My Son's Photos

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A son has taken nude photos of his mom while she sleeps.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 01/07/2008
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I drink. Not a lot, and not that often. But since my husband left me, over six years ago, I occasionally drink more than I should.

For me, "more than I should" isn't a lot, because drink affects me differently than it affects most people. I don't get loud, I don't get morbid, I don't become incoherent. I just disappear from view. That is, I pass out. A few wines and I can be dead to the world for hours.

I'll give you an example. When I was 18, some friends offered to drive me home from a party. I was already past my usual limit and barely made it into the back seat before I faded into la-la land. Somewhere along the way, the driver -- who was probably also above his limit -- took a corner too fast and rolled the car. Everyone but me scrambled out by themselves. My friends dragged me out and tried to wake me, but without success. They thought I'd been badly injured. When the ambulance came, they asked the medic if I was dead. Yes, he told them: dead drunk.

They told me all this the next morning. I had no recollection of any of it. I just woke up in my bed with a slight headache.

Well, that still happens. I have a few wines -- only now and then -- and fall asleep. No harm done. It all happens in the safety of my own home, and I always wake up in my own bed without any unwanted company. Sometimes I'll fall asleep on the sofa, but over the last year or so my son Jack, who is a little over 19, has been helping me to bed when that happens. Again, I only know because he tells me in the morning.

Since my divorce, he's been the rock of my life, the one person I can rely on. And he knows he can rely on me. We're very close, and I'm very proud of him. He's tall, handsome and kind -- nothing like his father I tell people, but that's probably me being bitchy. He's doing well in college but though he's smart enough to be a doctor or lawyer, he's got his heart set on being a photographer. He's been working part time with a local fashion photographer since he was 16, learning the skills at nights and weekends while studying by day.

Which is where our little 'problem' started.

I work from home. Before I was married, I worked in advertising -- I wrote ads. When Jack was still a baby, I started doing freelance writing from home. Nothing too major; mainly just brochures and that kind of stuff. After my divorce, the brochure writing became a full time job and I've been able to make a good living out of it. But one day recently I had a computer problem. I do almost all my work via email, and when my email system froze, I was in danger of missing a deadline. Fortunately Jack has a computer in his room, so I put my work on a memory stick and plugged it into Jack's computer. His email was still working, and the work got sent.

Then I got curious. I saw a file on his desktop marked 'photos', so I thought I'd take a look at his recent work. There was some lovely photos on it. Old people in a park. Children playing sport. Some wonderful shots of a sunrise over a nearby lake. After looking at a few of these, I noticed an un-named file inside the photo file. I clicked on it but it was password protected. Odd, I thought. So (wrong thing to do, I know) I tried a few random passwords. After four or five attempts, I tried Jack's father's name -- Maxwell -- and voila, I was in.

That's when the surprises started. First there were some nice pictures of Sophie, Jack's girlfriend. Then some that were, um, let's say, more artistic. As in nude. They were, I admit, very stylish nude shots, mostly, but some were a little too graphic for my taste. I was seeing rather more of my potential daughter in law than I'd ever expected to see. At least I knew why she never had a problem with her bikini line. Yes, totally bald down there, she was.

I was beginning to feel a little guilty when I found another un-named file, again password protected. The temptation was too much; I tried my luck again. This time it was much harder. I was about to give up when I tried a long shot. If my ex husband's name was one password, what about my middle name, Sarah? Suddenly I was in. And was very quickly regretting it.

The first photo was -- of me! Quite a nice shot, but not one I remember him taking. Then I noticed that my eyes were shut. He'd taken a photo of me asleep. I clicked on another photo. Me again, lying asleep on my bed. I started to feel a little queasy. I raced ahead and clicked on one of the later photos. And almost fell off the chair. My heart started pounding. It was me again. Nude. And not just nude. My legs were apart and my pussy was clearly the main focus of the shot.

I started shaking. I almost vomited. But I forced myself to go on. One by one I opened every photo in the file -- over 100 of them -- and the shocks kept coming. There were wide shots of my naked body taken from all kinds of angles. In some I was on my back, in others I was on my stomach, in yet others on my side. Sometimes my knees were lifted, sometimes my legs were spread wide apart. The worst of them were the close up shots. Close ups of my breasts, close ups of my pussy -- some inside my pussy, with my lips held open -- and even some of my asshole. They were all very well taken shots. They were high quality -- but they were high quality porn.

It was clear that on at least one of the occasions when I had drank too much and passed out, Jack had taken the opportunity to explore my body photographically. But why? He had a beautiful young girlfriend who, it was obvious, was more than happy to pose for him? Why bother with his 42 year old mother? Yes, I'm still in good shape, and the photos made me look much younger than I am -- but it didn't make sense. At least, not to me.

If it was me taking photos of him, that I could understand. As I said, he's young and handsome and many's the time I've looked at him and thought, wow, if only you weren't my own son. But what could he see in me?

What was I going to do? I had no idea. I didn't want to harm my relationship with him. He was far too important to me. And if I confronted him, it would have a terrible affect on him.

I started to rationalise the situation. Artists don't just paint beautiful women. In fact, they often prefer older, heavier women. The lines and wrinkles, and even the layers of fat, give them more scope for catching the light and adding character to their work. That's what Jack was doing. I was just a model. Just as Sophie had been a convenient and co-operative object for him to practice his art, I was a convenient and unconscious object for the same purpose.

But still, what was I going to say to him? Nothing? Should I just let it pass? But if I did, mightn't he be tempted to do it again? I didn't want that. No way.

And then I had an idea. What if pretended to be drunk one night, just to see what happened? And if he tried to do it again, I would start to wake up. I wouldn't catch him -- that would ruin everything -- instead I'd just make him think that I might catch him. Make him think that I was likely to wake up at anytime. If I went through the charade two or three times, he'd come to believe that alcohol no longer affected me the way it used to, and then wouldn't risk doing it again.

That was my plan. And I put it into affect that very night. I got an empty wine bottle and filled it with a light coloured apple juice. Early in the evening, soon after dinner, I had a bath and changed into my pyjamas and gown. Then I got out my 'wine' and joined Jack in front of the TV. I started sipping in the casual way I always do -- I like to make the bottle last the evening. We were watching a movie together, and around 10.30 the bottle was empty and I pretended to doze off.

He started talking to me.

"Mom? Are you asleep? Wake up mom, the movie's reaching the best part."

I said nothing. Instead, I let myself slip down on the sofa, lying down flat across the cushions. Jack laughed.

"You know mom, you really shouldn't drink. Well, bed time for you."

He picked me up in his strong arms and gently carried me to my bedroom, laying my head on the pillow. Then he left and went back to watch the end of the movie.

I sighed in relief. It had been a one off. No photos tonight. I snuggled up a little and after about ten minutes began to doze off for real. And then I heard the door open again.

"Mom...are you asleep? Mom?"

I kept my eyes shut tight. A moment later, I felt hands on my dressing gown. Jack was slowly pulled it off me. Maybe he was just going to tuck me in? But then I felt his hands undoing the buttons on my pyjama top. My breasts fell out.

"Oh mom, you've got such beautiful tits."

I was fighting to control my breathing. Trying to stay calm. In my original plan, I was going to start to 'wake up' around now, to scare him off, but for some reason I didn't. I wanted to see what he would do next. I didn't have to wait long. My pyjama top was soon off and his hands were rubbing across my breasts. This didn't seem very artistic to me. What was he doing?

He moaned. Moaned! That wasn't what I expected.

Now his hands were around the top of my pyjama pants. He slowly began to pull them down. I didn't resist; I just went along with the charade. I was suddenly totally naked. Any moment now I would have to wake up, before things got out of hand.

But wait. If I 'woke up' now, naked, wouldn't it be natural for me to be suspicious? Wouldn't any normal person ask questions: "Jack, how did I come to be nude in my bed when I woke up?" What could he say? No, no, no. That wouldn't do. That would put him in a terrible position. Our relationship would be broken forever. I would lose my son. That couldn't happen.

But there I was, nude, and it was my son who had undressed me.

What next? Now I felt his hands moving me, rolling me onto my back. Then my legs were being opened, my knees lifted. I felt fingers parting my pussy lips. Was he about to take another close up photo of my open pussy? Then...OH! A finger was running across my clit. By reflex, I tried to close my legs, but Jack held them open. A moment later -- OH GOD! -- he started to lick my clit. I was panic stricken. This couldn't be happening. No, no, no. This is all wrong. I had to stop it right now. But I couldn't. I was too afraid of what would happen. And then -- I don't know where it came from -- but suddenly, I moaned. Jack's clit-licking had hit the spot. So while my mind was racing, my body was experiencing a totally different emotion. I moaned again. And Jack laughed.

"You always like this, don't you mom. Don't worry, I'll lick you good."

Always? How many times has this happened? And do I 'always' respond this way? How could I not know? And yet, yes, it was good. Wonderful. I couldn't stop moaning, couldn't sop writhing my hips, pushing my pussy into his face. But it was being done to me by Jack, my beloved son. I had to stop him. Now.

But I didn't. Instead, I half opened an eye; just enough to see, but not enough for him to see that I could see. And what I saw was an even bigger shock: I wasn't the only one who was nude.

Jack stood up. His young body was rippling with muscle, and the biggest muscle was the one between his legs. I hadn't seen him nude since he was 13, and boy had he grown. He had a raging nine inch hard on, the biggest cock I had ever seen in the flesh. And it was coming towards me.

"Now it's my turn, mom."

And with that, he gently opened my lips and started to push his cock into my mouth.

"Come on mom, suck me the way you always do."

That word again -- always. Apparently I had done this before. Would he know something was wrong if I didn't do as he said? If I always sucked his cock, I'd have to do it now. So I did.

It was lovely. The taste of him on my lips was heaven. I ran my tongue round and round the head of his cock, sucking hard, and he pushed it further and further into my mouth. Then, suddenly, he had had it half way down my throat. I'd never taken a cock that way before. Or had I? Because it was slipping down there very easily. I expected to gag. I didn't. Instead I took more and more of him, until eventually I had the whole nine inches down my throat, sliding in and out, and it was amazing. Jack thought so too -- he was groaning loudly, holding my head and pressing me hard against his cock, so that his balls were against my chin. And then he exploded. Cum came pouring down my throat.

"Oh yeah, take it all mom, swallow my cum. You love it don't you. Oh yeah. Drink it all, every drop. Ohhh mommm!"

And I did. Till then, I thought I'd never swallowed cum in my life, but I was doing it like a natural and loving it. I could feel Jack's cock shrivelling in my mouth but I kept sucking till had swallowed every drop of him. And even then, I kept licking and sucking him, sucking and licking. And as I did so, his cock began to harden again.

"Oh you love my cock, don't you mom? Don't worry. You'll get much more of it yet."

More? The terrible thing was, I should have been horrified, but I was pleased when I heard him say that. I had gone beyond just trying not to let him know I was awake to actually enjoying the experience. I felt ashamed. But not enough to stop him.

He slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth. It wasn't easy -- I kept sucking on it and trying to get it back down my throat, and even grabbing it with my hands, but Jack gently pulled my hands away.

"Easy mom, easy. Your favourite part is still coming."

Well, I assumed I w2knew what that would be. And now, horror of horrors, I was looking forward to it. Jack rolled me over, then dragged my legs across so my waist was on the edge of the bed and my legs hanging over the edge. Standing at the side of the bed, he opened my legs wide, put a hand on each side of my hips and lifted me up. I felt his huge cock pressing against my pussy lips.

OH! In three quick movements, he slipped an inch, then three, then the whole nine inches inside me. I hadn't realised just how wet my pussy had become. I had never felt so full! (Well, not while I was awake, anyway.) And then he started to drive that huge nail hard into me -- harder and harder, faster and faster. How could I pretend to be asleep while this was happening to me? I tried to stop from screaming with pleasure, but I couldn't help myself. I was cumming, and the scream was coming with it. Surely I'd get found out? But no.

"That's it mom, scream. Scream while I fuck your lovely pussy. Cum for me mom, cum hard. Oh, you're so beautiful. Scream while I fuck you mom."

And I screamed. I had never cum like that before. Never ever, ever. (Again, not that I could remember, but...) In fact, I was screaming with pleasure so much that I didn't even notice that something else was happening -- Jack was sliding a finger into my ass. Then two. He was rubbing the juice and cum from my pussy all round and inside my asshole. I was ramming my pussy against his wonderful cock so hard that I was also forcing his fingers deeper into my ass. But when, for just a terrible moment, he pulled that beautiful cock out of my pussy, I got a sudden realisation of what was happening when I felt it returning -- but not to my pussy. My asshole burned as the massive head of his cock forced its way past my weakened anal defences.

Now let me be straight up about this. I have never had anal sex. Never. (Again, no need to say...) I have always been disgusted by the thought. I never let any boyfriend or my ex husband even touch my little dark hole.

But now...

This was different. There was dried cum on my chin. I had the taste of cum in my mouth, my throat, in my stomach. My own cum was pouring from my pussy. I was in another place. I was another person. A person who would do ANYTHING. And who was loving it.

So, when Jack's huge cock started its journey into my ass, I didn't resist. I actually reached around and pulled my ass cheeks apart, opening the path for him. And he didn't hold back. Slowly, gently, but determinedly, he pushed it harder and harder, further and further into me. And though I felt pain, it was a kind of euphoric pain. The very idea of his cock in my ass was suddenly the most erotic thing in the world.

And to my surprise, it slid in quite easily. How could that be? His cock was so big, so hard. And my asshole was so small and tight? How many times had he done this to me to make my asshole so receptive? Many, many times I was beginning to realise. How had it felt the first time? Had I cried in pain? Had he forced it in to me anyway, through all my tears? Or had I liked it from the start, that curious combination of pain and pleasure?

But these thoughts quickly faded, for the pain had passed and the pleasure had taken over. And what pleasure! He was pounding me now, driving his cock the full nine inches into my asshole. Stretching me to limits I never thought possible. And I was screaming again. Even louder than before. I reached down squeezed his balls as he drove his cock into me, then forced four fingers into my dripping pussy. It was unbelievable. He was fucking my ass -- my most private place -- and I was cumming like I had never cum before.

Then, for the second time, he exploded. I felt his hot cum first deep in my ass, but then he pulled his cock out of me and allowed the cum to pump over my stinging asshole. He started to rub one hand over the cum, driving his sticky fingers into my ass. Then, with his other hand, he reached across and pulled my face towards his throbbing cock. It was mine again, that lovely piece of rock hard meat. With cum still spurting, he pushed his cock back into my mouth, and I sucked on it hungrily, as if I was dying of thirst and his cock was a pouring tap.

I was holding onto his cock with both hands, almost like crying with joy, as his fingers rubbed cum into my asshole and pussy.

And then it was over. He pulled his now deflated cock out of my mouth and walked out of the room for a moment, returning with a wet face washer and towel. Meticulously, he began to clean me up, wiping the cum from my pussy, my ass, my mouth. Then, with all traces of the last magical 40 minutes removed, he gently pulled my pyjamas and night gown back onto me. And all the while, because he was still naked, I could see his delicious, delightful cock hanging just inches from my half open eye. How I would have loved to reach out and grab it, to suck it, to make it hard again, to start all over.

He turned off the light and closed the door. A moment later he was in the shower.

Well, at least I now knew why I sometimes woke up with a croaky voice and sore asshole after getting drunk. I'd always blamed it on the wine -- which, in a way, was fair enough. The wine was to blame; it had given my beloved Jack a chance to act out a fantasy.

But now that I had failed to put my plan into action, failed to stop Jack from taking advantage of me, what was I going to do? It was terrible, I knew, for such a thing could happen. But it had happened. What were my options? They hadn't changed since I first saw the photos on Jack's computer. I loved my son and couldn't lose him over this.

So, once again, what was I going to do? Lying there, my pussy and asshole aching from the pounding they had received but my whole body glowing with ecstasy, I knew the answer.

I was going to get some more of that light coloured apple juice to put in an empty wine bottle.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Meu sonho!!

booty77loverbooty77loverover 3 years ago
100% HOT

omg you are good thanks

CindysBobCindysBobalmost 4 years ago
nifty little tale

liked the story, a nice short bit of erotica. Wish it had been paced off more...perhaps with the lad stripping her and letting his hands just roam across her body and then, as if this was his usual custom straddle her face and violate her mouth just a bit before jerking off on her face...then nice son that he is coming back to wash her up with a damp washcloth before dressing her and gently kissing her forehead.

See, your writing got me thinking, which is what erotica should always do.




kylady76kylady76almost 4 years ago
lovely little old wine drinker you

sexy little start to you story

ROCKY70ROCKY70almost 5 years ago

To have a mom that dumb,, to think she would lose her son after he raped her. And he will keep rapeing her untill she stops him..... INCEST YES RAPE NO...

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Blowjob from sister

When i was 15 my sister was 11 we were home alone and i had pinched some smokes and a bottle of wine ,i also started taking a interest in women's lingerie and clothing i went into moms room and picked out some of her underwear and lingerie and clothing and began putting it all on there i was dressed up in female clothing,i found a vibrator and put it down front of my panties,I decided to go to my room an watch a incest porn vid,i just sat down and the door opened and in walked my sister,i forgot to lock my door,she had 14 b cup tits an bald pussy i know cause i have played with her while she sleeping,i have tasted her pussy and taken photos of her nude body she sat down on my bed and asked how how long have i been wearing women's lingerie and clothing i said about 7 mths she asked why i do it i said i started when i was touching you in your sleep and i would remove your clothes before eating your pussy,i had a little bit of wine and said to her take your clothes off and have some wine i said i seen it all before and my cock has been all over your pussy and in your mouth,asked how to i did it with out waking her then i said i love also fucked your pussy and cum in it,i gave her the wine bottle and she guzzled it down then she asked again how did i do it,i told her i drugged her and took it in turns cause i would drug mom then fuck her after i did her i would then do her,she asked how old was she when i first fucked her i told her it was her 9th birthday and she was drunk and went to sleep in my bed,i told her that i usually fuck her twice a week i told her that one night while fucking her i was just cumming in her pussy when our mother walked in and caught me fucking her and she knew i was cumming in her,she told me to get off her when i said i cumming in her,mother called me a sick barsted i finish filling her then i stood up my cock still hard and dripping cum i looked at mom smiled and said you have never complained when i fuck you and i have been fucking you for about a year and exploding all my cum in you and after im finished i put on your best lingerie and clothing and wear it till i cum in panties,she told sister too get dressed i said no she gunna lay naked with me and see if we have another fuck she threatened to tell our father then i said ok then i Will show people the video and pictures i took of you while i was fucking you she walked out of the room i was hard again so i pushed her legs wide open an i got on top of her and said im going to fuck you again then slipped my cock inside her we fucked for about 5yrs when i was 30 i got married and we would use meth(drugs) that weekend sister rang wife and asked if she could stay a few weeks wife said yes then said she going to her moms for a week as she not well,Friday night and wife had left and my sister had turned up she rang door bell i open door and my sister stood there looking horny and hot before she had a chance i grabbed her give her a cuddle and a kiss and forced my tongue down her throat and said loose the clothes now cause over next week you won't need them i squezzd her tits and said im going to go get on and asked if she wanted to come on way to dealers i pulled my cock out it was hard i said now you show me yours i told her to move closer to me cause I wanted her to jerk my cock after i bought drugs we drove to the beachgot out of car and sat under the light,i sat behind her with hands up her blouseand inside her bra,i nixed us up a shot we had iti got blanket from car lay it on ground then got her and fucked her,she ended up staying for nearly 3 mths a week went by and sister still at house that first week went fast wife said she staying extra 2 weeks at her moms,i grabbed sister 's hand and put it around my cock and said plenty of time later ,that was 11 mths ago and today we still enjoy see

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

sick sad bimbo that is RAPE son or no son should have stoped it , what if another girl/woman ends up the same way

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
four stars for a fine story, and five stars for

the comment by the mother who wrote MMM. She's seen her 19 year old boy's fat 8-incher, and it was love at first sight. And now she wants it! Hey, momma, there's good news! Your boy needs half an excuse to shove that beautiful young penis of his into every hole you've got--especially that warm hairy hole between your legs. You know, the same hole the kid came out of. At his age the boy's a nonstop semen producing machine, and, like lots of sons, he'd just love to gift his mother with every drop of his semen. From your kid's hot young balls to your loving motherly cunt, momma!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

My son just turned 19 and for the first time in seven years I saw his 8 inches of awesomeness, (it was 3 inches at that time) and am now wishing secretly it was in my mouth. Any of my three pleasure holes actually.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Very nice, it got my cock going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
great begining, even if it has been done for a while. Thanks Nicole

I am off to read part two.. Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

A totally awesome story. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Fuck Nicole, that was awesome. I want to fuck the bitch as well!

L.A. WickerL.A. Wickerover 15 years ago

Great job! Nice to see someone writing hot incest again. Very good!


William smythWilliam smythabout 16 years ago
Hardly Likely

I give this a top vote even though it seems rather far-fetched it is a hot story and I hope the author will give us a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great work

I think this is a great storie and hope that there will be another one to continue along the same lines. thanks and keep up the good work.

walkingeaglewalkingeagleover 16 years ago
Very imaginitive--Hot fantasy

Great job! Well written and very erotic!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
love your work

very well written would have liked it to be slower with daytime interplay between mother and son so looking forward to the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

The sex scenes were ok up until the time the son reinserted his dick back into her mouth after anal intercourse. That act is completely unsanitary and it ruined the story for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
well done

once again another great story, absolutely loved it hope part 2 will be soon!

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