"Myra's Little Book Shop"


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I told her, "I'm trying to get some fresh air before I go to my part time job." I'd seen her around, little miss 'Belle of the Ball'. I remembered being jealous of all those guys; all her starry eyed ogling sycophants. I added, "Some of us have to work to get through college." I wasn't trying to be nice. I knew I never had a chance, not with her.

She locked her arm in mine, "I need an escort for the College President's dinner this Saturday night. Would you be my escort?"

I was stunned. I really was stunned. Only a few students, a select few, got to go to the 'President's dinners. I asked, "Why? Why would you want me?"

Her answer? She said, "Because I think I'm falling in love."

That was a good one; the little minx wanted to make a fool of me. I scoffed, I've always been a good scoffer, "Me? You've got to be kidding."

She purred back at me, "I've been watching you, and I know you've been watching me. You've been like some puppy dog following me around too scared to say anything."

I scowled, "Me? Follow you? Get real!"

She smiled and chided, "It's OK. Five o'clock Saturday. I'm at Clafferford Hall."

I groused, "I know which hall."

She flashed her most brilliantly beautiful smile, "Of course you do. I know you do. Five o'clock, Saturday, don't forget."

She knew! She knew me! She knew everything. I was fucked and I've been fucked ever since. The scheming conniving spoiled manipulative little bitch has always known exactly what buttons to push. And now here I was, and she was doing it again!

I snarled, "See here. I don't forgive you. You're a lying, cheating, promiscuous bitch. You cheated on me, and I hate you."

She had my hand in hers. She put it to her lips and kissed it, "Yes, for you I'll say that might be all true, but just the same I love you. I fell in love the first time I saw you. You were outside Clafferford Hall looking all around. You were looking for me. I knew that; my girlfriends told me. You didn't see me but I saw you. You were so silly and so affectatious. I fell in love with you. I've always loved you. I'll always love you. I admit it; Brandon had me that morning, but you came in. I suddenly realized what was going on, what was happening. I realized how wrong it was, and there you were to rescue me, but you got it all wrong."

She gulped and very contritely went on, "Curtis I can't live like this anymore. You need to come back home. If you don't, I'll just die."

There it was just like that. I couldn't let her die? She wasn't going to die. I thought, 'Just like that and out came what I'd known and been waiting for. Brandon had gotten to her. That morning wasn't some stupor induced accident. She'd let it happen! But I'd known that. She'd just said it hadn't she? Hadn't she? Well hadn't she? Had she?'

I'd always known. But so what! That was old news. She'd been the good wife ever since; damn, she'd been holding out for the brass ring even after I'd married Myra. That was dedication. I was 'her holy grail'. What good would it do to push her face in the muck now? What, after more than two years suffering, praying, and hoping; she'd earned her redemption.'

I had to get back to my plan.

I said, "Well I don't love you!" I could see it didn't matter. I could've given her poison; she would've taken it. She was in for the long haul, in for keeps.

I went on, "I'm in a bind. I can't afford two mortgages and two separate sets of dependents. I need an alternative, and I think I've got it."

She kept kissing my hand, "I'll do whatever you want. I love you."

I thought, 'Bitch,' but I said, "Here's what we can do. I'll let you remarry me. I'll move back here. That way I won't have to pay child support for Diana and Keith."

She was inching toward my lap, "I love you so much. I'll take my meds. I'll clean your clothes. I'll fix your favorite foods. I'll be your slave. I'll make you so happy!"

I extricated my hand and cut her off, "Shut up. Just shut up. It's not that easy. I'll expect a prenuptial this time. No namby pamby me just taking you back; it'll be a business arrangement, strictly business."

She grabbed my hand back, "I'll sign anything, do anything, go anywhere, and be anything you want me to be. Just let me love you, let me be with you, let me take care of you."

I went on, "It probably won't work. You don't have it in you."

She was on my lap and in my arms, my rock hard penis was pressing against her hot wet pussy, she whispered, "Oh I do. I do have it in me. I have what it takes. I have it. I really do. I can do anything if it means having you back in my life, in my heart, and back in our home."

She really emphasized the 'our' in our home. I thought my plan was a good one. I told her, "You'll really have to tow the mark."

She was crying; not boohoo crying, tears just gently rolling down her cheeks, her right hand pressed against my chest, her head right under my chin, hair up my nose. The cheating bitch; she needed to be kissed! She really needed it! I had my left hand on the nape of her neck. I used my thumb and index finger to pull her face up. Eye to eye, almost nose to nose I used the fingers of my right hand to wipe away her tears, "You're going to have to do everything I say. Do you hear me?"

She nodded vigorously, "Oh, I will. I will."

"I'm going to keep helping Myra with her store till she gets it right, and I don't want any of your lying manipulative crap when I help her."

She had her soft cheek right up against mine. I could smell her sweet breath, feel her hot body. She chirped, "No sir, no manipulative crap, and I'll help her too. You'll see. You'll be so proud of me."

I growled, or tried to, "Just so you know."

She breathed, "Oh you silly. I know you. Of course you have to look out for Myra, and you know how much I love Wayne. I'll take good care of him, and I'll help Myra. You'll see. I love them both so much. And Keith and Diana will be so happy to have their little brother here. You'll see. Curtis I love you so much. We'll be so happy. I'll make you so happy."

I sighed, "Just so you know, so you understand. I'm in charge. I'm calling all the shots."

She was nestled right up against me. She kissed my cheek. She her hand on my pants zipper, "Oh I understand. You're in charge. You call the shots. You make all the decisions."

Well I figured I showed her. I'd set her straight; I'd put her in her place so I kissed her to settle the deal. Then I pulled apart her romper while she wangled my pants down. In an instant her hot, wet, tight pussy was sliding down around my penis. And that was that!


The Epilogue:

It's been a while. The months have come and gone.

Zoey and I; we got married again; this time in a simple civil ceremony. Her parents, my parents, Keith and Diana, my brother and his wife and kids, and oh yeah Myra and Wayne were all there. I made Zoey sign a prenuptial agreement; she didn't bat an eye. That was months ago. She's pregnant again. So what; we can afford it. At least I like to think we can. Doesn't matter anyway.

My book; yeah the contract. They printed several thousand copies. Nobody wanted it. I guess it was too boring. Think I'll try again, maybe something for children next time.

Myra took the divorce like a pro. She's still struggling with her little bookshop, I'm part owner, I'm helping her with the costs, Zoey kept her word and visits the bookstore all the time, and like I expected Myra's back in circulation, back in the hunt for that 'special someone'.

Myra and I went to Prendergast's farewell. I thought I might pull the plug on him, the big embarrassment scene, but I never ratted him out. I guess I could've told his wife, but I've heard stories, the man's got his cross to bear.

Looks like I'll never make it to the Ivy League. So who cares? I think Zoey and I are going to be all right. She's sure happy. Me, yeah, I guess so; I love her, I really do, it's nice having her tucked up in my arms at night, and the house is full of happy kids. Just the same the place is still wired.

That second miscarriage? It wasn't my fault! If I had known she was pregnant I would never have left.

Well that's it. All in all I feel pretty good.

So long!

Oh and one last thing; I see that effeminate little twerp Brandon from time to time. I've been going to the gym, been taking some classes, working out. He hasn't seen the last of me. No sir.

The end

"Myra's Little Bookshop"

by Jedd Clampett


A follow up note.

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And hey, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Narcissistic and self serving. (A pompous sucker...)

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Anemia is a bitch. Suffered from it for almost 10 months. Even something as simple as climbing a flight of stairs can knock you out. She was mentally out of it when Brandon got her upstairs and made his move. But she had no business with Brandon hanging around her so many times. She was too naive and poor understanding of people's darker sides, saw only their good sides. And by my own experiences, anemia hits you not only physically but also emotionally and mentally.

Zoey: "I admit it; Brandon had me that morning, but you came in. I suddenly realized what was going on, what was happening. I realized how wrong it was, and there you were to rescue me, but you got it all wrong."

===> She was disoriented and anemia made her weak both physically and mentally. For all his attitude, Zoey deserved a second chance. And for all his bluster, the MC was a big softie. 5 stars.

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magician3 months ago

Very convoluted but also very interesting. Too bad his didn’t investigate his 2 wives until it was too late. A little long but I guess, under the circumstances, unavoidable. Keep up the good work. MtM

LaucaubinLaucaubin3 months ago

I liked it quite a bit. Thank you. You gave me a good read. So, my gift to you are a bunch of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.’s for you to use in your next story, please

HighBrowHighBrow5 months ago

Your work is a cut above, Literotica royalty. But, this story went on so long, consistent and interesting but a slow slog. I liked it and finished it. If I were the MC, I would have demanded she tell me the truth before I would take her back. Love the characters.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I rather enjoyed the style of this piece. It felt somewhat stream of consciousness, but still rather organized. I appreciated the fact that the author continued to place doubts on the main character’s incomplete knowledge.

The only portion unexplored was his family’s turn. From all indications, his parents weren’t particularly helpful with either him or his children.

Overall, I liked the characterization of people in this story. I will admit a certain pity when physically and emotionally frail people are involved.

I don’t think I’ve read a lot of stories like this. Though not the best story I’ve ever read, it struck me very right. I’ve read a few by this author and I think I would put him in the top 15 of authors in this category. Don’t believe me? Read 1066 and tell me that this author doesn’t have some writing chops.

Larch50Larch5011 months ago

Liked the story, perhaps a little long.

SyzyguySyzyguy11 months ago

I liked the first person perspective and the way that you let us see his (mildly) deluded and indecisive approach to the issues facing him. I think that his disappearing into the Classical parallels told me a lot about Curtis - the fact that they were seriously obscure was exactly right for him. It's a strange collection of protagonists but you make them believable. [Oh, and no way is Zoey manipulating him . . . :) ] Thank you for posting it.

kalash777kalash77711 months ago

I liked the story. Verbose? I don't think so - just right. Thank you and keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

An overly long tale of a wishy washy idiot and the psychotic bitches he's attracted to. All-in-all, a rather pathetic attempt at a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A bit lengthy, but I really enjoyed the mythical filler: well done. 5.

StubbyoneStubbyoneabout 1 year ago

Whew. Glad it finally came to an end. Waaay too many words. The ancient history and use of characters that 99% of the population know nothing about made the story pretty boring. I kept thinking it might get more interesting or have some action, sex, fights, confrontation, something. Alas, nothing of interest. You’ve had some really good stories. This wasn’t one of them. A 2. No 😊’s

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I enjoyed this.


Lawrie1941Lawrie1941over 1 year ago

A great story maybe a little verbose but still well worth the read

miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

there you were to rescue me, but you got it all wrong.".

What exactly did he get wrong?

Interesting twist that the story starts out about Myra cheating yet he gets back with Zoey.

Other than that I'm pretty disappointed.

Forget about not taking her meds and trusting Brandon too much. Forget about that Zoey has been celibate for more than two years. He says Brandon figured out his schedule because he's predictable. That's how Brandon knew when to show up when Zoey was home alone. That's a stretch. But, even if that part is true. How did Brandon know exactly when he was leaving for a month long trip to where he could be in their house and have Zoey in their bed within a couple hours of him leaving? He didn't figure that out by watching and observing. He was told that specific info and the person who told him was Zoey. Months of Brandon showing up when he's not home, spending alone time with Zoey, getting as far as giving her massages. She never once mentions that she has a single man spending that much time with her in their home?

That's a hell of a lot more than forgetting her meds and trusting him too much. There's no way the time he caught them was the first time.

I'm normally all for reconciliation but, in this case it really doesn't work.

Chimo1961Chimo1961over 1 year ago

Would have been a 5 without the Greek history. Tell one story so we can focus.

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