Natalie - Pt 37

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Natalie visits her Auntie.
4.6k words

Part 37 of the 45 part series

Updated 04/24/2024
Created 02/26/2024
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Thank you so much for reading my story, I hope so much that you enjoy it. I love to receive feedback to hear what you liked. As always everyone is over 18. Mica xx

Jase was doing something with his mum in the morning, but we planned to meet up at his in the afternoon. At a bit of a loose end, I decided to go and see dad's sister, Auntie Helen. We very rarely saw her, I didn't know why, she only lived a few bus stops away, but for some reason, we just never saw her. I had no idea if she was in, or out, or busy, I didn't have her phone number, I just knew where she lived.

'If she's out' I thought, 'I'll just text Ash or Bren.' The bus was as boring and bumpy as usual. I sat on one of the sideways seats again, but today I was more respectfully dressed, nothing but underwear for anyone to get an unintentional view of. I walked up Auntie Helen's drive and rang her bell.

I was honestly a little surprised when the door opened, I had expected her to be out. "Goodness, Natalie, what are you doing here, everything alright? Come in, come in."

"Everything is fine Auntie, I just realised I hadn't seen you for ages, I didn't know your number to call first, so I thought I would just get the bus and come and see if you were in."

She pulled me to her and gave me a hug, loose at first, and then she hugged me in tighter, and as we disentangled, I noticed she gave me a bit of a funny look. "Are you sure that you are alright Natalie?"

"Oh gosh yes Auntie. Everything is good, college, home, Jase my boyfriend, yes, good."

She made a sort of 'hmm' sound and then said "okay, right, what would you like to drink? Tea, coffee, sherry, wine?"

I think she was serious, but it was early in the morning, way too early for sherry or wine, not that I really drank alcohol. "Coffee please, white no sugar."

As the kettle boiled, she turned and said, "right then, let me look at you, come on, give your Auntie a twirl." So, I did a pirouette, slowly, and faced her once more, finishing with a faux curtsey. "Oh, you have really grown into a beautiful young lady," She said.

"Thank you, Auntie. Is Jo at work?" Jo, or Josephine, is her wife.

"Yes, she will be pissed at missing you."

"Oh well, we aren't far away, you could always visit us too." That sounded catty and I regretted it as soon as the words fell out of my mouth. "Sorry, that didn't come out the way I meant."

She made the coffees and handed my one, "No, that's fine, you are right, we could. Let's go and sit in the conservatory."

I followed her out, the conservatory was really bright, and quite warm as the

morning sun had been working on it for a few hours. I sat on one of the cane chairs and put my coffee on the small table at its side.

"How have you been Auntie? It has been so long since we saw each other."

"Oh, we have been good, we had a great holiday to Venezuela earlier this year, trucking around the rainforest in an old Toyota pickup, it was something else. There was this amazing volcanic pool that was so warm. Anyway, that is a visit all of its own to talk about. You. I want to hear about you. Your boyfriend, what does he do, is he at college like you?"

"His name is Jason, but I call him Jase. He is a trainee Chef at Lone Star, the posh restaurant in town, so he works most evenings, getting one evening off a week."

"That must be difficult on a relationship."

"No Auntie, it is cool, neither of us really like going out much, and so we see each other a lot during the day."

"Aha, when the parents are out?"

"Yes Auntie."

"You are getting on okay with him in that personal way?"

"Yes, perfectly fine, we were just taking it slow, but then about four weeks ago, we unexpectedly took it to the next step, if you know what I mean." I seem to say what I think rather than just keeping quiet, why did I say that? She didn't need that detail.

"Oh yes. I take it that you are using suitable precautions. And I guess your mum has had all those chats with you."

"Yes, we are, and well, yes, she has, and of course, so has dad."

"My brother too? Wow. Well, as for me, I like girls, as you know, I have never ever liked anything in me. Not even tampons." Auntie seems to have the same lack of filter as I do.

"Oh? Wow Auntie, I love the feeling of things in me, filling me, stretching me, wow, I couldn't imagine intimacy without it."

"Oh, Jo and I have plenty of intimacy, just external."

"Oh, I love external too Auntie, I really do." How on Earth did we get down to this level of intimacy?

"What about your parents, are they still bonking as far as you know, no risk of them becoming distant with each other?"

"God no, far from it."


"Morning and night."

"Wow. Presume they are, you know, discrete, you just happen to notice, or do you sneak and watch them?"

"Discretion is not a word to describe them. I don't have to sneak off and watch them, doors are left open, beds and settees are used, they are very into each other just now and have been for the past month."

"Well now, that is unusual. So, you will have seen your dad naked?"


"Interesting. And all this behaviour started in the past month, or you only noticed it in the past month after you and your boyfriend started having sex?"

"Well, they were doing it before, it is just it was behind doors then, and I heard the sounds but didn't really know what it was."

"Do your parents wander around naked now? Would I be embarrassed to visit?"

"Only upstairs auntie, you know, bedroom to bathroom etc."

"And has, I hesitate to ask this, your dad seen you naked?"

I looked down as I answered, "yes."

"I see, and you have seen him aroused?"

I kept my eyes down; this conversation was going into places I shouldn't discuss.


"Has he, you know, touched you?"

I didn't answer. What could I say? I am the world's worst liar, better I remained quiet.

"I see. This is in the past month?"

I nodded.

"Did he force you?"

"Oh God no, never, dad would never do that, nor mum"

"Your mum too? Bloody hell Natalie, you are living in a den of iniquity." I had no idea what that meant. "Something obviously happened a month ago."


"Do you know what?"


"Tell me."

"I am not supposed to talk about it Auntie."

"Oh, come on Natalie. I knew something was up when you arrived. There was something when we hugged, I don't know what, but there was something."

"Mum started a new HRT tablet, apparently it is an experimental tablet, and none of us are allowed to talk about it."

"This tablet has side effects that affect the family, how in the hell?"

"Mum thinks it is pheromones."

"Really? I mean really?"

"Well yes. I mean I didn't know she was on the tablets, and Jase and I had only, you know touched each other, we didn't want to do proper sex yet, but it turns out a few days after mum started, he and I just kind of got carried away, and did it. You know?"

"And this was the time your mum and dad got more active?"


"And when did you and my brother first have sex?"

"I am really not supposed to talk about this."

"Oh, come on, I am family I won't mention it to anyone."

"Not even Jo?"

"No, not even Jo."

"I think a day or so after me and Jase. Dad was just having 'the chat' with me, making sure that I knew what was what, and being careful."

"Okay, don't see how that would lead to sex with your dad though."

"I noticed that his trousers had bulged, rather a lot in fact. And I reached down and touched it. It was me that started it."

"But your dad should have stopped it."

"I was pressing his bulge and said I was sorry I had caused that to happen. He said it is a natural thing and it wasn't my fault, it just happens."

"Maybe, but still he was the adult and should have managed the situation."

"I undid his belt and then his trousers and said I wanted to see it; I said I hadn't seen one before. He lifted his bottom a little and I slid his trousers down and his cock was there. I thought it was wonderful and I couldn't help but touch it, and that kind of took dad beyond the point of no return."

"You really did start this then?"

"Yes. Looking back, it must have been mum's pheromones, we were always in synch, we had our periods at the same time, so I guess it is no surprise I was affected."

"I see. Okay. Then what?"

"Dad kind of went into a bit of a trance and was obviously loving my touch. So, I started to stroke his cock, you know, moving his skin up and down, the end of his cock appearing as I pulled the skin down."

"Fucks sake. You have more experience with cocks than me."

"And then dad said that we either had to stop there and then, or." 

I paused.

"I took the or, and we shagged, and it was wonderful. It felt like it completed me. Sex with Jase at this time was just boyfriend girlfriend sex. Sex with dad was something more."

"And how did it start with your mum, was that you again?"

"Well, no not really. We both shave down there, and mum asked if I would help her, she was finding it a bit difficult to do some of the bits down under, she couldn't see them, and she said she would do me in return."

"Oh, really? That is a new one," and she laughed, tears in fact.

"Yes, so we went into the bathroom, and I put shaving gel on mum and rubbed it in, and I guess I must have accidentally touched somewhere sensitive and she, well, she orgasmed."

"Fuck me, Natalie."

"Well, yes, perhaps, anyway, the next time she asked me if I wanted to go to the bedroom with her and take it further. I said yes."

"Bloody hell. Well, I am not related to you or your mum by blood, but I could feel something as soon as we hugged."


"Yes. Intimate something."

"Oh. But Auntie Jo."

"Auntie Jo isn't here, it is just you and me."


"And I am feeling, I don't know, something."

"I know what you mean, it is like a tug, something that pulls. I could get up and leave, that would stop it for you."

"Is that what you want to do?"

"No, no it isn't." I stood up and looked at Auntie Jo, "shall we go upstairs?"

I followed her upstairs to their bedroom. She pulled the covers back and then looked at me. "We do not have to do this you know."

"I know, but no harm, no foul, why shouldn't we? No one will know, unless we tell them."

She started undoing her blouse, starting at her waist and working up. Pulling it off she put it on top of a chest of drawers. Her bra was white and lacy and her boobs filled it very nicely. As she undid her bra her boobs fell a bit and kind of hung on her chest, penalties of a big bust I suppose. She undid the button and zip on her slacks and pulled them and her panties down together. No shaving, just trimming. Her garden was black hair, just like her head, and her armpits. Auntie Helen it seemed wasn't one for shaving.

I pulled my top off and then undid and removed my bra, putting them on the chest next to her clothes. I undid my skirt and pulled it down with my panties, my boobs felt almost inadequate compared to Auntie Helen's, but then they didn't sag.

"Oh, very beautiful Natalie, and your fanny is so neat, in fact it is beautiful Natalie."

"Thank you Auntie, I like how it looks. Some of my friends have a lot of sticky out bits," she gave me a look and a raised eyebrow.

She took my hand and led me to her bed. "Final opportunity to leave Natalie."

I turned and kissed one of her nipples, that, I thought, should answer that I wanted to stay. Her nipples were quite large and as I sucked it grew a little and hardened, wrinkled and crinkly. I rolled it in my mouth with my tongue and gripped it with my teeth, pulling slightly. I moved my right hand down her stomach, gently, circling her navel and then pressing on her mound, a finger just over her entrance.

"Goodness Natalie," Auntie Helen said, her breath almost panting, "you are a natural."

I released her nipple and started kissing down her stomach, circling her navel and then kissing along her crease, small lips poking up in the small thatch of black hair. My tongue pressed in between her lips and sought her clitoris, pushing the protective folds of skin to one side I sucked and chewed, her clitoris quite large and pronounced.

Auntie gasped "Fuck." 

Well I guessed I was doing something right. I ran a fingernail from her crinkle along her valley, her lips folding around my finger as it moved, and I pressed her clitoris as I let go with my teeth. I moved to between her legs and ran my tongue along her sex, pressing between her pink fanny lips down to the redder valley bottom, my finger pressing and teasing her clitoris.

"Fuck Natalie stick your fingers in."

"But you don't like anything in you Auntie."

"Be my first, just do it. I need something in me."

I gently circled her opening with a finger. Slowly my finger went around her entrance, moving in a little further with each circle until I was in a fingernail's depth. I began to push rather than circle, easing my finger in, finding her internal wrinkle and gently scratching it as I passed, and then I was fully in. I began to move my finger inside her, crooking my finger then straightening it, and then I slowly eased my finger out and started circling her again, this time with two fingers.

As my fingers worked at her opening, I sucked her clitoris and then pressed it with my tongue, dabbing it as my fingers entered her. Two fingers fully in, I opened my fingers, scissoring, stretching her insides. Her valley was very wet on my chin, her clitoris almost throbbed against my tongue, and I started to shag her with my two-finger cock. Her breath was in gasps, her fingers were bending and clutching the bed and I sensed she was close.

I pulled back from her clitoris, my fingers still working in and out, I moved up and kissed her hard. My face soaking wet with her juices, I pressed my tongue inside her mouth, "taste yourself Auntie, taste what I can taste," I whispered and started a harder press with my fingers, my palm pressing and releasing her clitoris. She held her breath, she stiffened, and she screamed.

"Fuck, fuuucckkkk", her fanny clamped hard on my fingers and her body bucked as her orgasm hit. I held my fingers, pressing her clitoris as hard as I could with my palm, her body still shaking, muscles spasming as her pleasure peaked. Slowly she relaxed, she took a breath, exhaled and then slumped back into the bed.

"Jesus fucking Christ Natalie, Jesus."

I rolled away from her and lay with just my arm across her, laying on her breasts, my own breath fast as if I had climaxed, I hadn't, but it sure felt good making her climax like that.


"Yes Auntie."

"Where did that come from?"

"How do you mean Auntie?"

"Where did you learn to do that? You have been with more than your mum surely?"

"Well, yes, perhaps, but, learn to do what? There is only so much that you can do woman to woman."

"Well, I have been with Jo ten years, and we are good together, but that was something else."

"Okay, er, well, I don't know Auntie."

"It is like you are a sex goddess. I had no thoughts of sex with you until we hugged when we got here, and then, almost nothing else was on my mind."

"I don't know Auntie, it kind of just happens."

"A lot?"

"Er well, I don't know about a lot, but usually."

"Women and men?"


"All your neighbours?"

"Each side and opposite, yes."

"Women and men?"


"Your boyfriends dad."


"Your boyfriend knows?"


"And his mum?"

"Yes, she knows."

"Fuck. I mean fuck. How do you feel about it?"

"I don't know. I don't go around looking for sex, it just happens, and I enjoy it and it doesn't bother me."

"All this in the last month?"

"Pretty much yes."

"You know incest is wrong?"


"You know it is very unusual to have sex the way you do with so many partners?"


"And your boyfriend just accepts this?"

"Well yes. His mum is on the same pill."

"And is he fucking his mum?"



I shrugged, what could I say? It happens, we live with it, we know where the boundaries are. I wasn't going to tell her about Uncle John and how he forced me, or the man over the road that tried to blackmail me with his drone pictures. Everything else was good and I was completely comfortable with it. It was simply a good time.

When I got to Jase's he was freshly out of the shower. As Auntie Helen hadn't touched me, all I had needed was a good wash at Auntie's. Auntie Helen on the other hand, was in her words, 'utterly shagged' and need a shower to wake up before her wife got home.

"Hello" I said to Jase.

"Hello you." He said. "Mum and dad seem different."

"Oh, how?"

"They have had sex three times since dad got home yesterday."

Good, that would be after he left me. "Behind closed doors?"

"No. And interestingly dad is making out with mum whilst I am in the room"

"That is good, and how has your mum been with you?"

"No difference. I still had to go into their bedroom after dad had gone to work and mum had had a shower."

"And what happened?"

"As I walked in, she said 'take my robe off me Jason.' So, of course, I walked over to her, undid the belt which then made her robe gape open, 'Jason rub my back please darling the lotion is on the side.' I went and got the lotion and put it on the end of the bed by where she was standing and pulled her robe off her shoulders. I rubbed lotion into my palms and then rubbed it across her back. I did think that after she had obviously had sex with dad earlier that I would be spared."

"Spared Jase? It is not that bad surely?"

"Well, perhaps that was the wrong word, I just thought that she probably wouldn't want to have sex so soon. Anyway, I was rubbing the lotion into her back, you know, up and down, round in circles, following the lines of her shoulders and sort of massaging her muscles. 'Don't forget my sides Jason' she said. I began to go down her sides, and obviously I was rubbing her side boobs. She stepped forward and turned to face me and said, 'and now the front Jason'."

"Crumbs sweetheart, but then it isn't anywhere you haven't been before so to speak."

"No, I know, but I was looking forward to you coming around, and that is honestly all I was thinking. Anyway, I poured some more lotion on my hands and started rubbing her chest, obviously my hands went onto her breasts. 'Let's get onto the bed, that will be much easier, and take those shorts off,' she said. She lay on the bed, and I dropped my shorts, so there we were both naked, and me rubbing lotion onto my mum."

"Nothing worse Jase, nothing worse." It was difficult for me not to laugh. It occurred to me that if our mums stopped the medication, then he would get over it far quicker than me.

"Don't, you know I would rather not. Anyway, 'come on son, do my breasts, but gently,' she said, so I poured the lotion directly onto her breasts, she shivered when it landed on her, and I started to spread the lotion, a hand on each boob, circling the lotion around, trying so hard not to rub her nipples."

"You failed on that didn't you?"

"Yes, massively. Before I realised it, I was circling her nipples, rubbing them, holding them, the lotion long since soaked in. Mum put her hands up and pulled me to her, 'make love to me Jason, put your big hard penis inside my vagina, give me your sperm.' And then she leant up and kissed me, her tongue wet and sliding into my mouth, me kissing back, my cock hard and ready. I held my cock, slid it along her sex and then I pushed inside her."

"Sounds like a pretty regular shag to me baby."

"You think? After a few minutes she pushed me away, 'not like this Jason, let me turn round,' and she got on her hands and knees, 'make love to me this way my darling, and be wild.'"

"I love it that way baby, you know that."