Nearly Midnight


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"Mmm, coffee," I said. I took the mug from my brother's unresisting hands and sipped gratefully. "Thanks, dude." I kissed the side of his forehead, then rested my butt against the counter and refocused on the increasingly unsure faux-blonde. "So, how was he in bed?"

"Um... what?" said the girl.

"Fucking. You, him. Good?"

The girl turned a delightful shade of crimson. She looked pleadingly at Seth for help. He gave her a more exaggerated version of the shrug he'd given me. Way to commit, bro.

"What about you, Sethy? You gonna give me some details?"

I hip-checked him just hard enough to force him to act. He retrieved his cup, took a swallow, then handed it back to me.

"I'm gonna grab a shower," he said.

"Oof. Cold, dude. Just gonna leave your friend here with me?" I gave the girl a predatory grin. "That bad, was she?"

"I'm just... I'll go now," the girl said.

She had to go by me to get to Seth's room to retrieve her stuff, then again on the way out. I kept smiling while she was in sight. Seth mostly stared at the wall.

"Well, she seemed nice," I said.

"Goddamn, Izzy. You don't usually make that shit so awkward."

"Maybe you just need to learn how to kick 'em out in the morning on your own. I can't babysit you forever. Also, she drank my coffee."

"Yeah, well... yeah. That was kinda my fault. I'm used to only making enough for us. How come you were so slow getting up?"

"Busy masturbating."

Seth flushed slightly. It was cute. "Ah. Of course."

"So, shower?" I prompted.

"Yeah. That."

I put on a new pot of coffee while Seth cleansed himself, then waited in the living room. There was a morning talk-show on tv. It didn't appeal much to me, but the woman co-host was smiling so manically I figured there was a chance she'd snap and just start murdering people. No such luck.

Seth brought me a fresh cup once he was out of the shower. It bought him a few redemption points.

"What the hell are you watching?" he asked.

"Morning show. They're going to teach me how to make banana muffins after the break. I don't want to give anything away, but I have a suspicion they just make muffins like normal only they add banana."

"Dude, spoilers."

Seth sat next to me. I handed over the remote. He started flipping. His hair looked nice; all clean and still a little mussed. I reached over and ran my fingers through it a few times to straighten it. He leaned into me like a puppy looking for more ear scratchies. I obliged.

"One of these days there's gonna be some other girl doing this," I said.

"What? What does that mean?"

"You know, one of those girls you bring home. I'm going to find you two cuddling on the couch, her fingers all entwined in your hair. Then you'll have babies. You'll want more space. We'll end up having to fight to the death for who gets to keep the house."

"That's an awfully morbid scenario."

"Sorry. You can have dogs instead of babies."

"Thank you." Seth shifted a little and glanced at my face. "What makes you think any of these girls are gonna make it past your morning gauntlet?"

"I dunno. One day there'll be one you decide you like. You'll go to her place instead of ours. I won't be able to save you. It's all downhill from there."

"Pff, c'mon Izzy. That ain't happening. These girls are specially chosen to be ones I have no lasting interest in."

"S'that so?"

"Sure. All part of the challenge."

I twisted a lock of my brother's hair around my finger. It was getting long.

"What kind of challenge are we talking?"

"Just something to keep me amused. It's kinda like a game. Find a girl just inside the threshold of being interesting, the hotter the better, convince her to fuck, never see each other again."

"That's not a game. That's, like, scummy?"

"Okay, yeah, maybe it sounds that way. I was just trying to simplify it. It's more like... you know, they're looking for sex, I'm looking for sex, we both get what we want. I just happen to have stricter criteria and win conditions."

"Doesn't it cost you points that I always have to chase 'em off in the morning?"

"Maybe. It's not a fully documented system yet."

"Jeez, 'documented system.' You've gone from scummy to boring."

"You know what I mean." Seth paused, then sighed. "You're kind of right though. It's been getting a little too formulaic lately. Too predictable. Every girl's different, but sometimes not different enough."

"You poor thing. That sounds rough."

Seth laughed and sat up to give me a playful shove. "Fuck off. I'm not saying it's a bad deal. It's just not the same thrill it used to be."

"So change the game."

"How? Start picking up dudes instead? Not really into that."

"Nah, like, make it more interesting. Make it matter."


I looked my brother square in the eye. "Make me the game."

He looked confused as all fuck for several seconds. "What? I don't... you want me to... fuck you?"

"It's not all about the fucking. You just explained that to me, remember? You have a goal, you have guidelines, you want to win. Usually you want to cum in or on a girl consequence-free, but if that's boring maybe you need something different."

"But, like, what would that be?"

"I dunno. That's part of the challenge. You have to figure out how to win, then do it."

I turned back to face the tv and pulled my feet up onto the cushion. Seth kept staring at me for a bit, then he too turned to face forward. A guy in a suit was recapping sports scores from last night. I wondered how much he got paid to read numbers off a prompter.

"You might be on to something," Seth said.

"Really? I was, like, eighty percent certain that I wasn't. Who knew."

"The tricky part's going to be kicking you out in the morning."

"You'll think of something. I believe in you."


I took a nap that afternoon while Seth was gone. I didn't mean to, but I was alone and cozy on the couch and it just sort of happened. It was not the sort of thing that was going to help me get my sleep schedule on track. I blamed my brother for leaving me unsupervised.

To assuage my guilt over unsanctioned snoozing I puttered at some household chores. I grabbed a bunch of clothes off my floor and threw them in the washing machine. I thought about doing a load for Seth afterward, but there was only a small chance my motivation would last that long.

About half the kitchen got swept before I got bored. After that I stared into the freezer for the better part of a minute before deciding that no, I didn't want to cook something either. I settled for doing some dishes. It was an acceptable job as long as I only started with the intent to put a dent in the mountain of used dinnerware rather than tackling the whole thing all at once.

Seth's return gave me a perfect excuse to stop just when I was getting tired of rinsing glasses. Better still; I smelled good things as soon as he opened the door.

"I brought supper," he called.

"Good. That'll help make up for your sins."

He stepped into the kitchen and set bags of takeout on the counter.

"Dare I ask what I did this time?"

"It's better if you don't."

Seth examined the newly-cleaned dishes in the drying rack, then the still-dirty ones. He shook his head.

"Maybe we should just throw them away," he suggested.

"I thought about it. But here's a better idea; you start seducing girls who really, really like cleaning. We let them stay a little longer in the morning... bam, clean house."


"Thanks. How 'bout my idea though?"

Seth laughed and patted me on the head. "Keep dreaming, kiddo."

We dug into the food unceremoniously. I was hungrier than I'd realized. Seth seemed to be watching me more closely than usual as we ate. I chewed obnoxiously with my mouth open for a few seconds until he took the hint and averted his gaze.

"What ya thinking about?" I asked.


"What? Oh, you mean that nonsense we were talking about this morning."

"Well it was your nonsense. You brought it up."

"That's true. I also talk bullshit sometimes. Coincidence?"

Seth chuckled and looked down at his plate. "It's just an interesting problem is all. If 'winning' is having sex, how do I 'win' at being a brother."

"Back rubs."


"And feeding me. And-"

"Okay, okay. I get it. Settle down."

"Seriously, Seth, just forget about it. It was a janky idea right from the start. That's what happens when I don't get my coffee soon enough after I wake up."

"It's definitely got more merit than that. It's been keeping me thinking. That's not nothing."

"Alright then. You keep thinking about it. Just don't let it get in the way of the back rubs."


As predicted, my afternoon nap totally killed my desire for sleep that night. I went through my usual routine anyway, hoping that it might miraculously work for me. All that really changed was I ended up putting on a movie while I drank my sleepy-tea instead of wandering and staring at nothing.

Curling up on the couch in the dark was actually kind of nice in its own bizarre way. Huddling under a blanket with the tv volume super low made me feel like I was a kid sneaking out of my room when I shouldn't be. A rebellion against nothing. That was entirely my style.

My ears pricked. I turned my head, unsure if I'd heard anything at all. Then a door squeaked. Footsteps. It was Seth hitting the bathroom. I watched my movie, but I listened to his movements. He stopped on the way back to his room. I held my breath, waiting, straining my auditory senses. Then the footsteps were coming toward me instead.

I sat still. I pretended I didn't even notice my brother entering the room. He sat gently on the arm of the couch next to me and squeezed my shoulder.

"It's late," he said.

"I know."

"You going to bed?"

"Not yet. I'd just be staring at the ceiling anyway."

Seth was quiet for a moment. His hand was still on my shoulder.

"You've been having trouble sleeping for a while, haven't you?"

"Very perceptive."

"Hey, it's not like it's obvious to me. I can't notice you not being asleep when I am."

"Yeah, you're right." I shrugged. "Nothing you can really do anyway."

"Maybe not."

His hand slipped away. I leaned over more until my shoulder rested on his hip.

"Watch with me," I said.

"I need to sleep."

"Just for a bit."

"Okay. Just for a bit. If I start falling asleep I'm out."

Seth moved around to my other side and sat down. I leaned right back up against him. He was so warm. He put his arm around and me and started stroking my hair.

"See?" I said. "Cozy, right?"

"My bed's cozy too."

"Oh hush."


Morning sunlight; the worst kind. I cracked my eyelids. Once again I had failed to wake up in my own room. Instead, I was curled up on the couch. How had that happened?

I remembered watching my movie alone, then with Seth, then... nothing? That didn't seem right. Unless he'd hypnotized me. Bastard. If he could hypnotize me to sleep, why hadn't he done it before?

I smelled coffee. It was enough to drag me out of 'bed' and to the kitchen. Seth was already there, of course. Someone had to have put the coffee on, and he was the only realistic option.

"Shit, running late," I mumbled as I stole a glance at the time.

"I was just about to wake you. You had me worried."


"You know, beating you out of bed three mornings in a row? You sick or something?"

"My sleep's fucked. You know that."

"I do. You usually still wake up earlier than me though."

I thought about it. Seth kind of had a point. I'd been getting slightly better sleep than normal; or at least slightly longer sleep. Maybe he really had done something to me.

"Are you a witch now?" I asked.

"Um... no?"

"Okay. Just checking."

"Is there, like, a reason for that question?"


"Okay. So are you... no, actually, never mind. I give up."

I grabbed a bag of sliced bread. Toast sounded good this morning.

"You give up too easy," I said.

"I give up just the right amount of easy."

I pushed the toaster's handle down. Seth went to the sink and rinsed out his mug. The urgency of my morning schedule faded momentarily as I watched him. There was something just out of reach. Some thought dancing just out of my perceptive range.

"You really do need to get moving," he said.

"I know. I'm going. Need my toast to pop first."

"Go get dressed. I'll get it buttered for you."


I took a step away from the counter, then stopped. Seth arched an eyebrow at my hesitation. I ignored his expression and moved closer to hug him. Things started clicking into place for me.


"I'm going."

"This isn't going."

"I had to test something."

"Test what exactly?"

"Tell you later. I need to get dressed."

"Yeah, okay. Whatever. You're such a weirdo sometimes."

"Don't I know it."


Seth brought supper home again that night. It was nice of him and all, but it made me question his motives. I ate enough to curb my hunger before confronting him about it.

"You're still trying to win, aren't you?" I said.

"Yup. Food and back rubs. That was what you told me, wasn't it?"

"Dammit, Seth. That was never supposed to turn into a thing."

"You don't like it? I can stop bringing supper. And couch cuddling. And-"

"Fuck off. I like those things. I just don't like that you're only doing them 'cause..." I hesitated. "Well, actually I'm not sure why. Not for the right reasons. That's all I know."

"What if it's because I love you?"

"Then... fuck, that would actually be a really good reason. Is it the reason though?"

Seth tilted his head and chewed his lip. "Mostly. I think. That and it bugs the shit out of you, obviously."

I repressed a smile. That was more like it. I didn't mind it being a game as long as it was the right kind.

"Obviously. Just don't be messing with my head."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

Seth took another bite. My fork remained pointed at my plate, ready but unmoving. My attention was elsewhere.

"I want to sleep with you tonight."

My poor, unprepared brother choked on his food.

"Say again?"

"I want to sleep with you. In your bed. Tonight."


He coughed again, but seemed past the worst of his near-death experience.

"Is that okay?" I prompted.

"Um, yeah, I guess. I just didn't expect you to... ask..."

"You'd prefer I sneak in again?"

"No. It's just... nah, forget it."

Seth went quiet and hardly touched the rest of his plate. I wondered if I'd done something wrong. Replaying the past few minutes in my head didn't suggest anything out of place. Maybe I'd try prying again later.


I put on a long t-shirt and panties for bed. Seth's door was partly opened, so I just went in. He was still dressed and at his computer.

"That time already?" he asked.

I shrugged. "I can come back. It's not like I have much of a fixed bedtime anyway."

"Nah, it's fine. Just give me a minute."

He turned back to his screen. I went to his bed and crawled in on the same side I'd taken when I'd snuck in a couple nights ago. His blanket and pillows were somewhat askew so I occupied myself with straightening them out.

A few minutes later, Seth shut down his computer. He stood up and looked at me, then pulled his shirt over his head. He seemed a little slow stripping down to his boxers. His mind was on something else. I had no idea what it could be. Finally he turned off the light and slipped under the covers next to me.

"Night, bro," I said.

With Seth snugly tucked in beside me, I rolled over and closed my eyes. He didn't move for a moment. Then, to my delight, he rolled up behind me and wrapped his arm around me. I was happy to spoon if he wanted to. I hadn't really expected it, but having him cuddled up made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'd be asleep in no time.

Then my brother did something even weirder. His hand crept up and rested on my breast. I frowned. That was awfully forward of him. Particularly when no bizarre joke about it was forthcoming. It was like he really was just groping me for the sake of it.

Seth's hand moved away again. That was all fine and good for a second or two until it crept under my shirt instead. I grabbed it by the wrist and pushed it away.

"Cut it out. I'm trying to sleep."

He hesitated, then rolled away. The sudden lack of warmth against my back was distressing.

"Hey, come back," I said.

"Izzy, what the hell's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"I thought... never mind."

"No, come on. What did you think?"

The connection clicked for me before he could answer. Duh. His association with girls in his bed, him trying to feel me up, his weirdness over my desire to 'sleep' with him. Shit.

"Oh, goddammit Seth. You thought I wanted to fuck, didn't you?"

"Fuck off."

He rolled away, nearly all the way off the bed.

"Hey, get back here." I grabbed his arm and tried to tug him back. He refused to move. "I just want sleep, dammit."

"I know. That should have been obvious. Fucking christ. I don't know what the hell I was thinking."

"You were thinking with your dick, as usual. You male types have a tendency to do that." I tugged again, and this time he at least rolled onto his back. "Are you gonna pout about it all night?"

"Take this seriously, Izzy."

"I am. We miscommunicated. It happens. Deal with it." I rolled back over. "Now cuddle me, dammit."

There was no movement from my brother. Maybe he wouldn't feel comfortable being that close right now. That would suck, but I'd live. So would he for that matter.

Finally there was a tell-tale shifting of the mattress. Seth's arm slipped around me again and I felt his breath on my neck. I sighed happily and wiggled back against him. That may have been a mistake. We both froze solid as my butt pressed firmly into what could only be my brother's erection.

"You weren't supposed to move," Seth said.

"Coulda warned me."

His arm began to recede again. I clung to it.

"I gotta go deal with this. I thought it'd just go away and it'd be fine."

"You're not going anywhere."

"Izzy... I can't sleep like this."

"So just... I don't know, could you grind on my butt a little or something?"


"You know, to make you cum. Get it over with."

"How is that the better solution?"

"'Cause if you leave I'm not sure that you'll come back." I looked over my shoulder at him. "And this is kinda what you wanted anyway, wasn't it?"

"Only because I thought you did too."

"Well now I do. Just... not for the same reason."

Seth tugged his arm away more firmly. I let him go. I waited for him to leave the bed, but he didn't.

"I'll just jerk off, alright?"


I lay where I was, facing away from my brother. The mattress trembled, the blanket flapped, and his breathing got louder and more irregular. It seemed to take forever. He should have just accepted some help. It would have been more efficient.

"Are you almost finished?"

"I'll be done when I'm done."

"Well hurry up."

"Fuck off. You're distracting me."

This was going nowhere. I sat up and turned toward Seth. His dick was safely out of sight under the blanket, but he still slowed down with me watching. Before he could protest, I pulled my shirt up over my boobs. Even in the dark room he could see enough. His pace shot back up, perhaps faster than before.

It still took far too long, but at least I felt like I was doing something. My brother's final grunt of release was music to my ears. I dropped my shirt back down and rolled back over. I had to wait for Seth to clean himself up, but that was a relatively short task. Finally he spooned up to me again, this time without the uninvited boner.

"This better be worth the effort," I said.

"Stop whining. Go to sleep."

"That was the plan."

Seth's heart rate was still elevated. As we lay together, I felt it slow down to normal, thumping softly against my back. I let the beat lull me, carry me away to a land of unconsciousness. I'd found my answer. It had been this close the whole time. I faded away slowly until, finally, easily, there was nothing.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I love stories that leave plenty of room for the reader to imagine the subsequent development of the relationship and no-one does this better than Xarth.

daves_not_heredaves_not_here8 months ago

Really needs at least another chapter, if not more.


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You really need to continue this one - it finished far too soon!

Nekomusume_DaisukiNekomusume_Daisuki9 months ago

It's nice, but incomplete... (As too often, unfortunately)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

weaker than my pullout game!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Another Xarth tale which leaves me wondering what the attraction between the characters is. Two such conflicted people would have a difficult time being proximate Speaking from my experience, there might be some seriously unresolved conflict for which resolution needs a third person to act as a catalyst. Or maybe some unsettled past emotional event which needs discussion. Either way, there is no satisfaction in this tale, which makes it difficult to enjoy.

finegoldwinefinegoldwineover 2 years ago

Good, sweet , not great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

god damn it! Xarth! this is possibly my my favorite thing I have read that you have written! and it ends like that? You cant leave us hanging like that!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

1 star for not finishing it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story. Love the characters, felt genuine. Like that they obviously have emotionally mated, yet remain oblivious. Or, at least that seems to be where Izzy's at. Seth is still an enigma, have you ever considered a companion piece/sequel from his point of view? That could be fun. I don't mind the open ending, leaves space for will they/won't they speculation. In any case, thanks for putting this up, greatly enjoyed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I really liked the story until the last few paragraphs. It was entertaining up till then and then it ended abruptly, with no real resolution for the main characters. It was almost as if the author accidently hit "Send" instead of "Save", then didn't want to go back and admit his mistake. Very disappointing effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Come on.

Know it’s been a while since this was wrote. Long while. Still could have come back and add little. Don’t have to be about fucking but confirm they figure out what they want.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

the writing! so casual, so smooth!

swept half the kitchen,

stared in the freezer.

mostly cuz i love you,

but also really cuz bugs the shit out of you.

five stars for you.

LegallySaneLegallySaneabout 4 years ago

Ended way too early. You're just a tease like a lot of the stories on here. There should be a category for writers like you on here. 'Teasers'. But wait, no one would read them. A 2 at the very best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great story but

Ended very early

Never the less 5.✨ for the amazing story

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
4.12 is criminal

I can not believe this has such a low score, it’s so well written and laid out, it’s a shame that as far as I can tell people are only giving this a low raiting since it has very little “sex” in it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Probably your most underrated story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

You are an amazing storyteller, and this is one of your best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I am unskilled reader of soaps, so I do not immediately see the ending at times. I see now, it was that and not a cliffhanger. BUtT... first, THANK YOU for the lil stuff... no distracting mispellings nor grammer faux pauxs. It just ruins a read to be distracted by them. Now, the banter was delicious. It never ended. I adored it. They say, leave them wanting more. You win. 🤗 Read several of yours now. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea, but delightful. Sleaze not required. You have some talent. Mine is english understatement, without being english. Stick w your gut. Pay someone to read your mail and burn it, silently... and smile.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
5 star block out the hate

C'mon people if you were so interested in stories and not your fucking orgasms, this story is finished and also known as a cliff hanger. "Read up on it"

Excellent story because not all stories have to be about a good "wank" after.

oldnhornyoldnhornyover 6 years ago
Un Done

You did it again. I've read all of your stories and their good, Except none of them are finished. Instead of writing another one, go back and finish ALL of your others. I'd like to finish reading the rest of your stories but they'll all end to soon. I'm tired of getting left in the air. Listen to your other readers and FINISH your stories.

msnerdmsnerdover 6 years ago
Quit Whining

The story appears to be finished. Use your primary sex organ, people - the one between your ears.

5 star story, 5 star author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Unfinished work

How do you rate an unfinished story? "Nearly Midnight" , so far, is a great story, but until it's finished it leaves the reader in want of more. It's like reading a great who-done-it novel and getting to the end only to discover that the last chapter is missing. Finish it and I'll rate it 5 stars.

OlebillOlebillalmost 7 years ago
Don't rate it.

Finish it for Christ sake.

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