My Role Model, My Brother


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Jack laughed, "I'm a little sweaty. I'll take a quick shower and the two of you can pick the movie."

"All right," I interjected and went straight for the rack of movies we had. I picked an older action film I knew Jack loved. I also knew Claire would hate it.

Claire sat on the loveseat and I took my normal spot on the couch. "He always sits on the couch with me," I smugly commented. She just rolled her eyes.

Jack came down and I smiled until he walked past the couch and sat next to Claire. She gave me a sinister grin as she cuddled into my brother, her hand on his upper thigh and her head on his shoulder. I hit play.

"True Lies?" Jack looked at me stunned. "You two don't want to watch something else?"

"Nope," I shook my head. "We're watching this. I love this movie and so do you." I exaggerated my feelings toward it.

"But," Jack glanced down at Claire.

"I don't mind," Claire's eyes narrowed at me and then she smiled as she kissed Jack's cheek.

"All right ladies, no more complaints from me," Jack put his arm around Claire and I strangled the pillow hiding between me and the arm of the couch.

Throughout the movie, Claire kept making contented noises and playful giggles, forcing my head to turn to watch some flirty move she was doing to Jack. She rubbed his thigh, burrowed her head into his chest, blew in his ear, and kissed his neck. Frustrated, I went to the bathroom. I had to think of something. A-ha! I went into my room and changed into a button down blouse that I didn't button up nearly high enough and some loose fitting shorts, minus my underwear.

"I was getting hot," I said as I made a grand display of lying on the couch. I was certain one of my nipples was visible as my right boob was almost falling out of my top. But the best part was when I lifted my leg and bent it at the knee. When Jack looked, he would have an unobstructed view to my most private of areas.

Claire gasped which distracted my brother. "Is everything all right?" Jack asked.

Claire just nodded her head. Jack shrugged his shoulders and focused on watching the movie again. I waited and pretended to stare at the television as I watched him. His head finally turned toward me and I smiled. His mouth hung open. I stretched my leg upward, effectively spreading my legs for him. I imagine my womanhood opening up as if it were a flower in bloom before letting my leg fall completely to the couch. Needless to say, when the movie finished Jack ran out of the house under the guise of going to work and Claire left with her head held low, knowing she lost the first battle. I was one-step closer to my goal.

That weekend was an interesting one. The acts of depravity Claire and I stooped to was obscene. Saturday she groped him and when Jack and I were alone, my bra clasp 'accidentally' broke and I pretended not to notice. Sunday Morning, Claire encouraged Jack to feel her up and that night I mustered the courage to try to one up her.

I had my door a quarter of the way open and splayed myself over my bed. I waited impatiently until I heard him coming down the hall after work Sunday night. He would normally go to his room, grab a change of clothes and head to the shower. My door was first. Just the thought already had me worked up. I could hear his footsteps coming closer.

"Oh Jack. Mmm. Yeah Jack, right there." I was leaking like Niagara Falls as I rammed myself with two of my fingers. Through the slits of my eyes, I saw a shadow at my door. I inwardly smiled. I was doing it. I was masturbating for my brother. I began to go faster. With my other hand, I furiously attacked my clit. I was surprised at how fast I was going to reach climax. I focused on Jack at my doorway. "Yes Jack. Oh yes!" The waves of pleasure had me in their grasp. In all the stories I've read and all movies I watched, the brother would come running into the room to fuck the sister or at the very least, he would masturbate while he watched. Jack did neither. He just silently closed my door and left. I was so worked up; I tried to finish. I really did. But somehow, I couldn't. No matter what I did, my orgasm eluded me. Damn it, why couldn't Jack stand there for one more minute. Thirty seconds even. Well, at least I got him to see what I could offer.

The next day was date night for Claire and Jack. I was prepared to leave before she arrived. I didn't want to go through the despair of that again. Besides, we were out of ice cream. I had just grabbed my purse and had my hand on the door when Jack came from behind.

"Where you headed off to?"

I didn't really have a destination in mind. After an uncomfortable pause, I blurted out, "The mall. Why? Isn't tonight big date number two?"

"It is, but I was hoping to talk to you beforehand."

"You look good, Jack. Don't worry so much, she likes you." That is quite evident by the fact she's been here almost every day since date one.

"No, it's not that, thanks by the way, but I wanted to talk about your recent behavior towards me."

I suppose this was inevitable. "Oh, what do you mean?" I tried to act coy.

"Well, let's see. There's your knew outward appearance, you touch me more than ever before, you gave two very public displays of yourself, and you asked me not to see Claire. I may be naïve, I am, but I would swear you were flirting with me." Jack's eyes narrowed and seemed to peer at my very soul. "But you already knew what I meant when I asked, didn't you?"

I was caught with my hand in the proverbial cookie jar. I didn't know what to say. A few tears cascaded down my face and more was soon to flow.

"What were you hoping to accomplish?"

"You," I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I love you!" I shouted. "I want you to choose me. I want you to end it with Claire and be with me. You are the perfect man for me and I want us to live as husband and wife."

"But we're brother and sister?"

"So? Mom already said we could."

"Wait, Mom knows about this?" The look on Jack's face was priceless.

I gave him a sly smile, "Yeah and she gave me permission." Jack stood there dumbfounded as I embraced him, "Jack, just tell me one thing. If we weren't brother and sister, would you want me?"

"Audrey, it's not that easy." Jack's body was beyond tense.

"Just answer me. Would you?" I braced myself for a possible harsh truth, unrequited love.

"Yes," it was barely audible. "But..."

The biggest smile had appeared on my lips and I kissed Jack with a hunger I didn't know I possessed. It took him a couple seconds before he kissed me back. But he did kiss me back! I was so elated. When it broke, I couldn't move and I held Jack tighter. "Then pick me. Get rid of Claire, you don't need her. Pick me."

"No. Pick me." Claire demanded from the door. "I am the one you can have a future with. I am the one you can legally marry. And I am the one who wouldn't bare children with eleven toes." She charged through the door and embraced Jack, doing her best to push me out of the way. She then gave him a soulful kiss of her own and he reciprocated. Her voice then went much softer, "I love you Jack. You don't need Audrey, pick me."

I forcefully pushed Claire, "He doesn't need you Skank!"

Claire shoved me back, "At least I didn't spread my legs for the world to see like you Slut!"

"Not the world, just him." I balled a fist and swung.

Jack caught my arm and then grabbed Claire with his other. He pulled us into the living room and tossed us onto the couch.

"I don't want to hear a peep out of either of you until I'm finished, understood?" Claire and I looked at each other before we both nodded. "You two are best friends. Whenever either of you had a problem, you went to each other, not Holly. I even suspect that when college comes around that you two would still be friends and Holly would drop from the picture." Jack let out a sigh and shook his head. "But that was then. Now the two of you have become enemies, and why? Because of me. I am the reason the two of you abandoned your friendship and have become shadows of your former selves. Claire, I liked you from the first time I met you, and Audrey I will always love you. But my answer for both of you is no. I'll be happy having you as just a friend and you as just a sister. I will not come between the only true friend either of you have. So you two can stay and figure this out while I go out on a date with myself." Jack didn't even look back over his shoulder and promptly walked out the door.

We sat there astonished, neither of us unable to move or speak, and our eyes merely stared at the door Jack just vacated. It seemed so surreal. Finally, we looked at each other.

"Did he just do that?" Claire shook her head. "Did your brother just leave it up to us on who he goes out with?"

"Yes, but that's not how he meant it. Jack did it to protect, our friendship." Tears trickled down my cheek, "I'm sorry Claire. I didn't mean to fight with you. I just love him."

Claire embraced me as she began to cry as well. "Audrey, I'm sorry too. I don't know what happened. You are my best friend and I love you. I don't want lose you, but I love him too. Let's talk about this rationally."

We talked. And talked. And we talked some more, trying to decipher all our shared feelings for the one man we both love and if our friendship could survive our conflicting emotions. Claire kept throwing the fact Jack is my brother at me and I kept retaliating with I knew him first. I wish I had a better argument, but I was not going to relent. Several hours passed and our frustrations were coming to a boiling point.

"C'mon Audrey, just let me have him." Claire sighed, the fight out of both of us.

"C'mon Claire," I mocked, "Just let me have him."

"Not funny." Claire rubbed her forehead, a clear sign of her agitation. "What are we going to do?"

Four years later:

Jack had since been promoted to a store manager. He made good money, not that he'd ever be confused for rich by any means, but it did afford us all to live comfortably. Claire and I just graduated college with our bachelor's degrees from nearby State University. Can you believe we're both going to be teachers? Jack ended up being right about Holly. Even though she went to the same college as us, she really got into her sorority and the party scene, two things Claire and I had no interest in. Mom started going to class as well at a trade school. In six months, she'll be a dental assistant. But the gathering we are all attending didn't concern any one of those achievements.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Standing next to Claire, as the maid of honor, I watched as Jack lifted her veil and moved in. He kissed her softly and it was romantic. I couldn't help a twinge of jealousy knowing she is getting something I will never receive.

The reception was phenomenal. It was mostly for the immediate families for the bride and groom with a couple of Jack's work colleagues. I danced with both the bride and groom together and separately as we are all still very close. I even made a fool of myself doing the hokey pokey. Soon enough, Jack and Claire went to the hotel suite. I stayed a while longer; being bored as I chatted with a cousin of mine I've only seen maybe three times in my life.

I made my way to the hotel suite. It was large. I sat on the couch in the living room, drinking some sparkling wine. I could hear Claire and Jack going absolutely wild. I could tell Claire was about to climax. I certainly heard it enough times to know. Finishing my drink, I went into the bedroom.

"Damn Jack, that was amazing!" Claire was lying on her back, still in her dress as Jack had just stopped moving on top of her.

"Did my brother satisfy the newly anointed Mrs. Shaw?" I mused as I entered.

"Fuck yeah he did." Claire sighed.

It still astounds me that the only time Claire swears is when Jack is fucking her. That and when someone wants to break them apart.

Jack turned and looked right at me, just like always, and it made my heart melt for the man when he added a warm smile. "You know ladies, I can't think of anything more beautiful than a gorgeous bride on her wedding day and an enchanting five month pregnant sister."

"Always the flatterer, I see," I chuckled. "So my dear sweet sister in law, do you mind if I treat your new husband to his wedding gift now?"

"He's all yours, but I'm not getting out of this bed, so you'll have to make do." Claire rolled over to the side, a contented smile on her lips.

"Oh, we will. That bed is much bigger than the one the three of us are sharing at home." I sauntered to the bed as Jack stood and engulfed me into his arms, kissing me with passion.

"So how's our son doing?" Jack sat back down and ran his hand over my engorged baby bump.

"He was kicking all through the wedding. I think it was his way of clapping for his father and his bride."

Jack unzipped my dress and it fell to the floor. He leaned forward and began kissing my stomach. He was going to be a while. He loved showering our baby with affection. Slowly, one of his hands moved north and began a feathery caress of my tits. When his touch touched one my sensitive nipples, I moaned. That was his cue. His other hand moved south and applied the same skillful manipulation to my skin. My stomach, my mound, and then down and around my thighs, his fingers were driving me toward insanity. Finally, he came back to my now needy pussy. He stroked the lips with deft precision while his thumb brushed against my pearl. My breath labored with anticipation. "Please..."

Jack smiled. He knew what he was doing to me. His insertion of two fingers caused me to shudder with a small orgasm. I was so built up. I rocked against his hand as he began to make love to me with his fingers. It was divine. His thumb had increased its pressure on my clit and I moaned out in a full orgasm. I felt my fluids gush and Jack had to catch me as my ecstasy left me week kneed. He held me tight in a warm embrace. I kissed him. He deserved at least that for playing my body like an instrument.

I grinned, "I'm ready."

I placed myself on all fours on the bed and Jack lined up behind me. It was the best position with me being pregnant. He slid in easily. My eyes clenched and my voice uncontrollably let out something inarticulate. My hormones were working overdrive as I was already seeing stars.

Jack began to seesaw into me. With each penetration, I was in heaven. I pushed back to get him deeper, and we developed a rhythm. I glanced over and saw Claire watching us. She really had a fetish for watching my brother and I have sex. She had stripped out of her dress and was now lightly masturbating herself. I was used to it by now and even if I wasn't, my brother's next plunge brought my attention back to his ministrations as he hit me just right and I voiced my approval. "Yes, Jack. Right there."

It was an onslaught. That is the only way to describe what he did next. He continually hit my g-spot but he also moved one hand around and toyed with my clit while the other one wrapped around and mauled my breasts. I felt my orgasm starting at my toes and I knew it was going to be huge. The euphoria grew to my legs and arms with the next thrust. My sex was leaking like a sieve and I felt him swell. On his next drive, he drove me to the Promised Land. With his cock buried completely in my saturated cunt, he let loose a torrent inside me and my pussy grappled to its pleasure-causing intruder ensuring the pulling of his manhood as deep into my abyss as possible.

My wail was fierce and it echoed in the room. My arms gave out and my body lurched forward. Despite Jack being in a state of coital bliss himself, he had the sense to catch me again and allow me to slide onto my side. I soon felt his body heat behind me and I rolled over to cuddle with my shared lover. My hand bumped Claire's as I went to place it on his chest and we both moved only an inch away from each other.

I love my brother, more than any sister should. And he loves me. I also love my best friend and I am truly grateful that Jack forced us to stay friends. We are a family, now and forever. And though I am jealous of never being able to marry the man I love, I am proud to say I will be the first to bare him a child.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Once is a typo. Multiple times is an illiteracy problem. "the one who wouldn't bare children with..." "the first to bare him a child." You're taking off their clothes, ffs. Bear. not Bare.

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

Great story, love it. AAAAA+++++

linnearlinnearover 3 years ago
Still Good

My second time reading this and it still is a very good story.

RodimusMikeRodimusMikeabout 4 years ago
Two's Company,and Three is a ?

Even tho Audrey couldn't legally marry Jack,she could in namesake be his 2nd wife,next to Claire.As for the fighting and rivalry between Audrey and Claire it should be simple that both girls could share Jack between them,cause as long as both girls understand the reasons they both love Jack and are willing to give him equal love and affection they can both have him.

Love doesn't have to be one-sided when it comes to their relationship,hell over in Arabia and in other Countries its not uncommon for Men to have many wives or courtesans,and each one knows and understands such things.So as for Jack,Audrey,and Claire I wish them many years of happiness together.

Ven100mgVen100mgover 4 years ago

I couldn't even finish the story. I just knew he would pick Audrey!!! I know it's illegal but c'mon this is just a story! I'm so sad:(

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Nope, I could never share. He's mine and mine alone. I'm a possessive bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Dissapointed on the end

The story was very good. It was intriging. The characters lifelike. But then we get the same generic end that so many of these have. And someone tell me why a pregnancy/baby is so important? To me it detracts from the fantasy factor.

SplitAcesSplitAcesover 8 years ago
What happened?

She admired her brother because he was worthy of anyone's admiration! He selflessly and courageously stepped up to the plate and became a man that would inspire any of us to strive to be better ourselves. Whether you want to admit it or not, there is evil in this world; and Jack spent his life doing a better job of denying it than anyone I know. By default, that makes Jack a very good man; a man that would recognize the damage their broken home had done to his sister. There is no way this story ends like this. It is a slap in the face to a man like Jack! He would have reasoned with Audrey and found help for her, because his love for her was selfless and his circumstances and character forced him to make some very hard choices; and to grow up at a very young age. There is no way in hell that Jack doesn't find the love and success in life he so richly deserves. He wouldn't settle for a sordid, secret life that denied both his sister and himself true happiness.

LaGazzaLadraLaGazzaLadraover 8 years ago
Interesting, but not sure whether I like it

Spelling and grammar have been mentioned; I won't dwell on that. Do check that you don't mix tenses.

I think that my main issue is that the story is too many things. First, it's a tragedy with a near-rape and some serious family problems. Then, it becomes a comedy of sorts, only to end with every man's dream: the threesome.

The bit where the mother appears out of nowhere to give her blessing is superfluous. I'd forgotten about her already. It doesn't add anything.

You might also want to explain why he married Claire. Is it to avoid problems with the law. I could imagine that the sister supposedly got knocked up and they take her in the house, that would be a good cover if incest is illegal where you live. But it's never explained and if Jack truly doesn't want to come between the girls, he won't go and marry one of them. That doesn't make sense.

Personally, I prefer monogamous sibling happily ever after sibling stories, with or without pregnancy, but that's a personal preference and so it's not something I could objectively complain about. But it's one of the things I like less about this story.

nancyharpman17nancyharpman17over 8 years ago
I Fully Enjoyed Your Story

I thoroughly enjoyed your story. Don't be bothered by comments as trivial as your choice of "bear" and "bare". My sister tried to give me help with my homework in school, but she often came off like PBJV, just hyper critical. People like that are running off all the good story tellers on Literotica. I would rather lose them than the writers. If you are still looking for an editor, I may be available. I am currently helping another writer. Hang in there. Your stories are well worth the time you put into them.

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