My Sexy Family Ch. 03


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"Drink and smoke?" she asked with a giggle, knowing the answer.

"Fuck no!" Dad said, having returned from the bathroom.

Everyone laughed at that. We all know she wasn't serious. She hated smoking and the sips of Karen's Pina Colada were about as much alcohol as our parents were going to allow before she was twenty-one.

He continued, "Your brother and sister can drink if they want to but I don't want any tobacco anywhere around my house! That shit'll kill ya!"

We all got a good laugh at that. We knew damn good and well how Dad felt about tobacco of any kind, whether it be cigarettes, cigars, dip, or chew, he wasn't having it. He also had no truck with drugs but we knew better than to even joke about that.


"Joe, can I talk to you for a minute?" Mom asked.

The girls had gone to their rooms to change while Dad had sat on the couch and turned the television on loud. We were in the kitchen, within sight of Dad. I said, "Sure."

She sat at the little kitchen table and looked up at me. She said, "You have really grown into a handsome man."

Oh God, here it came. I just knew she was about to lay into me about fucking my sisters. I just knew it. "Thanks, Mom," I replied, sitting in the chair to her left, my right knee brushing her left knee. I tried not to look at her cleavage, her big tits pushing the material tight.

"I hate that Lily broke your heart like she did. I thought she was a nice girl," she said.

"I did too," I said with a sigh. I didn't know where she was going with this. I tried to look into her eyes, trying to not let her notice how hard it was to avoid looking at the exposed valley between her breasts.

"I worry about you kids because, you know, now Rick broke Karen's heart," she said with a frown. "You two have had such a rough time of it."

I nodded. It was definitely true.

"Your father and I have discussed how we don't want Allyson to have to go through the same thing," she told me. "So, we want her to stay home with us. If she moves away like you two did-. Well, we want to protect her. We figure that you needed to get away from your parents, as any teen does, to feel independent. We want Allyson to be able to have that feeling without moving away. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I think so," I replied.

"That is why your dad wants you to look out for her so much." She hesitated and then took a deep breath before adding, "I see that you've also taking it upon yourself to look out for Karen and, while I love to see my children grow close, I want you to realize that you don't have to do everything your sisters tell you."

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to act completely dumb. I felt the blood rushing from my face as I realized that Mom must have seen us. She knew. It was possible that Dad put some cautionary thoughts in her head but she seemed a little too nervous to be oblivious to what I had been doing with my sisters.

"Shit! I mean that just because you father asks you to look after your sisters, neither of them are the boss of you," she told me.

"Yeah?" I asked, not really caring where she was going but wanting to get out of the conversation as quickly as possible. It had taken a strange turn and I just wanted to get away.

"Yes!" she said emphatically. "Just because Karen is your older sister, you don't have to do what she wants. If she asks you to do something that you know is wrong, you are allowed to say 'no'!"

That tore it. She definitely knew. She blamed Karen. She was looking for confirmation from me of who the instigator was in our sexual escapades. I decided to tell her the truth about Karen. I said, "Karen hasn't asked me to do anything wrong."

Mom brow wrinkled in concern, or was it disbelief. She asked, "No? Really?"

Standing up for Karen but trying not admit to anything, I said, "Karen has not been very demanding at all. I plan to help her look for a job, but that's my idea."

My mother was taken aback a bit by my response. The concern did not leave her face as she asked, "Well, then, Allyson-?"

"No," I quickly replied. If she was looking for a scapegoat, she was looking at him. I would take a bullet for either of my sisters, so I wasn't going to allow Mom to know that Allyson was the original aggressor. I said, "Dad asked me to look out for her but she's been so good to me right back. I love both of my sisters and they aren't asking me to do anything I don't want to do." Whoa, that was about as close as I dared dance on the edge of danger. I did not want to admit to anything, though I was sure we both knew what was going on.

Her eyebrows raised as she looked me up and down.

I had to deflect this and get out of this conversation. So, before she could say anything, I added, "Dad asked me to look after you too." I knew I stared at her chest a little more than just a glance in that moment. The act of saying that aloud forced me to imagine my hard cock sliding between her big tits.

"Me?" she asked, her hand coming to her chest in shock, but also covering her cleavage a bit from my prying eyes.

I smiled at her. I did have her on the defensive. I said, "Yeah. So, I'll keep in mind that I'm allowed to say 'no' to you. Right? If you ask me to do something wrong, I should say 'no'?"

Mom looked flustered. She glanced around and, with no one in earshot, she said, "No! I mean, yes! I mean, what are you talking about?"

I shrugged, relaxing a bit that maybe I had deflected her sufficiently. I said, "You started this conversation. What are you talking about?"

Allyson bounced into the kitchen and asked, "What are ya'll talking about?"

Mom looked startled. She stood up and said, "Just wondering when you had to be at work tomorrow."

My mother's cleavage rose to eye level to me. I couldn't help but stare. The skin of her breasts, and the valley between, was pale and looked so soft. It was surprisingly devoid of wrinkles, despite her age. The little freckles decorating the flesh only gave them little details that I longed to touch. My cock lurched in my jeans as I, again, imagined what it might feel like to have those tits surrounding my prick.

As Karen's twins ran into the living room and sat beside Dad, Allyson said, "I don't have to be at work until three tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh good," she said as she walked toward her bedroom. "Then Joe can take you to work."

Confused, Allyson replied, "Yeah, like every day." Then to me she asked, "What's with her?"

"She knows," I whispered as I stood up.


The next evening, Monday night, I got up at ten o'clock to use the bathroom. On weekdays I have to be to work at 5 in the morning, so I try to get to bed around 8 or 9 the night before. That night I had actually gotten to bed at 7:30, the work day having me shoveling asphalt around for several hours and really tiring me out.

I knew the twins were in bed, so I tried to be very quiet. As I went to slip back into my room the television program in the living room that my dad was watching went silent for a second as it went to commercial. In the silent moment I heard my dad say two words in the middle of a sentence that drew my attention. I heard him say, "... Joe takes..."

My ears perked up at that and, as the commercial began, I snuck down the hall, close enough to hear but not rounding the corner to be seen. Who was Dad talking to and how did it involve me? I figured it was probably a normal conversation with Mom, but I was still curious, given recent events.

I was quick enough in drawing near to the corner that I heard Allyson's reply. She said, "Yes, Joe takes really good care of me. He is the best big brother in the whole world." Allyson worked late, as usual, and they must have just gotten home from Dad picking her up.

Dad replied, "That's good to hear. I am glad you two are so close. Now, I want you to know, Honey, that even though you've graduated from high school, we don't expect you to move out."


"No! We want you to feel that you have everything you need right here, in the family. That, and the freedom we spoke about yesterday."

"Wearing and swearing, but no drinking and smoking. I remember."

Dad chuckled at that and said, "Yes, that's right."

"What sort of swearing?"

"You're an adult now, but I'd like you to tone it down if we have company, okay?"

"So, as long as it's just us at home, I can say 'damn'?"

He laughed and said, "You say any damn thing you want to."



"The f word?" she asked, unable to say it out loud to her father.

"What 'fuck'? Sure. You can even say 'cunt' if you want, as long as you aren't directing it at your mother or your sister."

Allyson chuckled nervously and said, "So, I can say 'fuck' if I want to."

"You're an adult. We don't want you to feel restricted so that you start looking for somewhere else to live. We love having you here, Ally, as long as you want to stay. So, we want to make it comfortable for you. Does that make sense?"

"Sure, I guess so."

"Now, I wanted to talk to you about Joe."


"Yeah. See, I know he has done a great job at taking care of your needs, but I'm also here for you."

"What do you mean?" Allyson asked nervously but I heard a curious lilt in her voice that I recognized. Damn, I knew instantly that she had the hots for Dad. I knew she had envisioned him watching at the door masturbating as he watched us fuck and that had turned her own. And now, him saying that he could take care of her needs I was sure had her imagination running wild.

"I mean, like how he sometimes takes you to work and I, usually, pick you up."

"Oh," she replied, sounding disappointed.

"So, if there's anything else you need, all you have to do is ask."

"Anything?" she said, the curiosity back in her voice.

"I'm very proud of you, you know. I've seen a real change in you over the last couple of weeks."

"Oh?" she asked.

"Yes. Since you started working you have really matured a lot. I am forced to face the fact that my little girl has really grown in to a beautiful woman."

"Oh, Daddy."

"Well, it's true. I mean, look at you." After a brief pause he continued, "So, that brings me to what I wanted to talk to you about. Once you work for another couple weeks, I think maybe you and I should take a little trip down to the bank and, maybe with a little contribution from your mother and me, see what sort of car you might be able to afford."

"Could we? Oh Daddy, that would be so awesome. Wow! Have I told you lately that I think you are the best Daddy in the world fucking world?" she told him boldly.

I stood silently in the hallway but I didn't hear anything. Then, during a lull in the television program I caught their reflecting in the black television screen. My little sister was sitting on Dad's lap and she was kissing him and hugging him. I distinctly saw my Dad's hands on his little girl's back and thigh as she sat there and showered him with affection.

I found myself a little jealous of her calling Dad that but I also knew that she was testing her new-found freedom. I also knew how turned on she had been over the possibility of Dad watching her, so I shouldn't have been surprised. It was pretty ironic that if I had not felt so close to my sister I might have really gotten upset. No, I knew her well enough, loved her enough, and knew she loved me enough that I wasn't threatened by Dad. Besides, maybe she could find out if for sure if it was only Mom that had seen us and, somehow, smooth things over for all of us.


The next afternoon, Tuesday afternoon, we were all in the house, but for Allyson, who was still at work. I took my shower before supper, having worked a hard day and getting the day's dirt off me was a top priority. It had been a really hot day and I had gotten really dirty at work. It was about five-thirty. Mom had food cooking, Dad and Karen were watching the news and the kids were in their room, playing.

As I got out of the shower, dried off, and pulled my robe on I found myself thinking about Mom. If she had been at the door watching us, like I thought, what must that have looked like? Her probing questions had told that she had seen us. She had not come right out and said it though. It seemed to me that she thought Allyson or Karen had started it and were manipulating me. Boldly I had dissuaded her of that and put myself in the roll of aggressor. That, of course, put all the heat on me. I hoped I could say the right thing when the time came to keep our family together.

As I pushed the door open to my bedroom I was surprised to find my mother there. She was dressed in white shorts that showed off her long beautiful legs, recently tanned. She also wore a white tank top that clung tightly to her body, stretching tight across her big tits and leaving little to the imagination. I could feel my cock instantly rising at the sight and I tried to hide it by saying, "Mom? What are you doing in my room?"

"Just gathering your dirty clothes, Joe," she said, gesturing to the clothes basket on the floor which was half full with my jeans, tee shirts, and a dress shirt or two. As she leaned toward me she bent low to pick up a pair of socks at me feet from off my floor. I suddenly could see down her shirt, through the steep valley between her tits and across her stomach. Her face was just inches from my crotch.

I stepped back and secured my robe closed a bit more, leaning forward so my hard cock didn't sneak out from between the folds. I said, "You don't have to do that."

She smiled up at me as she took the socks from off the floor and tossed them into the basket, and said, "Oh, but I enjoy it. I like looking after you. You have done such a good job with your sisters that I think it's time someone looked after you for a change."

Now, I was certain that she was the one at the door and she knew exactly how I had taken care of my sisters. But, though she was saying something so suggestive, there was no way I was going to assume she wanted to do anything sexual with me right there. Especially since the door was open and the house was full.

Still, I couldn't help how hard my cock became as she stood up, turned around, and crawled up onto my bed. Her knees pressed into the comforter as she reached over the other side of the bed to pull something from the floor. I could plainly see her ass, the shorts pulled tight across the shapely contours. The backs of her legs were firm and bore no cellulite as another woman her age might. In reaching down as she did I could see her crotch, my own mother's pussy, pressing firmly against the material of her shorts, the outlines of her slit and mound clearly defined.

My mind raced with forbidden thoughts of pulling her shorts down over her firm ass and slipping my prick deep into her wet cunt. I wondered how it would feel. How tight would she be? How wet? Would she fuck me back?

She lifted herself up on one arm and looked over her shoulder at me. She gave me a beautiful smile and in that moment she was the sexiest woman I had ever known. I knew she was my own mother, but that only made the image that much sexier.

She said, "You don't need this," as she held up, in her other hand, my roll of toilet paper I kept hidden beside my bed.

Some guys may use tissue but a little tissue would never hold my load. I needed a nice wad to toilet paper. Besides, it was flushable. I must have blushed, because my face became very hot and I felt a little faint. I was embarrassed by her discovery though I was, at the same time, turned on like crazy by her insinuations. My cock throbbed with desire as I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

Mom slowly turned around on all fours in the bed. As she tossed the roll of toilet paper in the basket, I looked down her shirt again. I could see most of her pale tit flesh between her big breasts.

Dad shouted from the living room, "I think something's burning!"

"I'll be right there!" Mom shouted back as she stood up and retrieved the basket from the floor. Then, softly, she said to me as she walked past me and out the door, "Sure is hot in here, don't you think?"

She left me with the impression that she really wanted me but I was so hesitant and, frankly, scared to say anything that might be the wrong thing. What if I were wrong about her motivations? Could it all be innocent? No, she knew. But, was she testing me? She was definitely teasing me. God, what was I going to do? The issue was not going away like we had hoped.


The next afternoon I got off early to help Karen look for a job. It was one in the afternoon and the sun was beating down on her car as I drove it to her next appointment. She had an interview with the manager of the Rue 21 in town.

"When does school start?" I asked her as I passed the park and then turned left into the Park Terrace plaza.

"In three weeks," she replied. "Rick wants them for the next two weeks. He picked them up this morning. He promised to have them call me every night. Also, he promised to bring them to the park for the birthday party."

I smiled at her as I parked the car in front of Rue 21. I said, "Well, that's something, I suppose."

She nodded somberly as she said, "Wish me luck."

"Good luck!"

As I watched her go, I admired the way her ass looking in that dress. She had eschewed her usual sundress for a tighter more tailored look. The skirt was pretty short but she was definitely in style. I hoped they appreciated that because I sure did.

As I listened to the radio and waited for my older sister, I got to thinking about all that had happened. I loved my family and, even though everything was changing, I wasn't upset. I was excited and turned on. I found my sisters and even my mother so sexy. My main worry was Dad. He had asked me to look after everyone and here I was sticking my dick into as many of them as possible. I was taking care of their sexual needs as well as everything else. I knew that was not what he had in mind when he had asked me to look after them and I felt sure he would kill me if he knew. If Mom knew, which I was pretty sure she did, how was it possible that Dad wouldn't find out? That is, assuming she hadn't already told him.

Karen came out of the store with a sour look in her face. She got into the car and buckled up. She said, "Let's go."

"What did they say?" I asked as I cranked up her car and backed it out of the parking spot.

"They said they would call me," she replied.

"Well, I would have hired you on the spot!" I told her.

"Oh yeah?" she asked with a grin, her mood lightening. "And why is that?"

As I drove through the parking lot I said, "Well, first of all, you looked damn hot; very fashionable."


I nodded and asked, "Which way?"

"Right! What else?"

I said, "Well, secondly, you're really smart."

She laughed. "Not smart enough to avoid getting pregnant in high school and marrying an asshole, but go on."

I chuckled at that. "Hey, we all make mistakes," I told her. "I didn't exactly make out great in Houston with Lily."

"No," she conceded. "I guess you and I have had a bit of a rough time."

I nodded.

"So, who do you think saw us? Any idea?" she asked. Then she said, "Turn right."

I turned onto School Street and headed into a residential area. Of course, any area off the highway was primarily residential. I said, "Mom saw us."

"How do you know?"

"Well, stuff she said about me not doing what you girls tell me to do made me think she was nosing around trying to figure out who started it."

"What did you tell her?"

"Something like, 'I do what I want.' I made it sound like it was all me from the start, but without admitting to anything," I told her. "Anyway, yesterday I came out of the shower and she was in my room picking up my clothes."


"Well, she never does that. Then there was the way she was dressed, in that tank top and shorts," I told her.