My Thoughts are Your Thoughts Ch. 02

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My "powers" increase due to head injury-Nurse Brown helps me.
4.8k words

Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/14/2022
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Some of you may be thinking that using my powers for my own gratification is somehow reprehensible. Let me make it clear, I cannot make people do anything they don't want to do. I can only suggest things, send mental pictures, and influence their train of thought. They only do what they do at my suggestion if it is something they want to do anyway. I place the thoughts; they act on it if they wish.

My psychic, 'gift,' was always there, in the background, largely ignored by me, but sometimes managing to surprise me with unexpected twists and turns of new abilities. One day I found a bracelet in the street. It was a, 'charm,' bracelet, with little silver, 'lucky charms,' attached. I was just wondering who it might belong to, when I, 'saw,' a mental picture of the owner. She was a very nice-looking young woman, probably in her mid-twenties.

I looked around but couldn't see anyone who matched my picture of the owner. I was walking along the street thinking I'd have to go to all the bother of going to the police station to hand it in, when I saw the woman who had been in my mind walking towards me. She was walking slowly, looking in the gutter at the side of the road.

'You're looking for this, aren't you?' I said, holding out the bracelet. She was overjoyed, delighted to say the least.

'Yes, thank you, thank you so much, but how did you know it was mine?' She asked.

'Easy, you were walking along, obviously searching for something, and I had just found it a couple of hundred yards further back,' I explained glibly. 'Two and two seemed to add up to all the right numbers for me.' That was my unexpected introduction to psychometry, the ability to receive impressions, or pictures from inanimate objects. I'd never really been aware of it before, but I practiced with it on various things, and as I practiced, I became better at it, and then as usual, I just forgot about it and put it to the back of my mind. I was too engrossed in my painting and the short affair with the young woman whose bracelet I had found. While I got on with my life, my psychic abilities, although ignored by me, grew stronger.

Things may have stayed much the same for the rest of my life, or my powers may have continued to grow slowly over the years, but I'll never know for sure, and I can only speculate. It's something I haven't much time for - idle speculation. I only know that things took a dramatic leap forward just a few days after my twenty-fourth birthday.

'James... James,' the voice called distantly. My head hurt... no... hurt was too ineffectual a term to describe the pain I felt. I managed to open my eyelids - the light lanced into my eyes, searing my brain. I must have called out. A cool, soothing hand touched my brow.

'OK James, we'll get you something for the pain, just bear with me.' A cool sensation in my arm, then nothing.

Over the next few days, I gradually regained consciousness for longer periods. My parents came to visit, and sat with me for long hours, sometimes talking to me, sometimes sitting in the comfortable silence of those who love you and need no words to communicate their love. It was they who told me I had been in a car crash and had head injuries. No other damage, just my head. I had been unconscious for two days, but was now thankfully making a steady recovery.

When I was a bit stronger, the doctors put me through a series of tests and various scans to make sure there was no permanent damage. As far as they could tell, they announced, there was no discernible brain impairment, which was a great relief, especially to my parents. However, I was soon to learn there had been a quantum leap forward in brain enhancement. My gift, powers, whatever you want to call them, soon proved to be much more powerful than previously. Something extraordinary had taken place in my head, and I can only imagine it was due to the injury. I can't explain it any other way, but I soon realised something wonderful had taken place.

The first inkling I had was when I was lying in bed one morning a few days later. There was a pretty nurse, about my own age, in the room with her back turned to me, bending over another patient's bed, tucking in sheets, or whatever nurses do. It doesn't really matter. I knew I was well on the road to recovery because I had started thinking about sex again. Her small, pert bottom drew my attention, and like all red-blooded young males, I imagined what it would feel like, and mentally caressed it.

She stood bolt upright and turned on me angrily. 'How dare you touch me like that,' she spat out. Then, seeing my hands were below the pristine, unwrinkled bed covers, she realised I couldn't have touched her, and immediately became confused. She apologised, red-faced, and embarrassed. 'I'm terribly sorry James,' she said, 'I could have sworn you touched my bottom just now.'

'Not me nurse, not guilty. Mind you, the thought had crossed my mind,' I joked. She laughed it off, and carried on with her chores, leaving soon after, but I hardly noticed her leave, I was too busy thinking about psycho kinesis, the ability to touch and move objects and things by mental power alone.

I decided to try an experiment, and I settled on the charge nurse as my guinea pig. She was a bit older than the younger nurse, maybe about thirty, but very attractive in a cool, 'starchy,' sort of way. She was about five foot seven inches tall, and very slender, great legs. She had dark hair, but it was hard to tell just how long it was as she always seemed to wear it pulled back very tightly and pinned up in some way at the back, which made it look shorter. She had very regular features, and lovely smooth, clear skin, blue eyes and full, sensual lips. In short, she was a real beauty, and maybe I had, 'imprinted,' on her like a baby duck when it comes out of its shell. Her face was the first face I saw when I came out of my coma. Very efficient, but very, 'by the book,' and kept the other nurses on their toes, which, I suppose if truth be told, was exactly what she was supposed to do. However, as someone with scant regard for authority, I saw her as a challenge, and so I selected her to be the worthy object of my experiment.

Not exactly sure yet what the nature and extent of my powers were, I waited until she was standing at the bottom of my bed, making notes in my chart later that day. I reached out mentally, and gently touched her. She gave no reaction, but I noticed her eyes opened wider as if in surprise. I closed my eyes, the better to concentrate, and imagined my hand inside her panties, caressing her, opening her pussy lips, feeling her wetness beneath my probing fingers. I opened my eyes again. She was still standing at the bottom of the bed, eyes closed, swaying slightly, she shook her head as if confused, opened her eyes, and tried to carry on working, but I knew she had experienced something.

As a final bit of wickedness before she resumed what she was doing, I gave her the thought of touching me, and taking me in her mouth. She looked at me very strangely, and I held her gaze, smiling innocently back at her. So, something seemed to be taking place I reasoned. She was definitely feeling me touching her on a physical level; although no actual contact was taking place, but there could be no doubt that she looked sexually aroused.

I decided that further experiment was required. Every time she came into the room, I touched her mentally, sometimes just the lightest of touches, but on one triumphant occasion, during visiting hours, when no other nurses were around and I had no visitors, as she checked my chart again, I let my mind do her a lot more damage. I closed my eyes again, and thought of her pussy, inside her panties, wet and open. I thought of opening her lips wider, stroking her clitoris, and pushing my fingers deep inside, massaging her G-spot.

When I opened my eyes to see if I was having any effects, she was standing, legs apart, her hips swaying back and forward in a fucking motion. Eyes closed, her breathing was chaotic, and little whimpers of pleasure were escaping her lips. I withdrew my, 'hand,' and watched her through half closed eyes, pretending to be asleep. I didn't want her to be so embarrassed that she wouldn't come back. Slowly, she returned to normal, her eyes flicked open, and she looked frantically around, to see if anyone had noticed, a guilty look on her face. With face flushed, and still breathing hard, she continued to work on my notes. I sent her a little parting thought of stroking my hard cock, then sucking it. Again, she looked at me, and bit her bottom lip.

She came into my room, later that evening, as cool and, 'starchy,' as ever. I had noticed soon after I regained consciousness that she had beautiful hands. Very elegant, and well-manicured, which was one of the reasons I sent her thoughts of playing with my cock. I have a, 'thing,' about beautiful hands and mouths. Imagining those hands stroking my cock was a lovely and most erotic thought. She also had a beautiful mouth with full sensual lips, and white even teeth, need I say more?

'Hello, what are you doing here so late; I thought your shift was over at 7pm?' I said, surprised to see her.

'Overtime,' she explained, 'one of the other nurses had a family emergency and I offered to cover for her.' So, human after all I thought, and kind enough to help a friend. I almost relented. She left for a minute or two and came back with a trolley to take my temperature, blood pressure, etc. This is it I thought, there will never be a better opportunity, so once again, as she stood by my bed and did my blood pressure, temperature and so forth, she was really close. I sent her the idea to stroke my cock and take it in her mouth. All through the proceedings I sent her the same thoughts, tickling her pussy mentally as an added incentive.

I noticed that she closed her eyes for a moment, and then continued with what she was doing, her breathing fast and shallow, the only outward manifestation of her excitement. She finished what she was doing, and then went to the bottom of the bed again to enter the details in my chart. Once more I mentally caressed her pussy, parting the lips, spreading her juices all over her groin and thighs. She bit her lip again, making a small, moaning noise; so quiet I almost missed it.

She looked to see if I had noticed and smiled at me. Turning, she wheeled the trolley with the instruments out of the room. I followed her with my mind, 'hand,' still between her legs, thoughts of cock stroking and sucking in her mind. She came back a few minutes later, and pulled the screens round my bed, cutting us off from prying eyes. She said nothing as she expertly folded the top sheet and blankets down, neat and efficient to the last. When that was done to her satisfaction, still saying nothing, she untied the draw strings of my pyjamas bottoms and tugged them down. I lifted my hips to make it easier. I was already hard by the time she reached out and her beautiful long fingers encircled my stiffness. I watched, excited beyond belief, as she slowly, very slowly, pumped her hand up and down the length of my cock, making me harder still. 'Mmm... nice,' was all she said, before leaning forward and taking me into the warm silkiness of her mouth.

'Oh, dear Nurse Brown, that feels wonderful,' I said by way of encouragement as her head bobbed up and down relentlessly, bringing me closer to a mind-blowing orgasm. I felt her tits through her tunic; her moans letting me know she liked it, and then with little warning I arched up off the bed, spurting my come into her beautiful mouth. She continued to suck and lick, head still moving, her hands rubbing along my shaft, making sure every last drop of come was released into her mouth. She stood up at last, and taking a tissue from her tunic pocket, daintily dabbed at the corners of her mouth as if she'd just had an expensive meal in a restaurant. She smiled at me again, her eyes twinkling with amusement, as she remade the bed.

'That's "Charge Nurse Brown," to you James,' she said, before pulling the screens back, and leaving the room.

I thought long and hard about the implications of my new powers. Before my accident I couldn't force anyone to do something they didn't want to do. I thought now, given the limited testing I'd tried out on some of the nurses, I probably could. That remained to be proven, but I made myself a vow that I would only ever do that in a dire emergency of some sort, and right now I couldn't even begin to imagine what that emergency might be. I eventually fell asleep, thinking fondly of Charge Nurse Brown.

She didn't appear in the ward until late the next evening. 'Night shift,' she explained when I asked. She was back to her, 'starchy,' efficient best as she went about her duties, I occasionally sent her the odd lurid thought, but nothing too heavy. She seemed much warmer and smiled a lot any time the job brought her into the small ward I was in. I was liking her more and more. Eventually, I turned my lights out, turned over and with nice thoughts of Charge Nurse Brown in my head, I fell asleep.

I was gently shaken awake in the middle of the night by the same Charge Nurse Brown.

'James... James.... get up and come with me,' she whispered. I needed no second bidding, and getting out of bed, followed her out of the room.

'Where are we going?' I asked.

'Soon James, soon,' she assured me as she led me to the end of the corridor. Taking a bunch of keys from her belt, she unlocked the door in front of us and ushered me into the room before locking the door behind us.

'Charge Nurse Brown, why have you abducted me in the middle of the night and taken me to a room filled with strange devices?' I asked her in mock indignation. The room was like a small conference room, but a few pieces of more unusual medical machines were stored along one wall.

'Fiona, you can call me Fiona from now on. Okay James?' she said, smiling and unbuttoning her tunic to reveal a delicate white bra.

'Okay Fiona, you've got it, but there's no bed in here, are we just going to do it on the floor, you'll get carpet burns?' I asked.

'No need for a bed James,' she said, manoeuvring a machine away from the wall that looked like a hoist for lifting patients. 'I've often thought that this could be put to far better use than just lifting patients out of bed.'

'Fiona, I like the way you're thinking. So, there's a hot and horny woman beneath that stern, frosty exterior is there?' I teased her.

'Let's find out, shall we,' she teased me back, coming forward to kiss me. It was long, deep and very, very intense. My hands roamed over her body, feeling her boobs through the bra, as she slipped her hand inside my pyjamas.

'Mmm... you're nice and hard again,' she murmured huskily.

'All for you Fi...,' was all I managed to say before she stuck her tongue back in my mouth. We broke apart long enough to get the machine set up, and then embraced again. I removed her tunic, and she removed her uniform trousers and shoes, while I slipped out of my pyjamas. Taking her hair clips out, her long dark hair fell about her shoulders. She was amazingly transformed by that simple action. She now looked every inch the beautiful, sexy woman that she truly was.

Her bra disappeared soon after, revealing beautiful round breasts with dark areolae and nipples. I sucked on them for long minutes as she trembled and moaned beneath my touch. When I pushed my hand inside her panties, she was wet and welcoming to my fingers, thrusting herself hard against my hand.

'Oh James, you can't imagine how much I've thought of this,' she gasped, but I could, oh you'd better believe I could. Although it was true that I couldn't imagine how much she'd thought of it when she wasn't in my presence. She pushed her panties down, over her feet and off, throwing them in a heap with the rest of her uniform. 'Let's try this machine,' she panted, hurriedly arranging herself in the harness.

The control pad, which she had in her hand, was on a long cable leading from the main machine, and as the hoist took up the slack of the harness, Fiona was slowly lifted off her feet. Almost horizontal, she was suspended in mid-air, legs wide apart and ready for me. I stepped forward between her legs, seeing her lovely pussy for the first time.

I'd imagined it often enough, but here was the real thing, and it did not disappoint. It wa so much better than my imaginings. She was mostly shaven, with a tiny strip of hair above her labia. The labia themselves were quite fleshy and open, with her wetness shining in the light. I bent down and kissed her there, opening her pussy lips with two fingers as I lapped gently at her clitoris. Not surprisingly she responded instantly. Moaning and sighing with pleasure, getting wetter by the second as a mixture of her juices and my saliva flowed into the crack of her bum-hole.

I continued to pleasure her orally, despite her pleadings for my cock, until she orgasmed spectacularly, stifling her loud moans with her hands. As she lay there suspended, eyes closed, swaying slightly in the harness, I took the control and adjusted her height until she was at just the exact level I wanted. Stepping forward, I pulled her cunt lips apart and aimed myself at the slick, open, pinkness in front of me. There was a slight resistance, and then I was past the entrance of her pussy and sinking blissfully into her inner depths.

She moaned again, in response to my entry, and I began that age old thrusting and withdrawing, reaming her pussy from every angle, leaning forward to squeeze her beautiful boobs, desperate to feel and taste every part of her wonderful body. Suspended in mid-air, her legs held apart by the harness, she was helpless and at my mercy as I pushed the harness and her, first one way, then another. I fucked her gently, harder, then mercilessly, and she stayed with me all the way, responding with enthusiasm, letting me know in no uncertain terms what she liked. She seemed to like it all; my cool and frosty nurse was red hot beneath that crisp exterior.

At one point I accidentally slipped out of her when the hoist swung too far one way due to our exertions. As she swung back my way, my cock hit her bum hole and almost went inside due to all the juices accumulated there.

'Oh, that's good," she moaned, 'please fuck my arse James.' Sensing my reluctance - I've never been a back-door man, she pleaded with me.

'Please do it James, just for me, please, it's clean, you won't get dirty, or smelly, please, James, please. I promise you.' So, rather reluctantly, I pushed against her bum-hole. It was much tighter than any pussy could ever be, but thanks to the aforementioned juices accumulated in her bottom, and the fact that my cock was dripping wet from being immersed in her pussy, I was soon past the outer ring of her bottom, and gradually working my way in. As I withdrew, her promise proved to be true; I was unexpectedly clean, so I pushed back into her, deeper this time. She moaned even louder in ecstasy.

'Oh James, I feel as if my insides are melting, please don't stop,' she exclaimed. No need to worry, I had no intention of stopping just yet, and ploughed her bum even deeper. She reached down and began to rub her clitoris; occasionally letting her fingers disappear into her wet pussy. Moaning and twisting in the harness, there was no escape as I pleasured her arse hole. She came in a welter of juices, sweat and come as I shot into her anus. It was no quick release; she seemed to go on and on, from one peak of pleasure to the other, while the tightness of her arse milked every last drop of come from my cock. As I pulled out when her orgasms were over, with my cock as clean as a whistle, her arse began to dribble my come.

True to her word, there was no mess, no smell as one would expect. Using the control, I lowered her to the floor, where she barely had enough strength left to disentangle herself from the harness. I lay down beside her and kissed her again.