Navy SEAL and Homeless Woman Ch. 05


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She gave him a big smile.

"Thank you," she said blushing. "But with you wanting to redo my wardrobe, my hair, and my makeup," she said with a pause while laughing. "You're not gay are you," she asked with another laugh?

The waitress poured her more coffee and she laughed with the waitress before taking a big gulp of coffee.

"Not that there's anything wrong with you being gay but..."

Christopher laughed, too.

"What? Me? Gay? Hardly," he said.

He laughed again.

"There's a don't ask, don't tell policy in the military but I will freely tell you that I'm not gay," he said with another laugh. "What you see with me is what you get with me. Even though I'm a retired Navy SEAL, I'm still a SEAL. I'll always be a SEAL," he said.

He suddenly had the urge to salute her.

# # #

"I'm all man, a macho man, and if I have a character flaw, it's sometimes that I'm too much of a man," he said taking her all in as if he was smelling and staring at a bouquet of roses. "I show too much of the hard side than I show the soft side."

She laughed.

"I can see that," she said. "At ease, SEAL," she said with a laugh. "I don't bite. What you see is what you get with me, too."

The stared at one another in the way that they had never looked at one another before. Suddenly, while watching the waitress carry over and entire table of food, they both fell quiet. Then, Christopher tripped all over his feelings. Something that he never does, as if he was the bachelor on the Bachelor dating show, he opened up to her.

"It's different with you. For some reason you let out my soft and sensitive side," he said staring at her. "And I like seeing the other side of me coming out when being with you. It makes me feel more human than being just a bad ass, Navy SEAL."

Susan laughed again.

"Yeah, well, don't be crying in my food, Midnight Cowboy. This is the first meal that I've eaten in a long time that doesn't have alley dirt and bugs in it," she said laughing.

He laughed, too.

"If I'm the Midnight Cowboy than you're my sidekick, Ratso Rizzo," he said laughing.

She laughed, too.

"Eww. Gross. Gee thanks," she said laughing again.

He fixed her a heaping plate of food.

"Actually, that was a good movie," he said. "I'm surprised you remembered it."

She poured syrup over her pancakes and waffles.

"I'm a huge movie buff," she said again. "I've seen every Hoffman movie, and Jon Voight was wonderful in that too. I loved HEAT with Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro. Jon Voight was in that movie, too. I loved him in Ray Donovan, too, as Ray's father. Just wondering," she said with a teasing laugh, "Did you like Brokeback Mountain, too?"

He laughed.

"Okay, enough with the gay jokes. I can assure you that I'm not gay," said Christopher. "And to answer your question, I've never seen Brokeback Mountain," he said with a laugh. "But I know what the movie is about."

# # #

In the way she teased him, with their continued, light hearted repartee, he wouldn't mind leaning over the table and kissing her to prove that he wasn't gay. Actually, with her no longer looking like a homeless woman, he'd like to kiss her. After saving her, no doubt, saving her life for him, yeah, he'd like to kiss her.

He'd like to part her lips with his tongue and French kiss her. He wished he could kiss her full lips. He wished he could make out with her while feeling her big tits and fingering her erect nipples. Only, she's the one who should kiss him, if only to show him her gratitude.

Suddenly, after seeing her naked in the alley, his mind was filled with the image of her without her clothes. Difficult to remove the sight of her big, naked breasts and her erect, pink nipples, he imagined her sitting across from him naked, as naked as she was in the alley. He imagined her wearing something sexy, a bra and panty from Victoria's Secret.

Their only conversation, this conversation was the first real conversation that he's had with a woman. He didn't count pillow talk conversations with women that he paid to suck and fuck him. Other than with his sister, not knowing what to say or how to act, he was always awkwardly uncomfortable with women. He reminded himself of Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Highway, when he played Gunnery Sergeant, Tom Highway. He's really never sat with and talked to a woman while she was wearing clothes.

Again, he remembered her naked tits, so big, and so full. Never had he seen breasts as big and as shapely before. She had the most beautiful breasts he's ever seen and, suddenly feeling horny and feeling a deep sexual attraction for her, he'd love to feel them while making out with her. Only he feared that his sexual attraction for her would get in the way of helping her. Not being a psychiatrist, he hoped that his attraction to her was more than some convoluted need that stemmed from his childhood in wanting to help her and protect her.

"Speaking of wondering, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you," he asked?

His question was met with a blank stare before she flashed him a soft smile.

"It's not polite to ask a woman her age and/or her weight," she said with a laugh.

He nodded his head.

"I only asked because you looked so much older in the alley than you do now that you're all cleaned up and looking so good," he said with an uncomfortable smile.

She gave him a sexy, cheesecake smile.

"How old do I look?"

She sat back in the booth and smiled. When she smiled at him like that, he imagined falling in love with her and being married to her. When she did that, sat like that, he imagined a photographer taking a family photo of her and her baby after they were married.

"I dunno. I'm not good with guessing women's ages," he said with a shrug.

She gave him a smile.

"Actually, I turned 50 on July 26th."

He laughed.

"Something else we have in common, I'm 50-years-old, too, and I'm a Leo the lion, also. August 4th is my birthday."

Undressing her with his eyes, unable to remove his eyes from her, he looked at her as if she was sitting across from him topless, and even naked.

"Yet, you don't look 50. If I was to guess, I'd think you were 40," he said.

She smiled while touching his hand.

"Thank you," she said. "You just made my day."

While sampling everything, she continued gobbling down her food.

# # #

"Well, this is an unexpected treat with you coming to my rescue and then copping me to a free meal," she said changing the subject of age to voice her appreciation of his help and a free meal. "It's been a long time since I've eaten like this. I promise, when I get a job, I'll repay you for..."

He waved his big hand at her.

"Don't be silly. There's no need to repay me. Pay it forward is all that I ask you to do. Just as someone helped me when I lost my way thirty years ago, before I joined the Navy and found my true calling, give a helping hand to someone else one day. You helping someone else will be my repayment and my reward," he said.

She gave him a big smile while touching his big hand with her soft hand.

"Thank you," she said.

She looked down at all the food.

"So, what's your favorite food? What are you hungry to eat?"

Even though he's eaten there a hundred times before and even though he ordered the same thing every day, apple pie with ice cream and coffee, he looked at all of the food in front of him.

"Something that I didn't order. Apple pie and ice cream," he said with a laugh.

She laughed, too.

"Well, to be honest, I miss having breakfast," she said. "Most days, all I can afford is a cup of coffee and sometimes a stale muffin. After walking by this diner in the morning and smelling the pancakes, waffles, and sausages cooking on the grille, I've been dreaming about pancakes, waffles, and sausages for weeks."

He waved his hand as if he was doing a magic trick.

"Well, think of me as your genie," he said with a laugh. "Your wish is my command," he said folding his arms across his body. "You now have your pancakes, your waffles, and you have your sausages. I'm going to fatten you up," he said with a laugh. "You're too skinny."

She laughed, too.

"Don't worry. Whatever I weight I gain goes to my tits," she said laughing while cupping her big breasts through her blouse and her bra in the palms of her hands. "I was a double D cup before losing fifteen pounds that I couldn't afford to lose. I've always been 130 pounds but weighed only 115, the last time I checked. I may even be less now that I haven't eaten all day or yesterday, I think, until now." She looked at him and smiled. "Thank you in advance for giving me my tits back."

He laughed, too.

"You're welcome Honey but," he liked calling her Honey and by the obvious smile on her face, she liked him calling her Honey too. "You still have tits, big tits, from what I saw of you in the alley and from what I can see now with you wearing a bra."

# # #

Remembering back, she turned a bright red.

"Oh, God, I forgot that you saw me nearly naked. That was so embarrassing," she said putting her head down and covering her eyes with her hand as if trying to erase the memory. "You saw so much of me. You saw too much of me," she said with an embarrassed laugh. "You saw all of me. You saw what I'd never show a man until a fourth or fifth date," she said with a laugh.

He shrugged his big shoulders while patting her hand.

"The light was dim in the alley. I hardly saw anything of you," he said lying when he saw all of her, a sexy sight that burnt an indelible impression of her nakedness and horniness in his mind.

He looked out the window when someone caught his attention.

"Look," he said peering out the window and directing Susan to look where he pointed with his finger. "There are those three men," he said with a laugh. "And they're coming in here."

She looked horrified.

"Oh, no they're not. Please don't let them hurt me again," she said picking up the knife from the table and holding it at the ready to defend herself.

He took the knife from her hand.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it," said Christopher getting out of the booth and walking to the door to meet them as if he was a bouncer.

# # #

"Let's go in here," said the little man to the other two.

As soon as he reached for the door, Christopher was there waiting for him.

"The diner is full. Go somewhere else," he said. "You're not welcome here anymore."

Immediately they retreated. By the looks on their faces, no doubt never expecting to see him again, especially so soon, they were afraid. With the smallest man helping the biggest man to walk and the third man limping behind him as if he was drunk or elderly, the three, beaten victims made their way down the street before a police car slowed, pulled over, and stopped them.

Calling for backup, two more police cars flew in from the opposite direction. Too injured to run, they threw their hands up in the air before getting down on the ground and the police took them in custody. Christopher figured that someone must have made the call. Who knows, they may have been on a crime spree and, maybe, they had attacked someone else before attacking Susan.

"Good. I feel better. I'm glad they're arrested," said Susan before confessing. "I asked Pete to call the police. I have a good mind to go and press charges."

Christopher reached out his long arm and patter her shoulder.

"Leave it alone Susan. Better that you should remain an anonymous victim than having these men know your name," he said with a look of wisdom.

She nodded her head.

"Yeah, you're right. No doubt, they'd track me down, even though it's not a difficult thing to find me being that I'm living on the streets," she said with sadness.

He looked at her with concern.

# # #

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you homeless?"

"I moved from Boston last June to live with my Mom in Hershey, Pennsylvania, after divorcing my husband. We had a beautiful basement apartment across from the Susquehanna River. Then, on September 9, 2011, a one-hundred-year flood, one of the worst flood in the history of the Susquehanna River happened. The water crested more than 30 feet above flood stage. The water was higher than the second floor of our apartment building."

Suddenly falling quiet, she looked so sad.

"I remember that flood. It rained, down poured actually, for days."

Susan nodded her head.

"The Red Cross gave us some clothes, food, and directed us to a shelter but not much else. FEMA only helped those who owned homes not those who rented apartments. With floodwater contaminated with home heating oil and raw sewage, the fire and police wouldn't allow people back in their neighborhood for three weeks, until the water receded and the properties were inspected. By then, nothing salvageable. I lost everything including my car," she said.

Looking sad again, she fell quiet again.

"My car was thirteen-years-old anyway, but that car was better than walking and taking the bus. No doubt, if I still had the car, I'd be living it in. It was a 2000 Mustang GT with a five-speed manual transmission. I loved driving that car."

Seemingly unable to stop himself from touching her, he squeezed her shoulder.

"I remember that the water in Hershey was as high as the roofs of the fast-food restaurants and they had to demolish them and rebuild them. Wasn't there bison trapped under water that they had to shoot at the Hershey Zoo?"

Susan nodded her head.

"Yeah that was sad," she said. "It's funny how some people cared more about those bison being trapped underwater than they did about all those people like me who lost their homes and possessions. Three people were killed in the flood, one was a firefighter trying to save an elderly man trapped upside down in his car. Both were swept away with the floodwater," she said.

# # #

He patted her hand and, this time, instead of removing his hand, he held onto her hand with his hand.

"So, why aren't you in a shelter," asked Christopher?

She shrugged her indifference.

"I was in a shelter but shelters aren't safe," she said. "They stole my carry-on bag of possessions, mostly clothes and makeup. Believe it or not, that is, until tonight with those three men, I felt safer outside on the street than I felt in the shelter. There's a lot of crazy people in the shelter."

She looked up at him to give him a half smile.

"I still go there to shower, wash my clothes, and grab a hot meal at the mission or at the church," she said. "Even at the mission and the church, men are always grabbing at me and groping me."

She looked sad again.

"I was so tired and so hungry one day that I didn't realize that the man standing behind me had lifted the back of my skirt nearly to my waist. He must have thought he had a live one. Then, when he started feeling and squeezing my ass through my panties, I turned and bashed him in the face with my food tray," she said.

Christopher watched the waitress bring over more coffee.

"More coffee," she asked while looking from Christopher to Susan?"

Susan smiled up at her.

"Yes, please," said Susan.

Christopher squeezed her hand.

# # #

"So, I was thinking," said Christopher.

Susan looked at him with curiosity.

"Yes," Susan asked? "What are you thinking?"

He paused as if rethinking what he was about to ask.

"Don't take this the wrong way but..." he said with another pause.

She looked at him with curiosity again.

"But what," she asked looking at him?

As if for strength, he took a sip of his black coffee before taking a big breath and telling her what he was thinking.

"If you wanted to..."

Susan laughed.

"Yes," she said. "Spit it out. The suspense is killing me. If I wanted to what," she asked?

He chuckled.

"Um, you know, um, you could bunk with me, until you got a job and back on your feet. I have a spare bedroom," he said looking at her before staring down at his food.

He looked away from her and changed the subject while waiting for her to answer.

"The grub is good here. Although this is my first time eating anything other than apple pie and ice cream," he said with a laugh. "I'm impressed with the quality of the food."

She looked at him blankly.

"Are you inviting me to stay with you," she asked?

He gave her a big smile.

"Trust me," he said sitting back in his seat. "I'm surprised as much as you're surprised," he said with a laugh. "But, yes, I guess, I am inviting you to stay with me temporarily until you get back on your feet," he said.

# # #

She laughed.

"Do you have an Internet hookup?"

An odd question for her to asked, he looked at her blankly.

"Internet hookup? Sure, I have Internet hookup. Why?"

She gave him an embarrassed smile.

"I write stories and, since I've been homeless, I haven't been able to write anything in a while."

Now, he was the one who looked at her with curiosity.

"Stories? What kind of stories?"

She blushed a little.

"Erotic literature."

He gave her a questioning look.

"Erotic literature? You mean sexy stories? Dirty stories? Porn? You write porn?"

She laughed.

"Yeah, I mean, no. I don't write porn. I write erotica. There's a huge difference between the two. Porn is just about sex, sex, and more sex. Erotica are real stories with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Unlike porn, they have character development, description, tension, and dialogue," she said.

He gave her a big smile.

"Cool," he said. He stared at her in between bites of his food. "So, is that a yes? Will you bunk with me," he asked?

She gave him a big smile. Even without makeup, she was more beautiful when she smiled. A naturally beautiful woman, he loved her long, lush blonde hair, and her big breasts. He couldn't wait to buy her some new clothes. He couldn't wait to see her wearing something sexy.

"Yes," she said. "I'd love to bunk with you, as long as you don't have bunk beds," she said with a laugh.

To continued...

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Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc12 months ago

LOL - Alas, living vicariously through your stories, love it! 5*

DINGDONG33DINGDONG3312 months ago

Now you are telling a story I really enjoy, if you leave the long repeat of the last chapter it would be even better. Good story and tell of it.

buran288buran28812 months ago

More Please!

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum12 months ago

Your portrayal of Chris hit many of feeling I have had in dealing with women. Whoever you consulted to learn to portray Chris’s mind set did you valuable info. Please don’t make this a boy meets girl, boy gets with girl and ending boy loses girl.

SinteraSintera12 months ago

Big improvement in the story and the flow. I didn't feel like I was reading the same as the last chapters. <3

IntoblackIntoblack12 months ago

It's getting better. Still a little too much redundancy for my tastes, but still much better. Keep writing. . .

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