My Sister, My Savior


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"What do you think you would prefer in a house?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, one or two story? Brick or frame? Basement? Garage? Location?" She trembled.

"I have no money, nor anything else of value. Why should I have a say?"

"Because, Sweet One, I have all the money we will need. I laid back a lot in the service, and selected some profitable investments. I do want a long-term relationship with you. That means you must be a full partner in decisions." She smiled.

"Two story, brick, full basement, two or three car attached garage, great school district!" I laughed out loud.

"Wow! That was fast!"

"I have been considering it since you mentioned the idea!"

I kissed her cheek. Amber was watching, a pretty smile beaming.

"Look, David, I might just be right!" Julie blushed again. David looked up at his sister.

"Does that mean we will have a daddy again?" Julie gasped.

Amber answered, "I think we better save that till we move in!" Kids!

Over the next few weeks, we retained a realtor, described our wants, and turned her loose. The first few suggestions from her were not adequate, but she gained a better idea of what we wanted. After another two weeks, she chose an array of possibilities. We visited several, giving both us and the realtor, a better idea of potential homes for our specifications. Another two weeks were unproductive, then we hit pay dirt.

It was a two-story brick-to-the-eaves beauty with four bedrooms, two and a half baths, triple attached garage, and a full walkout basement. The basement was finished. The house sat on twenty acres, and abutted a state park wilderness. A creek meandered through about 200 yards from our property line. Everything looked just right! The sellers had retired and moved, and the house had been on the market over two years. We discussed an offer, and the realtor went to work.

Two weeks later, we were proud owners of our dream house at reasonable financing. Julie's name was listed as co-owner, despite her misgivings. I explained that if anything happened to me, she would automatically become the sole owner. She finally relented.

We invited our parents to visit even before we had furniture. Dad was exuberant, Mom more reserved. After, I took everyone to dinner. Pizza, of course!

Julie and I took the kids furniture shopping so they could choose their room furnishings. We also received some unsolicited advice from them on other items.

Finally, the house was ready for occupancy. I rented a small truck to carry our meager belongings, and the furniture store delivered everything new. Julie was adamant about furniture placement, so I went to the garage and let her direct the deliverymen. Later, we hit a grocery, again with the youngsters in attendance. At nearly midnight all was ready, except the beds were not made, no bath items were arranged, and it was too late to locate everything. We returned to our parents' place for the last night of residence there.

The next day, after another of my famous breakfasts, we four entered our new abode as genuine occupants. We set about getting everything in its place, with Amber and David doing their rooms. After everything was in place, the kids went exploring out back. Julie looked at me. I took her in my arms and kissed her passionately. She leaned back with a bit of a shocked expression. I looked her directly in the eyes.

"Honey, we now have our own home, your children are happy, and I propose we have a wine dinner tonight!"

"And just what is a wine dinner?"

"Your favorite food, whatever that is, and enough complementary wine to relax us!" She glared at me.

"Not too relaxed, Buster! Remember what Mom said. I have to keep up my guard! I can't let just any man have his way!" I smirked at her.

"This isn't just any man, My Love. You know how I've lusted for you for more than a dozen years. I do intend to take your virginity after the meal!"

"My virginity? You know that went away long ago! What makes you think you can just force yourself on me?"

"No force, Sweet One, just my exalted skill as a lover. And of course a bit of wine to pave the way. You know this'll be my first time with you, so it'll be a cherry, of sorts." She laughed and squeezed me.

"I guess that's as good an offer as I might expect!" She kissed me deeply, and indicated she had a new dress just for the occasion.

That night, we enjoyed a catered dinner, with everything perfect. We ate in the dining room, the children in the kitchen for the benefit of separation. We enjoyed two movies, one for the youngsters, the next for us. The kids went to play while we enjoyed ours.

After they were in bed, Julie and I sat in the family room, softly talking and kissing. We discussed our feelings and decided this was what we both wanted and needed. After all was quiet we repaired to our bedroom.

After I closed the door I approached Julie and again kissed her. I unzipped her dress and let it slide to the floor. She stood before me wearing only black thigh-high stockings and matching heels. I was mesmerized.

"You like?" she smiled.

"God, what I am feeling is so far beyond 'like' I can't describe it!" She kissed me and squeezed me tightly.

She asked, "Shall I remove everything else?"

"No, I have always wanted to make love to a woman in only heels and stockings! Let's be just a tiny bit slutty tonight!"

She undressed me completely, and we again embraced and kissed. I picked her up in my arms and lay her on the bed. She caressed my cock, and let me know we would be reaching unexplored areas in her. I let the implications ride.

We kissed passionately, and caressed and explored each other. We had never had, nor taken the opportunity to explore. We were both becoming very aroused. As she stroked my back and cock I kissed, licked and sucked her forehead, eyes, cheeks, and mouth. I kissed and licked her neck, collarbone, upper arms. I slowly caressed her breasts and nipples, then attacked them with my mouth. I spent a few minutes making up for lost time by sucking and biting her nipples as she moaned and gasped.

I kissed down her beautiful belly, and dwelled at her pretty navel. She giggled as I licked that dimpled area. My tongue then meandered further south until I encountered her hairline. Her pubic pelt was full and soft as the hair on her head. I wandered around the forest, tugging at her hair. She asked if I would prefer her shaved. I indicated a definite 'No!' by shaking my head. I then lowered my face and, flattening my tongue, dragged it up her slit. She trembled and stiffened. Then, I pointed my oral muscle and repeated the previous trip, this time somewhat splitting her vulva. This elicited an 'Arrrggghhh!' from her, followed by her hands grabbing my head.

She was becoming very wet as I licked up some of her pussy honey. I again pointed my tongue and slid it into her fuck hole. Another growl and she pulled my head further into her cunt. Now I roamed upward to the little knob hidden in the upper region of her pussy slit. I kissed her most sensitive button, then licked it. She was becoming more animated, flopping her body around, kicking her legs. I held on to a surging woman. I then inserted one, then two fingers into her cunt, stroking her deeply. She was becoming very agitated. Finally I sucked her clitoris into my lips and stroked it with my tongue. At this Julie screamed and became rigid for some time. Finally with a deep inhalation she relaxed. I kissed softly around her pussy as she ran her fingers through my hair. I moved up to her face and kissed her lips. She kissed me deeply and squeezed me tightly to her.

"God, Darling, that's my first time to be eaten. You are fantastic! No way will I let our mother control my life. Mmmm!"

I ran my finger tips around her belly and murmured sweet erotic comments into her ear. She touched my cock, then offered a payback. I would have loved it, but was anxious to get my cock into that sweet garden. I told her so then moved above her. She gazed into my eyes.

"Is Daddy gonna pierce Mommy's love hole? Is he gonna make me his woman? Is he gonna nail my ass to this bed?" I rose up and stared at her.

"YES!" She chuckled. But when I did pierce her, she gasped again, looking shocked.

"Dam, Jimmie, I thought you looked a bit larger than my former uhh, man but it feels more than a bit!"

I pushed slowly into her until my cock was fully inserted into her flesh. She groaned an 'OH!" as I pressed my pubic bone onto her clitoris, moving a bit side to side to stimulate that sweet spot. I rested there a bit.

"Daddy's gonna fuck you now, you sweet teen virgin! It's thirteen years ago, and I'm fucking you near the reservoir where we necked that night! Get ready for a wild ride, my little fuck mate!"

I pulled back, then thrust quickly into her cunt. I repeated this several times as she moaned and stroked my back. I sped up slowly as I continued to fuck her, now ramming in and out as fast as my ass would react. She was rolling her head side to side, breathing in short, rapid gasps. She then gripped my ass and hoarsely gasped.

"Oh shit Baby. I've never been fucked like this! You might ruin me, but it's worth it! Oh fuck oh fuckfuckfuck!"

She humped back at me with more energy than I expected. I was finding it a challenge to stay with, and on her galloping body. Suddenly her eyes opened wide, her hands gripped my ass cheeks painfully, and she screamed.

"Cum ...cum ...cumming! Oh God! Oh! Oh!"

Then her eyes snapped closed, her face contorted, and she shook like a vibrator for several seconds. Finally, her body went limp, and she appeared to swoon. She lay still for a bit as I held my cock in her. Her eyes opened and she gulped air.

"Did you cum, My Darling?"

"Not yet; the night is still young! Let's relax a bit."

We did, her on her back me reclining at her side. We caressed and nibbled each other. My cock remained ready for more. I proposed another glass of wine and went to the kitchen to retrieve it and two glasses. I poured, handed her one and toasted our much delayed, but finally consummated love.

After we'd drunk our fill, she lay back on the mattress, her head near the headboard. She commanded I step to her. She grabbed my balls and drew my cock to her mouth. She licked her lips, smiled, then kissed and licked my helmet. She drew my cock into her mouth, sucking and licking all the way. She lay there, my cock in her mouth loosely, as she tongued me fully. I told her I was so deeply in love with her that I would never let her go. She was mine; I would make her my wife and stay with her through what ever arose.

She grabbed my ass cheek in one hand, my balls in the other, and proceeded to fellate me vigorously. I felt the urge rising, and warned her. She rose to her knees and swallowed my cock. I grabbed her head and fucked her sweet mouth. My cock exploded into her mouth as I involuntarily shook and spasmed. She gagged but swallowed every bit. My knees became weak, my vision blurred. I finally had to withdraw from her sucking mouth due to over-stimulation of my sensitive head. I swooned to the bed as she drew back to make room.

I lay there, shaking in relief as she cooed and fondled me. Finally, we arranged our sleeping area, and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Next morning I awoke first and cleaned up. I put on boxers and made coffee. The kids joined me at that point and I began preparing eggs and bacon plus pancakes. Amber and David were grinning widely. I heard a sound at the door and turned.

"How long were you going to let me sleep, huh?"

She walked to me, hugged me, and kissed my mouth hungrily. Amber watched a minute, then turned to her brother.

"I knew it would come to this! Uncle Jim is way too nice and too much a man to let Mommy be lonely! Besides from what I heard last night this is no platonic thing!"

"What does 'platonic' mean?" asked David.

Amber smiled at us and allowed as how it meant behaving yourselves. Julie and I turned and smiled to each other.

Things settled into a wonderful pattern. I had found a job at a nearby welding shop. I completed training and became a skilled trades welder. The pay and working conditions were great, and I was home on time every evening. The children loved their school and teachers, and Julie became active in the PTO. She also jumped right into her role as housewife, keeping a spic and span house for her family.

Of course, there is always a thorn in each rose patch, and ours was named 'Eddie'. We had remarked about not seeing him since I took his family away, but we counted our blessings and went on with life.

It turned out Eddy had been involved in an auto accident in a neighboring state shortly after I left his house. He was very drunk and exhibited his usual disorderly behavior. He was incarcerated all this time but was being released soon. Julie learned this from her friend Alice Moore. Julie came to me in shock and fear.

"What'll we do, Honey? Are the kids and I safe? What if he comes here?"

I had made the house very secure, with steel doors and polycarbonate panes over the windows to prevent shattering. I now alerted the police to our quandry, and they promised to patrol more frequently. I figured that would be a lost cause.

"Julie, we can't prevent every incursion he may try, but perhaps he'll just stay away!"

"No he won't! I know him, he'll try like hell to make you, and us, pay for your 'misdeed'. Will you teach me to shoot your Glock?" I was shocked! Julie had never expressed interest in firearms, but of course, she had never felt as threatened as now.

I talked to my friend Will, Chief of Police, and received permission for us to use the shooting range three times a week. When Julie first took the weapon, she was quite concerned. It was heavier than she thought. I had instructed her how to aim it on the target, how to sight, to take a deep breath and let about half out, squeeze slowly. I figured she was ready as could be. I stood back and watched her aim. She seemed to be doing everything properly. But when she fired, the gun nearly recoiled from her hand, and she shrieked! Everyone around looked our way and most grinned at the newbie. She wanted to hand the gun to me, but I shook my head and she turned back to the range. This time she seemed more relaxed, and squeezed off a round with no problem! She even hit the target! Out of the rings, but she put a hole in it.

She handed me the gun, and asked me to shoot as if I had several enemies in front of me. I had practiced this, and relaxed. I set my breath, set the sight, and squeezed off all 13 remaining shots (15-round clip). In less than two seconds. The report sounded like a machine gun. Julie stared at me, eyes wide in shock, jaw dropped. I looked around, and every eye in the room was on me. The fellow next to me asked me how many rounds; when I told him, he whistled. Guess they were not that familiar with Marine training! Someone retrieved the target; twelve rounds went into the black, three in the center! I installed a full clip, handed Julie the weapon, and told her to shoot at a comfortable pace until the clip was empty. She aimed carefully and squeezed off a round. In the black! I whispered 'Bravo!' and she smiled. She proceeded to use up the remaining rounds, with 9 of 15 in the black, and most near the bulls eye circle. I gripped her shoulder and said that Eddie best not come around! Several officers congratulated her; she was on cloud nine.

That night I took the three of them to dinner (guess what? Pizza!). The kids had a great time, and we all enjoyed the evening. We then went to the docks and walked a while. Julie sat on a bench, and I joined her as the kids watched boats and birds. She looked out at the water for a while, then spoke with her eyes still to the front.

"Jim, thanks so much for a spectacular evening! And even more for providing us this wonderful life! Without you we'd still be in poverty and agony. I haven't been so happy since we were in school!"

"You're most welcome, Darling! I feel I'm the winner here because I'm with you and your great kids. I'm learning to love them as if they were my own."

"And they feel the same, especially Amber! She is so attached to you and talks about you a lot when you're not around!"

"With your kind permission, if we can somehow marry I want to adopt them!"

"Oh! Is that a proposal?"

"Not the formal one, but I plan that soon. I want you to help me select a ring!"

"Ohmigod! A real wedding AND a ring?"

"Only the best my love!" We kissed a few times. Amber saw us and bumped William's arm.

"See, I told you they were getting friendlier!" Both smiled.

After that, life seemed to settle in. I bought a 9-shot gun for Julie, quite a bit lighter than mine. Her accuracy improved quite a bit. We continued our thrice-weekly visits to the range, and everyone was getting used to us. Julie's record was slowly but surely improving.

We visited our parents at least once a week. Dad was very glad to see us; Mom seemed still quiet. Julie also went with the kids sometimes, and said the same thing happened then. Mom would sometimes chide Julie for our living arrangements. Mom had to know we were intimate. One weekend our folks asked if the kids could stay Friday evening to Sunday. We immediately agreed. A whole weekend alone. I asked Julie if she wanted to go somewhere romantic; she replied our place was romantic enough.

We went to dinner Friday at a quite fancy restaurant. We ate our fill, drank some wine, danced our feet almost off. We arrived home at almost 2am. Julie had a special request as we snuggled together nude.

"Honey, I want you to start this as you usually do; oral followed by a sweet fuck. Then I want you to properly prepare me and take me by the back door."

I drew back with eyes wide.

"But why now?"

"Well, you'll get my cherry there finally and I'm sure I'll scream, but there's nobody here to hear it."

We kissed and fondled a bit, then I began kissing her face, neck, shoulders, tummy. Of course, I ended at her love garden, sniffing, kissing, licking, sucking. I gave her my 'best shot' at oral sex, and she responded well. After a wild climax she cuddled to me and we made out. Since I was still hard we soon assumed the missionary position, and fucked our little hearts out. This required a rest, so I procured wine, and we sipped, kissed and told each other simple loving things. Finally she felt ready.

I had gathered the essential supplies. She assumed the 'doggie' position, ass high, head on her pillow. As I knelt behind her she friskily shook her ass, leering at me over her shoulder. I had procured 'Astro-Glide' for maximum comfort, and proceeded to fill her asshole with as much as it would take. I applied more to my cock. Then, I inserted a finger into her and moved it around, fucking and rotating. After she felt looser, I added a second finger. She gasped, and flinched a bit, but assured me she was okay. I opened her as much as I could, then withdrew my fingers and wiped them. I asked if she was ready; she answered with more ass swishing. I knelt behind her and touched her little bud with the head of my cock.

I was as gentle and easy as possible. I was careful to not push too hard; it took a while to get in. Finally the helmet popped into her ring. She gasped and shuddered. I asked if she was okay; she said it was uncomfortable. I told her to grunt as if she were pooping; this would relax her muscles and make movement more comfortable. It worked; I was able to very slowly fuck more cock into her ass. After a while, I realized I was in all the way. My pubes hit her ass cheeks and my balls were against her cunt. I rested a bit, then slowly pulled out till only the head was in. Then pushed slowly back in. I repeated this for several strokes. She then said I could go a little faster but not too much. I increased the speed, and was greatly enjoying the feelings. So was Julie. She was huffing and puffing, rotating her cute ass and telling me how damn good this was.