My Neighbor Rachael Ch. 01

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Naomi finds how dominant her 18 year old neighbor is.
10.1k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/12/2024
Created 05/22/2024
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It was 6:15 pm when my doorbell rang. I wondered who could possibly be at my door as I was not expecting anyone. I was just reading the delivery menu for the Chinese restaurant I liked but had not ordered yet. I pushed aside the window drape to peek out and groaned. It was Rachael, my eighteen year old next door neighbor who was about the last person on Earth I wanted to see right now.

I decided to ignore her and turned to walk away. I got no more than a few steps when the doorbell rang again. This time three times in rapid succession followed by her knocking and a loud voice that demanded, "Open the door, Naomi. I know you are home."

I surrendered to the inevitable and opened the door a few inches. "This is not a good time, Rachael. I'm busy."

"Sure it is." Rachael countered. "Mom called and said she'd be only a little late and would be bringing takeout home for dinner. Since I don't have to cook supper, I have an hour and a half of free time." She shoved the door open and pushed past me. "I hope you aren't too busy for me."

"It doesn't look like you are getting ready to go out or anything," she continued. "In fact it looks like you are getting ready for bed even though the sun is not even down yet. Cute outfit! Are those your jammies?" she asked with a grin as she looked me up and down, making a point to stop and look at my hard nipples.

I shook my head in denial which was a lie as I'm sure she realized. I was not ready to go to bed but I was dressed for comfort in the privacy of my own home so I wore sleeping attire. Most nights I slept in the same thin t-shirt I was now wearing that did nothing to conceal my nipples which seemed to be perpetually erect lately. The shirt only came down to my hips so I generally wore it with a pair of panties.

As it turned out, this evening I had selected the wrong bottoms, a pair of pink satin-like shorts that were super comfortable. They barely covered my butt cheeks which meant that while I was fully covered standing up, sitting down could be a problem. The legs were loose enough that my pussy could easily be exposed if I had no panties. No way could I wear them out in public. They were designed to be worn in a private or intimate setting. Thinking this was a non-issue tonight, I had decided to go commando.

"I slipped this on when I got out of the shower a few minutes ago. I was about to change and go pick up something to eat." I said, adding to my fabrication. "I'll go put on some jeans. I'll be right back."

"Naomi, you should know by now not to be untruthful." Rachael said softly. "You did not get out of the shower JUST a few minutes ago. Your hair is not the least bit damp, not even on the fringes around your face and I know you would have got it wet when you washed your face. I'm guessing you removed your makeup and showered shortly after you got home over an hour ago." Was the girl making note of my comings and goings?

"Plus you have these flyers from the Iron Wok open on the coffee table with your credit card out of your wallet, so you intend to order delivery. Right?"

I'd been caught so I did the right thing and said, "Well, yes. I guess it has been a little while since I finished getting cleaned up. I was planning a quiet time alone here at home. I certainly was not expecting to have anybody over."

"Well, I am not just anybody, am I?" she asked sweetly. "And like I said, I love the outfit. It is pretty hot, especially with those high beams you have going." I know I blushed, which made her grin widen.

Rachael was twelve years younger than my thirty, but her brazen, aggressive attitude put me on edge. Her calling me out for my pair of lies made the situation worse.

She was definitely her mother's daughter and displayed the same bold attitude. I got along well with her mother Kathy now after a rocky start when I moved in nine months ago.

I got on Kathy's bad side the very first weekend I moved in. My housewarming party was far too loud for her taste. There was far too much alcohol induced rowdiness. She came over twice within the first four hours of our partying. The first was because of the music that she claimed was rattling her windows The second time was when two of the male guests decided to 'fertilize' the rose bushes in her front yard with urine. I was still sober enough to concede my guests were out of line and shut down the party soon after. My contrition saved my relationship with the woman.

Ours were the only two houses on our side of the cul de sac. A wooded area bordered our back yards so there were no neighbors behind us. I apologized again the next morning which barely mollified her anger. She warned me the next time it happened she would call the police.

I never threw another party at my house. Over time we became friends. I'd help her and Rachael mowing and edging both our lawns on the weekends. On occasion we would invite each other over for dinner especially on the weekends and sharing intimate details of our lives, slowly became close. She was only eight years older than me but seemed to be more of a mother figure than peer.

At least a dozen times over the past several months I had to go over and ask either Kathy or Rachael to drive me to a bar, night club, or friend's house to get my car after a long night of drinking way too much to drive and having to take a taxi or Uber home.

They knew that even with a good job and decent income, I lived paycheck to paycheck. I never could follow Kathy's simple advice to stay ahead. She once showed me her income as a lesson in how to budget. She made about the same as me and had a teenage daughter to feed and clothe yet was putting money away into savings while I struggled to make ends meet.

My only saving grace in their view was I never brought men home. I was by no means a virgin but I'd relied on my own fingers or vibrator for sexual satisfaction for well over a year. My celibacy was not to appease my neighbors. I just could not trust men after catching my last boyfriend cheating on me. All this came out over time in long conversations with Kathy.

"I was like you at one time, wild and irresponsible....of course that was twenty years ago." Kathy had admitted one day while the three of us were eating dinner. I did the math and she meant when she was eighteen, the same age as Rachael was now. I knew this was a thinly concealed condemnation of my present lifestyle, but I took it as motherly advice from this woman barely older than me.

"I had just graduated high school and wanted to spread my wings before college. I got caught drinking a few times and with my being underage that was a serious offense." Kathy related for both my and Rachael's benefit. Looking at Rachael she added, "I not only spread my wings but my legs. Fortunately I did not get pregnant nor catch some wild STD."

"I had a good summer job but blew most of my money instead of saving it. I just had to buy all the cool, fashionable clothes and shoes. I had to look good for my asshole friends who were also acting out. We were not mature enough to handle our sudden freedom like adults." Kathy smiled and said, "Although I did not think it a good thing at the time, my mother got me back on the straight and narrow. She had deliberately let me go on my own for a while saying I would soon be going away to college and needed to learn to control myself." Without saying it outright, I knew Kathy was pointing out I was twelve years older than she was at the time of her indiscretions but had still not learned self-discipline.

"You said your mother got you back on the straight and narrow." I asked. "How? What did she do?"

"She came into my room early one morning while I was sleeping off a hangover and woke me up by grabbing my ear and dragging me out of bed. She marched me into the living room where she proceeded to beat my ass in front of my two younger sisters. I mean she stripped down my panties and spanked my bare butt until I was begging and offering to do anything she wanted if only she would stop. The only good thing about the incident was my father and older brother, who still lived at home, had both already left for work. I stood facing the wall with my bare butt on display for a half hour. The humiliation was as bad as the pain and I can tell you the pain was horrendous. She told me if I acted like a child I would be treated like one which meant a bare bottom spanking."

Kathy grinned. "I learned that if I could not control myself and exercise self discipline, I'd need somebody else to control and discipline me until I could. I learned my lesson quickly. I went to college, got a degree and started a career. I know you have done the math and realize I got pregnant early. But I was married to Rachael's father before I did. That, and I mean the marriage, not having Rachael, was another of my mistakes." She grinned as she said, "and I never repeated that mistake either."

"Fortunately, Rachael has learned from my missteps. Oh, she has and will make many of her own of course, as that is part of growing up. But hopefully for the most part, she will think things through before she acts, like I have taught her." Kathy said. "I have to say the shock of my Mom beating my 'adult', as I considered it, bare bottom raw turned me around."

I was well aware Rachael fully endorsed her mother's opinion of corporal punishment as a deterrent for irresponsible behavior.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Rachael said, getting serious. "I had expected to see you before today. I've given you four days and you did not contact me so I decided to come over. The only time I saw you was when Mom summoned you Friday."

We were both still standing in the middle of my living room. I had deliberately not invited her to sit. I wanted her out of my home as soon as possible. Plus I did not want to sit on either my couch or in my recliner where I might inadvertently expose my vagina. I was embarrassed enough already as it was. My holding the bottom of my shorts as I sat to keep them from riding up would reveal my clothing issue. At the very minimum, I would suffer more embarrassment. I knew Rachael would cheerfully point out my lack of cover like she had my hard nipples.

"I didn't think we had any need to get together," I replied. "I was under the impression we had worked out all our issues." I offered, trying to be as diplomatic as possible. Despite her being more than a decade younger or maybe because of it, she made me very nervous. Well, I corrected myself, as I had privately admitted over the last four days, quite frankly the girl scared the piss out of me.

"You thought wrong." Rachael announced. "We are gonna have a little talk. First, I want to show you something. Sit down on the couch," she added, pointing to a spot in the middle of the sofa. My reflexive protest at being ordered about in my own home was cut short by her curt order. "Sit! Now!" She reached into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out a flash drive and without looking to see if I obeyed her order, she stepped to over to my television.

Taking advantage of her turned back, I held down my pant legs as I sat and tucked them under and between my legs. Unless I fidgeted too much, my pussy would be safe from exposure.

Rachael inserted the drive into the port on one side. "Same brand television as mine," she mentioned as she sat down beside me. Our thighs touched which made me a little uncomfortable but I was unable to shift over without displacing the bottoms of my shorts and exposing myself. "That makes it easy to navigate the controls."

"I'm going to lower the volume almost all the way. We won't need the sound as it will just be a distraction. I will narrate as we go," she said as she fiddled with the remote. I watched as she selected the right input and pressed play.

"A video?" I asked, puzzled, when I saw the picture open. She nodded.

I recognized the view. It is Rachael's bedroom. Rachael is sitting on the end of her bed in the middle with her feet on the floor. She is holding what looks like her cell phone. It obviously has a video control app as the view is changing until the picture is framed from the top of her head to her ankles.

I suddenly recognized the maroon shorts she is wearing and their significance. I repeated my earlier question of "a video?" Only this time it comes out of my mouth as a plaintive moan. "A video? You have a video?," I squeaked since I had no air in my lungs.

My stomach lurched. I could barely breathe. The best I could do now was moan. I heard a soft giggle from Rachael as she patted me on the thigh. "Hush," she ordered quietly. "I'll narrate as we go along." I stared at the television screen in horror, hoping I am not going to witness what I fear I will.

"This video has no title,"Rachael stated. "If it did, an appropriate one would be "A Well Deserved Punishment," she added, looking sideways at me.

I stared at the television. My world is focused on that TV screen, mesmerized by the events unfolding. I felt rather than saw Rachael watching me from the side.

I watched as Rachael beckons to her right and then points to a spot on the floor in front of her. A nude female figure walks into frame to stand in the spot Rachael indicated. Only visible from just below her shoulders, her face is hidden.

"Ahh there she is, the naughty girl in all her glory, totally nude and exposed, willingly presenting herself." Rachael began her narration. "What a pretty ass. Slim but with nice round, pert buttocks. Her thighs are well muscled. And just look at that hourglass figure. She looks like she works out frequently. And her skin is pure white with just a little contrast of a few shades between them and the rest of her back and legs. No pale stripe where her top ties should be though. Obviously she does not get out in the sun much but when she does she wears a small but modest bikini at least on the bottom. I'd bet she does not feels so modest right now."

"Watch her hands. She just tried to cover up. See the one arm bend at the elbow to cover her tits while the other moved over her pussy? She is embarrassed. You can't tell from this angle but what she wants to conceal is she has trimmed her bush to a little vee of brown pubes above bare pussy lips."

"Nor can you see her nicely rounded titties nor the big nipples standing up at attention. They are right at my eye level so I have a closeup view. Her body is obscuring my lips from the camera as I tell her I am impressed with how hard her nips look. Nor can you see from this angle the red coloration as her blush goes from her face all the way down to the top of those tits. I wonder out loud if her high beams are due solely to her embarrassment or if she isn't a wee bit aroused at being naked in front of a fully clothed person. My teasing has her slightly trembling."

"I imagine she is confident enough with her body she would not be embarrassed in a locker room but this situation is far different. She is totally vulnerable. I can see the tears forming already as she softly pleads with me to let her go."

"Oh my! Look at her fidget. She can't stand still. Her hands shoot to her sides upon my order but you can tell from how they move back and forth, she sorely wants to move back them to her front again to block my view of her body. Watch her hands clench and unclench. Oh, you can tell she is embarrassed as Hell. With the sound turned so low you can't hear her whimpers as she begs me again to let her go and 'not do this'."

I was about to whimper myself sitting there beside Rachael on the sofa. My face was hot and I felt my guts twist with humiliation. I suddenly became aware of Rachael's hand on my right thigh. It had been there since she patted my thigh but I became hyper aware when it slid a bit to hold my inner thigh, her pinky just touching the satin that covered my pussy. I sucked in a breath but did not move otherwise.

Rachael continued, "And what am I telling the naughty girl? It will be obvious in a second. Even with normal volume you can barely hear her whimper 'please don't make me.' But she knows I am not going to change my mind. You can't see her tears as she complies. Yep there she goes, as I turn slightly and spread my legs, she bends down to lie over my left thigh. At my direction she positions herself at a diagonal over my lap. Her upper body is on the bed behind me. Her left arm is behind my back. See how I pull her up a bit so her bottom is positioned right over my thigh, pointed up, raised and ready for the treatment she fears."

"And I want to point out here, I have not forced her one bit. Just a few commands given in a normal voice. She is a compliant little girl. She knows she has been naughty and is about to be soundly punished. I think if she had any idea of how much she would soon suffer, she'd been up and away in a shot. I'm sure she is considering doing exactly that despite the terrible alternative she would face. But no, she lies there obediently despite her anguish. She is already crying softly."

"You can see me hook my left ankle behind her right one and my right behind her left ankle. That is to restrain her from kicking too much and getting out of position. But there is one other advantage to holding her legs like that. Okay, there. See how I spread my legs a bit more to pull her legs open and reveal her pussy. Her smooth hairless lips are no longer hidden between her thighs. Of course she's totally unaware all her treasures are fully exposed to a camera's view."

Rachael paused to look at me, her smile wide as I blush crimson and shudder at that last statement.

"She did not see my cell phone that I concealed under a towel by my side. I pick it up and now the camera zooms in to show a close up view of those round pretty globes. The whole screen is filled with a view of her bottom. The resolution is so good we could see even a tiny freckle if she had one. The skin so soft and pale. And now the camera pans down to capture a close up of those pussy lips. See them slightly part between her open legs? You can even see her inner lips poking out. I could not see them from my vantage point at the time but they are in full view of the camera. And now her little brown pucker is clearly visible as I pull her cheeks open a bit. That is a view that probably only a lover or her gynecologist has seen up to now."

"I tell her I am pleased she showered since her last bowel movement as a dirty bottom would deserve an extra punishment. That was just to enhance her submission as I'd ordered her to shower not even an hour before. Her facial expression is concealed but we'd be able to hear her soft whimpering and moans."

"Of course I am playing to the camera but she is totally unaware of that and her humiliation mounts. I can see what the camera sees in miniature on my phone app. She would be mortified to see herself from this angle knowing every detail of her most intimate parts were being recorded."

"Now the really exciting part is about to begin. The naughty girl is about to forget all about her embarrassment. I pick up my hair brush and ready it. Her only warning is my telling her if she gets out of position, she will deeply regret it. No hand spanking to warm up this little bottom. And whap! That first blow was a doozy!! Just listen to her scream in pain and surprise. Look at her buck, but I have a solid grip on her right hand and am holding it firmly against the small of her back. Between that and my ankles, she is going nowhere."

"I have the television volume turned to a level of two. That is far too low to pick up spoken words but you can clearly hear that first scream. Oh! and another and yet another. Two strokes on her right buttock and then two on the left. I better turn the volume down to one. I don't want it to disturb us. But I can tell you hearing her ear-shattering screaming and crying at normal volume is wild. It's good my bedroom is on the back of my house and we live on a cul de sac or the neighbors opposite us might have heard her and come to investigate or alerted the police."