My Voyage of Submission Ch. 09


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"Do you believe that's what was said?"

"Maybe not those exact words, Master, but something similar. They did seem to be shouting at one another."

"I suppose we could check it out at dinner tonight."

"We have armed and trained them, sir. What if they don't realize it's a test?"

"Could be tricky, if they have weapons with them, but didn't Edgar tell them to keep the weapons in their room until we got to Freetown?"

"He did, Master, but Sahar had a steak knife before anyone trained her."

"Yes, I shall have to think on it."

"Will Roberta be joining us tonight?"

"How did you know? Did she say something?"

"No, Master. You said you were trying to maintain balance and keep from showing favoritism. It would have been her turn last night, but she had watch, so I assumed it was her turn tonight, and Darla would be next. I imagine we'll be having other females regularly since you can't fuck me."

"Oh, I can fuck you. You just can't orgasm."

"Since any attempt you make to penetrate me, sir, either ass or cunt, will likely result in an orgasm, you might as well punish me now if you want to fuck me. If you don't want to punish me until I'm fully healed, don't fuck me."

He kissed me. "I want to fuck you so much."

"I appreciate the sentiment a great deal as I would love to be fucked. So change the punishment."

"It wouldn't be fair to Francesca and Belle."

"Change it for them too."

"Sorry, I must have rules."

"You can still have rules. Just change the punishment."

"To what?"

I thought about it. He couldn't spank me until I healed. Forced orgasms made a dandy punishment, but probably not for having orgasms. I'd been caged. What was left which was meaningful?

"I don't know."

"Neither do I." He kissed me. "I sure do miss fucking you though."

"Master, if things went a hundred ways wrong when we do the ransom exchange and I were somehow killed, would you regret not fucking me tonight?"

He looked at me. "Fuck me running! That was unfair."

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Damn it!"

He got out his phone and texted Francesca and Belle. "No more than three orgasms, you hear me. Just three." Tap, tap, tap.

"Yes, sir. I understand." Grave face. Sad face. Solemn face. Inside, I was singing 'I'm going to get fucked tonight, tra-la-la-la-la.' I'd probably pay later, but I felt really good.


At dinner, before food was served, with every one of the freed slaves and voluntary slaves seated with us, Master said, "I would like everyone who currently considers themselves to be a slave, to remove their clothes. Fatima, please translate for the others. I don't want their iPads to make this translation."

All of the voluntary slaves quickly removed their clothes, Hibbah and Ateefah nervously fingered their clothes, seeing us disrobe, but they didn't understand Fatima and had to wait for Maahnoor to speak to them in Portuguese. They lost a little of their nervousness and quit plucking at their buttons, sitting quietly, waiting for whatever happened next.

Master stood up, saying, "Fatima, please translate every word I speak next."

He moved to each of the women, kissed the tops of their heads and said, "Welcome to the land of the free. May you never again suffer as you were made to suffer before. May you live the best life you can. I wish all of you the very best and peace upon you. You may freely ask anyone who you wish to have sex with to have sex with you. No one will ask you or pressure you for sex. It is your choice. Other than that, you have no restrictions on board my ship."

Fatima was translating as he spoke. The other women whispered to Hibbah and Ateefah.

He sat down. "We're meeting the Navy tomorrow morning and taking the Hofflers aboard. Everyone will be dressed when they arrive. We'll have to remain that way until the Hofflers leave. After they leave in Morocco, the slaves may freely move about the ship again as they did before. You will be leashed and led. Our guests may lead you, if they wish. If they do not, find someone else. They may fondle you, if they wish. In Freetown, I would prefer all of the women remain out of sight, including female crew members, but I won't require it. Whether you choose to show yourself to known slavers will be up to you, except you Beth. You are my property and will remain out of sight." Fatima was still translating.

"Yes, Master."

"Everyone helps transport supplies tomorrow morning so food doesn't spoil sitting on the deck. Thank you, Fatima. Beth, in my lap, please."

"Yes, sir."

I gladly put my naked body on Master's lap and let him feed me. He fondled me openly, though he did not let me cum. Life might finally be returning to normal. I wondered if we'd be punished openly again. I guess I had to wait and see, because I could almost guarantee I would cum more than three times tonight if Master fucked me.


Roberta was told I wasn't allowed to cum until he fucked me, but other than that there were no restrictions on my participation. She got into a sixty-nine with me and made limited contact with my wet, pouting pussy, but I had a great deal of contact with hers before Master speared into her core. She greatly enjoyed the next twenty minutes as Master plowed and I licked.

After cleaning both of them, I was allowed to get Master hard again for my fucking.

"Beth, you may ride me but I don't want you cumming until I tell you to cum. Every time you get close, stop. You may continue again when your need has passed."

"I'd love to do exactly as you say, sir, but I'm afraid the second I feel you in my cunt, I'll orgasm. I'm ready to burst, sir."

"Fine, I'll give you that one, but it's one of the three you're allowed. The rest will be as I request. Roberta, I'd like you to ride my face."

"Sounds like fun."

I mounted Master and as I expected, I orgasmed as soon as his crown pushed through the mouth of my cunt. I slid down the rest of his cock during my orgasm so I wouldn't cum again trying to get him in me.

What occurred was a very enjoyable fucking, though I found myself sitting quietly, impaled on his prick, more than I moved over it. The whole time, he nibbled Roberta's lady bits and as I can safely testify, Master was becoming quite the cunt licker. Roberta orgasmed rather frequently and Master's face was soon glazed with her cum. We'd kiss and she'd occasionally tweak or nibble a nipple, but she couldn't do it much based upon my precarious state of arousal.

Each time I approached a crest, I had to stop moving, and I'd sit, Master's cock twitching and throbbing inside me. It had roughly the same effect one of my Specials had on others. Each time I resumed, I'd get pushed a little higher than the last time before I shuddered to a stop.

"Mmm," I moaned after the seventh or eighth time of halting right on the edge. "I'm not sure how much longer I can do this, Master. It feels like no matter how much I stop, the next movement will bring me off."

He gurgled, then pushed Roberta off his mouth long enough to say. "You're right where I want you. I'm going to start fucking you now. You may cum when I cum and not a moment sooner."


"Yes, Master," I moaned. "Are you going to spank me tomorrow?"

"Whip you."

"In front of the freed slaves, sir?" I asked.

"We're not hiding who we are anymore. If they get the shakes, they can choose not to watch. You're not them and they should see that."

He lowered Roberta back onto his mouth and started thrusting. I did the best I could. I managed to go another three minutes without cumming, about two minutes and fifty seconds longer than I thought it would take.

"Oh, fuck!" I warned. "It's going to be a gut buster."

I wasn't moving at all, trying to delay the inevitable. Master wasn't trying to delay anything. He was trying to cum and thrusting was a prerequisite. I was poised about three inches over him as he sluiced through my slushy pussy.

The dam burst, and when I say dam, I mean I squirted, fluid shooting out of me, soaking the sheets and Master's groin in what must have been a cup or more of fluid. I was nearly convulsing it was so powerful, finally coming to rest on him as I flooded us with my cum. My days of abstinence, the state of my arousal, being kept on the cusp of orgasm for the last half hour were too much for me. I had Master clasped so tightly in my cunt's embrace, I wasn't sure if he could pull out if he wanted to.

Three minutes later, I finally started to descend back to earth. Roberta was staring at me in shock.

"What the fuck, Beth, did you fucking pee?"

"No," I moaned, "squirted. It felt so fucking good."

"Well, I'm not done yet, Beth. Keep fucking," Master said from under Roberta's pussy.

"Yes, sir." I started sliding up and down his stalk again.

"No cumming until I cum," he added.

"I'll do my best, Master. No promises; I'm still tingling."

As it was, he came rather quickly. The strangling of his dick inside my cunt hadn't gone for nought. When he orgasmed, I did too, still wound way up. That made three. I got off him and did my best to clean up after myself, but a lot of it had already soaked the sheets. Roberta helped Master and me change the bed.

"Had you ever done that before?" Roberta asked.

"Once, but not as good as that one was. That was epic."


At morning muster, Master had a punishment evolution. He whipped me, though giving me permission to cum before he did and I managed to cum once during my whipping. He ramped it up with his fingers when it started, and orgasm starved slave that I was, I was lewdly thrusting my cunt against his hand, eager for more and better. Leo had left an hour before to pick up the Hoffler's in Dakar and would soon be making his way back.

"Paahhh!" Sahar exclaimed, "no wonder you volunteer for your slavery. That whipping was nothing."

"I told you it was different," I said.


I had to get dressed before the Navy arrived, Master even telling me to put on a bra and panties, since my Guest Relations uniform was on the short and tight side. We made contact around 0900 around 200 miles South of Dakar, near Guinea-Bissau. Captain Amundsen made a turn to the South when they were in sight, slowed and waited for them to pull alongside, about a 100 feet off our port beam. Our navy crew members were out in force, having done these types of things before. The crew of the Porter shot over a line, with a big gun, which was fastened to our superstructure by deck three. A fuel line was hauled over by the crew on our side who set about refilling our tanks.

Ethan and Thomas had both tenders out and headed to the Porter even as the fueling went on. Bundled goods were lowered to the tenders in nets, rolled onto the deck, and they headed back our way where everyone not involved in the other operations waited in the stern room, including Master. Our diesel tanks filled, another hose was sent over to deliver aviation fuel. Crew members were lined up like ants, carrying boxes up the ladder, through the stern room, past the bar, towards the galley and larder. Everyone was involved.

All the goods stowed, Master asked the Captain of the Porter if they could speak in person. It was important. Since the Captain didn't want civilians he didn't know on his ship, he and his operations officer plus two security sailors came over on one of our tenders.

Master greeted them and invited them to the stern room where he usually conducted his business meetings. Art manned the bar and Hannah and Master invited the two officers to sit down. He had me as a gofer.

"Gentleman, thank you so much for coming. My name is Joshua Greenbriar, this is my personal assistant, Hannah Smithers, and crew members, Al and Beth. Can I offer you a beverage, coffee, water, something stronger."

"Coffee is good for both of us." I got two coffees. "I'm Captain Fremont and this is my Ops Officer, Lieutenant Offerdahl."

"Captain, thank you ever so much for rushing down like you did. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it."

"They didn't give us a lot of details. Why are we here?"

Master told them about the women slaves we'd rescued, the Peace Corps worker, Johanna Hoffler, who'd been kidnapped by the same slaver who had kidnapped three of the women we had aboard. The family had chosen to pay a ransom for their daughter rather than see her sold into slavery. Joshua said his wife, Congresswoman Ward, had asked for him to help in the paying of the ransom, since the government couldn't be seen to be giving in to the kidnappers demands.

"We intended to pick up the Hofflers in Monrovia and refuel and resupply there before heading to Freetown where the exchange is supposed to take place. Didn't want to give this slaver named Mahmoud a chance to recapture any of the women we've recovered. I had some people in Monrovia and some bad folks started showing up in numbers which didn't bode well for us. We still wanted to make the exchange on time, so I asked my wife to see if the Navy couldn't help as going all the way to Dakar ourselves would have made us two days late. We think, but can't prove, Interpol might be helping the kidnappers with information about us, as the only ones who knew about our plans to go to Monrovia were the government and Interpol and I have more faith in my government than some twits in Interpol.

"The girl's parents should be arriving shortly. We'll arrive in Freetown about ten tomorrow morning according to the instructions and make the exchange the day after that. We suspect a trap and I've done what I can to prepare for it, but I wouldn't mind the Porter sitting fifteen miles off shore in case anything should go awry. If they start shooting, we'll likely be able to defend ourselves unless there are more people than I think they can bring to bear. We're prepared for as many as fifty, but if they have a hundred, it could be tight depending how good they are. They will be coming to the boat, no more than five. I'm not sending anyone ashore."

"How many people you have on this ship? How many men, how many women?"

"I have twenty men, all ex-military but myself, including some SAS, SBS, SEAL's, Marine Corps, the rest Navy, including a Navy Corpsman. The Captain is ex-Norwegian Navy. Right now, we have fourteen women aboard, four of whom are ex-military, a nurse, one Marine sniper, and two Navy, My personal assistant, Hannah and her wife, two friends, Lynn and Beth, in guest relations, and the six ex-slaves. All of them have gone through rigorous firearms training, just in case we were attacked in force. No one but my crew knows this at the moment, but I have another 24 ex-military, mostly special forces types, Delta, Rangers, and the like, coming up from Monrovia preparing to hit anyone from behind if we have to. They were the ones who figured we might get ambushed if we tried coming ashore in Monrovia for supplies.

"It's not my goal to get into a firefight with the bad guys. I want the girl returned to her family, that's all. Not planning on turning this into a war because it's too easy for innocent people to get hurt. I'm hoping that even hinting you guys could step in if things went haywire, would keep that from happening. Unless they have missile launchers or mortars, we should be good. I'm hoping they're not that sophisticated, just rifles, the odd submachine gun and maybe a couple rocket propelled grenades. We can handle that."

"We're testing a new drone for the Navy," Lieutenant Offerdahl said. "We might be able to do some overhead visual surveillance and warn you if we see anything."

"Is it the ARQ-151?"

"How the hell do you know that?" Captain Fremont said. "That information is classified."

"My company makes the ARQ-151 and I knew the Navy had passed some out for evaluation. If I'd known what I might be getting into on this trip, which was designed primarily for business, I might have brought a couple along myself. In fact, I think I'll have some shipped to my company's offices in Barcelona, fly them out. This has gotten a lot hairier than I ever imagined."

"If this was primarily a business trip, why do you have so many ex-military working for you Mr. Greenbriar?" Captain Fremont asked.

"They need jobs, they make excellent employees and they know their stuff. As a billionaire floating around on a 500 million dollar yacht, I have to worry about kidnapping, pirates, terrorists, even corporate spies and foreign agents, given the Defense Contracts I have. I don't keep classified information on my ship, but they might not know that. We've repelled boarders off Somalia and the Malay straits. I feel it's best to be prepared for the worst life can throw at you instead of being surprised by it. I enjoy doing business this way, meeting people face to face on a personal level. I certainly didn't intend to end up with six human trafficking victims, but I'm glad I was able to help. I recently made some good deals with the Pentagon and the Atlantic Fleet Command in Norfolk. You may see some more of my products turning up on your ships."

"My orders are to give you whatever help I can without shooting up third world nations, so we'll tag along and see what happens."

"I'd like to give the Porter's recreation fund a healthy boost for your help. I'll reimburse the Navy for all the supplies and fuel you've provided and I'll have some excellent booze purchased for the O club and enlisted clubs in Rota. I try not to be a burden on the taxpayers since there's no need. I'd like to bring you up to the bridge, introduce you to the Captain and my head of security. We'll point out where we plan to make the exchange. Trying to keep it away from the city proper."

"I've actually met Captain Amundsen before," Captain Fremont said. "Did some NATO exercises with him. Damn fine sailor. I was sorry to hear what happened."

"I hope he feels like he's landed on his feet. I'm happy to have him. Please come this way, gentlemen. Beth, get a couple more fresh cups of coffee from the galley for these officers. Art can see to these sailors."

I took the shortcut to the galley through the door by the bar, Master bringing them up the ladder to the helo deck. I brought the coffee up to the bridge where introductions had already been made. The officers were surprised by the relative sparseness of the bridge, nearly everything digital controlled by touchscreen controls.

"I test drove a Tesla," Captain Fremont said. "Except for a speedometer behind the wheel, everything else was on a big 15x13 inch screen where the dash would go. Music, environmental controls, electrical usage, cameras all around the car. Hardly recognized it as a car interior. This is a hell of a lot like that."

"I don't carry enough crew to do everything the way the Navy does. Everyone has three or four jobs. My female Marine Corps sniper manages the beauty salon and does the massages. It also puts her on the top deck where we'd like a sniper to be. Almost everyone has to do bridge watches or take turns working in the galley. The air conditioning guys also handle refrigeration. Edgar here, trains everyone to shoot and some self defense."

"How do you like working for Joshua, Björn?" Captain Fremont asked.

"Best boss I've ever had," Björn said.

Fatima was standing at attention next to Björn. Master pointed to her and said. "This young lady was the first slave we freed, almost by accident. Her owner brought her aboard and we ended up with her when he was arrested. Her name is Fatima Hidalgo, previously of Cartagena, Spain, and she was kidnapped while on a family vacation in Algiers by the same man we're paying the ransom to. She was sold to a brutal pig of a man by the name of Hans Gruber in Suriname. She was regularly beaten and was branded by Mahmoud with a branding iron before she was sold, as were three other young women taken by Mahmoud in Morocco, Tunisia and South Sudan who are aboard. Fatima was a university student at the polytechnic college in Cartagena before her kidnapping. She believes her family was killed when she was taken. For the time being, she chooses to remain with us and Björn is teaching her to sail this ship. She's very intelligent, hard working, speaks three languages and has been invaluable in communicating with and helping the other young women we've run across. We are all very proud of the way she's overcome what happened to her." He squeezed her shoulder. I think she stood a little straighter with his praise.
