My Three Ex-Wives

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I get along much better with them now.
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I am getting more pussy now than I have ever gotten before in my life and it boggles the mind that it is happening. I have three women who are trying to fuck my brains out. The odd thing is that one time all three of them hated my guts and all three of them, with varying degrees of success, had tried to ruin me. All three of them are ex-wives.

I married Helen in 1956 when I was eighteen and stupid and we were married just a little over seven years. The marriage ended when I came home from work early one day and found her playing hide the sausage with the asshole who was supposed to be my best friend. The divorce was a very bitter one and the custody fights over the three kids went on for the next ten years with neither of us willing to give an inch. Helen usually prevailed because the court system was loaded in favor of the woman even when you could show evidence of bad character. The Helen dropped out of sight and I didn't see her or hear about her for the next twenty years.

Nan and I were married two years after the divorce from Helen was final and that marriage also lasted seven years. It ended one day when I came home and found that I had been replaced by a cult. They called it a religion, but as far as I was concerned the Jehovah Witnesses were a cult of wackos. When Nan could not convince me to join them the marriage was effectively over, the final straw being when she called me a godless heathen. The divorce started out civil enough; we sat down and divided things up, agreed on what I should pay for child support for the two kids and on visitation and then I left it to her to file for the no fault divorce. Then, without telling me, she had a lawyer who belonged to her cult handle it and when the dust settled all the agreements we had made had been thrown in the trash can. Instead of dividing things she took it all. Child support was set at three times what we had agreed on and twice more than I could pay and then the courts gave her the right to use the kids as income tax deductions even though I was paying more than two thirds of their support. And then, to add insult to injury the fucking lawyer managed to get the court to order me to pay his fees. Within three years the kids were begging me to let them come live with me, but the courts wouldn't allow it because once again the system was loaded against men. Even though the kids ran away from home four times I still could not get them. Fights over the kids and treachery during the divorce poisoned what had started out as an amiable split.

Next on my hit parade of bad choices was Susanne. By the time I met her I had made up my mind to never ever get married again. I also made a vow to have no more kids and I had a vasectomy to insure that it wouldn't happen again. Susanne and I lived together for five years before I got weak minded and put a ring on her finger. But I figured that five years of getting along great seemed to show that it could last so we said our I do's and made it permanent. I was working afternoons at the time and Susanne was working days so we didn't see much of each other except on weekends. One Saturday during our eighth year together (three of them as man and wife) I found out how Susanne filled her free time when I wasn't around. "Guess what?" she said, "You are going to be a daddy." I just stared at her for a minute and then I said, "Guess what. No I'm not." Susanne was a little miffed that I hadn't told her about having a vasectomy. She did her best to try and convince me that the vasectomy hadn't taken and that I was the father, but I wasn't buying it. I had a knock down drag out with her dad when he accused me of calling his little girl an unfaithful whore. I told him that I hadn't called her anything of the sort. I only maintained that I wasn't the daddy and that her condition - absent my fatherhood - spoke for itself. Her father hired a high priced lawyer to handle her side of the divorce, but for once I won in court when the lab tests showed zero sperm count and the blood work showed that no way could it have been me.

Last year my oldest daughter decided to get married after living with her boyfriend for fifteen years and having three kids by him. The wedding was the first time I'd seen Helen in almost twenty years and I was surprised to see that she was just as sexy looking as she had been on the day we married. I was just as surprised to learn that she had moved back into town and had been living here for the last five years. Things had not mellowed any between us over the years and except for exchanging frosty glances we kept our distance from each other. Her husband was out of town and didn't make the wedding and the three kids saw this as an opportunity to push mom and dad back together. Even though Helen and I didn't speak we found ourselves being pushed together, shoulder to shoulder, whenever some one wanted photographs of the family. Given our relationship I was somewhat astounded to wake up the next morning with Helen's pussy only inches from my nose and her hot mouth on my cock. I didn't remember getting to the motel; I only vaguely remembered someone bouncing up and down on my cock, and I sure as hell did not remember getting together with Helen. I found out later that the two of us had gotten rip-roaring drunk and our kids had taken us to the motel, put us in a room together and then hoped for the best.

They got part of their wish. Helen and I didn't leave that room for two days. We might have gone three except she had to get home and be there when her husband got there. There wasn't any love or affection involved, just pure unadulterated sex and when we left the motel I never expected to see her again. Two days later I got a phone call from her asking me to meet her for lunch. Having nothing better to do I agreed to meet her and when I got to the restaurant she cut right to the chase, "I've got a room at the hotel across the street. You want to eat first?" The woman was insatiable. She sucked my cock and we fucked. I ate her pussy and we fucked. We went sixty-nine and we fucked and then we started all over again. I think we pretty much accepted the fact that we really didn't like each other, but realized that if we kept the conversation to things like, "Fuck me harder" and "Make me cum" and "Oh yes, oh God yes" that we could get along. Helen and I got together two or three times a week and once, when her husband was out of town for a week I slept with her in her own bed. She made sure that I was fucking her when she took her husbands nightly phone call and I think she got a big kick out of saying, "Yes honey, I miss you too" as my cock was sliding in and out of her cunt.

I didn't have a regular girlfriend at the time, but then I didn't really need one with Helen calling me and asking me to come over and scratch her itch. Then things got wackier. My youngest son graduated from college and his wife threw him a graduation party. Nan and I were both invited - (Abigail, his wife, having assumed that the two of us would at least be civil at our son's party) - and we both attended. Nan was with her husband and it was easy enough to avoid them. The party was fun and everyone was having a good time. About nine o'clock in the evening I went outside to get some fresh air. I walked out behind the garage to get away from the patio and it's lights so I could see the stars better and I was looking up at them when someone walked up and stood next to me. I turned and saw that it was Nan. I started to walk away but she reached out and grabbed my arm and said, "Please, don't go." I stopped and she said, "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. You were right. They were a bunch of wackos and I am sorry for what I put you and the kids through. I know it is a little late, but is there anyway I can make it up to you?"

Bear in mind that I had harbored a grudge against her for a good many years and the fact that she was now saying that she was sorry cut no ice with me. Intending to be as nasty to her as I could I said, "You can suck my dick. That might go a little ways toward making it right." I expected a slap across the mouth and for her to go storming off, but all she did was give me a long look and then go to her knees in front of me. I was so surprised that I just stood there with my mouth hanging open and she had my cock out of my pants before I got my senses back. Her tongue was working on me and one hand was caressing my balls while a finger from her other hand was teasing my asshole. I tried to hold out and make it last, but she seemed to know when I was ready and she stuck a finger up my ass and I exploded in her mouth. As if giving me the blow job wasn't surprise enough, she swallowed - something that she would never do when we were married - and then, wonder of wonders, she kept on licking and sucking until I was hard again. I pulled her to her feet, pushed her back against the garage, forced her legs apart and then I fucked her. Every time I rammed my cock into her pussy her head would fly back and bang against the garage wall. I know it must have hurt, but I didn't care and I just kept fucking her as hard as I could. When I came I held myself in her until my cock got soft and then I stepped back, tucked myself back into my pants and zipped up.

Nan was leaning back against the wall of the garage breathing heavily and with cum running down her left inner thigh and she said, "If you wanted to punish me why didn't you just bend me over and fuck me in my ass?" I looked at her for a couple of moments and then I said, "Maybe next time" and I walked off and left her there.

The following Thursday I had just gotten home from an afternoon with Helen and I was getting ready to take a shower when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to find Nan standing there. She pushed past me into the room and I closed the door and turned to look at her. She reached into her purse and took something out and then said, "You said you would do my ass next time. I would prefer that you use this" and she tossed me what she had in her hand. It was a tube of KY jelly. "You want me over the back of the couch or on the bed?" she asked as she started undressing. I took her bent over the back of the couch and Jesus was she ever tight. She started out crying and screaming, but after several minutes she started moaning and then it was "Yes, yes, yes, oh God yes" until I emptied myself in her ass. When I finally pulled away from her she said, "Okay, have you got all the mad out of your system now?" I told her that I guessed that I did and she said, "Good. Can we go into your bathroom and wash your dick so that you can give me a pain free, good old fashioned fucking?"

I looked at her and asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I'm horny."

"I hate to say this, but isn't that a condition that your husband is supposed to take care of?"

"Don't get me wrong, I love him to death, but he's got a small cock and he can't satisfy me. I need a stiff dick with no emotional strings attached. Now, do you want it or not?"

For the next three months I had a full schedule trying to take care of Helen and Nan. It amazed me that both of them could claim to love their husbands and still fuck me every chance that they got. But I had a good thing going for myself and I wasn't about to say or do anything that would fuck it up.

I was sitting in a booth at Barry's Irish Pub one night when Susanne slid into the booth next to me. Since I had the wall on one side and Susanne on the other I was stuck there and all I could do was scowl at her. She laughed at me and said, "You are such a fucking hypocrite."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"Both of your other ex's fucked you over a hell of lot worse than I did and you are fucking them both. Now you are scowling at me? That's as good a definition of hypocrisy as you can get."

"How do you know that?"

"Sweetie, the only people in town who don't know it are the two dim-bulbs that they are married to."

"So what do you want?"

"The same thing that they are getting."

"You can't be serious?"

"Oh but I am. Just remember sweetie that the only reason we are apart is because you took yourself away from me. I didn't throw you out or leave you."

"Bullshit! You were my wife and you were fucking other guys."

"There you go with that damn hypocrisy again. I was a married woman alone a lot and I needed some sex and a couple of guys got lucky. I didn't leave you over any of them so what did it matter. You on the other hand are fucking two married women behind their husband's back, but because you are a guy it's all right, is that it?"

I started to say something and Susanne held up her hand, "That's neither here nor there. What is true is that you have forgiven both of them, at least enough so that they can be bed partners so why can't I get some amnesty too?"

We left the bar and didn't even get out of the parking lot. We fucked on the back seat of her car and then we went to my place and fucked away most of the night.

So there we are. I'm fucking all three of my ex-wives more than I ever did when I was married to them and I do have to admit that I'm loving it. Susanne has been pushing for us to get back together and I keep telling her maybe, but not just yet. The real reasons I'm not ready is Nan's tight asshole and the charge I get out of fucking Helen while she is on the phone telling her hubby how much she loves him and misses him. If I got back together with Susanne she would make me give them up and I'm nowhere near being ready to do that.

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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

He needs to be committed. At least he had a vasectomy, right?

NitpicNitpic8 months ago

Where did the eldest daughter suddenly appear from?Didn't she disappear with Helen who got custody of the kids?.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Should figure out how to get some VERY satisfying revenge.

AkSh4BloOdAkSh4BloOdover 2 years ago

That is no Revenge.

Its stupidity.

When it comes to women specially in the matter of Pussy... Men don't stand a chance.

In the above you all stupids are thinking that THE HUSBAND had won... Wrong... The Wifes won.

They turned him into something he disliked.

Just pathetic

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
The possibilities for revenge are endless

But that would require a second chapter. Start with Nan since her screwing of him was the worst. Helen may have reamed him but she disappeared and the reaming stopped. Although her certainly could have gone to the police and had her arrested for removing the children from him in violation of their custody agreement. Nan's screwing him could have been reversed in Court with the help of a decent attorney. There are specific limits set and the Court has to follow them. He should have simply pushed Susanne out of the booth and left her. She's the biggest issue since her kid is still young and she needs a sugar daddy. If that's not the case then he's really old. Probably at least 50 and banging three woman? Does he have an unlimited supply of Viagra and does he have a REALLY well paid career? Otherwise he should be living under the first street bridge with all the other homeless since that's all he can afford.

timrivtimrivabout 3 years ago

Time to blackmail the first two wives into giving him back everything they took from him in the divorces with interest or he would tell their husbands they would likely have to secretly rip off their husbands to do it. Especially with secret video’s he took of them fucking him and dissing their husbands. Then with the last wife he would do they same if she wanted to get back together. Once he had the assets back he tells the husbands and give them the evidence, then tell Sue to F off and retires in style. Revenge would be in this case a “dish served cold”, but very satisfying.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

More garbage.

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

and they are comfortable. TK U MLJ LV NV

amyyumamyyumover 5 years ago

Enough said!

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