New Life


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"No! No! No!" Rachel yelled as she sat up from the bed, her body shaking and a sheen of sweat of developing over her skin. She buried her face in her hands, sobbing. She felt Taylor gather her in her arms and gently rock her.

"Shhh.... It's ok ... It was just a dream... It's over..." Taylor kept saying.

"I saw it! I saw what happened to me! It was so awful!" Rachel cried out.

"I'm here my angel baby. It's over. No one's going to hurt you." She whispered as she kissed the top of Rachel's head.

After a few minutes of gentle rocking, Taylor could feel Rachel's body slowly relaxing. "Want to try sleep again?" She asked her distraught partner and felt her head nod in assent.

Taylor slowly lowered her body to the bed taking Rachel along with her. The dark-haired woman buried her face in Taylor's neck and held on to her tightly. "Please hold me? Don't let me go!" Rachel pleaded.

"Sleep now. I'll be here holding you in my arms as you sleep." She whispered, rubbing her back to soothe her.

It wasn't long before Taylor felt Rachel's body relax in sleep. Pressing her lips to the smaller woman's forehead she closed her eyes and relished the feel of Rachel's body against hers. 'I miss this. I miss cradling my angel baby in my arms as we sleep.' It was the last thought in her mind before she fell asleep as well.

Waking up on her side, Taylor opened her eyes and saw Rachel lying beside her looking at her. "Good morning." The dark-haired girl whispered.

"Hey there. How's my angel this morning?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm better. Slept soundly with your arms around me. No nightmares." Rachel smiled as she responded.

"Oh good. I'm glad then." Taylor smiled back.

"I could get used to that you know?"

"Get used to what?"

"Sleeping with your arms around me and my face buried in your neck breathing in your scent."

"I would love that."

"You would?"

"Yes I would." The alarm sounded shrilly, startling them both. "Ok that's our cue to get a move on for your invigorating session." Taylor moved off from the bed to help Rachel get up and get ready.

"Awww... Do I have to?" Rachel pouted, dreading having to face the strain and pain she knew was coming.

Putting her hands on her hips, Taylor mock-glared at her: "Yes you have to! I mean WE have to! You don't want Mom to be on our backs hounding us, do you?" Taylor asked.

"How long do I have to do this?"

"Now that would totally depend on how determined you are to walk without assistance again! Now let's get moving or we'll be late!"

As Rachel wheeled herself to the bathroom, she stopped and turned around.



"Thank you."

"For what, my angel?"

"For you... For being who you are... For being my baybee." With a big smile, she turned back around and headed for the bathroom.

Taylor closing her eyes and putting her right hand on her chest where here heart is. 'God! Please let me still be that ... Be your baby when you get to remember everything.'


It was close to four months before Rachel was able to walk without assistance and no longer needed therapy but her memory still drew a blank. She would have visions now and then but not enough to bring it back. Despite not having fully recovered her memory, her relationship with Taylor blossomed. It was like getting to know each other all over again.

Although they would sleep in the same bed every night with their arms wrapped around each other they had yet to make love. It's not that they didn't want to because every time the two of them were in the same room, the sexual tension was palpable. It was as if they had a silent understanding of not wanting it to be just about sex but that it was to be something special for both of them.

Most of their time was spent with each other unless Taylor had to go to her office to meet with a client. They would go out in the mornings to walk and have brunch at one of the restaurants around their area. It was hard to imagine that before the accident, Rachel almost always had to be out dining and dancing. Now they would always stay in at night having a quiet dinner and drinking either a glass of wine or coffee in front of their fireplace before heading off to sleep.

It was in one of their window-shopping days that they passed by a pet store and there displayed in the window was a golden brown Labrador retriever. "Awww... Look at the cute puppy! C'mon! Let's go inside and check it out!' Rachel excitedly said as she entered the store, not seeing the surprised look on her partner's face.

Once inside, she headed straight for the puppy that was displayed in the window. She picked the dog up and cradled it in her arms. "Hey there little fella!" The puppy proceeded to lick every inch of her face making Rachel laugh out loud. She looked at Taylor and saw the expression on her face. "Oh! I didn't even bother to ask. You don't like dogs do you?"

Shaking her head while trying to find her voice, Taylor said quietly: " mean I love dogs and cats. don't." Taylor clarified. "You said that the apartment is too small for pets to be in and that they would make a mess."

"Why didn't we get a bigger place? Or a house or a farm?" Rachel asked.

"I wanted us to buy my Aunt's farm up north three years ago. Well, it's not really a farm farm. Just a big property with a homey cabin but you said that it was too hick and too far a commute for you to go to and from work."

Rachel's face turned serious as she digested this information. Then she smiled as she looked at Taylor then back at the puppy in her arms. "What's not to love about this cute creature? You're certainly lovable aren't you, Bossworth?" She said to the puppy.

"Ummm...Bossworth? You're naming a puppy that's not even ours?" Taylor asked her, a smile in her voice.

"Well, that's why I'm naming him...because he will be ours."

"He will?! Are you serious?! You're not teasing me are you? What about the apartment being too small and getting messy?" Taylor didn't want to get her hopes up, but the look of longing on her face gave her away. She desperately wanted the puppy as well.

"As serious as I was with my therapy sessions." Rachel quipped then turned serious again. "C'mon! Let's do the necessary paperwork so we can have this little guy with us ASAP!" The two of them headed towards the man at the counter.

And with very little fuss they were able to buy Bossworth and arranged to have him delivered to their place the next day. As they got out of the store, Rachel grabbed hold of Taylor's hand. Taylor looked down at their joined hands with a look of surprise and wonder.

"What? Is something wrong?" Rachel asked seeing the expression on the taller woman's face.

Shaking her head and smiling, Taylor replied: "No..nothing's's just that.."

"It's just what? You have a problem with public displays of affection?"

"Oh I don't...but you do." Taylor clarified.

"But...I held your hand while you were driving. You said so yourself that I would do that all the time."

"Yes. But it was inside the car. You don't have a problem touching me whenever it's just the two of us but the moment we are in public anywhere it's a 'no touchy' zone."

Rachel stopped walking and faced Taylor. "You know what?" She asks.


Rachel lifted Taylor's hand to her lips and kissed it tenderly as she looked into her eyes. "That was the 'stoopid' me. This is the new 'dopey' me. OK?" She said with a big smile on her face.

Taylor threw her head back and laughed. "You are just so adorable you know that? Now come on and let's grab dessert and coffee!" Pulling Rachel by the hand, she led her to their favourite coffee shop.


A month later, as Rachel was sitting on the couch reading with Bossworth sleeping at her feet, she was told by Taylor that Shannen, her college friend and business partner, had called to say that the people at the office were throwing her a party. Rachel was very adamant about not going as she didn't remember anyone who would be there. The last thing she wanted was to be pitied - or worse, be looked at like she was a freak. Instead of voicing her fears when Taylor asked why she didn't want to go, she lashed out at Taylor saying that she was absolutely not going and walked off to go to their room.

Rachel was sitting on top of the ledge of their balcony gazing up at the stars, her thoughts in turmoil. She was feeling bad about being abrupt with Taylor, but she just couldn't face attending the party and not knowing anyone. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't see Taylor walk up to her and insert herself in between her legs as she wrapped her arms around Rachel's waist. Since Taylor was taller, this made her mound rest up against Rachel's stomach. The contact made them both shiver.

"Hey there." Taylor whispered.

"Hey." Rachel said with her head down, not able to look at Taylor.

"You OK?"

"I'm sorry I snapped at you back there. I didn't mean to." She apologized.

"It's OK, my angel." She cupped the smaller woman's face so she could look at her. "But you haven't answered my question. Are you OK?"

"I'm just so scared of going to that party. I don't remember anyone and I'm afraid that I'll make a complete fool of myself!" Her eyes teared up as she said this.

Gathering Rachel in her arms, Taylor rubbed her back to soothe her and whispered in her ear. "It's going to be alright, my angel baby. I'll be with you the whole time." She kissed Rachel's forehead...then the side of her face...and before both of them realized it their lips touched. Both women moaned at the same time. For Taylor, it was feeling Rachel's full lips against hers after such a long time. For Rachel, it was feeling Taylor's lips as if for the very first time.

It started out as an exploratory kiss but as it progressed it became heated. Taylor traced Rachel's lips with the tip of her tongue before pushing it inside her mouth to mate with hers. The kiss went on for a while until both of them felt the need to breathe and pulled apart taking deep breaths.

Taylor placed her forehead on Rachel's. Her right hand was on the smaller woman's chest, her fingers gliding up and down. Lowering her head, she kissed the part where her hand was. She slowly moved to the side and kissed Rachel's breast on her right with the shirt in-between. Rachel whimpered as she pushed her chest forward, her hard nipple pushing through the shirt. Seeing this, Taylor simply couldn't resist any longer. She opened her mouth and sucked on Rachel's breast through her shirt, flicking the tip of her tongue on her hardening nipple.

"God! Baby!" Rachel gasped as she felt the sensation rocket from her nipple all the way down to her clit. Before her whole body could comprehend what was happening Taylor moved to her other breast, giving it the same attention. She lowered her head close to Taylor's ear. "That feels so good. Please don't stop."

Taylor lifted her head. "We need to take this inside so we can do this properly." She pulled the smaller woman to her. "Wrap your legs around my waist and hold on." She ordered.

"Wait! I'm too heavy. Let me down so I can walk." Rachel shyly said.

"Ummm...let me remind you that I am taller than you aannd that I have upper body strength to spare." She smirked. "Besides which, I have done this before...carried you like this to either our bed or sofa when the...mmm...mood hit us."

"You have? We have? Have I tried carrying you?" Rachel asked.

"Uh...yes you have tried...and no, you couldn't carry me." The taller woman responded with a smile. Then with a serious face she said softly: "Now listen, I will be carrying you to our bed and I don't want to hear another word about it. OK?" And she proceeded to do just that, kissing Rachel on the lips as they went.

Sitting herself on the side of the bed with Rachel straddling her lap, she lifted the shirt from the smaller woman and threw it to the side. Holding both breasts with each hand, she started to gently fondle and caress them. "Oh my angel. You are so beautiful." She lovingly whispered as she lowered her head and softly licked first one nipple then the other, making them wet and glistening. Seeing both nipples get hard, pebbled and dark she moaned as she brought her mouth down to suckle on each breast. Pulling Rachel tightly towards her, she lowered herself to the bed moving them both to the centre. They both started to take off their clothes, turning each other on with every bit of their body they exposed. Taylor turned them around, making the smaller woman lie on her back while she continued to suckle. Rachel's hands held on to Taylor's head, her fingers buried in her curls, her body arching upwards pushing her breast even further inside her lover's mouth.

Taylor released Rachel's breast and began her descent kissing, suckling, nibbling and licking every inch of skin she encountered. As she approached her mound, she looked down at it and touched it reverently making Rachel lift her lower body and whimper from the sensation of being touched there.

Rachel looked down to see Taylor staring at her mound and caressing it with her hand, gliding her fingers up and down. Lowering her hand, she put it on top of Taylor's hand which was still touching her mound making Taylor look up at her with a sheen of tears in her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she huskily whispered: "I...I haven't seen or touched you like this in a long time. I've missed you so much I ache."

Cupping Taylor's face with her other hand, Rachel whispered: "I ache with wanting you." She guided Taylor's hand on her mound to touch her some more. Both of them could feel the warmth and the wetness seeping from the smaller woman.

"God baby! I've forgotten how beautiful you look with your dark and plump pussy lips glistening wet with your arousal!" Taylor moaned as she lowered her head to taste her lover after such a long time. It tasted the same as it always had, with a hint of both tanginess and freshness, same as hers. She started kissing her all over her mound, then with her tongue she licked her from the bottom of her slit going up towards her clit gathering her wetness as she ascended. Once she made it to the top, she pressed her tongue and the wetness she had gathered onto the clit making Rachel gasp and moan. She started to twirl her tongue around Rachel's clit making it engorged and peek out of its hood so she could suckle on it softly at first, then going harder and faster.

Rachel grabbed hold of the sheets with one hand while the other hand found its way to Taylor's head pulling her into her mound. "Unggh! God! My baybee! Make me yours!" She pleaded with her lover.

Hearing these words while still suckling on the smaller woman's clit, Taylor moved her right hand down and pushed her middle finger inside her hot core. "Please! Some more! Put in some more!" Rachel begged.

Taylor did just that. She pushed in two fingers and felt the muscles inside of her lover clutching at her fingers as she pumped into her. She also felt the heat and tightness within making her want and urge for more. Her suckling and pumping became harder and faster.

"Oh God! Oh God! I'm gonna come! Make me come! Please...please..." Rachel gasped.

While still pumping her fingers in and out of her lover, Taylor started to feel the contractions of her lover. She instantly stopped suckling on her clit and pulled on it with her lips, pushing Rachel over the edge.

"Unngggghhhh!!" Rachel's body arched like a bow as she came. She lowered her whole body to the bed as she slowly allowed her breathing to go back to normal. "Wow!" Was all she could say.

"I most definitely second that emotion!" Taylor whispered, her head resting on Rachel's stomach.

"Come up here, woman!" Rachel softly commanded.

"Ooh! Okay!" Taylor responded and started to make her way up the smaller woman's body. She laid her body atop Rachel's, her arms on either side of her lover's head as they kissed tasting Rachel's wetness from each other's mouth. The kiss went on as Taylor was kneading and cupping Rachel's breasts. 'I missed this! Missed the kissing and cuddling after we've made love!' Taylor voiced in her head.

Before she could even think about going down to kiss and suckle once again on her lover's burgeoning breasts she feels her whole world spin. She found herself on her back with Rachel on top.

"My turn!" Rachel said with a big smile and a wink.

Cupping the smaller woman's face, Taylor looked deeply into her eyes. "You don't have to, my angel baby. I know that for you this will be like the first time. I'm just so happy that I was able to love your body all over again."

"But that's what I want. For you to be my first." Rachel huskily whispered, lowering her head to kiss Taylor. Her hands rested upon her lover's breasts to cup, knead and massage. As she moved her lips downwards, she inserted her thigh in-between the taller woman's legs and brought it higher, feeling the wetness of Rachel's pussy lips against her skin.

"God my baybee! I want to expose as much of you as I can." Rachel whispered lovingly.

"Yes my baby." Taylor opened her arms, laying them on either side of her head. "Use your lips and tongue to expose as much of me as you want, my angel. I'm all yours." Taylor posed seductively.

Rachel's eyes turned into slits from looking at the vision of Taylor in front of her. She licked her full lips and lowered her head to kiss Taylor's chest above her heart. As she headed towards one breast, she could feel the heat and smell the scent of arousal emanating from the taller woman.

She lingered first on one breast licking...kissing...sucking then suckling as she flicked the tip of her tongue on the top of Taylor's dusky pink nipple. She did the same to the other breast not wanting it to feel neglected. She lowered herself some more and swirled her tongue inside Taylor's cute belly button. Going further down she pressed her lips on her lower stomach. Then, just at the top of her lover's mound she stopped and started to nuzzle and caress it with her cheek, tongue and lips.

"Oh god! That feels so good, my angel baby." Taylor exclaimed.

Encouraged, Rachel lowered her head further holding her face just a few inches away from Taylor's hot...wet...pulsing...throbbing mound. She looked at it in awe of the beauty in front of her. "Please... Please my angel." Taylor begged.

Rachel moved her face closer, pushing her tongue out and licking along Taylor's slit. Gathering the wetness on her tongue, she copied what her lover had done to her and as she reached the top of Taylor's slit she pulled her clit in her mouth together with the wetness and started to suck slowly, gradually picking up the pace as she felt the reaction she was getting from her lover.

When she felt her start to come, she let go of her clit and blew on it while her hands glided on Taylor's thighs calming her down from her high. She looked up to see Taylor's chest heaving, her eyes in slits looking at Rachel as if she couldn't believe that she'd just stop. She looked back at her clit seeing it all red, throbbing, peeking out, begging to be licked and sucked. Rachel moved up Taylor's body and right before she lowered herself she moved her hand to her mound and separated her own lips, making her wet clit peek out. She brought it down to mate with Taylor's and she started to slowly hump her mound, her dark plump pussy lips contracting and expanding as she moved sensually on top of Taylor.

She grabbed both of Taylor's hands and put them on either side of her head, their fingers intertwined. She started to pick up the pace of her humping, her breasts hanging down and moving just above her lover's face. "God my baby! You're gonna make me come!" Taylor gasped as she grabbed Rachel's nipple with her mouth, holding and sucking on her while the smaller woman humped her clit, their wetness mixing with each other. The sounds of their wet lips rubbing together filled the room. The smell of their arousals permeating around them taking them further, making them go harder and faster.