My Swede (Sweet) Giant Ch. 06

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Around the bend.
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The feedback emails have been my everything. This is the new update. I hope it's everything you've wanted.


I sat on the floor of Sven's closet, tucked into the farthest corner. My tears wet my knees as I tucked my face further into them. It was too much, it was all too much. I was nauseated and exhausted constantly. Morning sickness wasn't really a thing with Morgan but this one was awful. I hated everyone and everything and all I wanted to do was run.

My family was the same one I'd left. Of fucking course they were. What had it been? Two years? What had I honestly expected to change? Can you miss and love someone but realize they were bad for you? Could you love someone from afar?

I needed them though. There were days I could barely walk. I couldn't play with my daughter like I used to. At night I looked to Sven, too weak for sex. He held me close but even still I felt a distance growing between us. My family was tearing at the sides of it, turning it into a chasm. Sometimes I looked into his eyes and wondered if he saw me as myself or one of them.

Just when I thought that everything was as awful as it could get, the doll parts started showing up. They were little legs, arms, and torsos from black Barbie Dolls. They came from different locations, like a damn network of assholes. How in the hell could two little bitches pull this off?

My tears mixed with the lotion on my skin making a sickly slick feel against my cheeks. I retched. With a shove, I threw open the closet doors and scrambled up, nearly falling over the figure sitting in front of them. I made an apologetic moan as I ran into the bathroom and vomited in Sven's toilet.

As I clung to the porcelain, I heard the door close and lock behind me. I whimpered and retched before another spew in the bowl. His large hot hand rubbed my back in slow circles as I coughed. I should have recognized him when I almost kneed his face.

"Were you listening to me cry?" The sound of my voice had a tinny tone as it bounced off the ceramic.

He sighed and kissed my back in a soft line up my spine through the moist shirt, wet with my sweat. "I will always find where you hide Cordelia."

I moaned and whimpered, wiping my mouth as I turned to him. His hair was in uneven braids and I knew my niece had got to him. I smiled softly and sighed. "Do you still love me?"

He looked incredulous and shook his head, breaking my heart before I heard him speak. "You are crazy, how could I ever stop loving you?"

My body slumped in relief but I just shook my head. "Why? Look at what I've done to you!" I sat back on my heels as I let the tears start streaming. "I have a girl stalking you, my crazy family is here, Morgan isn't even a toddler and there's another baby on the way, and look at me! I'm like the walking dead."

He started to laugh, hard. It was the first time I'd seen him laugh in so long, full on guffawing in his adorable goofiness. I began to giggle, softly at first and then growing. Sven eased his way behind me and pulled me into his lap.

"You have made me so happy; even now I am overjoyed just to hold you." He leaned in to kiss me but I put my hand up.

"Ew, vomit mouth, ew."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Bedårande"

"What?" I melted into his chest and played with the buttons of his shirt.

"I guess the closest translation would be... adorable." He buried his face in my hair and I shuddered.

"You're so sweet to me... I love you so much." I had a brief bout of hiccups and he loosened his hold in case I needed to rush back to the toilet. I did.

As I hurled there was a steady rapping at the door. Sven rubbed my back as he called out. "Yes?"

"Sven, Morgan is fussin' again." My sister was on the other side. Our daughter had taken to only being soothed by her father recently.

"I am on my way." He stroked my hair but I pushed at his hip.

"Go." I groaned and put my forehead against my upper arm as I draped my upper body over the bowl. "I'll be fine, just go."

He kissed my neck, causing me to shiver a little. I wiggled out of his lap so he could stand and leave. My skin chilled in the emptiness he left behind.

I grumbled and released before lying down on the cool tile floor when I had nothing more to give. My hands slid down the front of my body and I let my fingers temple over my lower stomach. I took a slow breath.

"Alright kid, listen up..."

I don't know why I paused. Was I actually expecting a response from our unborn child? What would I have done if I'd heard one? Besides the point...

"I should probably apologize for bringing you into chaos. You didn't ask to be here, so I can't be upset if you're making me feel like I'm in a tilt-a-whirl. HOWEVER... can you lay up just a bit? I mean... I'm not asking for much... OK?"

Of course I was left with silence. It was just me and Cletus the Fetus in there. I took a deep breath and eased my way to standing. It was time to go back downstairs. I brushed my teeth and headed down.

I saw Sven first. He was lying on the floor with Morgan cooing and wiggling on his chest. One of his legs was bent and up so that my nephew could use it as a bridge for the new toy truck he got for Christmas. The smaller braids of his hair were getting braided into bigger plaits by my niece. Once again he'd been saddled with the children while the adults did god knows what. Yes, it was adorable and he loved kids but it was too much. I marched into the kitchen to see my grandmother cooking.

"Nana, where's Rita?"

"Shopping with your mother and Joanna..." She didn't even look up as she continued to cut the dark collard greens and put them in the sink to wash.

"Where's her husband?" I crossed my arms.

"Out with your father and your bother..." She sighed. "You should go ahead and get to your point."

I gritted my teeth and drop to a level where only she could hear me. "It ain't my husband's job to be no damn nanny."

She didn't even flinch. "Who you gon' tell but me? They in your house, they the ones 'taking care of you in your time of need'..."

"But got you cookin..." I slumped into a seat at the table and put my head in my hands with a groan.

"As I said, who you gon' tell but me?" I felt for my grandmother. She'd known a life of work and yet even after she'd married into wealth, she still worked for family. "You really comin' home?"

"Do you think I should?" I looked up.

She lifted her head and turned her mouth. "Cordelia... I told them not to name you that. Always gon' be somebody's victim. Well child, this ain't King Lear. Live your damn life."

"I'm thinking about going to Sweden..." I sighed.

She smiled. "Take yo ass up there and freeze, it's still better than this."

I chuckled and draped across the table, putting my cheek against the cool wood. "I love you Nana."

"I love you too, Cory. You want these greens spicy?"

"Oh yes ma'am please!" I giggled and sighed.

"That's my girl."

I watched her cook before falling asleep. It was peaceful and I didn't even mind when I was lifted up from the seat. The coolness of the quilt on my cheek made me stir. Morgan was sleeping on a baby blanket spread out on the bed a few feet from me. I watched her wiggle cutely as she dreamed.

The weight shifted on the bed before I felt Sven snuggle into my back. He was so big and warm. I put my hand over his when he settled it over my stomach.

"You are supposed to still be asleep." He whispered into the back of my neck.

I moaned softly. "Is this a nice nap time for us?"

"I could not help spending this time with my family." He kissed my shoulder and cheek before burying his face in my hair.

I melted in his hold. Morgan's soft breathing was like a dreamy melody around us. I took a deep settling breath. "Sven?"

"Yes?" His thumb swiped back and forth across my navel."

"Let's go to Sweden for a while..."

"Truly?" He gently turned my head so we could lock eyes.

I nodded and leaned up to kiss the tip of his nose. "It doesn't have to be forever but maybe just until the baby is born? As soon as the morning sickness calms down a bit, let's just go."

He ginned big and goofy and met me with a deep kiss. "We are going."

"I love you, my sweet husband." I whispered against his lips and leaned up for another kiss.

"I love you too." He groaned between pecks and pulled me closer. I shivered as he sucked in and pulled back. "I need to call the lawyer; maybe we could expedite the adoption since we're leaving the country."

Making sure I didn't wake Morgan, I wiggled onto my back so I could look at him better, still careful to keep my voice low. "When was the last time you spoke to him?"

"It has been some time. I was worried about your health." He stroked my cheek and I leaned into his hand.

"We'll call on Monday; my family will be leaving this weekend. Swear that." He chuckled and I smiled and nibbled his thumb.

"Underbart." He put his forehead to mine.

I let out a soft elated sigh. "Gosh, I thought I'd never hear that beautiful word again."

"You are going to hear it all the time. I will make sure to say it." Sven kissed my across my forehead in four soft pecks. A tear ran down my cheek. I loved him so much that it ached inside of me. He kissed it away and wrapped his arms around me. Morgan began to whine a little as she readjusted. "Sorry my little one, sorry..."

We held still in our embrace until she settled again and her breathing deepened. "I think we're in the clear."

"This is the longest you have gone without illness."

"Shh!" I hissed in mock harshness. "Don't jinx it."

He chuckled as quiet as he could and just held me. We didn't speak anymore. He just rolled me back onto my side and resumed snuggling behind me. Eventually, the safe feel of him lulled me into a peaceful sleep.

The morning sickness returned when I woke but I was happy just to have had that solid night of heavenly sleep in his arms. I even smiled as I hugged the toilet and retched. I may not have been in control of my body but I could start taking control of the situation.

As gently as I could, I begin to make hints that my family should leave. My grandmother helped, not so gently. At some points, she was damn well rude about it.

"Dammit Patricia, it's already January! Don't you have some rich white folks to keep from dying?" We all looked up from our plates to stare at my grandmother. Apparently she had had enough of my mother's stalling.

"Mother!" My mother flustered and huffed. "I've heard you well enough! We're leaving tomorrow."

My siblings didn't say a word, neither did my father. He knew better than to go against his own mother. My brother spoke up finally, breaking the tenseness.

"Well sis, it's been fun..." There was a sly little mirth to it.

I couldn't help but grin at him and pinch his arm. "Happy to see you all grown up, Eric."

We knocked heads as he tried to hug me and laughed. The whole mood of the room lightened and we were able to eat dinner in peace. My brother had become regulator of the family and I wondered quietly if it'd break him.

They left the next day with little fanfare. There were hugs and kisses goodbye. We shared well-wishes and loving even if unsolicited advice. Before she entered the car, my grandmother cupped my face in her well worked hands. The precious metal of her rings was cool against my skin.

"You are not your name. You are not the victim." She kissed my forehead. "Call often, learn the language, do your best."

I smiled at her and nodded. "Yes ma'am."

She grinned and gave Sven one last hug and Morgan a kiss on the cheek. My heart broke just a bit as I watched her enter the car and the caravan of my family drive off my driveway and down the street. Sven's arm wrapped around me and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Are you alright?"

"I will be."

It was strange at first, that next day. My family, who had been so far at first and then too close, was now at my fingertips. We texted when they arrived back in Alabama. They sent pictures of the house, the kids sent me drawings. It was all so new to me and pleasing. I didn't even care about the little black plastic leg in the mail.

Sven sat on the floor with Morgan, his long blonde hair freshly washed and glossy. I was stretched out on the sofa, watching them. There were longer stretches between my retching. I was getting better.

"I left a message for the lawyer..." He looked up at me and grinned. I flushed. It wasn't right for him to look that good.

"I'm sure he'll call you back today." I bit my lip as I watched him.

He flipped his head over her, hiding our little girl behind a curtain of thick blonde strands. She squealed in delight and ran her fingers through it, tugging a bit. He grunted and chuckled.

"Keep on playing and you'll be bald by the time she's in preschool."

"Do not jinx me." He chuckled and scooped her up, freeing his hair before flipping it back behind him once more.

I shivered and grinned. How long had it been since I was able to play in that flaxen dream? When was the last time it draped over me?

Patiently, I waited and watched. Morgan stretched and wiggled and stacked her wooden blocks with dull pleasing clicks. Eventually she began to tucker out. She snuggled against Sven and began to drift off pleasantly.

"Let me go tuck in this little princess. Need anything?" He stood and I watched him.

I didn't trust my words so I just shook my head and gave him a soft smile. He leaned over and kissed my cheek before carrying Morgan off upstairs. I sighed and sipped more water.

Finishing the glass, I went to the kitchen for more before I headed up the stairs to his room. On a whim, I stripped nude and wiggled under the covers. I pulled the sheet over my head.

I could hear Sven's footsteps on the stairs in the quiet darkness. My hand snaked its way down my front to flick my clit back and forth with my middle finger as I listened to him search for me. He called my name downstairs but I bit back chuckles and moans as I waited for him.

Sven slowly made his way upstairs and I heard the door ease open and the light click on. "Now now... my wife is missing and I know not where she is... Could she possibly be in here?"

I was an obvious lump under the covers but I loved the fact that he played along with me. My finger traced further dipping just the tip within me. I shivered as I heard him walk closer.

"What is a Thunder God to do?"

I squealed with a mix gleeful laughter and sexual need, snatching at the sheet with my free hand as the other sank my finger into me. Sven was watching me, shirtless and glorious. "Oh gawd yes..."

He laughed and climbed onto the bed, crawling over to straddle me above the sheets. "I thought you would enjoy that."

"Uh huh..." I moaned out, working the finger within me.

He groaned as he realized. "Oh no no sweet wife, you must not start without me..." He moved to the side and flipped up the covers to dive underneath.

I laughed and tried to catch him, arms wrapping around his waist as he spread my thighs. Sven nibbled from my navel down before peppering kisses across my lips. I shuddered and buried my face into his denim covered thigh, lifting my hips for his attention.

"Sven... I've missed you so mu-CH!" I cried out as his tongue dragged slowly across my clit.

"I have missed you so much my Cordelia." His finger slipped in where mine once was and pumped slowly as he attached to the nub with tight suction.

I groaned and bit his hip as I bucked against his face. Without him I'd become so pent. It wouldn't take much more for me to peak.

He added another finger and really dug into my walls. It was only about my pleasure. There was no teasing. I sobbed against him as I edged closer and closer.

Sven sucked and pulled and the engorged flesh as my hands traveled to claw his back. I was near climbing him as the tension finally broke. Biting hard onto one of his cheeks through the jeans, I screamed my throat raw with the much needed release.

He slipped his fingers out, lapping and sucking over the quivering flesh as I rode the electric wave of my orgasm. Tears of joy rolled down my cheeks and onto the jeans before I collapsed back against the pillows. Sven gave me a few more licks before settling his head against my thigh, his hair blanketing my skin. He said something mumbled under the covers and kissed my skin closest to him.

"Baby... I so can't hear you." I whimpered hoarsely.

I watched him lift the covers and grin sweetly at me, sucking his fingers with one eye hidden behind his long locks. "Min älskade, my beloved. You'll learn my language soon enough."

I grinned with lazy spent joy as I watched him. "I'll have the best teacher."

He chuckled and there was a dull ringing far off. At first I thought it was just the blood rushing through my ears until I realized it sounded too electronic. He noticed too and sat up.

"The lawyer, I will return!" He somewhat stumbled out of the bed, making me coo at his adorableness as he scrambled out of the room for the phone.

I closed my eyes and breathed in what was left of his scent as I listened to his conversation downstairs. It started out calm and happy but my eyes popped open as I heard what sounded like swearing in Swedish. I sat up weakly, leaning against the pillows.

"Sven?" I called out to him. There was silence but I heard his footsteps on the stairs. He leaned quietly in the doorway, cell still in hand.

"John has contacted the lawyer..."

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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

You wrote really great stories and I'm sad that you haven't returned to finish some of your series but I hope that you are okay and that nothing bad happened to you. Hopefully, you were whisked away by the man of your dreams and you simply no longer needed to write such seductively imaginative stories since your reality is better than the worlds you've created. That is my hope for you as well as that you are safe and okay.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 1 month ago

finish this please. catch the crazy girl. how can John interfere if he already signed his rights away?

StrixalucoStrixalucoabout 2 years ago

Sad to see this unfinished, the story is good.

Her reaction to all her family being there for so long seems just about what could be expected. Him being so understanding about it, on the other hand, seems less likely. As Scandinavian he would likely not like them staying forward so long - he might allow it for her sake, but I doubt he would be happy about it. Even though he is from a big family himself.

Wombat63Wombat63over 2 years ago

Wonderful series.

For those wanting to vent about not being finished, if you look at the dates on the stories, you'll see that 2015 was the last post.

Obviously, something unexpected has happened and writing, at least on Literotica, is no longer an option.

Whilst sad, being abusive isn't going to change it.

Just my humble opinion......

Allegedly_LiterateAllegedly_Literateover 2 years ago

Oh no no no chapter please. It just can't end like this. So sad these stories just die without dying.

hellokitty1hellokitty1over 2 years ago

Where is the rest of the story?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This story is amazingg... please please finish it!

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieover 3 years ago

Please finish this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Gentle Enquire

Hey darkblush

I wanted to thank you for these amazing stories, I realize that life happens and you might not be in the right mental space to finish these stories and if that’s the case I’m sending you light joy and peace in this terrible time 🤍🤍🤍

However if you have finished these stories on another site or officially on sale as books please let us know so we can support and buy them .

Thank you 🤍🧚🏾✨

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieabout 4 years ago

Are you going to finish this story.?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago


jshsalvjshsalvalmost 6 years ago

I wish people like you would just quit writing. To say I'm pissed off by your lack of or laziness to finish would be a gross understatement. You aren't alone though, if that is any consolation to your ignorance. I'm glad I saw the notice about none of your stories being finished. I will be sure to avoid any others you put on here. To totally understand where I'm coming from, just a big FY will give you a good idea.

LittleBear1957LittleBear1957about 6 years ago
What Happens next...

I have become a fan of your story and to be left hanging is such an empty feeling. Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
My Theory

I think the author has found god and is praying for all our immoral souls

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Why are the best stories always left unfinished! It's so good!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I'm begging you

Please finish this, I'm really wanting to know what happens next. Love the main characters, and how the story has played out so far. Give me more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I have been watch in this series for a while and love it pleas update soon

DecadentdessertDecadentdessertover 6 years ago

Please finish this saga just found this morsel it so delish. A cliff-hanger really?? If I listen closely I am sure I can hear a faint clap of thunder and evil laughter. In hindsight there was a bit of foreshadowing leaving the door slightly ajar for John (the ex ) to make another appearance stiring the emotional pot. Between John and the crazy stalker this will make for a interesting continuation. Who knows the stalker and the ex could possibly be in cahoots.

It has been two year since you posted. To echo another poster I hope is well. You are indeed a gifted storyteller and we want more PLEASE!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I wish there was a conclusion cause it's a beautiful story so far

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieabout 7 years ago

Please finish this wonderful story!!!

sanesinnersanesinnerabout 7 years ago

Bellissima you alive?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Last story 2015 01 27

Dear DarkBlush,

are you all right? You haven´t published any in the last 2 years.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Please finish the story; please.

Lulu222Lulu222about 8 years ago
Please complete

I keep coming back hoping there's more. I've read this so many time. Please finish

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Please finish soon!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Please continue the most amazing story I've read on here you have to finish it please please please

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