Navy Nurse Ch. 13

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Threesome sex with Diana's nanny.
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Part 13 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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When the sexual activity had ended whereby four males and two females pleasured our heroine simultaneously, they all partook some more wine. They had some discussion about what they all had just experienced. Diana took the opportunity to time her next two contractions, and sure enough, they were four minutes thirty seconds apart and each lasting a little more than a minute. So there was no alternative but to head for the hospital.

Naturally, Natasha offered the services of her limousine driver, and that way, Robert Morley, her original date, would not have to leave yet and could partake in more sex. Diana had no objection to Robert having more sex with Natasha and Ophelia. Now the drive to her home in Grosse Pointe Farms would take nearly an hour and a further twenty minutes to get to the hospital, Diana was not inclined to harass the limousine driver anymore than necessary. There was a hospital in Dearborn belonging to the same chain of hospitals which her doctor had privileges to, and was less than twenty minutes away. Besides, her sister, who was her birth coach, now lived in Dearborn, so it would be more convenient all round for her to go there. Her parents or at least her mother could bring along with her clothes and toiletries when they come to visit.

Natasha could discern that Diana did not relish donning her cocktail dress to the hospital. So she offered Diana a spare terrycloth robe she had in her possession and told her she could keep it. Diana gratefully accepted this unexpected gift as it made her feel more comfortable than wearing the dress. She took the dress along with her and wore her high heels. She decided to sacrifice her underwear, as she couldn't be bothered with the hassle. She suggested perhaps the same could be divvied up to the gentlemen as a souvenir of this evening. Upon parting, both Natasha and Ophelia gave Diana their cards with their contact numbers. The celebrated musicians indicated they would be interested in being appraised of the outcome of the birth.

The limo driver knew where the hospital was located, so that Diana arrived at the emergency entrance in even less than twenty minutes, having endured only three contractions. The attending physician examining her confirmed that she was in labor, but estimated that birth was still at least twelve to fifteen hours away. The physician also noticed the presence of semen, not only in Diana's vagina but in her rectum as well. So he could not help smirking and coyly remarking to Diana, "Oh my, weren't we having a jolly good time before we had to come here."

Not at all embarrassed by the doctor's observation, Diana snorted, "Yes indeed, and it would have been a hellava lot jollier if these stupid contractions had waited like they're supposed to, till at least my due date, and not before."

The doctor merely laughed as he arranged for Diana to be moved to a labor room. It was 1:20 am, so Diana decided to forgo notifying Barbara and her parents until 7:00 am. To her delight, her sister and both of her parents had promptly arrived as fast as they could. The labor pains were not easy, but surrounded by her family, Diana was able to endure it, and did not succumb to demanding anesthetic relief. At 2:00 pm she was finally fully dilated and was transferred into the delivery room. At this time, Barbara proved to be an excellent coach, and at 2:45 pm, Diana was able to push out a squawking baby girl.

Her baby weighed in at a hefty eight pounds thirteen ounces or four thousand grams, oin the nose, and scored ten out of ten in the Apgar tests. Most importantly though, as far as Diana was concerned, her wee baby girl was white. She had decided after the tragic time with Brad Winters that she would keep her baby no matter what. Having her baby born white kept alive the possibility that Brad was the father, which in turn fostered a warmer feeling of bonding, and presented no problem for her in breast feeding.

Diana named her baby Laura and went home the following afternoon as both herself and baby were as strong and in as good health as possible. Since Diana had assured her mother that she would keep her baby, the latter had started the ball rolling a few months earlier, by hiring a live-in nanny. Ethel Van Buren utilized the services of an agency specializing in placing European women for au pair positions in the United States. The company had offices in Europe, so telephone video conferencing was available for interviews. Thus if a prospective interviewee were hired, the agency could generate the work permits and immigration documents efficiently enough to establish a specific time for the first day of employment.

In this manner, Mrs. Van Buren hired a young Norwegian woman named Astrid Haagensen. Astrid was eighteen years of age and had just finished high school. She desired to work in the United States for two years, after which she hoped to have acquired the money to apply for a student visa and attend an American university. Thus Astrid's ambition and Diana's needs seemed to fit like a glove. Astrid was duly hired to start August 8, Diana's official due date. Accordingly, Astrid arrived around noon at the Detroit Metropolitan International Airport, whereby Fred Van Buren, Diana's father, was able to pick her up and bring her to the Van Buren residence in Grosse Pointe Farms.

The upstairs rooms had been arranged to accommodate Diana's new life situation. She still retained her bedroom, plus another bedroom for study purposes. The third room was the nursery for Laura. At the moment, the room contained only the crib that Diana and her two sisters slept in when they were newborns. This crib was a family heirloom, and her maternal grandmother had been the very first baby to occupy it. Having gained possession of the crib when she married, she made use of the crib to take care of Diana's mother and her two aunts. Diana's mother grabbed the crib upon the birth of Abbie and did not relinquish possession of it to Diana's aunts. In any case, the aunts did not give birth to baby girls, thus solidifying Ethel Van Buren's ownership. So baby Laura Van Buren was the eighth female baby infant to have utilized the crib.

The fourth bedroom was Astrid's room, and when she reached it, she took the opportunity to take a nap as she had, by this time, been awake for more than fourteen hours, as a result of traveling from Oslo. She was able to get in a full two hours nap before Diana arrived with baby Laura. That nap allowed her to acclimatize to North American time, and she was ready to undertake her duties. Astrid and Diana hit it off right away, as neither had a propensity to dislike on first impressions. Astrid's command of English was not perfect, but it was adequate to carry on conversations free of misunderstanding. Her hope, as she had stated, was in her two years of employment to gain a sufficient mastery of English that she would not be handicapped when attending an American college.

Astrid Haagensen was not particularly strikingly good looking, but her appearance was pleasing enough to lure male attention. She was almost as tall as Diana, but unlike our heroine was thin and gangly. She was very diligent, and she volunteered to do some extra chores that Mrs. Van Buren had not requested. In any case, a satisfactory routine of taking care of baby Laura was established between mother and nanny, and so rarely did any friction arise. Diana could not be happier, and she felt most fortunate to have the assistance of Astrid. Without a doubt, it enabled her to continue to effectively focus on her education, while still able to fulfill her responsibility of rasing her child.

That night, Diana texted Natasha and Ophelia the news of the birth. She received appropriate congratulatory return messages, and both of them offered to supply her with tickets to their next concert in Detroit. There was a subtle hint that an after-concert party would also be available in such a case. Diana beamed with joy, sensible to the honor of being personally acquainted with two very famous musicians.

In the days that followed, Diana and Astrid got better acquainted. As a result, they were able to amicably refine Astrid's duties. As Diana truly enjoyed breast feeding baby Laura, she was almost anal retentive on the issue of formula. Under no circumstances should baby Laura have anything but breast milk to feed upon until she switches to solid food. During the remainder of August, there should be no problems as Diana would constantly be at home. However, once school started, she would be pumping her breasts sufficiently to ensure that Astrid could feed Laura when the occasion demanded. For at least the upcoming fall semester, Diana would curtail her time studying and research at the school library. Instead, she would do much more studying and researching at home. So adamant was Diana on the benefits of breast feeding that she had Astrid agree to attend La Leche League meetings with her.

In addition to establishing work rules, Diana became better acquainted with Astrid in personal matters. Astrid acknowledged that she was not a virgin and had a boyfriend back in Norway. However, it was not too serious a relationship since she had no qualms about leaving for America, and thereby forgetting him. She was prepared for new adventures in the new world, as her mother had seen to it that she be supplied with three month's supply of birth control pills. As the hiring agency had arranged for health insurance for Astrid during her employment, Diana was able to advise Astrid that she would be able to see Dr. Hunter for a continuation of her prescription. Also, Diana assured Astrid that as far as she was concerned, Astrid would be allowed to entertain gentlemen friends in her room when she was off duty.

Astrid demurred in pointing out that she probably would not have that much availability for her in acquiring gentlemen friends, considering her employment conditions. Diana reassured her not to worry, and you never know when sex might become available. In any case, she (Diana) might be able to facilitate such opportunities. In the back of her mind, Diana was pleased to discover that Astrid was sexual and that perhaps some unusual situations might arise as a consequence.

A week after Diana had returned from the hospital, Robert Morley called, and at first, naturally asked about the birth. After receiving a full but brief accounting, he asked if she would like to go out with him the following Saturday night for dinner at Joe Meurs, a trendy swanky seafood restaurant in Detroit.

Diana replied, "I would love to Robert, but I must advise you that since I've just given birth, it is not good for my well being to engage in sex, at least not vaginal penetration. I would not, though, be opposed to some oral sex, and sodomy is also permissible."

Morley was a little unnerved by Diana's blatant forthrightness, as he answered, "My goodness Diana, you sure don't beat around the bush as to your desires."

"Yes, I do like to lay my cards on the table to avoid disappointment. The outcome of our last date was not as I daresay what either of us envisaged, but that's not to say it was overall disappointing."

Robert laughed as he responded, "Not at all indeed. I'll pick you up at 6:30 pm then."

When Morley did come to pick up Diana, the door was opened by Astrid. He was intrigued since he could see that she was not a relative of Diana. He subsequently asked about her, and Diana was naturally able to fill him in. In responding to him, Diana could sense his interest in her Norwegian nanny, and so retained that observation in the back of her mind.

Their dinner date, in addition to excellent food, featured some lively conversation. Since she was no longer pregnant, Diana was free to imbibe alcohol as much as she desired, and she took full advantage. Consequently, she was more talkative than usual. She inquired of him what transpired at the Westin Airport Hotel after she had left for the hospital.

Morley was able to report that Natasha and Ophelia took two men at a time, usually sucking on one cock while simultaneously being penetrated in the vagina or in the ass. They were the ones to dictate a change of partners willy nilly and would indicate if on any occasion they desired sodomy or vaginal action.

Morley summed it up, "I lost track of how much time we spent in continuous action, but I can say I did the complete around the world cycles with each lady."

Just to make sure she understood the last assertion, Diana asked, "The around the world cycle being....?"

Morley replied, "Cock in mouth, cock in the vagina, and cock in the rectum."

"I see! As I calculate your prowess in continuous sex, you had six erections. I must applaud you on your stamina to be able to perform seemingly uninterrupted."

Given Diana's wicked surmise, Morley replied sheepishly, "Oh, there were rest spots in between. Also, on a couple of occasions, I was able to eat out Natasha or Ophelia. For me, anyway, a muff day is so erotic that I almost without fail to develop a hard-on immediately no matter how recent the previous erection."

"Well, bravo for your power to satisfy women like Natasha Starikovich and Ophelia Hartley in their apparent insatiable lusts. Can you imagine that these two women famous in the prosaic, staid formal world of classical music can be so sexual?"

Morley protested, "That's not so hard to understand. You must have noticed that in concert, both of them played their instruments while emoting the utmost passion for what they were doing. It stands to reason that if they were that passionate at simply playing music, they would have to be likewise passionate about sex."

Diana replied, "You may have a point, but I think you're mixing apples with oranges. Being passionate in music does not necessarily mean one is also passionate in sex."

"Perhaps so, who's to say. On another note, I was surprised that you left our sex party without worrying or insisting that I accompany you to the hospital."

"Why, of course. It would have been unfair of me to insist you had to come with me to the hospital. You did not sign up for that when you asked me out for the concert. Hell, you didn't even know I was pregnant until you came to pick me up. Besides, Natasha's hired limousine service was available, so no one else was inconvenienced by my sudden departure. As I saw it, it would have been churlish of me to deprive you of further sex from Natasha and Ophelia. Hell, I was certainly disappointed that I had to go away prematurely."

"Still, it must have been dispiriting for you to arrive at the hospital alone for the birth of your daughter and wearing only a robe and carrying a stylish dress and a purse as your only accouterments."

"Bless you, Robert, for being so kind and considerate. But it was no big deal. My sister came in plenty of time to help coach me through the birth process, and my mother was able to bring me suitable clothes to come home from the hospital."

"Yes, but I would have thought it would have been very comforting to have the father of your baby at least present for this monumental occasion even if he were not to be part of your baby's life. I remember you telling me that he might even be dead. What's that all about? How can you not know whether he is dead or alive? Did he just disappear on you right after having sex? Was it just an anonymous one-night stand that got you pregnant? Forgive me for being nosey."

In the happy mood that she was in, Diana was not the least bit offended by Robert's curiosity. She had no problem with being frank.

She replied, "Well you see Robert it's like this. The reason that the man responsible for Laura's existence is not in the picture is the mere fact that I don't know his identity, and it would be virtually impossible for me to ascertain the same."

Morley interrupted, "What do you mean, that you can't ascertain his identity? Even if you did make a one night stand without getting his name, surely if he was a student at the University, you would have some clue to help you discover his identity?"

Diana explained, "Well, the thing is that during that charity party gangbang orgy last November, I neglected to avail myself of birth control protection. Now I had not partaken of any other sex since my previous period to the time it was medically confirmed that I was pregnant. Ergo the conception event occurred during that orgy. I fucked at least forty-five different men vaginally that night, some of whom I can't even recall. I did have a date subsequently with one of them, whom I instinctively thought or more likely hoped was the father. I got him to agree to take a DNA paternity test, but he died in a car crash before such a test could have been administered. That's why I said my baby's father might not even be alive."

As the implication of Diana's information sank in, Morley sputtered out, "Why that must mean that I might be the father of your baby!"

"Well, I guess so. I have to take your word for it, that you did fuck me in my pussy, as I really can't remember. Because there were many men that I did fuck that night, most of them have become a blur in my mind. I hope your ego isn't bruised."

"OK. I can understand you don't recall me; my feelings aren't hurt. However, the point is that I did fuck you, and therefore I might be the father. So why don't I submit to a paternity test to find out?"

"Why would you want to do that? The odds are forty-five to one against that you are the father. Besides, surely this would not be the way you'd want to, or even contemplated on how you'd become a father."

"True enough. That is certainly not the way I imagined I would become a father. You know there is a cliché situation wherein a man is asked if he has any children and utters the droll answer, 'Not that I'm aware of.' That is meant to imply that the man has engaged in lots of indiscriminate sex so that he might have impregnated someone, but the woman has not informed him because of her own need to keep the circumstances of her pregnancy secret.

"So in the past year, I've had sex with my ex-girlfriend, Harriet, and I know for a fact that she was utilizing birth control measures. Also, recently, as you know, I had sex with Natasha Starikovich and Ophelia Hartley. I know Ophelia is in her fifties, and thus beyond childbearing years. As for Natasha, I'm almost certain she's on birth control given the actual casual nature of how we engaged in sex. Now I had sex with you this past November, whereby I would have thought you would have been employing birth control measures as well for the same reasons as Natasha. You've now told me that you were not on any birth control protection, and that you did get pregnant. I would, therefore, like to be able to rule myself out definitively that I did not sire your baby daughter."

"So what if, against the long odds that it does transpire that you are the father? What would you intend to do about it?"

"I'll cross that bridge if it comes to that. First things first are to determine if I'm the father. If it turns out that I am, then obviously we'll need to discuss the situation more thoroughly."

"Ok then, fair enough. I'll arrange for a paternity test at the University medical clinic and text you when it is scheduled. In the meantime, let's have dessert."

They finished their meal, and Robert drove Diana home. He accepted with alacrity, her not so subtle invitation to come in and to engage in some sex.

When they got to the upstairs floor, baby Laura was heard to start crying. Astrid, in a robe, emerged from her room to ostensibly take care of the situation, but Diana was able to instruct, "It's OK, Astrid I'm here now, and I can take care of Laura. You can relax."

Astrid wordlessly returned to her room.

Diana turned to Robert and directed him to her room. She said, "Look, Robert, I will probably have to change Laura and breast feed her. So it will take some time, but perhaps I can get Astrid to entertain you in the meantime, and I can join you two in due time. You'd be down for that, wouldn't you?"