Greg? I heard they went north to work." I told her I had not heard from Greg for months but Joel was hanging around as he'd come back to see his sister graduate.

The other three guys were engineering majors. I was the lone computer geek but we all shared many classes. While Joel and I did not socialize much otherwise, we stayed close academically, often studying together. Bill's Dad thought the best incentive for his son to do well in school was offer him the opportunity to get laid. We both thought it was a better reward than a fancy car.

I remembered the one time Leah had walked into our apartment while Bill and I were spit-roasting one of his family's slave girls. He was pounding away from behind while she sucked my cock. Bill was slapping her ass telling her "Concentrate. You can wiggle your ass and suck him at the same time." The girl was trying her best. A second nude girl sat to one side waiting her turn.

Leah had a key as Mom demanded access if she was going to pay for me to live on my own. Usually it was Leah who stopped by unannounced to make sure we were 'not living in squalor like animals'. We were quite oblivious to Leah watching for several minutes before she made her presence known. Her laughter threw a wet towel on our libido. The other slave girl saw Leah enter but did not say a word to warn us. The girl told Leah later, she was thinking (and hinted, hoping) Leah was my girlfriend and would kick my ass when she caught me fucking another girl.

After her initial shock, Leah was amused with the whole scene. After I explained the deal she agreed to not tell Mom. In a way it served as a little bonding experience between us. Leah noticed both girls sported bright pink asses and asked why we spanked them. I told her to spur the girls to work harder. "You know a girl, slave or free, will be more inclined to put in a lot of effort if you are just nice to her and try your best to get her off at the same time you get your jollies," she advised.

"It was funny. When I took that computer class with you and you helped me get an A, I told Dad I knew just the right way to reward you. I thought he was gonna stroke at first. Then he realized I was joking." Melanie said, grinning. "I told Mom later I really wasn't joking. I seriously wanted to take you out for a test drive. I just held off because you were Bill's roommate and I didn't want to make things awkward if it didn't work out between us. Plus, I wouldn't have allowed you to screw our girls anymore. Well, any other girl for that matter. I don't share."

Melanie giggled. "You guys didn't know but the girls had nicknames for you and Bill. He was 'Little Willy' and you were 'Big Dick'. They said you were bigger than Bill down there, longer and thicker, but the big dick name was mainly for a second reason. So when I told them you got enslaved and collared, they all got excited and cheered. You should have heard what they hoped you'd have done to you. No love lost there. They don't like the other three guys either."

I asked what I did they found so offensive. "One girl said about two years ago, one day you just decided to screw them up the butt. And you were rough. They hated that. That and when they sucked you off was when they realized just how much bigger you were than the other three. Our girls love regular sex but not anal."

"Funny, you were always very nice and sweet to me, but you really fucked over those slave girls. No regards for their feelings at all. I told the girls if you'd ever treated me badly we'd need to change your nickname to 'Big Dick, Swollen Balls". They loved that. Hey, I wonder if maybe your Mom would loan you to me for a while so I could get in that test drive I wanted. I might even take you home to meet the girls." She grinned as she watched my face. "Just kidding.... About letting the girls have you that is. I really would like to try you out, but my boyfriend would be pissed. He and I both agree no sex with other people, free or slave. Totally monogamous. Guess I just gotta dream about that 'big dick' as the one that got away."

"You should have dated Melanie." Leah offered. "She's only a year older than you and she might have kept you out of trouble. We talked many times while you roomed with her brother and she never mentioned you guys using their family's slaves like that. That shows a lot of discretion on her part. I love that."

Leah grinned."So you have a little reputation, huh?" she teased. "I was not the only one to catch on how you treated slaves. And two years ago you started using them up the butt. About the same time you screwed Crystal. Guess you were a bastard in general. Don't worry. I never told Mom what I saw that one time, but you and I will discuss it later now I have a little more context." She took me by the arm and walked me inside the auditorium.

Sheila's graduation itself was the most normal thing to happen in the past week or so. All of us, Mom, Leah, Amanda, Bob, Joel, and even Mrs C sat in the bleachers and clapped as each graduate crossed the stage. Like the other families, when it was Sheila's turn, we stood and hollered and cheered. Everyone could tell where each graduate's family and friends sat. Some families were large. They must bring in aunts, uncles and cousins for a high school graduation. When Joel and I graduated college, we were allowed four guests.

Joel refused to stay long. He blushed when I told him what Melanie had said. Leah told him she found Melanie an interesting girl and maybe she ought to follow up and hear other stories. His blush deepened and he could barely look her in the eye. She just chuckled. Shortly after the ceremony, he kissed Amanda, Sheila and then Crystal on their cheeks and left.

Sheila's enthusiasm was undaunted. "I wanta go take pictures with my friends." she announced. She handed her diploma to Amanda. Amanda in turn handed it to me along with Sheila's little purse and ordered me to follow Sheila around like her doting slave boy.

Mom agreed and said, "I'm turning you over to her for the next week. Your job is to watch out for her as much as serve her. Watch her things and take care of her. Go." Sheila giggled and said she wanted to show me off and ordered me to stay close. When I got a little too far away she pointed to a spot about a half step back. "There. No more than an arm's length away. I want all my friends to know you are mine."

"You got a slave boy as a graduation present?" a few of her friends exclaimed as Sheila pointed me out. "I'm only getting a necklace and dinner out with the family!" her blonde friend exclaimed. Another said, 'My Dad would totally freak! He knows I'm not a virgin cause my mom told him, but to let me have my very own slave boy? No way! Your Mom is so cool!"

I kept my mouth shut as I reflected upon our society's mores. A girl and her boyfriend might have sex but would not generally broadcast it. It might be assumed something intimate was likely if they went out for any period of time. A girl could get a reputation easily if she jumped from one boyfriend to the next. But the same girl who admitted to sex with a slave or even multiple slaves had little stigma. It would be like she said she used a vibrator, she'd get a smirk or raised eyebrow at most.