Neighborly Relations Pt. 16B


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"Looks dead," Tillman admitted.

"I'm not dead." Elaine spoke quietly. She brought one arm up to lay across her stomach, dry cum flaking away with her movement. "I'm resting."

"You look like a, well, I don't know what," Laurel said. "Like a mess."

"Yeah, that's for sure," Tillman said. "You want help up? Wanna take a shower?"

"I want to watch you fuck Laurel," Elaine said. She brought her other hand up now and used both to wipe the crusted ejaculate away from her eyes. She sat then, more cum flaking away, through some of it was still wet and sticky between her breasts and in the hollow of her neck. "Okay, maybe I'll take a shower first." Elaine laughed, standing. "Don't wait for me. I won't be long."

Her two friends watched her walking away leaving a trail of white flakes behind her. Then Laurel turned to Tillman and said, "Jesus, I'm horny. Let's fuck."


Andy and Claudia Adams were, indeed, sitting on the desk when Tania Mosswell came outside. Claudia looked uncomfortable and Andy looked nervous, both of which could be attributed to Claudia's massive belly. She was seated naked on a lounge chair that was tilted about half back and holding a bottle of water in one hand while Andy hovered as though afraid to leave her sight. When they first saw Tania, Claudia's eyes filled with a beseeching look that seemed to beg for relief of some kind. Tania could just about guess what relief she sought.

"Go in and get laid, big boy," Tania told Andy. "I'll hang out with the missus."

"What? Oh, no, I couldn't . . ." he began, but cut himself off when he saw his wife's annoyed glare at him. "Oh, sure, well I don't suppose you'll let her do anything stupid, will you?"

"Who me?" Tania asked, smiling. "I'm the mother of four children, all of them successfully birthed and raised. I know the routine."

Andy laughed sheepishly. "Sure, well, okay. Claudia's about ready to shoot me, anyway."

"I'm past ready to shoot you, dear," Claudia said. "If I had a gun, it would all be over by now."

"Go." Tania shooed the man away. "You're bound to find an open hole pretty much anywhere you look."

He hurried off, his cock already beginning to rise against his boxers, as the two women laughed.

"He means well," Claudia said. "Really does. But I was rather hoping to get my mind off of things for awhile."

"Sure, you were." Tania scouted the yard, seeing Danny still lying in the grass. "Hey, Danny!" she shouted. "Danny!"

He sat up, smiling, and ran to join them. "Yes?"

"Want to help me make a pregnant lady cum?" Tania asked.

"Me? Hell yeah." Danny's eyes were wide as saucers as he looked at Claudia with her heavy breasts lying atop her massive mound of belly and the swollen pudendum in the shadow below it. His cock was suddenly more than ready to help. "But can she . . . I mean, she's like nine months, right?"

"Nine mouths plus," Claudia protested.

"You can find many inventive ways to excigte a girl that don't involve stuffing things into her pussy, dear," Tania told him. "I'm sure she could use some oral attention. I know you're good at that."

Danny's breath came faster as he looked at the dark haired woman before him. Her breasts were swollen and had dripped onto her belly, and the slit between her labia was glistening with moisture. She was too good to be true.

"It's too bad Tillman isn't here," Danny said.


"Yeah, he's been hot for Claudia since he, well, since forever. I mean, she's so, so milky."

The women laughed, Claudia's belly jiggling and prompting another round of drips from her breasts.

"Go get him," Tania said. "Oh, but Laurel is here now."

"She is? Probably not real polite to break in on them then, is it?"

"Break in on who?" Elaine came onto the desk, her hair still damp in a roughly toweled mop.

"Tillman and Laurel," Danny said, grinning. "Damn, you survived."

"Survived and thrived, bro," she said. "But, yeah, you better leave those two alone." She walked past her brother, grabbed Tania Mosswell's ass and kissed her, and then knelt beside Claudia Adams. "Hi, Mrs. Adams," she said. "May I have a taste?"

"Yes, please. Somebody do something before I pop!"

"Boy, that's a bad choice of words," Danny said, laughing as he knelt at her other breast.


"I guess you aren't really shy after all, are you?" Laurel lay back and let Tillman thrust his cock in and out of her hot, wet cunt, her breasts sliding over her chest, and her mouth slack with desire.

"Not really," he said, staring at the movement of her breasts and the small jiggles his movement prompted in her belly. God, she was cute. "I just, well, thought we might talk."

"We can talk. What is your major?"

"Computer science," he said, slowing his motion enough to allow for speech. "So what's up with your family? You know, the sex thing?"

"Why?" She wasn't entirely sure of Tillman's family, so she was reticent to talk about hers just yet.

"Cause, well, because we've only been like that for a few weeks. I'm a newbie."

"Oh, sure, well Dad is shooting blanks and Sharon wanted kids," she told him. Oh, yes, his slower movement caused more friction and greater arousal than before. "He volunteered the boys to help make babies."

"Okay, so what about you?" Tillman liked fucking her more slowly. The friction on his cock head had a similar effect on his feeling, too.

"I wasn't going to let them have all the fun."

"You wanted to fuck your brothers?"

"Them? Shit no. But my dad, well, I used to spy on him in the bathroom. Masturbating, you know. Before he got married again." She gasped, swallowed hard, and dug her fingers into the couch. "I always wanted to make him cum. What about, about you?" She was almost there now. Almost to orgasm.

"I got a mom and sister I always wanted to fuck. Well, my mom, mostly," he admitted, watching her face tighten up and feeling her pussy contracting on him. "Sherona was kind of a surprise."

"How? H, how was she . . ." No more words. Laurel's orgasm overtook her, leaving her shaking and moaning beneath him. "Oh, shit, Tillman. Yeah," she said when she finished and lay limp beneath his still moving body. "Oh, stop. It'll tickle if you keep going."

"Okay." Disappointment tinged Tillman's voice, and she took him in hand, smiling.

"I didn't say to stop enjoying yourself," she told him. "Besides, I want to taste us together now."

"I won't last," he warned her as she took his cock into her mouth, sucking, stroking and lapping with her tongue. "I'll end up cumming in your mouth."

"Yummy," she said. "I want to taste everything."

She slipped from the couch to kneel on the floor where she could take him into her mouth as he stood before her. His cock was so thick and hot, the head a large bulb in her mouth, and she savored the taste she had created on his skin. She loved the taste of her own pussy when combined with a man's skin or, better yet, a man's cum.

"What do you suppose Elaine likes so much about facials?" she asked, taking him from her mouth briefly to look close up as she stroked him.

"I don't know," he admitted. "They're cool to watch in porn, but I'd sure rather come inside than out."

"And you can jerk off any time, right?" she said. "Why do it when you've got a woman with you?"

"Yeah, right," he laughed.

Laurel took him back into her mouth and pumped faster, eager to feel him fill her mouth with hot cum. She slurped her tongue around the fat head of his long cock and sucked hard as she worked him with her hand. She wanted his release right now, and found her pussy tightening again in anticipation of the event.

Tillman stood on increasingly shaky legs and held her head loosely between his hands. Her tits swayed from her movements and her butt bounced enticingly against her heels. He wanted to fill her with hot cum. He wanted to see it overflow her mouth. He wanted to make this sweet, sweet girl cum again.

His cock released a spurt of hot cum into her eager mouth, and she swallowed it quickly while continuing to suck and pump him. His spunk was kind of salty, but mostly a taste that she would describe as liquid love. She wanted it all, and swallowed his spurting load until he was finished.

When Laurel released his cock, Tillman fell back onto the couch gasping. Laurel moved up to sit beside him, her head nestled against his shoulder as she stroked his chest. Both were content to remain there for a good, long time.


Robert and Bobby Mosswell weren't ready to cum just yet, of course, but they managed to take Emily and Patty to the end of their endurance before giving up trying.

"Oh, yes, you win," Emily said as she lay on the floor beside her neighbor and held the other woman's hand. "Go find someone else to torture, okay?"

The men sauntered off feeling a bit proud of themselves, and Emily rolled to take Patty's lips with hers in a passionate kiss while fondling her breast gently. "Having fun?" she asked.

"Oh, yes, but I haven't had your boy yet," Patty told her. "And your daughter."

"Why are you so set on those two?"

"Because they came out of you," Patty said, standing. "And because you get to have them any time you want them."

"I suppose we'd better see if we can hook you up," Emily said as she stood to join her friend.

The moaning sound from the back deck was all they needed to home in on in order to find Danny and Elaine. Emily's children were alternating between drinking at Claudia's huge breasts and spraying each other with them like squirt guns while Tania lay beneath the pregnant woman's legs sucking at her clit and diddling one finger on her G spot. Claudia wasn't the one moaning. The person making the noise was Melody Peterson, who was crouching over the face of the fully reclined expectant mother and getting an expert head job while clutching her father-in-law's hips and sucking at his dick.

Bill and his mother were sitting to the side with glasses of wine cheering the whole thing on.

Patty and Emily hurried over, laughing, and Patty immediately grasped Elaine's butt and squeezed tightly. The girl jumped in surprise, falling back into her neighbor's arms, and found herself carried to her back with Patty's lips already foraging over her young body and her fingers seeking her snatch.

Claudia's unattended breast flopped to the side a moment, dribbling milk, and then Jenny Peterson jumped in to claim it with her mouth.

Emily was at a loss at first, but then realized that Claudia was missing one important bit of input. She slipped carefully under the lounge chair and parted the webbing below the woman's ass. Claudia had already leaked plenty of juice down along the crack of her ass so that all Emily had to do was slip one finger between the mounds of flesh that were compressed against the chair to find plenty of lubricant for her mission. She found Claudia's puckered asshole and slipped her finger inside.

Claudia came immediately, knocking Melody off to kneel before her father in law, and sending Danny against the deck rail. He didn't return to the open teat, however, but hurried around to plant himself firmly into Patty's cunt while she sucked his sister's pussy.

"Oh, yes!" Patty shouted. "Fuck me, Danny. Fuck my while I eat your sister!"

Melody turned toward her voice, but Daryl Peterson pulled her head around and pressed himself back into her mouth. He wasn't going to let her go until he was finished, and that wouldn't be too long now.

"Suck him honey!" Bill shouted, stroking his cock while staring past his wife and watching his mother drink from Claudia's rapidly emptying breast. "Take his load, babe." And he was thinking of his mother taking his load in her exposed cunt. He was thinking of getting up and moving up behind her right now.

It wouldn't make any difference who saw him do it. No difference at all.

Just then, his father shouted out, "Oh, God!" and humped himself so hard into Melody's face that he knocked her over. Her lips came free from his cock, cum drooling from the corner of her mouth, and Daryl grabbed hole and pumped himself to send roping white shots of cum out over her face and then onto both Claudia and Jenny before Melody was able to grab him again and suck away the rest of his release.

"Clean them up, honey," Bill said.

Melody didn't pause a beat but moved to suck her father-in-law's cum away from Claudia's face and then from her mother-in-law's back and shoulders. Jenny turned to her and sucked her husband's cum from her face, laughing. "That's two down," she said. "But you haven't fucked me yet, have you?"

Emily wiggled out from beneath the lounge chair as Tania moved back to admire Claudia's still quivering body. Seeing an opening, Emily moved over to squat over her daughter's face and take Danny's face between her hands and kiss him as he thrust manfully into Patty's pussy. Emily spread her mother's hot cunt and sucked her clit hard, her nose thrusting inside her pussy, while Danny's tongue slipped over his mother's tongue joyously.

"You be good," Emily said. "This is my girlfriend that you're fucking. I love her," she said, exulting in the chance to say it out loud. "Be good to her. Make her feel real good."

She rolled off of Elaine's face and kissed her briefly. "Make her feel good," she repeated. Then she turned and said, "What are you up to Bill?" Just sitting with your dick in your hands when there are so man empty holes to put it? What's wrong with you?"

"Enjoying the view."

"Lame," she said. "Personally, I think you should fuck your mother. Of course, that's just me talking. Come here, Melody." She grabbed Melody's arm and pulled her to her feet. "I'm going to introduce you to the biggest cock here today. You can quit fucking other people and let someone fuck you for a change."

"But I . . ."

Bill shrugged. "Do whatever you want, honey," he said. "Have fun."

Emily led Melody away without the protection of her husband's direction and into uncharted territory.

They passed Cathy and Ginny Burton, who were playing a game with Andy Adams while Ginny's mother, Amy, watched as she sat with Cathy's mother, Sally, eating her pussy. The young girls were crouching over Andy as he lay on the floor. One humped his hard cock furiously while the other squatted over his eager mouth. On a five count from Amy, the girls would switch positions on cock and mouth for another five count, and then do it again. They continued until Ginny won the game by receiving the full load of the expectant father's jism inside her narrow cunt.

"I win!" she crowed, falling back from Andy's wilting rod. "Now, eat me!"

Cathy moved to give the victor her spoils and lay beneath her legs to suck Andy's cum out of her cousin's pussy while their mothers laughed. Andy lay happily for awhile, but his reverie was interrupted by Bill Peterson's hasty arrival.

"It's time, man," Bill said.

"What time?"

"Your wife. She's going to have that baby!"

Everyone in the room burst into action, and Andy had to fight his way to the front of the naked crowd and onto the porch where Claudia was grimacing and smiling and groaning her way to her feet with the help of Jenny and Danny.

"Oh, shit, I've got to . . . what? Where are my . . . Oh, yes." Andy snatched his clothing up from where he'd laid them carefully aside, and shouted, "I'll bring the car. Be right back."

He rushed off and the crowd moved en mass around Claudia and into the living room where met Andy on his return trip. He was holding a robe for his wife, and after the women helped her into it, he and Danny carried her out to the car in a fireman's carry.

It was only after Andy rushed around to get behind the wheel that he noticed that Danny was standing in the front yard buck naked. There was nothing to be done about it now, of course, except to hope that his baby-sitter wasn't watching just then. She was, of course. She was standing right in his front yard watching everything, and after passing her with a jaunty wave he hoped Danny had the good sense to hurry back inside before she got a very good look in the fading light of evening.

Back on the yard, Patty Trent joined Danny, who was looking toward the Adams house and trying to place the face of the girl staring at him. "Kelly Whitman," Patty said. "Deluxe baby-sitter. It looks like we're busted."

"Isn't she . . .?

"Yes. Elaine and Cathy's class. She's eighteen." Patty slipped her arm around Danny's shoulder and led him back inside. "Maybe we should get dressed and go see what it takes to buy her off."

So they turned to the house were Melody Peterson was enjoying the feeling of Charles Trent's executive size cock slamming up inside of her and the Cassidy twins were showering with Betty Burton while Sherona and Cherie Mosswell were doing each other with a double dildo in the master bedroom. They returned to a party that was already in full swing, but one that would be gaining an uninvited guest soon.

Kelly Whitman was a very horny girl looking for relief for her very special itch. She had baby-sat for anybody in the neighborhood who had young kids, and all of her employers were damn good looking. They were the type of people who prompted dreams at night, and it looked as though her dreams might soon come true.

Kelly was smiling when she went back inside to check on 2 year-old Meredith, who was fast asleep in her room. Any minute now, she knew there would be a knock at the door. Any minute, she would have salvation.


To be continued . . .

Are Bill and Brenda going to get in on any family fun at this shindig? Where have Robert Porter and Patrice O'Neil been all this time? And whose idea is it to have a neighborhood partner drawing, anyway?

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R_D_EddyR_D_Eddyover 14 years agoAuthor
Cast of Characters

A cast of characters for the series (Neighborly Relations Pt. 000) should be on line soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I like it but

I really liked your story, but I cannot keep with the participants. Add a little surprise to the story.

NiranaNiranaover 14 years ago

Thanks for another great chapter! Keep going!

marklionmarklionover 14 years ago
Another Great Chapter!!!!

You have written another great chapter in the series. I love how the way you've gotten Danny to have sex with his mother and other females in the neighborhood. I can hardly wait to see what you do with a new character of Kelly. Keep up the good work

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