New Twins in Town Pt. 01 Ch. 03


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Miles and Joe stifled laughter. Amber, Judy, and Lindsay didn't even pretend to hold it in.

"Yeah, those eighteen years are really adding up," Judy stated, then absently gestured toward Miles, "If Zoe talks you up enough, I'm sure you'll get to bang something soon."

Zoe couldn't miss the weary way Miles observed her new friends.

"Drums..." Cleo's face was beet red, and she wanted to get the conversation back on point. Amber, Judy, and Lindsay kept laughing. "I want to bangPLAY!... my drums."

Though she wanted to help Cleo out, Zoe was too distracted by Miles. Please tell me you're not galavanting off with some enablers after you leave us every night.

"Yeah, I don't normally go this long without playing guitar or trumpet," Miles offered as a means to rescue Cleo from the hole she'd dug for herself. "Heck, I don't even think I've gone this long without touching a piano in years."

He didn't include swimming on that list. I guess he has been sneaking out. But swimming I can approve of.

"Piano? Seph told us you were spectacular on guitar and trumpet, I don't think she knows all the instruments you can play," Joe seemed excited to hear about Miles's musical abilities.

"Honestly, Joe, I don't even think I know all the instruments he can play," Zoe admitted. "I swear he just instinctively knows how to play whatever is put in front of him."

"Lucky. I work my butt off and still can't play trumpet that well," Joe was visibly annoyed at this. "But I'm pretty comfortable on the bass."

"I only play drums," Cleo volunteered.

"Yeah, but you're the best drummer in school," Lindsay complimented.

"I'm okay," deflected Cleo.

"Drums?" Miles tilted his head. "I thought you'd say percussion."

Cleo bobbled her head a bit, "Okay, okay. If I can hit it and it makes noise, I can probably play it."

"I also only play the drums," added Amber with a smirk.

"Me too. And if a boy wants to be spanked, I guess that counts too. Oh, wait, and the flesh flute," Judy added, not missing the opportunity to be crude, "When I get that thing in my mouth you'll hear sounds like nothing else coming out the other end."

"Hah," Miles laughed uncomfortably. "Other than to compliment or encourage, you'd think most guys would keep quiet and enjoy it."

"You speaking from experience?" Judy challenged, looking Miles up and down. "Or is this from some porn you've watched?"


"Y'know, I really don't want to know the answer to that," Zoe stated.

"Well, I do," Cleo giggled.

"Me too," Judy winked at Miles. "I can't help but imagine all about the noises he does or does not make when he's on the receiving end of a good gucking."

"Jeezus!" Joe exclaimed. Miles laughed under his breath at the reaction.

"How about you, Lindz?" Amber had long grown accustomed to getting conversations back on track from Judy's comments.

"Uhhhh... drums, guitar, bass, piano, harpsichord, accordion, theremin, the hurdy-gurdy, and jaw harp... oh, and didgeridoo."

Lindsay's claim was met with skepticism and looks of bewilderment.

"Are you serious?" Zoe asked, certain she couldn't be.

"Oh, absolutely. Both my parents are musicians. They did a lot of session work in the before I was born. They still keep in touch with some of the acts they recorded with," it was more than either Miles or Zoe had heard the girl say since meeting her. "They had a small studio built onto the house, so we always have instruments around. Sometimes someone I've never even heard of will just show up and play something incredible like it's no big deal."

Miles might try dating her just so he could spend time at her house, Zoe tried not to snort at her own thoughts.

"Well, I gotta say, you play a really bizarre assortment of instruments," Miles admitted, "But that's rad."

Lindsay beamed at his comment.

Definitely seems like he's warming up to at least one of the girls.

"Hi, friend. Hi, New friend!" Pixie appeared behind Cleo and Zoe, handed each a yellow rose before dancing over and taking her seat between Miles and Joe with the same overly friendly greeting from the night before.

"Where did you get these?" Zoe inquired, smelling the flower in her hand. This thing is freshly cut.

"It's typically best not to ask those kinds of questions when it comes to Pixie," Joe advised.

"Don't be ridiculous," Pixie giggled. "Most questions are safe."

"Most?" Miles turned his head.

"It's only the really nosy ones who have to worry," she said with a wink.

Miles placed his hand to where she'd pressed her lips to his cheek, "I'll bear that in mind."

"What'd we miss?" Chris asked as he and Mel found their seats next to Joe.

"Not a whole lot, just finding out how many instruments everyone plays."

"I play the-" Judy excitedly began to recite her earlier remark.

"We know!" the twins stated in unison.

"Do I even wanna know what that was about?" Chris asked.

The drummers scrambled to keep Judy from repeating herself, the twins shook their heads, Joe provided a slurping sound.

"Ah," Chris frowned. "Uh... just trombone for me."

"Hmmm," Pixie debated, "I guess I play piccolo, flute, and sax."

"Yeah, and just sax for me, though since I play baritone, tenor, and alto, so does that count as one or three?" Mel asked.

"Well, aren't all the fingerings the same? So, it's not like you had to relearn how to play when you picked up a new sax, right?" Miles suggested.

"What's this about different fingerings?" Judy sat upright and turned all her attention to the conversation. "Wait, so like, do tenors like a little more key action? Or do you have to caress the body more?"

"Judy!" Cleo said through clenched teeth.

"It's actually the elbow you have to be mindful of," Pixie contributed.

"Uh..." Mel blushed. "Just sax. I just didn't want to only have one."

"Yeah, that'd be terrible," Chris rolled his eyes. Mel stuck her tongue at him in return.

The group laughed at the exchange. Miles looked around.

"Where's Seph and Topher?" Zoe asked before Miles had the chance. "They don't have church again tonight, do they?"

"Maybe she had to go to the bathroom again, Miles, did she text you?" Cleo referenced their earlier joke.

To Zoe's surprise, Miles pulled his phone from his pocket.

"Nah, she said she wasn't feeling well after the meeting," Chris stated before the screen came to life. "And I think he was meeting with some other juniors."

"I hope she's alright," Miles mumbled, mostly to himself.

Fuck, Miles thinks he's the reason she's not here... maybe he is? Zoe knew her brother wouldn't be able to write it off.

"Y'know, I think I'm gonna go check on her. Make sure she doesn't need anything," Zoe offered.


A trio of knocks interrupted the solitude of the Girl's Brass Cabin.

"You expecting anyone?" Dianna, who had the bunk across from Seph, asked.

Seph shook her head and the trombone player went to greet the visitor.

"Hello?" Dianna's voice didn't have the familiar tone it would have if she'd recognized the person.

"Hey, sorry, I was wondering if Seph was in there?"

"Sure..." she glanced at the bunk but didn't open the door any further. "I don't think she's feeling well, lemme check."

She closed the door and then turned to address Seph directly.

"Hey. It's that new girl, the one who looks like a Greek Goddess, you want me to ask her to go away?"

"First of all, I'm the girl everyone is always comparing to Aphrodite," Seph smirked. "And second... No. I should probably go talk to her."

She got up and went to open the door. The look of concern on Zoe's face caught her by surprise.

"You alright?" Zoe asked.

"I've felt better."

"I- is- is there anything I can do to help?"

She let out a sigh of frustration, "No. I'm just being an idiot about things. And I'm just kinda hiding out now."

Zoe looked over to the bonfire on the far side of the field, then turned back to Seph. "Miles is gonna think you're avoiding him."

Seph had to break eye contact. She couldn't hide her discomfort. "I... don't want to lead him on."

"Then don't. That seems fairly simple," there was a hint of irritation to Zoe's voice.

"You know, every girl in the band is drooling over him," Seph knew the comment would come as no surprise to Zoe. "... And I have to spend all day with him. When I met you two, or should I say when I saw him, I was really hoping he'd be an arrogant asshole, or stupid, or even just... I dunno, dense or something. But he's not any of those things. He's kinda wonderful. And I don't know if I can trust myself to be around him in such an intimate setting."

"... Because you have a boyfriend..." Zoe said, realizing the issue.

"Yes. Because I have a boyfriend," Seph repeated. "And I don't want to mess up anything with him. We've been together for so long, but he's pretty serious about his religion, so..."


"Um... I have needs... but... we're waiting," Seph bit her lip, embarrassed by what she was admitting to. "I want to talk to Cam, that's my boyfriend, Cameron, and tell him what's going on. But... it's not like that's a short conversation. And not one I particularly would like to have over the phone. And it's not like anything can be done while I'm away anyway, y'know?"

"Yeah, I get that," Zoe frowned briefly before letting a stern expression consume her face. "But do you think you can avoid Miles until the trip is over?"

"... No. And I miss catching up with you guys at the end of the day. It's like... I've had to cut myself off from all of my friends."

"It doesn't really sound like that's going to work. I know it's gonna be difficult, but I think you're gonna have to talk to... Cam?"

"You're right," Seph conceded with another heavy sigh. "I do not look forward to this conversation. Not exactly what I imagine he wants to hear right before leaving for college."

"Yeah, but I figure either you talk, he's understanding, and you work out some understanding. And hopefully, that means you'll be able to rejoin us at the campfire. Or you'll both realize you're at different places in your lives than you were when you went to the same school or could spend the whole summer together. I know you probably don't want to hear this, but maybe that means your relationship has run its course."

"That sounds fucking terrifying," Seph's lips trembled slightly at the thought of this.

"I bet it does. If it makes it any easier, I still like you and if you were single, I would totally condone you kissing my brother again."

"...That's sorta weird."

"You haven't had to spend the day with Judy," Zoe chuckled. "She'd say something crass like 'gobbling the doodle,' or something. Y'know?"

Seph gave her a worried look.

"Wait, no!" Zoe looked mortified at what she'd just said. "That's not me. I was giving you an example of something Judy would say. Get it?"

"No, Zo. I'm not getting it. I was barely getting any last year, and now that my boyfriend isn't even going to be town, I'm going to get even less," Seph huffed but then broke out in laughter. "Ugh, I'm complaining about my lack of a sex life. I sound like such a ho. No. A ho would be getting some. I just sound desperate."

"No," Zoe assured. "You sound like someone who doesn't want to be alone. And that's okay. Especially if you're not used to it."

"Thank you," Seph gave a weak smile. "I'm gonna call Cam and figure this thing out. I'll rejoin you guys at the campfire tomorrow, I promise. You can even tell Miles that if you think it'll help him."

"You sure?" Zoe asked. "Miles has some... I mean, I really don't want to get his hopes up if you're not really gonna show."

"I'm not going to bail again. Seriously, you're safe if you want to tell him," Seph gave a brief smile. "But I should go if I'm going to talk to Cam."

"I think I will. Good luck," Zoe beckoned and turned to walk away. "We'll both be looking forward to you joining us tomorrow."

Shit. Seph looked around the mostly empty cabin. Curfews in less than two hours. This place is going to get packed the longer I put this off.

She shut the door and took out her phone as she walked to her bunk. Before she could make the call, Dianna came over.

"So, the Amazonian and the hot new guy are siblings? And you got to kiss him?"

Seph couldn't help but blush as she nodded.

"The other girls are going to start showing up any minute. You better talk fast because you're giving me all the details."

Friday, August 18, 9:12 AM, Belews Lake Field

"I thought you said you'd never marched before," Joe asked Miles as they stepped in unison.

"Haven't," Miles said without a trace of arrogance.

"K, then how come you're better at it than all the newbies and even most of us who've done it the past couple years?"

"I guess it's cause It's sorta like dancing."

"Marching is like dancing?" Joe repeated, "And that's why you're picking it up so easily?"

"Kinda yeah. It's exactly like dancing."

"You two gonna keep chatting?" Seph called over, not hiding the annoyance in her voice.

"Sorry," Miles said.

"He was just explaining how the routine is like a dance," Joe explained.

"Dance? Since when are you interested in dance?" Seph smirked, she knew Joe too well. "I don't buy it. Sounds like you're trying to get out of sprints."

She glanced around, trying to determine if her empty threat was taken seriously by the other trumpeters.

"Great," Tanner groaned. "New guy is making us do more laps."

A few of the others cursed under their breath.

Oops, didn't think about that response. Better fix this quick.

"Unless, of course, you wouldn't mind giving us a demonstration," she added, indicating to the others they could stop.

Intrigued, several of their squad gathered to watched. Meanwhile, Tanner shook his head and led the remaining few away.

Miles confidently strode to the front of those who'd gathered and quickly did the primary steps to the Lindy Hop. "See, it's all about being aware of where your feet are. Or, actually, where you need them to be."

Some of the viewers exchanged glances among themselves. A few laughed as he moved about.

"Huh," Joe watched as Miles moved. "That actually makes a lot of sense."

Wow, I thought he'd be reluctant to do it. Seph and Joe exchanged a look. There'll be more opportunities to tease him through the year.

Miles went through the steps again, slower and more deliberately. Intentionally drawing their attention to how he brought down his feet and moved his hands.

"So what, you come from a big-time Dance Acadamy?" Asked one of the other trumpet players.

"Nah, just always been into it," Miles explained. "My sister and I have been really into early 20th-century culture since... well, since I can remember. So, when we were kids, we asked our folks if we could learn to dance."

"Like, ballroom?"

"Sure, ballroom. Tango. Waltz. Obviously, East Coast and West Coast Swing. Hah, we even learned some tap," he kept moving, transitioning between the different styles as more heads turned his way. "We started entering competitions in elementary school. By the time we were in Jr. High, we were winning most of 'em."

As he rondéd, he caught Chris stepping away from his section to observe what Miles was up to. Miles cocked his head and Chris called out to the other trombones to follow him to Seph's group.

"So, when Seph showed me the DOTs," Miles continued. "I just looked at it like it were the steps to a dance. Then Kristina made it sound like we needed to memorize them, so we did."

"Wait, so you memorized all your steps already?"

"That explains why you seem to get the routines so quickly."

"Yeah, and why you took Tanner's spot."

Miles looked around. He'd gone out of his way to not antagonize Tanner but didn't want to be responsible for someone else's comment. There was also a risk of the reminder spurring on others as well.

"What I don't get is how you look so comfortable marching,"Joe stood and demonstrated by going through part of their routine. "How come when you do it, it looks so much more natural."

"Ah," Miles watched Joe's form. "I think it's because I'm compartmentalizing my movements more. Here try this."

Miles showed Joe what he meant. Within seconds, others began crowding around to see what Miles was doing differently.

"Okay, but what about me? Is this right?" Asked Angela, the other female trumpet player.

Miles watched her form, then stepped over and attempted to show her what he thought would look better. When she didn't get it right away, he asked if it would be alright if he could move her limbs into the right positions.

"Should he be doing that?" Chris whispered to Seph.

"Uh... I'm pretty sure this is the highlight of her week so far," she giggled as Miles contorted the girl in front of them. "Plus, I think it's helping him bond with the others in our section."

Clever Angela. Did you forget how to march or is it the boy with his hands on your hips causing you to move so sloppily? Wonder if theres any plausible way I could convince him I need help with my steps? Then he and I could get sloppy and- And I am a terrible girlfriend.

As the combined brass sections looked on, Miles placed his hands on Angela's thigh and spread her legs a bit further than she had been.

That lucky little so-and-so. Seph grit her teeth and tried not to let her jealousy show. No point complaining, I suppose. At least I can enjoy it vicariously.

"Yeah, but do you think he'll give the guys the same-" Chris stopped talking as Miles moved to one of the other trumpeters, giving him equal attention he'd shown Angela.

"You were saying?" Seph asked snidely.

"I was saying... I really gotta learn how to dance."

"Sorta makes my job easier," Seph said as she realized how helpful his hands-on approach was. "If he can be another set of eyes and help when I'm unavailable, that can help the section stand out."

"Hmmm, think I might be able to borrow him for my section?"

"We'll work something out," Seph said as she looked at her watch, "But as for now, LETS HEAD TO BREAKFAST."


Zoe stood outside the cafeteria while the other drummers barreled past her. Her eyes locked on the encroaching group of brass players led by Miles, Joe, and Chris. She waved at the others, but then addressed her brother directly.

"Miles, can we talk?"

He waved the others away as he stepped aside.

"What's up?"

"I don't suppose you've gotten a chance to talk to Seph, have you?"

"I spent the morning with her," he shrugged. "But I guess we didn't have a whole lot of conversation, no."

"I talked to her last night," it was a rare occurrence that Miles couldn't read his sister's expression. "I want to avoid betraying her trust by telling you what we talked about, but she wanted me to tell you that she promised to be at the bonfire tonight."

His face lit up.

"Tonight? That's great," he took a second to process what she said. "Wait, What about..."

Miles looked into the cafeteria, but couldn't see if his group had gotten a table yet.

"Miles... Miles, look at me," she snapped her fingers until he returned his attention to her. "God, you're such a dog sometimes. She didn't say anything about meals, so I don't know. But she's going to be at the bonfire. Don't worry about anything else until then, k?"

He nodded and thanked his sister.

"K," She nodded back then looked at the field. "I gotta get going otherwise I'm pretty sure Tam is gonna kill me. See you tonight."

8:30 PM, Bonfire at Belews Lake

"Quiet tonight, isn't it?" Joe noted soon after they'd taken their seats at the bonfire.

"Now that you mention it, the fact no one is subjecting us to hearing them learn to play guitar is nice." Miles hadn't realized how much it had been irritating him the past few nights.