Natural Selection


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Albert was waiting for him when he arrived at his still unmarked office. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be off today." He said nervously.

"I work here Albert, just like you do. I didn't put in for any time off and even if I had, I don't get any vacation or time off benefits until after my first year here, so what are you talking about?"

"Look man, the order came from upstairs, the big office. The boss lady, Ms., you're wife, called and said you'd be off today and what she says goes. I don't want to get in trouble over this."

"Albert, please explain to me how you could possibly get into trouble because your subordinate reported to work on a regular work day to do his job? Now unless you're telling me I no longer have a job here, I'm getting back to work."

"I hear you Vance. I just don't want to get caught in any crossfire." He added and walked back across the hall to his office.

Vance had turned his cell phone off because he didn't want to talk to Abby or anyone else for that matter. But his desk phone was ringing off the hook as well. He knew that it had to be Abby and he needed to cool down before saying something else he would later regret. He remembered that the phone in his office still wasn't even associated with his name yet and there was no voicemail capability for his number, so he simply turned the ringer off and decided to work independent of telephone communications. That is, until at 9:30, there was a firm knock at his locked door.

"I'm busy, Albert! If you've got a call for me, just tell her I stepped out of my office" Vance poignantly asserted.

"Mr. Rayle. It's not Albert. Please open your door, sir." A feminine voice commanded.

As he opened the door he was greeted by Carolyn Graham, the other PA. They'd been formally introduced at the Christmas party.

"I'm sorry to disturb your work Mr. Rayle, but I'm afraid I'm here on urgent business. Mr. Crenshaw, vice-president over your division is requesting that I escort you to his office immediately. Since your ID badge doesn't give you access privileges to that section, I will accompany you to your meeting."

"I'm pretty sure I know what he wants and I'd rather not discuss the matter with him." He deflected.

"That notwithstanding Mr. Rayle. I'm afraid you aren't at liberty to refuse his invitation. He is, after all, your boss, albeit, quite a few rungs up the ladder. Now if you will be so kind as to accompany me, I'll lead the way." She adroitly stated.

Realizing that she was right, and that he had no choice, he reluctantly left the confines of his basement cocoon and followed her up to the forty-first floor. Not another word was spoken until she led him into Mr. Crenshaw's lobby where two secretaries awaited.

"Please go right on in Mr. Rayle. He's expecting you" spoke a beautiful redhead.

As he opened the door, half expecting Abby to pounce on him, he was warmly greeted with a smile and offered handshake. "Good to see you again Vance. Thank you for coming right away. I have a lot on my plate today, what with Abby being off and all." Steve began.

"Thank you sir, good to see you as well" he lied. What can I do for you today, sir?" Vance responded.

"For one thing, you can stop with the 'sir' crap. I appreciate professional courtesy as much as the next fellow, but you're one of us now. Please call me Steve."

"Thank you, sir... I mean Steve."

"Vance, as I am sure you are well aware by now, we have grown quite attached to our little Abby. She brings great energy and enthusiasm into these offices where all the division heads share her. One of the best ways that we can express our appreciation for her excellent service is through remuneration. We don't want anyone else to steal our girl away and so we compensate her to entice her to stay with us."

He went on, "Another way we can encourage her is to do everything we can to keep her happy in her job. Now I have already spoken to her twice this morning Vance and I can tell you right now that she is not a happy camper and you seem to be the source of her current discontent. She told me that she's been crying ever since you left for work this morning. I don't mind telling you that keeping her contented is high on the list of all six division managers of this firm, Vance, if you get my drift."

""I'm sorry Steve, but I'm not comfortable discussing personal issues between my wife and I with anyone else. As far as I'm concerned, the matter is private between us and I'd like to keep it that way." Vance flatly stated.

"Well it's not as private as you might like it to be and whatever concerns her, concerns the six vice-presidents of this company. Did you really tell her 'fuck you and the horse you rode in on' just because she makes twice what you make? Is your ego really that fragile? Frankly I don't see what the problem is. Now that she's the bread winner of your household, what would be wrong with you quitting and becoming a stay at home dad to your new baby? Hell, there are literally hundreds of men in this very building who would trade places with you in an instant." He brazenly offered.

Vance stood there stoically and said nothing in response. It humiliated and enraged him once again for her to air their dirty laundry to the power brokers and decision makers of the company they both work for, but he held his tongue.

"Have you nothing to say? Are you just going to stand there like a lump on a log?"

"Though my wife obviously doesn't share my ideology, I respectfully submit that I will not openly discuss private matters between my wife and me. Is there anything else I can help you with sir?" He restated.

Obviously frustrated, Steve gave him one last piece of advice. "Vance, to be perfectly honest, I have no idea why she is so committed to you and obsessed with your perception of her, considering the things she's told me you've said and done, but obsessed with you, she most definitely is. If you know what's good for you, you'll do everything in your power to keep your wife happy. Maybe you might have to swallow your pride every now and then, but is that such a big price to pay for being married to such a beautiful woman who simply does her best to provide for her family? If the shoe was on the other foot, wouldn't you expect her to do the same?" Steve was again met with silence.

"Well, I might not be able to make you whisper sweet nothings into her ear, but I CAN make you leave this building. I don't know what crawled up your butt, but you better figure it out and soon. I'm ordering you to leave this building right now and not return until tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll speak with Carolyn who will make sure you're counted as in attendance for the entire day so you won't get dinged for doing what I asked you to do. It is my desire that you go directly home and spend the time with your wife smoothing out her ruffled feathers. Now Vance, do I need to call security and have them escort you out of the building?"

"No sir. That won't be necessary. Thank you for the complimentary time off."

"You're welcome Vance. Perhaps it would be best if you didn't question your wife's authority any more, if you understand what I'm saying. You've heard the old saying, 'if mama's not happy, then nobody's happy."

Saying nothing further, Vance just returned to his office, shut down his computer, advised Albert that he would be gone for the rest of the day and left the building with great unease. He was in a quandary. On one hand, he clearly wanted to lash out at his wife for disclosing what he deemed to be personal and private matters between a husband and wife. Yet, she dismissively shared that personal information with their boss at minimum, and perhaps all of the division heads at worst.

On the other hand two important obstacles stood in the path of his negative responses and interaction with her. One was the undeniable threat implied by Steve that he is to kowtow to her every whim, or else. The second, and even more relevant inhibition to his bringing her down a few notches from her high horse, is the fact that he has only fulfilled six months of his year of requisite internship. Were he to be fired or let go by the firm for any reason, he would be compelled to pony up the entire cost of his college education. Not to mention the loss of whatever permanent employment opportunity that may exist should he complete the year intact.

Although he was exceptionally unhappy with Abby right now, if he were to cut her down to size, or consider a temporary separation while they reevaluated their relationship, word would rapidly reach Steve who was definitely in a position to make good on his vague threats. As he pensively considered all the acceptable potential options on his walk home, the safest one, considering his circumstances, was to be non-confrontational and just pull back from her emotionally. Vance might not be able to control her, but he could damn sure control himself.

He had taken his time slowly walking back as his mind solidified on his position. She was waiting for him with baited breath. "Looks like somebody learned a valuable lesson today, huh?"

Vance just looked at her with tired eyes and remained silent and began a slow ascent up the stairs to their bedroom.

"I'm talking to you. What do you have to say for yourself?" Again, his silence endured.

"Where do you think you're going?" She fired at him.

"Out of this suit, if it's okay with your highness." He quipped dripping with sarcasm.

"No. Don't change. I've made plans and reservations for us to share some wonderful times today. We'll leave just as soon as I freshen up."

"No thank you" He said flatly.

"No? You're telling me no?" her voice temperature rising.

"I'm nauseous and I don't feel like going anywhere."

"Damn you! You're just bound and determined to ruin every good thing I bring to our marriage aren't you?"

He continued to ignore her outbursts, remaining mute.

"I just may very well go by myself then and have a wonderful time without you pissing all over my parade. What do you think of that?"

"Have a good time" he said. "I'll just stay here and watch TV.

"You have a free day off of work and you're just gonna waste it watching TV?" She asked in amazement. His deafening silence enraged her and she stormed out the door. Vance was only too happy to have her out of the apartment. He probably could have handled that better but she was continuously pushing his buttons. He thought he'd held his tongue reasonably well given the salt she kept pouring on his figurative wounds. She returned four hours later in a much better mood.

"I want to apologize. I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier honey. I was just so frustrated because I had intended for this to be a very special day for the two of us and was disappointed that it didn't work out like I had anticipated and I unfairly took it out on you. So are you feeling any better now my love?" She asked sweetly.

"Yes, some. It's easing up I believe." He proffered.

"Well I've got some great news baby. While you were resting, I went out and looked at several apartments for us to consider moving to. Now that we're doing so much better financially with my added income, I think it only fitting that we upgrade to a place more suitable to our station. I found one unit that I dearly love and gave them a five hundred dollar non-refundable deposit to hold it for us for three days. I can tell you right now that I'm sold on it and I'm so excited about moving there. Why don't we drive over there now and take a look at it together?"

"I don't think so. I'm happy here. I don't want to move." He rejoined in a downcast tone.

"How can you say that without even looking at it? Don't just dismiss the idea out of hand sweetie. We've got five hundred bucks to lose if we don't follow through."

"You never discussed the subject of moving with me before giving them a deposit. Had you thought to call me, I could have saved you from doing that."

"Well 'I' want us to move there so I think I'll go ahead and secure it for us and get us moved there. Once we're all settled in at the new beautiful apartment, you'll see how great it is and love it as much, if not more than I do."

"If YOU want to leave me and move out on your own, I can't stop you. After all, you make the big bucks like you said. But I'm not going anywhere."

"You can't mean that. Are you saying you would leave me over a new apartment?" She said incredulously.

"I'm not saying anything of the sort. I'm simply saying that I don't want to move, therefore I'm staying right here. But if YOU want to move away from me and leave me, well you have made it clear that you have the financial means to do so. I can't stop you if that is your decision."

"Why do you have to ruin everything? Why are you being such an ass about this? Where's the man I fell in love with?"

"Abby, I haven't changed a bit. I'm exactly the same as I've always been. It's YOU that has changed. Think about it." And he walked away to the bathroom hoping she would not follow.

Things were cool in the Rayle household for the next three weeks. She decided not to press for the new apartment, wanting to avoid divisive topics. They still occupied their one bedroom apartment so there was no escaping proximity unless one of them slept on the couch which Vance had seriously considered. There certainly was no intimacy and strangely enough, he wasn't missing it given the power struggle taking place. Fortunately, Steve had not stuck his nose back in their personal business with him at least, any more than he already had, and no one had handed him his notice that his services were no longer required.

Chapter 9

April first rolled around and Vance was approached by his wife in her robe just moments before he had anticipated walking out the door to head to work. He wasn't aware that she was even awake. He thought he'd been careful not to disturb the slumbering bear.

"I realize that we haven't both been on the same page exactly for the past three weeks," she said nervously, "but I need you to sign some insurance papers before you leave. We will be changing our health insurance carrier at work soon and they need everyone's paperwork to get everything switched over. I forgot to mention it to you last night, but I need to take the new papers with me and turn them in today. It's exactly the same coverage that we now have, but the new carrier is offering coverage at a better price point to save the company money." She said demurely.

"Is this an April fool's joke? Can it wait?" He asked. "I'm ready to head out the door for work and I don't want to be late."

"I'm afraid not" she urged. "It has to be turned in today or our coverage cold be in jeopardy. There's two sets of paperwork here for us both. It won't take you but a second to sign yours and then I'll add mine to it when I go in later today. Alright?"

"Alright, but I gotta get going. Where do I sign?" he pressed her.

"Just there at the bottom of the first four pages. I'll fill out mine later after you leave so I don't hold you up." She graciously offered.

Vance noted that the front page bore the name of a health insurance agency and had a plethora of fine print. He hurriedly signed and dated the four pages she pointed out to him without reading and was quickly on his way. Abby breathed a sigh of relief that there had not been another major blow-up between them. She hated the tension that existed but Steve and the other VPs had advised her to hold her ground and sooner or later Vance would come around when his libido eventually got the best of him. Patience however wasn't her strong suit. They'd asked her repeatedly why she even stayed with him given his anachronistic behavior. But she could no more leave Vance than she could rip her own heart out of her chest. He is necessary to her life, she told them. She just wanted to mold him a bit more to her will.

Abby decided that her having a baby would greatly benefit their relationship and kick-start it back to where things were before they became unraveled. She desperately wanted to rekindle the romance that had previously permeated every aspect of their daily life. She no longer felt that they were a team. On the contrary, she felt as though she was the only one carrying the entire load for their marriage and she wanted him reinvested and plugged back in fully.

Once their child was cuddled in his arms, she reasoned, his heart would melt and reconstitute what once was. She purchased numerous books and magazines on having babies, especially ones which idealized the resulting love and bonding that accompanies childbirth. Over the next several weeks, she began asking him about baby names and talked profusely about how their parents would fall all over themselves to be the best grandparents. Though Vance couldn't deny their parents' enthusiasm at the prospect of a grandchild, all he could see was Abby's manipulation of his emotions, endeavoring to foster a new focus to deflect away from the problems he knew they faced.

He also felt that she was worming her way to make good on her treatise of his being a stay at home dad while she brought home the bacon. Although he had the highest respect for those men who choose that lifestyle, it just wasn't in his nature to be that man. Even though his dream of becoming a successful financial dynamo seemed now to be only a distant pipedream, his indomitable spirit buoyed his resolve to see his year of internship through, if for no other reason than to forestall the prohibitive costs that he would otherwise have to bear.

Vance found her constant jabber about motherhood and child rearing humorous, thus eliciting many smiles from him, which she mistook as his happy embracing of the subject. This fueled her determination to press on, imagining him as the most loving and attentive father ever. Of course she knew that procreation could not take place in their current state of abstinence. That's why she began dressing more provocatively around him and touching or brushing up against him from time to time when moving about their apartment. Vance may have exceptional willpower, but he was still a man and she knew he would crack sooner or later.

Chapter 10

On Thursday, May second of that same year, Abby came home from work that evening to inform Vance that she would be required to work overtime the next day and might not be back home until fairly late. Although it was not unusual for her to work late now and again, the fact that she made such a huge production about it, firmly registered it in his mind, drawing his suspicions. Several times she referred to the VPs working on some special PG-Project and they were going to work late into the night to wrap up all the loose ends of the project, once and for all that night. She went on to divulge that, once they put the finishing touches on the project and finalized it, then she would more than likely not have to work overtime ever again, unless there was something drastic taking place that demanded everyone's attention.

She acted genuinely sad that she was going to be away from him Friday night and then told him why.

"Honey, I haven't mentioned this to you before because I wanted it to be a surprise. Not a bad surprise but a good one. You remember how much we have been talking lately about having a baby?"

Vance nodded, wondering where she was going with this.

"Well, for the past three months, I have been taking a prescription fertility drug called Clomid. It's a pill that stimulates my ovaries to release an egg, helping me to make sure that we can get me pregnant by inducing ovulation. The pills are expensive, about nine hundred dollars a month, but don't worry, our insurance is covering it all. I had originally planned for us to go out tomorrow after work for a lovely night of dinner and dancing and then return home to make passionate love all night long. I want you to put a baby in me Vance." She said.
