Navy Nurse Ch. 20

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More hot sex with Adrianna.
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Part 20 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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After the conclusion of Adrianna's 'Double Whammy Orgasm' Diana and the law student, shared some wine while luxuriating in a calming afterglow. Thus, they indulged in some pillow talk, and Diana started the conversation, "Tell me something Adrianna, when we first met you had a boyfriend named George whom I known somewhat in the Biblical sense. As a result I deemed him a loser, and you've acknowledged justification for such conclusion. You told me you just broke off with Trevor after a two year plus relationship. From how you describe him, I can understand the attraction, but he was a loser in the end as well. Have you fucked any other guys, and were they losers as well?

"Those were the only two relationships I've had. Although with George Cummings, the relationship lasted less than two months, so I guess it was just an affair if one wants to make a distinction. I did fuck three guys during my undergraduate years but none of them lasted beyond three dates. I lost my virginity in high school more out of curiosity than of anything else. Since my acquaintanceships with these guys were brief I've no opinion as to whether any one of them was a loser. Why do you ask? Are you implying I only date losers?"

"No I think it might just be mere coincidence, but I'm wondering. You see the other day I discovered a maxim attributed to Casanova. To the effect: 'if a man wants to make love to a woman who is beautiful all he needs to do is assure her that she is intelligent. If he wants to make love to a woman who is intelligent assure her that she is beautiful'."

Adrianna replied, "Oh yes, I've heard of that quote as well. I daresay there's probably more truth than poetry in that assertion."

Diana continued, "Be that as it may, but it does imply that to succeed in alluring a woman who is both beautiful and intelligent, then a mere pick up line will not suffice. Or in other words the man must be of substance himself if he were to hope to woo a superior woman. You're one of the most beautiful woman, I've ever encountered even better looking than my two sisters who are considered the epitome of female beauty. And of course, considering you're about to graduate from law school and become a lawyer, by definition you're intelligent. So I marvel or maybe despair at your lack of success in attracting a worthwhile stud to bed. If someone like you can't to it, what hope do women who are less fortunate in the brains and beauty department have?"

"I think, Diana, you're premises are incorrect. Men in general don't necessarily want to have a relationship with a superior women as it poses a challenge to their confidence. And they especially don't want a woman who excels in what is considered a manly pursuit. I remember once reading about a female athlete who had a won couple of medals in the Olympics for rifle shooting. In an interview she bemoaned her lack of success in dating. As soon as her dates had discovered who she was and what she had achieved, they lost all interest in pursuing her.

"So actually we smart women have to dumb down our intelligence to hold on to our men. Notwithstanding that my relationship with Trevor was doomed from the start, but in retrospect I now understand why he constantly disparaged my success in law school. I like to think that he was intimidated by my legal insight. I believe he had a nagging doubt in the back of his mind that I would become the better lawyer since I could tell he was astonished at how easily I grasped the legal principles taught in law school.

"A few times he discussed some of the more difficult and interesting cases he had handled while employed in my father's firm as well as at his present firm. In each instance I was able to suggest a different tactic he could have utilized to achieve a better result for his client. He invariably turned red in his face and declared my suggested tactic wouldn't have worked but gave no reason for his conclusion. In the last few months he never talked about his work with me. He only kept reiterating how wonderful he was and was constantly predicting that high political office was in store for him. The implication was that I was most lucky to know him."

Diana giggled at Adrianna's account since it was delivered in a witty bemused manner in sharp contrast to the bitterness she displayed when she had described their break up at the restaurant. So Diana opined, "If Trevor was intimidated by you , then I wonder how he fares with his wife. You said she teaches at the University, and if she had been on a sabbatical leave, while he was living with you, she must be tenured. That being the case, he must at least on paper concede that she is more of a match to him in intellect."

Adrianna harrumphed as she replied, "Ah! I think, that he believes his post graduate law degree puts him on an equal footing with her, and once he achieves his PHD in Political Science, he would have surpassed her. I guess that would technically be true, as far as academic accomplishments are concerned. I think you must be right in supposing that she must have tenure at the University. However for that to be true she must be at least forty, and I know he's only twenty-seven years old. Come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised that she is that old, as she sure was ugly as sin when I saw her that one time at my parents' Thanksgiving dinner."

Diana laughed out loud at the hyperbole. She opined, "Well you certainly make a good case for the proposition that men are intimidated by a superior woman. In fact to bear this out, I recall stumbling upon a survey taken to determine the differences in attitude between the sexes. The men were asked what was it about women that they would be most afraid of. The most frequent response was that their girlfriend or significant other would ridicule them. For the women the most frequent response was that they were afraid their boyfriend or husband would beat them up."

Adrianna replied, "I think that survey appears to be right on the money. As for me, if any man tries to do physical harm to me, I sure as hell wouldn't hesitate summoning the police. In fact, that was why I broke off with George, as he seemed to be headed in that direction in our relationship."

Diana continued, "Anyway with your legal training you're no doubt aware, that when one makes a generalization, there will always be an exception to the assertion. Yes, given that you sure as hell are the most accomplished woman in both beauty and brains I've ever met, I can sympathize in your plight in trying to find your soul mate. Still, I'm convinced Adrianna that there is a handsome prince out there for you, who will rescue you from the mediocrity of the run of the mill ordinary men who would not appreciate your brilliance. All you have to do is find him."

Adrianna retorted, "Ha! That would be harder to find than a needle in a haystack!"

"Funny you should say that. My best friend in Nursing school pointed out to me that the meaning of that phrase is not generally understood correctly. Most people think the phrase is a synonym for something impossible to find. However, the phrase presupposes there is actually a needle in the haystack, but that normally one does not have the patience to persevere in locating it."

Adrianna admitted, "I've never thought of it in that way. In any case I'm certainly not holding my breath awaiting to find my prince charming. So what about you? You've obviously fucked more men than I've ever dreamed of doing. Have you then come across any gentleman who could have overlooked your superiority, and desire an even handed relationship with you?"

Diana answered, "I actually have a different problem. Obviously in submitting to two gangbang orgies, I've had more men fucking me in those two instances than I could have expected to achieve in a lifetime. Probably more than most porn stars for that matter. Of course those orgies was just sex nothing more. Outside of the orgies I really only have had three independent dates, and each of them knew my history of participating in the orgies. The first two had fucked me in the first orgy and the third guy was in charge of the orgies in my junior and senior years but did not fuck me in the orgy.

"So my problem with men is not that they think I'm superior to them. Instead they believe in their mind they are vastly superior since they view me simply as a slut and a whore. I mean who else but a slut and a whore would agree to participate in a gangbang orgy, as no doubt was their mind set. Actually my second date did think he was out of 'my league'*(*air quotes). By that though I don't mean, he thought himself as inferior in intellect or otherwise to me. It was more like he didn't think he was man enough to keep me satisfied considering my presumed sluttish and whorish proclivities. Since he had fucked me during that first orgy whereby I became pregnant, he insisted on taking a paternity test. When the test proved that he was not the father of my daughter, he immediately switched his amorous allegiance to my nanny.

"Now knowing my nanny, I believe she's as promiscuous as they come. I think her real interest in Robert, that's his name, is centered on getting her work permit converted to a full fledge green card if she can't get a student's visa, when her job as nanny to my Laura has ended. I suspect he's in store for a field of hurt when he discovers my Norwegian nanny is not the woman of his dreams. Serves him right for abandoning me, but then again it was not like I was enchanted with him. However, he was a good guy, and I daresay a talented musician student in the Music faculty. Our date was a concert seeing Natasha Starikovich and Ophelia Hartley, performing at Orchestra Hall about a year and a half ago before the beginning of my junior year. If you're not into classical music, I can tell you that these ladies are world class performers in the violin and cello."

Here Adrianna interrupted by saying, "I do indeed love classical music, and I sure as hell know who Natasha Starikovich and Ophelia Hartley are. I also attended the concert you were mentioning as I feel so fortunate of having been there. Since tickets were scarcer than hen's teeth, my father had to move heaven and earth in tapping all of his professional contacts in Detroit and Ann Arbor to secure tickets for this very rare performance. Since neither Trevor nor my mother were fans of classical music I was my father's date. That performance was absolutely breathtaking, and I surely rank it as a highlight in my life."

Diana smugly replied, "Oh yes that concert was a very spectacular highlight in my life as well. Not only for the exceptional music, but I was invited backstage to meet Natasha and Ophelia. Thereafter, I was further invited to party at Natasha and Ophelia's hotel suite in the Westin at the airport. They were going to depart the next evening to Estonia for Natasha's chamber music festival. I can say the party featured some group sex, and so as a result I became acquainted intimately with both Natasha Starikovich and Ophelia Hartley. I might say that they certainly are very sexual women apart from their magnificent musicianship. In addition, I went into labor and had to be whisked to a nearby hospital to give birth to my daughter. So yes that concert was an extremely significant event in my life even overshadowing the sexual extravaganza of my gangbang orgies."

Adrianna's jaws literally dropped wide open in astonishment at Diana's story. She said, "Oh my God Diana, what a sensational story, which I can only marvel at! You may be a slut and a whore by your own account, but I say you are a high class slut and whore who merits notice from the top echelons of high society, nonetheless."

Diana replied, "Than you for your vote of confidence which I appreciate very much. However I'm getting horny again, so can we table our discussion for now. I believe it is my turn to be pleasured by you, with the glass butt plug and nipple clamp chain. I've already paved the way for what is required, so you know what to do."

Adrianna replied, "Oh yes indeedy my sweet slut and whore. I look forward to pleasuring you as you deserve."

Diana grabbed the glass butt plug, and before putting it in her mouth, said. "For me I find my saliva works as a lubricant better than any cream or jelly except butter. Takes away the cold sensation right away."

Diana assumed the same position that Adrianna had for her butt play. Adrianna without any trepidation moved in between Diana's parted legs, and spread Diana's ass cheeks. Then bending forward she planted a sweet kiss on Diana's anus, and started licking it with her wet tongue. Diana squeaked at the pleasurable stimulation of he most intimate body part. She then gasped saying, "Oh fuck baby that's so good! That's so fucking good. But you don't have to do this if you don't want do it. But oh so good!"

"What? And miss all the fun? I love to do it! I want to do it!"

The tongue action by Adrianna on Diana's ass caused flashes of tingling bolts of pleasure coursing throughout our heroine's body. As the pleasure endorphins flooded her mind she felt like she was figuratively on fire, and started perspiring as a result. Her buttocks involuntarily quivered from the relentless anilingus. Consciously, Diana alternated in lifting a calf and foot to touch her rump before returning the foot to touch the mattress. Presuming that Adrianna was a novice at this type of oral sex, Diana was thrilled that her partner was performing so effectively to produce such exquisite sensations.

In addition to the oral sex play on Diana's anus, Adrianna was simultaneously fingering Diana's vagina; usually a two finger probe to dampen the invading digits. Whenever she could sense her fingers were moist enough, Adrianna would stop her anilingus and insert her fingers to lubricate Diana's rectum. This variation in the action on her derrière incited Diana's passion to a higher level. Finally Diana called a halt to the proceedings as she gasped, "Oh baby that's so good! So fucking good. You're so good. But I have the butt plug now ready for use. Here..."

As Adrianna took the proffered anal toy, Diana instructed, "I can take all of it. I've done it myself. But you just can not push all of it in at once. You just keep pushing it in further slowly as my ass hole opens up more to take it in. But I guarantee you will be able to eventually get all of it completely in."

The glass plug was huge! Adrianna was doubtful whether Dianna really could take it all in. It was curvy cone shaped with the diameter at its widest point almost one inch larger than the largest bead in the anal beads string. The stem supported a pink jeweled base. In any case, Adrianna started tentatively inserting the plug into Diana's rectum ever so slowly. With each forward push of the plug, Diana's rectum prolapsed to cause the plug to retreat. That action, though, did cause Diana's rectal opening to gape further and allow deeper penetration on her next attempt.

During the insertion process, Diana was grunting in very unladylike manner, but otherwise she did not betray any other sign of discomfort. Adrianna's focus on her chore was intense as she so did not want to cause any harm. As a result of her concentration she started perspiring as well. Persistence firmly prevailed, and the glass butt was completely inserted, causing Diana to emit a very loud, "Whoosh!"

Diana, now straightened up, but still resting on her knees and calves. She reached for the nipples clamp chain and handed it to Adrianna to effect attachment. She instructed, "Just make sure the clamps are firmly secured. Adjust them to the maximum tightness as I don't want them to come undone. I want to periodically pull on the chain and you're welcome to do so as well, So its imperative that the clamps are on as tight as possible."

Adrianna protested, "But Diana won't the pulling on the chain hurt and cause more pain?"

"That's the idea!"

In a weary tone Adrianna acquiesced, "OK."

Dianna now positioned herself in a similar posture as Adrianna had in their previous copulation. Her head and back rested against the headboard. She sat her rump on a pillow leaving both of her nether holes completely exposed for attention by her partner, in any manner the latter desired to take advantage. Her legs were bent and spread wide apart almost to a full one hundred and eighty degree angle.

Adriana crawled into the valley of Diana's spread legs to directly face our heroine's vulva. Before she did anything else, Adrianna inhaled deeply to breathe in Diana's sexy smell. Adrianna was certain that by this time, Diana's female scent would be saturated heavily as a result of the passionate sex that had already previously occurred between them. Adrianna was not wrong in this conjecture, as Diana's odor emanating from her vagina proved to be very potent indeed! The smell was so intoxicating that Adrianna became light headed, and consequently she involuntarily giggled.

After breathing in Diana's sexy smell a second time, Adrianna placed her tongue on the upper part of Diana's slit. She automatically started licking Diana's clit, causing our heroine to gasp and murmur, "Oh fuck Adrianna that's so heavenly!"

Adrianna, now sucked in Diana's clit entirely into her mouth and with her teeth clamped down on the surrounding skin. That enabled her to lick Diana's clit with continuous consecutive strokes, without her tongue straying elsewhere. In reaction, Diana moaned. In addition Diana, then simultaneously grabbed a hold of the chain of the nipple clamps, and pulled it to tweak a sharp bolt of pain. She squeaked as a result of that deliberate action.

Meanwhile, Adrianna had slipped her three middle fingers of her right hand into Diana's vagina, to digitally hump her. After a period of time elapsed Adriana joined her thumb and little finger together with the middle fingers to manually fuck Diana even more forcibly. Having tweaked the nipples clamp chain a second time, Diana fell into a delirium. With Adriana's hand almost fully penetrating her vagina, Diana screamed, "Yes Adriana fuck me with your hand! Shove it all in! Fuck me hard! Don't stop! Don't you fucking dare stop!"

Naturally, Adrianna complied, and was fisting Dianna at a brisk pace. She kept stimulating Diana's clit with her tongue, and took the opportunity to tug on the nipples clamp chain with her free hand. The latter act prompted Diana to shriek. Before Adrianna could recoil in guilt for her obvious infliction of pain, Diana was caressing Adrianna's hair. Our heroine began chanting a sing song of exclamations encouraging and approving of the sexual actions.

Intuitively, both women knew that Diana was headed towards a spectacular orgasm. Consequently, Adrianna had no compunction in brutally continuing fist fucking Diana. In addition she now tugged frequently on the nipples clamp chain, no longer perturbed by the pain she was inflicting since Diana seemed to be inviting more of that kind of sexual torture. Diana shrieked at each ping of pain caused by the tugging on the nipples clamp chain, whether the pulling were done either by her or by Adrianna. She was in fact imploring Adrianna to be more forceful in her sexual assault, and was grunting even more vociferously, than previously.

Inevitably, Diana reached her orgasm. She erupted in producing a vehemently harrowing scream seemingly intermixed between sensations of pain and agony. In addition, she involuntarily discharged a gushing squirt of her female juices, that per force struck Adrianna's neck. Diana's violent reaction to her climax was the catalyst that triggered the onset of Adrianna's own orgasm. Although, not as obviously distracting as Diana's startlingly enthusiastic reaction, still Adrianna's orgasm was absolutely compelling to her own psyche. She became momentarily totally insentient such that she took no noticed of the splatter of Dianna's female cum coagulating on her neck.