My Sister, The Household Slut Ch. 02


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"I don't think anyone would have to be watching for you to go boom," I said as I pushed the passenger seat forward.

Lisa took the hint and stepped aside so I could get out. Then her eyes got wide and her mouth dropped open as I started out of the backseat. My boner was just that evident in the front of my shorts. When I was out and standing up, her eyes were still on the front of my shorts.

Jenny grinned at Lisa's reaction and reached over to push up on Lisa's chin.

That broke her eye contact with my shorts as she looked at my sister quickly. "That ain't real, is it?" She asked and then looked back at the front of my shorts.

"Oh yeah, it's real. I told you he had grown up."

I grinned as I pulled my t-shirt off over my head. Lisa glanced up and then did a double take on my chest and arms. "Holy shit, you weren't kidding."

"Yeah, my little brother ain't so little anymore."

I started to tell Lisa that I worked out with more than twice the weight of her boyfriend but decided against it. "You guys ready to get wet or are you going to lay out in the sun for a while?" I asked.

Jenny giggled. "I think someone's already wet from the stare you're getting."

Lisa slapped Jenny on the arm. "Shut up, big mouth."

"Hey, what can I say, I'm probably wetter than you are," Jenny whispered.

Lisa looked sharply at Jenny and then glanced at the front of my shorts again. "He's your brother," she said suddenly but then paused to lick her lips. "But he's not my brother."

"I wasn't talking about him making me wet," Jenny whispered and then turned to walk toward the back of her car.

"What...." Lisa said, her head snapping around to follow her best friend.

"Should I tell her or do you want too?" I asked my sister.

"She's a big girl, she should be able to figure it out on her own," Jenny said as she opened the trunk of the car.

Lisa got a wide-eyed look and took three quick steps to lean over close to Jenny. "You're a lesbian?"

Jenny shook her head. "Nope, I'm as bi as they come. I love both guys and gals."

"But.... But.... But...." Lisa sputtered.

I chuckled and said, "She likes it in the butt also so be careful what you say."

Lisa's mouth dropped open as she looked in my direction.

"You keep opening your mouth that way and someone's going to stick something in it one day," I said walking toward the back of the car. Lisa's eyes dropped to the front of my shorts and the hard-on moving from side to side, as I walked.

With a soft moan, Lisa forced herself to look at Jenny. "I... Uh... I..." she stammered.

Jenny grinned and handed her friend a lounge chair and her beach bag. Then she stuffed a soft wide brimmed hat on her head. "I wouldn't want you to burn before I have time to rub you down with tanning oil."

When Lisa groaned softly, Jenny looked at me and said, "I'll carry your chair. You get the ice chest and the towels." Then she winked and grinned.

I was grinning as wide as my sister was, as I followed the two girls across the parking lot and down toward the water. Two beautiful half naked women with short shorts and tennis shoes filled my line of sight. The ice chest also covered my raging hard-on.


We found a semi-secluded spot under a willow tree right at the waters edge. A line of bushes blocked the view from the parking lot and several large tree trunks blocked the view from down the way. No one was in the opposite direction.

I sat the cooler in the shade and took my chair from sis. I waited to see where they were going to put their chairs and then I sat mine up off to the side.

Jenny looked at me and shook her head. "Move over here by me. I sure ain't scared to be seen with you."

I moved my chair over next to hers and then stood transfixed as she slipped off her shorts and stood naked in the bright sunlight. Lisa was also staring. Jenny looked at her, smiled, and then at me before she turned and sat down in her chair. She was sitting facing the lake with her legs wide apart across the foot of the lounge chair.

When we remained where we were, she looked at me and then Lisa sharply. "Well?" She asked with a grin. "It's get naked or not, time."

I shrugged and hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my shorts. It was now or never, I thought as I slid the shorts down off my hips. My dick moved down as the shorts did until it suddenly sprang free of the cloth and slapped meatily against my lower belly. Jenny grinned up at me and Lisa made a soft whimpering groaning sound.

I kept my expression as neutral as possible as I stepped across the lounge chair and sat down. My dick stayed tight to my belly as I leaned back and relaxed.

Jenny leaned sideways and used a hand to pull my dick away from my belly. When she let go of it, it slapped against my stomach again. "One of us will definitely have to oil this up in a bit. I'd hate to see it get burnt."

When Lisa whimpered softly again, Jenny looked up at her and gave her a lust filled smile. "Your turn," she whispered softly.

Lisa shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she looked back and forth between my sister and me. Then with a soft moan, she looked around quickly and slowly pulled her shorts down.

I had expected her to have on a bikini bottom or at least panties. All that came into view was skin except for a narrow v of flaming red hair on her mound. Now it was my turn to groan slightly and lick my lips. Jenny did the same.

Lisa had the shorts at mid thigh and looked like she was about to pull the back up but she moaned and pushed them on down over her knees. When she bent at the waist to take them completely off, I wonder what the view was like from the rear. My dick twitched all on its own.

Quickly, Lisa sat on the edge of her lounge chair and then swung her legs up as she sat back with her legs tightly closed. My legs were spread with my heels on the edges of the chair. Jenny's were the same way. Lisa kept glancing over at our legs and then whimpered softly as she moved her feet to the outer edges.

Jenny grinned and said, "See, that wasn't so bad, now was it."

Lisa blushed lightly and leaned toward Jenny. "I think I had a small orgasm taking those shorts off." She paused to shiver and then added, "I've never undressed in front of anyone in broad daylight before. Not to mention, two sets of eyes, instead of one set."

"Wait until I use the suntan oil on those beautiful breasts of yours, not to mention other places," Jenny whispered softly.

Lisa shivered and moaned softly.

"Then I get to flip you over and oil up that gorgeous ass of yours," I said a moment later.

Lisa's eyes shot to my hard dick instantly. "I.... Uh.... I...." She stammered softly.

Jenny laughed and asked Lisa, "Do you still have that anal fantasy?"

Lisa's head snap around to stare at Jenny, as her mouth dropped open. Her mouth worked but nothing came out.

Jenny laughed and said, "Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that with my brother sitting next to me."

"Oh no, I like to find out interesting pieces of information like that about your friends," I said with a big grin at Lisa.

Lisa blushed a bright red and then groaned softly, her stomach muscles jerking and twitching.

Jenny looked at me and then back at Lisa. "I think that orgasm was even bigger than the first one."

"I wonder how big of one she would have with my dick up her ass and your tongue on her clit?" I asked Jenny as I watched to see what Lisa's reaction would be. I wasn't disappointed as her stomach muscles jerked even harder.

Jenny grinned and glanced at me quickly. "I think we need to let her relax before she hurts herself."

"I think you may have a point there," I said with a grin to match my sisters.


I'd love to say that I got the chance to get my hands all over Lisa's ass but I didn't. Jenny did the honors and I ended up oiling down her back and ass. I also ended up oiling down my front, except for my dick, which Jenny made a show out of doing with a two handed grip that almost got her shot in the eye. Lisa did help some with oiling down my back but I never did figure out which parts.

Things got a little more interesting a little later when we went swimming. The three of us waded out to waist deep water. I made a shallow forward dive and swam out to an old wooden float about halfway out in the roped off swimming area. There was no one on it but there was a ladder on one end. I hung onto that and looked back toward shore. Lisa and Jenny were swimming my way.

I dove underwater and swam under the float. There was a single large rope tied to the platform and going down to an anchor. I held onto the rope with my head above water and waited for them to arrive. It wasn't long before their legs appeared in the clear water hanging down on each side of the ladder.

"Where'd he go?" I heard Lisa ask.

Jenny's legs moved to the far edge of the platform and she replied, "Either he's hiding on the other end or underneath because he ain't over here."

A few seconds later, Lisa sank down and swam under the platform to surface close to me. "He's under here," she said as she grabbed the rope and held on.

Jenny surfaced a moment later and added her hands to the rope. Looking around she grinned and said, "It is kind of private under here."

"What happens under the float, stays under the float," I said with a grin and a wiggle of my eyebrows.

Jenny grinned at me and sank out of sight. I figured she was headed for Lisa's pussy until a pair of hands grabbed my dick and a warm mouth slurped the head in. I groaned and closed my eyes as her tongue did wonderful things to the head and shaft inside her mouth.

"What the fuck?" I heard Lisa say and when I opened my eyes, she was gone also.

I looked down to see Jenny with her head over my dick. Her tongue was still making me twitch and Lisa was hanging onto the rope a few feet away. Then they were both surfacing.

Jenny was laughing as she grabbed the rope and Lisa was sputtering. A moment later, Lisa said, "He's your brother, for Christ's sake!"

"And?" Jenny asked with a big grin. "He's not your brother."

Lisa groaned and shook her head. "I have a boyfriend."

"And if she stuck her head between your legs, would having a boyfriend matter?" I asked Lisa.

"Uh... I... uh...." She stammered and then groaned as Jenny went underwater.

Jenny was once again attacking my dick and had even more of it in her mouth this time. Lisa looked at me and then down toward Jenny. With a deep groan she sank out of sight. Jenny had a hold on my dick with one hand and the rope with the other. Then there were two hands on my dick. When I looked down, one of them was Lisa's hand.

A minute later, Jenny's head broke water and she took several deep breaths. Then she worked her jaws around and said, "Damn, that thing could dislocate a jaw."

When I didn't reply, she looked over at me and took in the shocked expression on my face. She bobbed under a second and came up laughing. "It didn't take her long to make a snap decision, did it?" Lisa had well over half my dick in her mouth.

After that, it was a tag team match. As one would come up for air, the other would go down and inhale my dick. It was also a game of Russian roulette with a gun that was loaded and fully cocked. I tried to hold off so Lisa got shot but Jenny's more nibble tongue was my undoing. When I came, she just sucked that much harder. My hips were still twitching when Lisa took over from her. That made them twitch even harder.

When Lisa surfaced she looked at Jenny with a big frown on her face and said, "Greedy bitch, you got it all."

Jenny grinned and nodded her head. "Every last drop." Then she reached out, grabbed the back of Lisa's head, and pulled her closer. The kiss started out at passionate and skyrocketed from there. I just grinned and shook my head as I wonder if I should go straight for Jenny's pussy or fight her for Lisa's.

As it was, I couldn't get to either, I found out as I ducked under. Jenny's thigh was between Lisa's legs and pressed tightly to her pussy. Jenny's pussy was pressed tightly to Lisa's thigh. I was blocked both ways. Then I remembered Lisa's anal fantasy. This should be fun, I thought as I surfaced for air.

I ducked back under and swam around behind Lisa. That was one fine ass. I grabbed a cheek in each hand and pushed outward. Even underwater I heard Lisa yell as my tongue tickled the darker pink of her anus. Her hips jerked forward and then her legs spread wider and her ass moved back. My tongue was trying to bury itself instantly. A moment later, her hips were jerking and flexing. She was coming for all she was worth.

Releasing my grip on her ass, I surfaced for air. Lisa was whimpering loudly as Jenny held onto her with one hand and the rope with the other. Jenny grinned at me as I surfaced. "I'm assuming you attacked her little asshole."

I grinned back and nodded. Jenny laughed and said, "You rocked her world big time."

About then, Lisa took a big gasping breath and whispered, "Oh shit!" Then she looked over her shoulder at me and groaned. "I... I... I..." she stammered and then groaned.

"Is there a problem?" I asked with a grin.

She nodded and then shook her head. "Never before," she said and then took a deep breath.

"Never before what?" Jenny asked.

Lisa groaned softly and replied, "No one... has... ever done... that before."

Jenny grinned at me. "Looks like you got a cherry bro."

I chuckled and nodded. "I hope it won't be the last."

Lisa shivered hard and looked at me. "I... I... I..." she stammered a moment later.

I chuckled and my sister laughed. Lisa shivered hard and started to say something but about then three sets of legs appeared at the edge of the float. Company had arrived.

"Time to swim, I guess," Jenny said as she pushed off the rope. She sank out of sight.

Lisa gave me another quick look and then sank also. I was right behind her. A naked ass is sexy but a naked ass wiggling through the water is even more so. Especially when you are following directly behind.

We all surfaced a ways from the float. There were three older people on the float. Two guys and a woman. Jenny used her chin to point toward the shore and we headed that way.


We spent the rest of the day sunning and relaxing. I did finally get to apply some tanning oil to Lisa in places and one time oiled up Jenny from head to toes. The girls took turns oiling me up. Lisa's oily hands running up and down my shaft had both of us breathing hard.

Jenny looked at Lisa's face. It was lust filled. Looking at me, she grinned. "If you come, I think she will."

My reply was a deep groan and Lisa let got of my dick very quickly. Her eyes went to my face and then to Jenny's. "I... I..." she stammered and then groaned. She was sitting on the side of Jenny's chair. She stood up and hurried around to her chair to sit down.

She shivered hard and took a deep breath. She let it out slowly and then whispered, "This being outside naked with other people keeps me horny."

Jenny leaned the top of her chair back farther and looked over at her friend. "That is not a problem. Two faces and one rather large dick are available for seating and there's no waiting," she said with a grin.

I chuckled and raised my dick up in the air as Jenny stuck out her tongue and wiggled it. I did the same. Lisa groaned deeply as her body gave several long jerks. Jenny sucked in her tongue and sighed.

"Too late," I whispered and Jenny nodded.

Lisa just groaned softly.


We were back at the car and had most everything loaded up except Jenny's bag and Lisa's. Lisa ran her hand up and down her arm and then across her belly. "I need a shower. My mother is probably home and this tanning oil will cause her to ask a whole lot of questions."

"There are showers here but they are all open and coed," Jenny said. "You can get a shower at our place."

Lisa looked at Jenny and then at me. With a blush she whispered, "The three of us in a shower sounds like fun."

Jenny pulled a short beach wrap out of her bag and slipped it on. She grinned as she looked at her friend. "Then get something on so we can get out of here. That is unless you want to ride home naked."

Lisa groaned as she pulled out her oversized t-shirt and slipped it on over her head. When she reached for her shorts, Jenny's hand stopped her. "That looks perfect the way you are."

"To me also," I added quickly.

Jenny looked at me. "Just your shorts," she said with a wink.

I put the shorts on and we headed for home.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sooooooooo Pathetic.

Pathetic . Pathetic. Pathetic. Everything about this story is Pathetic.

But then again that's how Men work.

Gambit275Gambit275over 1 year ago

they couldn't wait for him?

MountainMan1336MountainMan1336over 2 years ago

I can't believe how shitty the family treats this kid. So what he is on probation, if I were him as soon as probation is lifted I would tell them all to go to hell and head for parts unknown. But I guess the kid is just another horny weakling like most of the young people today.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Stop saying "ain't" so much.

prop69prop69almost 5 years ago
OK..I am hard and horny .

Great beach episode.

Can’t wait for the shower.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Please keep the chapters coming, it's a great series with room for over 20 more chapters.. This is why I believe people should write out the hole story and then post it in chapters as they wish with a max of like a week between chapters. At the least write a few chapter first then post one at a time as your writing the second set of 3. It kills the drama when you post one chapter then take a long time to post another. From what the above has said it took you 8 years to post this second part.. that's crazy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Add more soon

I agree with some of the other people, dont wait 8 #$%&*!? years to add the next chapter. I enjoyed the first chapter but after seeing it wasn't added to in so long I gave it up as a dead story. Please continue this

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
8 year between updates.

You big tease.

Please dont wait another 8 years for chapter 3.

quwykxzquwykxzover 8 years ago
Party ain't over?

Please continue this!

devildog0302devildog0302over 8 years ago
More, please

It appears that you have endless possibilities. With Mom and Dad, the web site, college friends...

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