My Nemesis

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Chester loses every contest and every girl to Gordon.
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Gordon Masters was my nemesis. I had lost in every encounter with him since junior high. Naturally I hated the guy's guts. Growing up he took every girl I liked away from me, beat me at every sport and humiliated me at every chance. Gordon stood 6'4" and weighed 260 pounds of pure muscle. On the other hand I am Chester Martin, I was 5' 10" and topped out at 140 pounds soaking wet. I more than held my own with guys any where near my own size. But he could and did whip my butt.

He took Marta, my fiancée, away from me a month before we were to be married. I later learned he had done me a huge favor. I joined the Marine Corps and did well. I won a field promotion to Second Lieutenant, won several medals and advanced to 1st Lieutenant and then to Captain.

I met a beautiful girl, Betty, while I was stationed in Washington D.C.. I met her on a blind date, she was the sister of another officer. She enchanted me from the first moment I saw her. She had a perfect face, long, long dark brown hair and a slim trim figure. She was one of those women who always look good no matter what. She was an airline stewardess and was only home a few days a month. On that first date four of us went to dinner and I had never enjoyed being with any one as much as I enjoyed being with her. After dinner the girls wanted to go dancing. I knew I was a dud at dancing, Oh! I could get by on slow dances. I was a danger to all concerned on a fast dance. She was very understanding. She loved to dance the fast numbers and danced every one. I felt like a fool sitting while she danced. She always came straight back to the table and apologized so sweetly. I could tell she really loved the dancing and I loved the way she moved and looked when she danced. When her brother took his date home we went to a coffee shop for coffee. We talked for hours. When I took her home she gave me a sweet kiss goodnight and promised to call me the next time she was in town. I told her brother I liked her a lot and asked him to let me know when she was back in town, he grinned and told me that wouldn't be a problem.

About three weeks later I got a call from her. I asked her out and she accepted. I took her to the same place we went before. She said she really didn't feel comfortable leaving me alone at a table while she danced. I told her I would try some fast dances with her and if she was still uncomfortable we would go some where else. I danced every dance with her. After about the forth dance she dragged me back to the table and wanted to know why I hadn't danced with her the last time. I confessed that I had taken dance lessons while she was gone. She grinned, "Just so you could dance with me?" I nodded, and she pulled my face to her and kissed me. She told me she had tried to call me several evenings and got no answer. She had even called her brother to see if I were alright, he told her I was going out every night. When she got home she wasn't going to call me but her brother insisted. She said she thought I was dating someone every night and wouldn't want to see her.

I told her I had taken a dance lesson every night and twice on Saturdays and Sundays the whole time she was gone. Tears ran from her eyes. "All that just to please me?"

"Yes, I couldn't stand watching you dance with someone else."

"I thought you didn't mind. I would never do anything I thought would hurt you."

"If it were anyone but you I wouldn't mind at all. I just couldn't look forward to the rest of my life watching you dance with other guys. OK?"

She looked at me for a long time. She said, "Here is a slow number, let's dance. She pressed her body to mine and put her head on my shoulder. In the middle of the dance she looked at me and took my hand and pulled me off the dance floor. "Take me to your place, I want to be with just you."

My little efficiency apartment was very small but it was as clean and neat as it had ever been. We sat and talked. I wanted to learn everything about her. We laughed and cried over each others stories about growing up. Finally we looked up and discovered it was daylight outside. I fixed us an omelet while she called home to assure everyone she was alright. She walked to me and put her arms around my neck and kissed the hell out of me. "Do you have to work today?"


"Let's go to bed."

I picked her up and carried her to my bedroom. I didn't exactly know what to do then so I put her down and kissed her. It was the right thing to do. She kissed me back fiercely. She pulled back and unbuttoned my shirt. She pushed it back over my shoulders. She gasped when she saw the huge scar across my chest. She looked up at me and tears ran from her eyes. "War?"


She cried and ran her hand over the scar, she looked up wide eyed, "I almost lost you didn't I?" I nodded. Her fingers were busy with my belt buckle and zipper. She pulled and jerked down my jeans. She stood and looked at me and smiled a soft loving smile, "You still have a beautiful body, I love it. Hard as nails. My dear tough Marine Captain, my Lord and Master."

She stepped back as I reached to undress her. "Dear man, I can do that much faster, later I would love you to undress me very slowly, right now, I just can't wait." She turned and in a second she was nude, she had a lovely, lovely backside. She turned back to me and she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seem, just perfect. She pushed me on the bed and told me to lift my butt off the bed so she could get my under-shorts off. I did, she did. I rolled her on her back and kissed her as my hands explored her body. She still had on some wispy little white lace trimmed panties, I knelt and said, "Your turn, Sweetheart, get that little ass off the bed." She did, I did. I tried to move over her, She pushed me up. "I want to look at you, Oh, he is bigger than I thought, yes, yes, can I touch and hold him?"

"Anytime you want to, Dear. Anytime." Her little hands caressed his shaft and cupped and felt my balls. I was afraid I would cum right then when she gently kissed him.

I pulled her down on her back and told her my problem. She lay back and opened her legs to me. "I want you to cum inside me, Please!" I moved over her and her hand moved him up and around her slit, then it felt right and I entered her. Heaven! Her hot wet pussy was pure heaven. I stroked in and out of her like a machine gone wild. Then I was pulsing shot after shot of my sperm inside her. I shuddered and paused, I was still as hard as a rock and inside her. I kept on kissing her. She was mewing and talking so softly I couldn't hear what she was saying. I slowly pulled most of the way out and slowly slipped back all the way in. It was exquisite pleasure for me. She moaned, "Oh! Yessss!" So I kept that up, rooting into her pelvis hard at the bottom. Rubbing in circles against her. Her whispers and moans were quite loud now. I felt the pleasure build again and sped up the speed and strength of my thrusts. Her pussy was flooding now and she was screaming in little yips. Then there was a long drawn out "Yesssssssssssssssssssss!" My cock pulsed and pulsed ropes of sperm into her. We collapsed together and held each other. She grabbed my face and kissed me very passionately. "I love you, Chesty, I really do!"

I married her. We were very happy. My Mom and Dad were killed in a car accident a year later and I resigned my commission. Mom and Dad and had done very well and left an estate well in to seven figures. Every thing went well the first several months I was home. Then one day Betty told me a strange thing had happened while she was getting her car serviced at the Thompson Ford Dealership. She said the service manager looked at her name and smiled sweetly at her and asked if she was my wife. She said she was. She said he told her to tell Old Chesty, his old buddy Gordon had said Hello, then had kissed her right on the mouth.

I couldn't believe it. She asked if I were alright. I asked if he were a good kisser. She laughed and said he was very good. I looked at her, "Betty, please listen to me. He hates me, he will try to put the make on you and break us up. Do not ever have anything to do with him. Take your car somewhere else."

"Chesty, Honey, I love you. I think you are being silly! He seemed very nice. I think you are just jealous, it doesn't become you."

"Girl, I am dead serious. Do not go near him."

"I won't, but I think you are being ridiculous."

"Just listen to me. I hate the guy. If you don't want me in jail for murder, stay the hell away from him."

"You are serious aren't you?"

"Serious as I can be."

"Why do you hate him so?"

"I will tell you one incident out of a hundred. I was engaged to be married to a lovely girl. Her name was Marta. A week before we were to be married he walked up to me and said, "I hear you are planning to get married next week." Then he smirked at me and said, "Don't count on it." Three days later Marta knocked on my apartment door and handed me her engagement ring and said she never wanted to see me again. I looked out the window and saw her get in his car and drive off. I never found out what he did or told her. She wouldn't talk to me. I joined the Marines. That is just a little bit of it."

Thing were fine until we went to a local night spot. We had dinner and danced. I went to the men's room and came out and Betty was gone. I figured she went to powder her nose. After about twenty minutes I walked around and spotted her in the dance area dancing with Gordon. I walked up and held her elbow, "Come on Betty, let's get out of here." She jerked away. "Ow, you hurt me."

Gordon shoved me away and said "Get out of here. She is busy." I stepped towards him and he swung at me, I ducked it and grabbed his jacket and pulled him towards me and head butted him in the face. He dropped like a rock. I had felt his nose break. I took Betty by the hand and said, "Time to leave girl." I stopped and handed the cashier a hundred dollar bill. I hurried to the car and we drove home. She walked in the door and turned and faced me, "I have never been so embarrassed in my whole life. Why did you act that way?"

"Let me ask you this, do you know how I feel about him?"

"Yes, you made that perfectly clear."

"Then why did you dance with him, you knew I wouldn't like it didn't you?"

"He was so nice and polite I didn't see what harm it could do."

"Well you found out what harm it could do. Why did you pull away from me when I wanted to leave."

"I don't like being jerked around by you in public."

"Well, that was nothing compared to what will happen if I ever see you with him again."

"Well if you had been truthful about why you left here and joined the Marines I wouldn't have been upset."

"What in the Hell are you talking about?"

"Gordon told me how you had to leave town because you because you raped a girl, that's why your fiancée left you at the altar."


I couldn't believe my ears. "You have known that slime ball for a few minutes and you believe him over your own husband?"

"He's not a slime ball."

"Then get your stuff and get the fuck out of my house, go to him, get fucked, you will find out what kind of guy he is, but don't even think of coming back here. Don't even think about it. I told you he would do this and you let him.

When you see him you tell him I am going to break him. Break him in every way. I will have no mercy. Tell him." I sat in a chair and cried.

I heard the door open. It didn't close. I finally lifted my head and saw Betty standing looking at me. Tears were running down her cheeks. She sniffled and said, "do you still love me?"

I nodded and said, "I will always love you no matter what. But if you think that little of me, I think the best thing would be for you to go home to your family. I don't know what I have done to make you think I was capable of doing something like that. I just really don't understand it."

She looked at me, "Chesty, I love you with all my heart and soul, I want no other man. That is part of why I am leaving, you don't trust me." She shut the door and I sat in that chair until the next morning.

I made a few phone calls then went to the office. I reviewed a few proposals that had come across my desk. I found the one I wanted. I had my secretary get Mark Thompson on the phone. We greeted each other and I asked his reason for wanting to buy the property surrounding his agency. He was a little hesitant to tell me, so I told him I was the owner of that property and that I was willing to sell providing he met certain conditions. He said that he was interesting in acquiring the land so he could expand in the future. He said he knew that he was rapidly running out of space. I quoted him a very reasonable price. He asked the condition I had in mind. I told him that the condition was confidential, just between he and I. If he wanted the land he had to fire Gordon Masters and refuse to give him a recommendation. He said he had no problem with that, Gordon was too friendly with his lady customers and he had had several complaints about him. I told him to come and see me when he wanted to acquire the land. I told him I would finance the deal myself.

I called the manager of the apartment complex I had inherited. I said I was aware he had a tenant named Gordon Masters, I wanted to know if he was up to date with his rent, I was informed that he was a week or two behind in his rent. I told the manager to send him a notice that if the rent wasn't paid up to date in the next two weeks he would be evicted as of that date.

I called manager at the Martin Finance and Loan company and discovered Gordon was a month behind in his car payments. I asked how often he had been behind. I was told that this was the eleventh time he had been behind. I told the manager to have the car repossessed right away. And that I had heard he was getting ready to leave town. The manager asked what I wanted to do about his Bass Boat loan, he was further behind in that loan. "Repossess that too!"

I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. I heard my office door open, I looked up and saw my wife looking at me, she walked to me and knelt beside my chair and kissed me on my lips, her arms around my neck. I felt tears on my chest. She stood and said, "We need to talk."

"Fine, I always have time for you."

"I came to beg your forgiveness. I have been upset with you from the beginning of this business because I felt you didn't trust me. You didn't have enough faith in me to know that no big jerk, no matter how handsome and charming he was, could lure me away from you. Even so, I wanted to get to the bottom of this thing. I got a Motel room last night and couldn't sleep. I sat up and cried all night. I didn't know I could miss anyone as much as I missed you. I was scared I might have lost you but I knew I couldn't let that happen. I went to the newspaper office this morning. I researched that rape case. The paper said you were questioned because your car was similar to the car the rapist drove. The woman said the rapist's car had a automatic transmission, your was a standard shift. You had an air tight alibi, you were with forty other people taking a Real Estate test for your license. You clocked in an hour and a half before the rape and logged out two hours after the rape.

Then I checked around on your old fiancée and found her. I talked to her on the phone. She said Gordon had told her that you had confessed to him that you were the rapist, and that the police had questioned you and were about to arrest you. She left town and stayed away for a year. She later found out you were completely innocent but you were in the Marines by then.

So that is how I spent my morning, oh! One other thing I stopped by the Ford place and asked to see Gordon, I was going to punch him in the nose for what he did. They said he had been fired just a few minutes before. I was just leaving when he came running from the parking lot saying his car was missing. The other guy told him he saw the repo tow truck pull it away." She grinned at me, "Was that your handiwork?"

"Yeah, guess what, he is being evicted from his apartment too! And his fancy new bass boat is being repossessed too!

Damned shame, he is such a nice guy too. I also heard he had no health insurance so he walked out of the hospital emergency room with out getting his nose straightened out. He still owes about $500 for the emergency room."

"My, my, you were a busy little devil weren't you, can I interest you in a little hot pussy this lovely day. Take the rest of the day off and I'll make it worth your while big boy."

"Let me just lock the door and set you on my desk and have my way with you."

"Yes, that sounds like fun, we've never done that before."

She lifted her skirt and pulled down her tiny panties. I moved everything off my desk and sat her on it. I took her panties off her feet and sat her on the edge of my desk. She smiled delightedly at me as I dropped my pants and my shorts. I had just inserted my cock in her pussy when the phone rang. It was a call from a good customer so I talked to him as I slowly thrust in and out of my beautiful wife who lay back and giggled with her hands over her mouth. He giggling made her pussy sort of jiggle as she laughed. It felt wonderful. I gasped a little, "No, George I'm fine. Just a little tickle in my throat. Now what were you saying. Mmmmmm! What? No George I am not screwing my secretary. Would you like to talk to Betty. I handed her the phone and began thrusting as fast as I could. "Hello, George how are Uhnnnngh, Oh! Yes. I am just wonderfullllll. Cannn Chesty call you back? Thank youuuuu." Her hips jumped off the desk to meet my thrusts. Her eyes were closed as she smiled and shook like a leaf. When she opened her eyes she laughed, "we were naughty weren't we. Poor George probably had a stroke."

"Oh my God, Oh! Yes, that is so good." she murmured because I had dropped to my knees and was cleaning her juices and my cum from her sweet pussy with my tongue and mouth. I got every speck. I got up and helped her. She reached for her panties, I took them and dropped them in my pocket with a grin. She laughed and straightened her clothes. We walked out as if nothing had happened.

I said. "Tell any caller's I have gone home to catch up on my husbandly duties. See you tomorrow, if I get finished today."

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Why the wife chose the bully rival over her husband is a mystery. Whats love got to do with it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

LOL, she had to go research whether she should trust him and he was fine with it? She should know her husband is trustworthy without that AND shouldn't take the word of some guy she just met. He shouldn't keep her. Terrible.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This lack of trust is just too serious. A lowlife tells her something and it is automatically true. She doesn't even ask him.

I would not take her back without some groveling and counseling. It's well written, so 3/5. Would not read again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story - well written and developed

Diecast1Diecast1almost 3 years ago

Good story. AAA+++

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
No Trust

I would have Divorced Her . For not Trusting Me. Trust is a main Part of Loving someone .. Without Trust can their be a Happy Marriage ? ..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I'd divorced her in a heart beat for what she did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
been there sort of

Years ago, I met my wife after work for an office party. Her department of phone company was welcoming a new manager. Years of observing others have allowed me to develop an almost perfect read on someone when first I meet them. I can honestly state my jerk-asshole meter is 100 per cent accurate. L was a big boisterous guy, 6 foot plus, 250plus pounds ex-college football who thought he was better looking than he was. I am not quite 5' 8'' but am muscular and ripped 180. Tall guys often have that randy newman song on their lips about short people. He sat at our table and was condescending to me while hitting on my wife and blatantly taking in her full, round 36C breasts. She also has extremely wide and long nipples that are tough to hide. She often places bandaids on them, always wears full coverage bra and shirt under her blouse.

As soon as he got up, I was warning my wife about him. Told her he was an asshole and would be hitting on her.

She thought I was nuts and told me how nice and charming he was. Admittedly, he was that and then some but then snakes usually are.

I reminded her about other times in the past when I was proven correct about people everyone else thought was so nice that were proven to be manipulative assholes.

I kept a close eye on him at office functions and afterwork get-togethers and made sure he had no alone time with my wife.

I also told my wife to keep a dated journal about comments and inappropriate contact at work. One day she came home flustered and I demanded to know what happened. She refused to tell me because she was afraid of what I would do. I told her I would be stopping by her office the next day and I would beat it out of another one of her colleagues who had a thing for my wife.

That threat broke the dam. Under L's leadership the males had been getting handsy with the females who felt powerless. That day one really wormy married guy had come up behing her and grabbed her breast and she turned around and slapped him. All the other guys knew I was a hod carrier for close to 20 years and had heard stories and seen what I had done to the few guys who had tried to make time with my wife. I guess they figured L would save them. L was bigger but he had gotten soft. That and when I see red it takes a lot to stop me.

I called the wife of the guy who grabbed mine and filled her in. Told her to tell her husband I would be seeing him soon.

Told my wife I was going in with her the next day but she begged me to give her a chance to handle it. Back in 1980s things were different. A woman filing complaint was looked on as troublemaker and often lost her job. HR departments and legal system didn't have rules and laws against such behavior. Where such were in place they were not usually enforced. The next morning she went to her boss' boss. His office was right next to her work area.

She presented him with her journal, told of being grabbed, and also all about numerous other incidents where other females had been touched. At my insistence she told him, he either reprimand L and the other men and put an immediate stop to it or I would be in the office the next day and I would do some groping of my own.

Other things were going on at phone company at same time. Cutbacks were coming and unless you attended 2 week training session you were out. Limited time to get trained and L made sure females knew he would decide who got training. Word was also out L was screwing married female in office LC.

The second level boss took my wife at her word. He knew me well and told her it would be nice if he could let me visit office and take care of problem.

Guys were reprimanded and reported up the chain. Second level boss informed everyone if they had any thoughts of retribution he would look other way when I dropped buy.

At get-togethers after that when my wife and I arrived two guys and wives got up and left

Nice guy L, who everyone except me was charmed by proved me right. L was not only caught by his wife having an affair, but it came out he had been molesting her 13 year old daughter for sometime.

He was arrested, charged, made bail, then closed garage door and kept car running.

Funniest thing. Upon news of his death some felt sorry for bastard. Not me!

fisheronefisheroneover 6 years ago

When Betty discovered that Chesty would take dancing lessons rather than share his lady it set a precident. She agreed that dancing away from your date was not what she wanted. Then after marriage he tells her how much Gordon disrepects him and why she needs to stay away fron him. Then while on a date after marriage she leaves Chestys table while he was in bathroom and doesn't come back. This is the ultimate disrespect then doesn't want to go to husband's table which leads to a fight. Betty would probably been gone a week if I took her back. Your spouse deserves your respect especially when on a date

JackmoftenJackmoftenalmost 7 years ago

I'd of divorced the stupid wife in a "New York Minute"! Having absolutely no trust in me, I couldn't possibly stay married to her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

stupid wimpy shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Are All Your Men Wimps?

Why are all the husbands in your stories so eager to let their wives shit on them. His wife scalded hubby for his lack of trust in her as she danced with his nemesis. But when he was taking dance lessons just for her, she immediately assumed that he was cheating on her. No trust on her part. When Gordon took the opportunity to fill her mind with lies about her husband, she immediately questioned her husband. A severe lack of trust on her part. There will be more Gordon's in her life. She will be as faithful as a $2 whore. Now that's how much I trust her!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
He Should Of Kicked Her Ass Out

Should of divorced will come back to bite him in the ass later in their marriage. NO TRUST ON HER PART!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Should of?

Kicked her out, divorced her, left her at her parents place, what?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Should Of Let Her Stay At Her Parents

She had No Trust in her husband..divorce should of been his ONLY option.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Poorly written drivel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Usually like your stories - not this one.

She disrespects him several times. And not just a little - a LOT! When she walks out, she shows him just how little she respects or loves him. No way to take her back. He'd never be able to trust her or a word she said. She's STILL not convinced he's innocent until she does a ton of research into all the incidents. What a bitch. Okay story with a horrible ending.

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

what to say, how to say and when to say. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Trust ?

She didn't trust him rather in a huge huge way.

After he told her all those things she took Gordons side in the little things.

And then she took his word that her man was a rapist.

Because he was a nice guy and her man was chopped liver I guess.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Nicely written fairy tale.

But I don't think he took her back. I think her divorced her because her couldn't ever trust her. Yours was the fairy tale ending. Mine was the reality ending.

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