Navy Nurse Ch. 15

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Diana has sex with Hank Doran who tastes her milk.
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Part 15 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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During the ensuing weekly luncheon meeting after the orgy, Diana could not resist teasing Makayla Brown for her failure to surpass her record of fucking 101 men at the charity gangbang orgy. What was even more galling for Makayla was the fact that another woman, i.e., Barbara Spencer, had even surpassed her in this particular orgy.

Still, Makayla was able to philosophically observe, "I guess there is no doubt I miscalculated on how I should have paced myself in trying to fuck the most men possible. However, I did manage to fuck eighty-two men in eight hours, and that surely is nothing to sneeze at."

Diana replied, "That sure as hell is true. I'm almost positive that no professional prostitute or porn star could boast of having accomplished so many excessive sexual acts in such a short time. Perhaps an authentic nymphomaniac might, but I doubt she could even assemble that amount of men to fuck."

"I'm sure you're right about that. The one problem of fucking endlessly so many men is that the events have become such a blur. Not much has been left in my memory, even though the fucking occurred just four days ago, and I haven't had any sex since."

"Well, what was the best memory you did have?"

"It was the last group sex with three guys that I won't forget, mainly because it was a diverse interracial sex occasion. I took on a white guy, a black dude, and a Korean gentleman. The three of them fitted the pattern of stereotypical racial profile. The Asian guy was a graduate student in mathematics. The black guy was on the football team, and luckily for him, the Wolverines were at home that week, so he was able to come to this party. The white guy was a freshman whose major is women's studies. Go figure!"

Dianna opined, "I bet he took such courses to give himself an in with supposed hot feminists. Once he discovers that the courses mainly consist of male-bashing polemics, and his female classmates are not so hot, he'll switch majors for sure. Coming to this gangbang orgy was probably his first step towards going in that direction."

Makayla continued her description of her time at the orgy, "I had the football player lying on his back, so he could penetrate my cunt while I was facing him. Thus my Korean gentleman took my ass. He filled me up completely as, and contrary to the popular perception, he was not small. The black dude happened to have the shortest cock of the three, but the girth of his penis was huge. With his cock in my pink and the Asian cock in my stink, I never felt so stuffed in my life, and the feeling was heavenly!"

"So, you gave head to the white guy's dick?"

"Yep, and as he was the longest, it was a challenge for me to deep throat him. After four plunges, in my attempts to take all of him into my mouth, I finally succeeded. I held him for several seconds, which was not an easy thing to do as I was bouncing in sync with the double penetration actions by the other two. I was able to overcome the gagging reflex, and soon the whole scene became overwhelming. I was sweating as I reached an orgasm. I kept going as there was no cum in my mouth, and I did not detect any in my cunt or my ass hole. My mind went blank as I wanted to pant, but there was a cock still in my mouth. I wanted to look and witness the action, but there was sweat all over my eyelids that it hurt to open my eyes. My mind was drifting away, such that I felt I was in another dimension with no familiar surroundings to identify where I was situated.

"Suddenly, when the white guy's cock was almost out of my mouth, I felt a blast of his cum splatter me at the back of my throat. Simultaneously I felt another orgasm take hold of my body, and in reaction, I jerked my head backward, letting his cock spring out of my mouth. This action coincided with the release of his second load of cum, which landed smack dab right in the center of my forehead. Some part of that cum naturally started traveling down to reach my nose and there splitting in half to continue traveling down along each side and finally ending on my cheeks."

Diana, at this point, gasped and interjected with an, "Oh my!"

Makayla continued her recital, "In self-defense, I grabbed his cock to put it back into my mouth to capture any more spurts. However, he was spent. This allowed me to thoroughly clean his cock of any loose sperm on the flesh of his dick. Finally, I could swallow all of his cum and letting go of his prick for the final time, I was free to pant to alleviate the effects of my orgasms.

"Of course, my efforts to calm my nerves were opposed by the physical actions visited upon my body. I was still in the process of being fucked, and ass fucked at the same time! Naturally, I was getting aroused yet again, all in one complete sexual act. Then the black dude and the Korean gentleman were kind enough to climax at the same time. I say 'kind'* (*air quotes) because I swear to God that had they ejaculated separately, I'm sure I would have had to endure two orgasms instead of enjoying the one final all-encompassing mother of all orgasms. I screamed! I could not have helped it."

Diana laughed at the vivid description Makayla offered in recounting this particular group sex episode in her participation at the gangbang orgy. Diana especially appreciated that Makayla had cleaned up her language by forsaking the gratuitous insertions of "F" bombs, which she had been initially prone to do when the two of them had become friends in their sophomore year. Whether the improvement was made consciously or subconsciously, no doubt, the realization that she was becoming a respectful professional woman had a lot of influence on her.

Once Diana stopped laughing, she had to say, "Wow Makayla, that sure was some sexual adventure that you had! To have three orgasms during one sexual act surely is unheard of. I think that is more of a remarkable achievement than my supposed Frat party gangbang record of fucking 101 men plus one woman within ten hours."

Now it did annoy Makayla that her record of fucking one hundred men at the orgy during her freshman year had been surpassed immediately, by Diana the following year. That she couldn't beat Diana's record during the current year's orgy was disappointing. Nevertheless, in her mind, she acknowledged that if anyone could top her sexual accomplishments, it was more palatable that it was her best friend Diana Van Buren that did it. Still, the fact that Diana was technically a virgin at the commencement of that orgy did not soothe Makayla's ruffled feathers completely.

In any case, she diverted the subject as she answered, "Whatever! But tell me, Diana, how did you like your duties as a hostess to the orgy? I'm most curious, of course, since I'll be a hostess again next year."

Diana replied, "Well, as you know, just like you were last year, I was the gatekeeper and timekeeper, and that assignment was very straightforward. I did get to suck a lot of cocks in assisting Mary Wilson and Donna Anisimova, in preparing the donors to have timely sex with our volunteers. Still, since the idea was to get the cocks erect and not to cross the line into ejaculation, the activity was more of a chore than a sexual pleasure. I did, though, have a memorable sexual dalliance in the case of Ronald Lodge."

At this point, Diana gave a full account of the episode wherein she pacified the said Ronald Lodge, who had felt shortchanged with his visit to enjoy the charms of the volunteer, Barbara Spencer. To satisfy the diffident Ronald Lodge, she got him to eat her out. Just as he was about to ejaculate, she was able to capture his cock into her mouth in time to receive his exploding sperm. The other hostesses witnessing the episode burst into spontaneous applause and added some bawdy chants.

Makayla was enthralled with the story, so she replied, "Now that you mention it, I do kind of remember hearing an untoward amount of cheering coming from the corridor sometime earlier on in the evening. I know I was in the process of fucking three guys at the time, so I was focused on that. As a result, I forgot to ask you, or for that matter, anyone else, to enlighten me as to the nature of this incident. I must say, though, that I'm impressed that the other hostesses were able to come up with seemingly appropriate responses to make this a delicious story."

Diana answered, "Credit must be given to Debbie Steinberg. She was the one to formulate the chants and was able to get the others to participate simultaneously."

Makayla then opined, "Certainly Ms. Steinberg deserves some props for that bit of spontaneity. However, you deserve full credit for the way you handled the boorish Mr. Lodge and averted a potentially ugly scene. I know you're going to become a terrific nurse, but your leadership skills will transform you into a significant officer in the Navy."

Diana beamed at the compliment.

Excepting for the November Frat gangbang orgy, both Makayla and Diana had not engaged in any sex since the start of their junior year at the Nursing school of the University of Michigan. In the case of Makayla, the main squeeze in her previous years at the University of Michigan, Keshaun Hill had graduated. The professional scouts duly recognized his prowess as a football player for the University of Michigan Wolverines. Accordingly, he was drafted by the San Francisco 49ers, and subsequently was successful in making that NFL team. Thus as far as Makayla was concerned, he had become history. Her other past fuck buddies had, likewise, disappeared.

The November orgy was then a source of acquiring new admirers for Makayla. Sure enough, two of the guys she had entertained at the orgy, contacted her and she had dates with them before the Christmas holidays. In January, she was approached by three other males who had enjoyed her charms during the November gangbang orgy. As a result, Makayla had established a new cadre of fuck buddies, which she was able to enjoy for the balance of her junior year.

As for our heroine Diana Van Buren, it was a different situation altogether. In August, before the commencement of her junior year, she'd had two sexual events with Robert Morley, who had sexual congress with her during the Frat gangbang orgy of the previous November. Both of those August occasions ended up in a group sex setting, which did not bode well for establishing an exclusive relationship. One of the factors that might have led to a serious entanglement was the fact that he possibly could have been the natural father of her child, Laura. However, since the subsequent paternity test negated that possibility, he turned his attentions to Astrid Haagensen. This was the woman who had joined in the group sex of their second date, and who was the hired nanny for Diana's baby. To be fair to Morley, Diana had to admit that she had never given any encouragement to him to pursue her. So it was understandable that he would turn his attentions to a more pliable female for sexual pleasure.

Although disappointed, Diana realized she had no justification for bemoaning her lack of male attention. Considering her encounter with Ronald Lodge at the orgy, she had hopes that he would call her. However, she was not surprised that he had not, since he had never attempted to acquire her contact telephone number during that orgy event. As it was, being a hostess at the orgy did not pave the way to acquire new male contacts. Finally, in January, she was able to secure a date. Hank Doran, the chief organizer of the Frat gangbang, invited her to attend a Saturday afternoon Wolverines basketball game and go for dinner and drinks plus dance at the Frat house afterward. Diana accepted, with some expectation that her social life would now come to life.

To commence the date, Diana met Hank at his Frat house residence before embarking for the Crisler Center, the venue arena for the University of Michigan basketball games. Diana was not an avid sports fan, but this particular contest was entertaining enough to sustain her interest. After the game, they repaired to a nearby restaurant/tavern and had a good time getting to know each other better. Hank was a chemical engineer student also in his junior year. Since there was some common ground in their studies, the discussion of their school work was stimulating for both of them. Diana was undoubtedly enjoying his company.

At eight o'clock they went to the dance party at the Frat house. There was a different ambiance to this social event compared to the charity party, which had included the clandestine gangbang orgy. Hank was a very popular leader in the Frat, and thus through him, Diana was introduced to lots of other party-goers. She had fond hopes that these introductions would eventually lead to more exciting social gatherings. During a slow dance, she was able to feel a stiff erection pressing against her thigh. Not one to waste an opportunity, Diana lowered her freer hand to squeeze his rigid penis. As their bodies almost adhered together as a consequence of their swaying dance movements, Diana was able to unzip his zipper surreptitiously, and thereby was able to reach and touch the bare flesh of his cock.

Diana whispered into his ear, "Oh my Hank. I'm glad you're so happy to see me!"

Hank guffawed and answered, "I'll be happier to see more of you soon."

Diana whispered back breathlessly, "Oh yes, that would be so nice as I've got more of me to show! And of course, I'm anxious to see you as well. I can feel that I'll be pleased."

Hank coyly queried, "Pun intended, I suppose?"

Diana merely replied, "You're such a clever man."

Shortly after that dance, the two of them exited the hall to go to Hank's room. His room turned out to be located in the same wing where the previous secret orgy of the charity party was held. Diana recognized it as the entertainment room that was assigned to Barbara Spencer. She remarked, "I remember this room and its particular past usage. I gather you were deprived of occupancy for one night last November."

"Yes! I was, and I will be, next year, in charge of organizing and planning for the charity party, I did not feel right in demanding that my room would be unavailable for the past November's entertainment features of that charity fundraiser. Next year's entertainment will be conducted in a separate wing, so I

won't have to surrender my room then."

Diana asked, "I recall in my sophomore year when I was a volunteer entertainer; it was held in a different wing. So will you be reverting to that wing for the next charity party?"

"No, there are four wings in this building, and so we rotate clockwise where the special entertainments are to occur. That way, anyone residing in a room in one of the wings for his entire four years undergraduate studies will be inconvenienced only once."

"As you might know, my friend, Makayla Brown, was a volunteer both in her freshman year and this year, and so was a hostess in her sophomore year and will be a hostess in her senior year. So, according to what you say, she'll have completed the cycle of participating in all four different locations for the Frat's charity orgies."

"I guess that is so, and I understand she will be the sole girl to have experienced as you term it, the Frat's cycle of charity orgies. Would you like a glass of wine?"

Not distracted by the abrupt change of topic, Diana replied, "Not now, perhaps later when we have thoroughly examined what we look like. But first, I want a kiss."

Thereupon, Hank moved in to embrace Diana fully. They first locked lips, and as a consequence, Diana shuddered. It had been such a long time since she had been kissed, and she was savoring the moment. Hank had splashed some cologne on his face before the start of the date, and its fragrance was alluring to Diana. As it had lingered throughout the date, Diana was immediately fully aroused as soon as they kissed, causing her to sense the full impact of his aura. She deeply breathed in the fragrance, contributing to her exhilaration.

Hank was slightly taller than Diana in her high heels so that they were level to each other during the kissing. Since there was no awkwardness to their mutual standing position, there was no discomfort, only pure pleasure as his kissing intensified. Finally, Diana was so overwhelmed by her arousal that she had to break away from the kissing. To somewhat soothe her passion, she planted sweet little kisses along the right side of his neck. Next, she nibbled on his right ear but then gasped as she became aware that he was lowering the zipper at the back of her dress. That sensation confirmed for her that she was about to become naked, and as a result, she could apprehend that her blood was figuratively heating up to the boiling point. To her surprise, she became aware that she was already perspiring despite the virtual lack of any real physical exertion on her part.

Diana was now breathing heavily and simultaneously moaning, as she realized she was in the throes of a mini orgasm. After Hank had fully unzipped the back of her dress, he pushed the sleeves of the dress as well as the sleeves of her chemise off her shoulders. This allowed Hank access to the hooks of her bra, and he proceeded to fasten it. Once she felt that her bra was unhooked, Diana broke off their embrace and took a step backward. She shimmed off her clothes, slipped them down her body, and stepped out of them. She removed her bra and carelessly tossed it aside. She was thus left mostly naked, standing in her high heels. All she had on now was a red garter belt holding up her fishnet stockings and a lime green thong.

Diana cupped her ample breasts, and in a very deep sultry voice, she gasped, "You Like?"

Noticing his erection tenting his trousers, she continued, "Oh, I see that you do like! Do you want to squeeze my boobies? You can! I would like that. Go ahead, touch me, Hank. Feel my tits! Feel how soft they are!"

Hank Doran did not need a second invitation. He put his hands on her mammary glands and stroked them.

Diana kept encouraging him, "Yes, baby, that's it squeeze them! Squeeze them hard."

When he did squeeze her tits hard, she screamed, "Ow! Ow! Ow! Not that hard."

"Oh, so sorry!"

"Not your fault. Your touches are good, even when painful. Now touch my nipples. You can squeeze them as hard as you can. Twist them!"

This time, wary of her instructions to squeeze her nipples hard, Hank only squeezed tentatively. So she screamed, "Harder! I know you can do harder baby."

So he complied again to her 'harder' demand, and this time with a heavy voice, she whimpered, "Oh yeah. That's it! That's how I like it! Keep squeezing! Keep squeezing hard! Harder, I say! Please keep squeezing!"

As Hank squeezed her nipples again, he soon discovered why Diana was able to tolerate heavy, even severe pressure on her nipples, and was also encouraging him to pinch harder than he could accomplish. He noticed that breast milk was squirting out of her nipples.

He immediately was able to conclude, correctly, that Diana must be breast feeding. Since he had no knowledge of her being a mother and she had not volunteered such information during their time at the restaurant, he exclaimed, "What the fuck, Diana! Is that breast milk? Are you a mother with an infant child?"

Diana was in a fervid sexual nirvana, and so she responded haltingly in her low sultry breathless voice, "Why yes, Hank. I'm a mother to a six months old baby girl whom I'm breast feeding. I had pumped my breasts once during the game and once during dinner. So my breasts are full and heavy now. Won't you please suck on my tits? My milk is sweet and tastes, just like evaporated milk. I think you'll enjoy the taste, and it sure would help me overcome the pressure in my tits."

Without over thinking of the circumstances, and perhaps intrigued by the opportunity of actually tasting human breast milk, Hank dropped to one knee to suck on Diana's breasts. To assist Hank to suck on her milk-filled breasts, Diana had kicked off her high heels. That way, having lowered herself, Hank was even with her breasts and in a more comfortable position to suck on her boobs. As he was successful in extracting her milk into his mouth, he had to agree with Diana's assertion that her breast milk was undoubtedly sweet, more so then he had anticipated. He also would concede that the taste was not off-putting at all, and comparing the taste to evaporated milk was probably as fair a descriptive comparison as could reasonably be made.