Navy Nurse Ch. 03

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A gangbang for charity!
6.6k words

Part 3 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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Author's Note:

A modern affection some people have adopted in everyday conversations is to use "air quotes" rather than saying "and I quote". This is typically done with both hands held shoulder-width apart and at the eye or shoulders level of the speaker, with the index and middle fingers on each hand flexing at the beginning and end of the phrase being quoted. Most of the time the quote is confined to just one word or a couple of words. Since some of the characters in this chapter and subsequent chapters are in the habit of employing such a singular trait, to alert the reader when such affectation is being utilized, I've placed single quotation marks around the word or words quoted followed by an asterisk and then in parenthesis an asterisk and the words air quote. Example: 'quote word or words'* (* air quotes).


The next time Diana and Makayla met for lunch, they naturally rehashed their adventures after they had separated from each other at the singles bar. Makayla was the first to regale Diana of her experience, saying, "I don't know if before they reached our table, the guys had agreed between themselves which of us each wanted to hit on. In any case, I was pleased with Vince as my chosen. He sure was fucking hot!"

Diana replied, "I guess he was if you say so. As for me, I had no complaints with Otis as my designated escort that night."

"Oh lordy, how you talk! But I guess that's why I love you so. Anyway, Vince and I hit it off right away. Then when we danced close together, I deliberately pressed my thigh against his groin. I was delighted to discover that his male package was impressive; certainly, the ticket to cure my fucking disappointment of not having a date with Keshaun that night. I whispered into his ear, 'You seem to be very happy to see me.'

"He replied, 'I think I'd be happier to see more of you.' I answered, 'How can I fulfill your wish?' He smiled and said, 'Well, we could go to my place. It's a basement apartment, not too far from here.'

So I asked, "Do we have to walk, or do you have wheels?"

And he said, "I've got a car."

I said, "Good, then I trust you won't mind driving me home afterwards."

"Happily, he replied, "No problem."

"So, as you know, I got my coat and purse, and off I was on to his place."

Diana observed, "You seemed to have been seduced rather quickly."

"Damn straight. I haven't been fucked for more than two weeks! Keshaun has been tied up with fucking football practice, and Tyrone and Homer seemed to have gone missing for the past month. So, yes, I was tremendously horny, and I was getting grumpy to boot."

Diana laughed as she longed to say that aside from the blow job with Otis, she had not been fucked for the past nineteen years. Of course, most of those years she was a child, but that did not alter the fact that she was still a virgin. She merely reacted, "You grumpy? Surely you jest. You're the person with the sunniest disposition I've ever met."

"I hide my emotions well except when I'm having mind-blowing sex. When I got to his place, I was on fire. I could feel my panties were very wet to the point of discomfort. As soon as he closed the door, I was on him, forcing a fucking hot kiss. Luckily I'm tall enough to be able to take him by surprise. He was not ready, but he soon got the idea and was returning kisses as good as he got. As the smooching continued hot and heavy, we lost our balance and crashed to the floor.

"But rather than losing my momentum and concentration, I only became more inflamed. We had rolled to the point that he was lying on his back, and I was at an angle on top of him. This allowed me to get a hold of his crotch, and I wasted no time in getting his pecker out of his pants. I was still kissing him hot and heavy, but I was also giving him a handjob.

"Of course the handjob only gives you just so much in thrills, nothing like an honest to goodness fucking blow job. So I soon put his cock into my mouth, and it was yummy! He sure had a big one! I got almost all of it in, but I couldn't do a full deep throat! He was that big."

Diana interjected, "Yes, that was my problem with Otis as well. I tried my best, but I couldn't swallow the last little bit. But what I could get in was sure heavenly. Your black brothers sure are well hung!"

Makayla continued, "Amen to that, my little white sister."

"Hey, I'm not little. I'm a big girl. Just as tall as you."

"Relax lab partner! That's just an expression of endearment not to be taken literally, just like you're not my actual sister. Anyway, to get back to my story, as I was blowing Vince, I reached under my skirt to grab hold of my panties and pull them off.

They were drenched! So soaking wet, they had really become totally uncomfortable to continue wearing. Once I got them to my feet, I was able to kick them away. I decided then and there that I was not going to bring them home with me. I figured Vince could keep them as a souvenir. Besides, if he's into panty sniffing, he should be ecstatic as I'm sure those panties were exuding a potent aroma."

Diana had to laugh at Makayla's jocularity. She marveled at how self-assured she was when making love, a trait she surely wished to emulate.

She decided to throw in her own preposterous comment. "I guess panty sniffing must be a fetish that would only appeal to heterosexual males. I can't imagine lesbians indulging in it since they might mistake their panties with their partner's and thereby be deprived of the inherent erotic thrill."

Makayla laughed at Diana's quip and replied, "Yes but, I think panty sniffing one's own panties can be used as an aid for masturbation. I recall doing it once or twice myself. Anyway, once I was freed from my panties, I opted to switch from my blow job to a regular fuck. Normally when I start an intense hot blow job, I like to see it to the end and taste the salty semen. However, on this occasion, my twat was demanding, and consequently, I got on to my feet to squat over his penis. Facing him, and lifting my skirt, I directed his cock into my very wet pussy. I then leaned forward into him, and, kissing his lips, I started bouncing away, fucking him to my oblivion.

"Since I was so wired, it didn't take too long for me to climax. Luckily Vince came almost simultaneously to complete a nice ice breaker for the evening."

Diana couldn't help but guffaw, 'Ice breaker?' "Is that what we are to call a quickie?"

"Why, yes, I think that is the proper term. I was so aroused that I needed the immediate release of a brief, frantic rutting to assuage my sexual tension. I did relax and felt a helluva lot better. I was now more prepared to do some serious fucking in style. We both got naked, and once settled in his bed, we fucked three more times before falling asleep. In the morning we had a morning fuck before he drove me home."

"So you had a good time. Will you see him again?"

"Oh yes, it was fine; a good substitution for Keshaun. We exchanged phone numbers, so I'll probably see him again."

"What does he do, and what is his name?"

"His name is Vincent Johnson, and he is a high school teacher, teaching chemistry. I think he'll be a valuable addition to my stable of fuck buddies. Anyway, enough about me. Let's hear the outcome of your night after I left."

Diana recounted her unfortunate experience with Otis Rainey.

She concluded by saying, "I can understand this Crystal woman being angry with me, but she should have let me get dressed. I'm sure I was turning blue from the truly chilly night while I was waiting to get my clothes. As it was, she didn't toss out my undergarments. I can spare my bra and panties, but those were good shoes, I'm going to go there tomorrow to demand my shoes back."

Makayla commiserated with Diana, "As you say, the bitch had no right to deprive you of your clothes. Her beef was with Otis, her apparent live-in boyfriend. You're blameless as he never let on that he was living with a woman. Still, while you were in the apartment, shouldn't you have noticed the presence of a woman possibly residing there?"

Diana replied, "No doubt had I stayed in the apartment longer; especially if I had to use the bathroom, or if we had ended up in the bedroom, I surely would have become aware and questioned him about an apparent girlfriend. But as it was, I never ventured beyond the sofa and was solely concentrating on our forthcoming fucking."

Seizing upon the last word, Makayla lamented, "I understand your situation at the time. It's too bad the bitch unexpectedly arrived at the time she did, subjecting you to the pain of coitus-interruptus."

Diana laughed somewhat bitterly and corrected, "Strictly speaking, I did not suffer from coitus interruptus. That implies a penis penetrating the vagina and then withdrawing before the ultimate climax. In my case, I didn't get Otis' cock into my snatch. If anything, you could say I'm a victim of coitus never ruptus."

Makayla laughed again, bemused by Diana's wit. She then gave a hint for a new adventure, "Too bad your night turned sour at the end so that you did not acquire a new fuck buddy. At least you got a blow job out of it. But don't despair; I think I might have something in the works that will be truly sexually awesome."

"Oh? What is it?"

"I'll let you know in a couple of days when it's sure."

Diana couldn't pry any more information from Makayla, and so thought no more about what sexually awesome thing, Makayla had in mind. A few days later, however, after the last class of the day, Makayla and Diana met at a McDonalds for a hamburger, and Makayla revealed the awesome sexual adventure.

She startled Diana by asking, "Well, Diana, do you think you're game for a gangbang?"

"What? What are you saying?"

"A gangbang! You know what a gangbang is?"

"You mean like a girl having sex with lots of guys either simultaneously or successively or both for that matter?"

"Yep, that's it. People who are not imaginative in sex probably believe a female is somehow tricked into participating in a gangbang. They can't conceive that any woman would willingly consent to what they would consider depraved activity. They overlook the fact that if the woman doesn't consent, then its rape which can bring dire consensus to the male participants. Even a false allegation of gangbang rape is not so pleasant for the guys. Remember the Duke Lacrosse team story. Even though they were innocent, they sure as hell went through a lot of public grief, and high financial costs to their parents in legal fees."

By now Makayla had Diana's full attention.

"I hadn't thought of it in that way, and in any case I don't know any of my friends who have ever been involved in one. Are you saying that you've been involved in a gangbang?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I have; a year ago, just about this time."

"Oh? How did it come about, and did you enjoy it?"

"Oh, sure, it was a blast! It came about as a result of my dating Keshaun. I first met him in September of last year, and it didn't take long before we got it on. He quickly realized that I was not a girl shy of fucking. Actually, I never hid from him the fact that I was dating other guys, dating as in fucking."

"Oh my god, Makayla! Aren't you afraid of being labeled as a slut and a skank?"

"As the cliché goes: 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.' If people can't deal with my sexuality, that's their problem. We only have one life to live and only so much time on this earth as it is. So I can't be bothered to worry about people who may disrespect me for enjoying fucking indiscriminately."

At this point Diana put in her two cents, "Bravo for you Makayla, and as a woman I deplore the double standard our sex is subjected to. Guys who fuck umpteen number of different girls are called studs and lauded for their apparent sex appeal, whereas girls who fuck umpteen number of different guys are called sluts and disdained for their whorish ways."

"Well said, my beautiful lab partner. I take it then that you just might be interested in a gangbang?"

Diana was flattered by Makayla's adjective. It was the first time in her life that anyone had referred to her as beautiful, and she did not believe that Makayla was mocking her. However, she was most intrigued by the question of whether she would be interested in a gangbang.

As she was still technically a virgin, Diana considered it a non-sequitur, so she replied, "Before I answer, I'd like to hear more about your gangbang."

"Yes, of course, since it is connected to what I'm going to propose. You see Keshaun is a member of a Fraternity that hosts a huge charity party a week before the annual game against Ohio State. The three charities that benefit from the party are: PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), the American Cancer Society, and the American Heart Association. Funds are raised from admission tickets priced at $25.00 per person. Their Frat house can accommodate at least 300 people for a party by utilizing the basement and the first floor of its huge premises."

Diana calculated, "So at least $7,500 is raised at this fund?"

"My, aren't you the wizard at math. But $7,500 is not the only monies raised."


"Yes, there are at least one hundred fraternity brothers of the various fraternities, plus other known males, who are in a very secret compact. They are entitled to purchase up to three additional special tickets, also at $25.00 a pop, which entitle them to an extra special entertainment. Exactly 300 of these special tickets are sold."

Diana was getting a sneaky suspicion as to what the special entertainment consisted of. So she asked, "You're kidding! You're not saying what, I'm thinking you're saying, are you? What are you saying then?"

"Well, I sure as hell ain't no fucking mind reader, but you might have guessed that the entertainment for the special ticket holders would be a fuck with a female volunteer student who is eager to help the charities."

At this point Diana was totally dumbfounded. She couldn't refrain from profanity, as she declared, "You got to be fucking kidding me! Fucking is a way of helping a worthwhile charity?"

Makayla replied calmly, "Why yes; it's not so outlandish as you might think. You are probably aware that one of the ways lots of charities, including these three charities, raise funds, is to conduct a running event of varying distances. The idea is that the fundraiser agrees to run or jog or even walk for that matter, a certain distance, and solicits donors to pledge to the charity so much per mile or kilometer that the runner completes in his or her charity run. Now think about it. How much joy is there in fucking running or jogging? There's no doubt that there are great health benefits in the exercise, but is there real pleasure? Also, what about the actual donors? What pleasure other than donating to the charity does he or she get? Surely, how far the fundraiser runs or jogs is of little concern, other than dictating the amount of the donation.

"But it's a different kettle of fish in our case. For one thing, there's no denying that fucking is a pleasure. God made it so to ensure our species reproduces. So our volunteer fundraiser is not doing something she is prone to dislike. As for our donors, they are getting more than merely the pleasure of donating to these worthwhile charities. They are quite literally getting more bang for their buck, especially so since they are guaranteed to fuck a hot chick.

"I might add that for further justification of this raunchy form of fundraising is predicated by a quote from Oscar Wilde, the famed Irish playwright who wrote: 'Charity creates a multitude of sins.' What he meant was that when we are good it gives us license to be bad. Ergo our volunteer girls, who might otherwise think they are being bad in participating in a gangbang, can actually feel good about themselves, since they are ultimately doing good."

Diana couldn't help but break out laughing, almost hysterically. She was particularly astonished at how logically and reasonably Makayla had described the undoubtedly morally wrong way of raising money, for albeit very well known and respected charities.

She couldn't help asking, "Do these charities, and for that matter the University, approve of this form of fundraising?"

"Of course not! But what they don't know can't hurt them. The charities are happy to receive the monies, no questions asked. The University is happy to learn that a Frat is conducting an admission charge for a charity fundraising party, which provides a better image for the school compared to the typical rowdy run of the mill Frat parties. Most of the attendees at the party are unaware of the secret extraneous entertainment available to a select group of party-goers. They are happy to pay the $25.00 admission price as it gets them free booze and helps the charity. I mean everybody, even in their own self-interest, can foresee the benefits of supporting cancer and heart disease research. As for PETA, no good person can abide senseless torture of animals."

Diana waved figuratively the white flag, "OK! OK! I concede that this kind of gangbang is a worthwhile endeavor and not a tawdry affair as one would normally envision. So I gather you were one of the 'volunteers'* (* air quotes) for the gangbang at last year's party?"

"Exactly! Keshaun filled me in on the details and asked if I would like to be one of the four female volunteers for the charitable party. When I heard the details, all I could think of while formulating an answer, was: 'Do bears crap in the woods?', or 'Is the Pope Catholic?' Naturally, I accepted and didn't regret it. As I said, I had a blast."

"So what were, or for that matter, what are, the details?"

Makayla outlined the parameters of the party, "One wing on the upper floor of this Frat's colossal house building, contains two bedrooms to the right of the connecting staircase, and two bedrooms to the left. There is a connecting bathroom to each pair of bedrooms. The current residents of the bedrooms had removed personal effects. The room was filled with soft, colorful lighting, which gave out a sexy imagery, very conducive to good intensive fucking. The idea is to make the scene erotic but not one featuring depravity.

"The female four students that were the previous year's fuckees were on hand to act as hostesses to assist and supervise the gangbang. That, incidentally, is why I can't volunteer this year, as I'll be needed to host this year's party gangbang. The duties of these hostesses were, and are, as follows: (a) Prior to the party sell the three hundred tickets to designated potential donors/participants. (b) One woman will act as gatekeeper and timekeeper, making sure that only bona fide ticket holders have access to the, shall we say, special entertainment rooms, and makes sure that each entertainment period does not exceed the established time limit. (c) Another woman will circulate amongst the party to direct the participating visitors to the special entertainment rooms when it is their turn. And finally (d) Two women will provide quick and brief blow jobs in the hallway, prepping the visitors before they enter the special entertainment rooms, so as not to overstay their welcome. In addition, the timekeeping hostess and the circulating hostess may be called upon to also give head to those visitors who had not cum within the time limit. The four women may, should they so desire, interchange duties amongst themselves throughout the evening. Some duties may be considered more desirable than others."

Diana was most intrigued with the description, as she said, "Wow! I'm most impressed at how well organized these sexual escapades seem to be. Tell me more."

"The gang bang starts at 8:00 PM Saturday and lasts till 6:00 AM Sunday. Each of the four fuckees is expected to 'entertain'* (* air quotes) the participant donors at least seventy-five times during this interval. You see, any unused ticket is subject to a refund, and we don't want to shortchange the charities now, do we?"