New Year's Eve 12-31-21

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Stimulating dreams of an old love on New Year's Eve.
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(Writer's note: The below story is a work of fiction, but the characters and back story are real. This story

introduces Jennie. She was my first love, my muse, and now the spirit of my 2021 WINTER HOLIDAY

STORY. Jennie and I fell in love at a young age, but lost each other in the 1980's. I am convinced it would

have been one hell of a ride if we could have somehow re-discovered each other before the baggage of life

had settled upon us. The following is just one vision of the possibilities... Happy Holidays and enjoy the

story. I know I enjoyed writing it!! Also, this is my entry into the WINTER HOLIDAY 2021 contest --

Please vote)


"Wow, what a fucked-up year that was", I mumbled to myself. Calendar year 2020, PLEASE go the fuck away and never return! That was my thought as I jumped into bed on the last night of December 2020. Certainly, the biggest story of the year was the Covid-19 Pandemic, and the resulting tragedies of death, sickness, and social strangulation. No restaurants, no bars, no ballgames, and no gatherings of more than ten persons, etc., etc. Thus, my New Year's Eve celebration options were relegated to zoom calls (fuck that) or a lonely night in bed. (my choice). The goal of the game was now survival until the vaccine could be distributed, and hopefully a return to life as we knew it.

As I settled into bed, I did a little mental review of the year that had just passed, and was truly astounded at

the actual depth of how terrible the year 2020 was. As stated, the pandemic was the lead story; millions infected by the virus, and by year end over 320,000 Americans were dead because of it. But the residual carnage may have been worse than the disease. Violent political confrontations, decimated industries, personal financial ruin, evictions, homelessness, loneliness, and incalculable mental and emotional stress. A terrible ordeal for so many!

But sadly, the Covid shit was just the tip of the 2020 iceberg. While enduring the pandemic, we also fought

through the horrendous effects of climate change such as wildfires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Fuck; it

seemed to me that the entire State of Louisiana was either blowing away, or under water for most of the year.

And forget about California and Australia; they both seemed to have burned to the ground this year.

Then add in the accelerant of the Trump administration and the entire side-show that that entailed, and it

seemed as if everything in the world was either sick, dying, fighting for its life, on fire, or under water.

Calendar year 2020 also included the stories of Jeffrey Epstein, Black Lives Matter, Me Too, The

Presidential Election, Stop the Steal, Kobe's helicopter, the loss of the inimitable RBG, and not insignificant,

my fucking Philadelphia Eagles losing in embarrassing fashion to the stinking Cowboys with the division

championship in clear view. FUCK, the whole year was a disaster.

But as I settled into bed on this special night, I tried to clear my head of all that noise. I was going to wake

up in 2021 with an unblemished future ahead of me. Covid going away, politics changing, climate change

out, vaccine in, la de da... It was all going to work out. So, as I fired up my kindle, I transitioned my thoughts from Covid and politics to my reading options before the New Year's nap. Newspaper, book, or

porn were my standard go-to options. Not surprising, I selected the porn category. But, instead of my usual

preference for videos featuring thin blondes in high heels getting fucked by dudes with insanely large dicks, I

chose to read erotic stories on

Literotica is a great website. A free, and easy-to-use forum, whereby writers of erotic stories can publish

their tales on-line to a virtually limitless audience. Literotica will publish virtually any story, featuring near

any kink or desire, with only a few of the most devious perversions outlawed. The stories can be searched

by date, writer, fetish, or genre, and no matter what makes your dick hard, or your pussy wet, there is

someone writing a story about just such a thing. I truly love the Literotica website. Tonight, I found

myself browsing newly submitted stories under the general heading of "mature". The new offerings were

many, but included stories about old women lesbians, teachers fucking students, a dude fucking his friends

grand-mom, and a fascinating story about a maintenance worker at a 55 and over development who was

fucking the entire female population of the community one broken appliance at a time. But, what I finally

settled on, was a story about old high school lovers re-acquainting at their 25th annual class reunion.

The story itself was cliché but certainly relatable. An ex-high school jock meets his old cheer squad

girlfriend at their 25th high school reunion. Both still look good, married with kids and lives, but having

an itch for each other that somehow never managed to get scratched. They spent the evening flirting,

dancing, and remembering the way they used to feel. When the lights came on, and they contemplate

final goodbyes, they realize that both are checked in at the upstairs hotel. What followed was a well written

night of glorious love, sex, and passion that left me with a hard-on and nothing to do but stroke it...

As I began to play with my dick on this final night of the worst year I could remember, I thought of my old

high school girlfriend Jennie. Jennie was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Back in our high school

days (I was class of '75 -- Jennie was '76) She was about 5'6" tall, weighed about 110 lbs., straight blonde

hair down to the middle of her back, beautiful B (maybe C) cup tits, long legs, and the sweetest disposition

of anyone I have ever met before or since. Envisioning her sensitive small titties with her inverted nipples,

and her fragrant pussy, demurely hidden by a thin coat of blonde hair, took my penis into full raging hard-on mode.

In high school, I While in high school, I truly was the football and baseball playing jock and Jennie really was the teen-angel cheering me on. Both of us were very inexperienced sexually, but over the years as our relationship developed, we pretty much learned about sex from each other. Memories of us being locked inside my bedroom, with a large tub of Vaseline and just exploring all the possibilities came flooding back to me. The vision of Jennie in her cork sole platform sandals, denim hot pants, and braless halter top; or Jennie dressed to the nines in her low cut, yellow prom gown and matching yellow heels, made me tighten the grip on my cock and stroke it a little faster. And the memories of beautiful Jennie with my dick in her mouth, or with my cock squirt covering her hand, face, or titties took me near the edge tonight. But what took me over the top, was the vision of Jennie cumming. I remembered how I would slowly finger-fuck her wet cunt with my thumb, while at the same time gently sliding my index and fuck-fingers into her ass. Slowly and gently fucking both of her holes while trying to match the rhythm playing in her head; increasing the pace of my fucking to match the increasing tempo of her thrusting hips, each thrust quicker than the last, until the music reached its climax and she exploded in orgasm. As I watched this scene play out in full virtual reality in my mind, my own body went rigid, and my dick exploded in orgasm with sperm blasting all over my belly and hand. Oh, Jennie what could have been, was my last thought before drifting off to sleep?

Cue the dream sequence music... Fuck, I'm running late! Tonight, was Jennie's wedding shower, and I

promised I would pick her up at the hall at 9pm to help get her, her mom, and the gifts home. And due to an

extra-innings softball game, requisite beers, and then a shower, I didn't arrive till near 10pm. Thankfully,

both Jennie and her mom are the forgiving sort, and I found them sitting happily at the bar, getting smashed,

and sharing all the gossip they learned from the girls throughout the evening.

Jennie and her mom are both beautiful women, albeit at different stages of life. As described above, Jennie

is a classic beauty in the springtime of life. Tonight, she was wearing a little black dress, sleeveless, with

high collar, open back, and mid-thigh in length. She left her legs bare, and paired them with matching

strappy, black, 4" heels on her feet, and absolutely no underwear below (Jennie loves the commando feel).

A great look for her! And oddly, I noticed her mother was looking rather delicious tonight as well. Ina was

a classic Italian beauty, albeit in the late summer of her life. She was not heavy, but curvaceous for sure,

with a lush, full head of auburn hair that she uniquely parted on one side, and casually flipped over to the

other, so that it all fell down the one side of her face in a very sexy kind of way. Full breasts, full ass, and a

full personality put her high-up on the pedestal of great mother-in-laws to-be. Tonight, she wore a flowered,

off-white, chiffon top that was slightly see-through, a wide, red belt which helped accentuate her heavy tits,

an off-white, (without the flowers) narrow skirt, with a hem line just above the knee and a 6" teaser-slit. She

also went bare legged but wore a sexy pair of red heels to match her belt and red flowers. I didn't know

the status of Mom's underwear but was hoping that going without might be a family tradition.

I sat down and shared a drink with the ladies and truly enjoyed their happy banter about the shower, and

gossip about the other ladies in attendance. Thankfully, it appeared that Jennie, Mom, and the whole lot of

woman all had a fun evening. Jennie was effusive about the generosity of her family and friends in the gift

offerings, and assured me, there was nothing left for the house that we needed to buy. As I sat listening to

Jennie and her mom chatting, my dirty mind drifted to how radiant and happy Jennie looked tonight. A

happy, slightly drunk, and elegantly dressed woman might be the sexiest thing I can imagine. Tonight,

Jennie was clearly happy, certainly drunk, and very nicely dressed. Oh, the possibilities! "OK ladies, why

don't you both finish your drinks, then do whatever bathroom things you might need to do, while I load up

the truck. Then we'll meet at the front door and head home", I suggested as both nodded in compliance.

As we drove, it occurred to me that all of us were at some point on the drunk spectrum, and that I would have

to drive ten miles past our house to take Mom home. Thus, it was agreed that Mom was going to have a

sleep over tonight, and I would take her home in the morning. Upon arrival at our house, the plan was for

Mom to sleep in the spare bedroom, and Jennie and I to sleep in our usual spot on the king size bed in the

master bedroom. That seemed simple and clear enough. Well, I don't know what happened while I was

unloading the truck and walking the dog, but when I finally got up to the bedroom, Mom was partially

undressed (only bra and skirt remained) and passed out on the king-sized bed. Jennie, God bless her, was

naked, but for the strappy sandals, and sitting on the love seat massaging her pussy with an 8" vibrating

penis. With a little wiggle of her finger in a come-hither kind of directive, Jennie signaled me to her side.

Upon my arrival at the designated location, with my crotch conveniently positioned directly opposite her

face, she offered another simple directive; "Dick please".

I pointed out the current proximity of her mother, to which she just shook her head and mouthed the words

"she won't mind". Well, if Mom wasn't going to object, neither was I. So, I quickly dropped my pants to

the floor, and offered Jennie my suddenly very hard dick, which she voraciously consumed. Jennie has

always enjoyed sucking my dick, but tonight was special. I don't know if it was the residual feel-good left

over from the wedding shower, or the fact that the wedding was getting close, or being drunk, or maybe even

the fact that she was sucking my dick with her mom less than 10' away, but whatever the inspiration, she

was magical on this night.

In her right hand she had the vibrating, 8" penis pretty much bottoming out in her pussy with every thrust.

With her left hand she managed to guide my cock into her mouth, pushing until it was bottoming out in

her throat. I grabbed her by the hair around both ears and began to assist her efforts by thrusting my hips

into and out of her mouth, essentially turning this moment into a full-fledged face-fuck. OOOOOHHHH,

and it was good! Jennie was quickly becoming a sloppy mess with blow-job slobber flowing from her

mouth, and all over her face, tits and beyond, while I was rapidly approaching a major cum-shot. And then,

to my utter amazement, I peeked over my shoulder to find Mom with her skirt pulled up above her waist and

four fingers shoved into her beautiful auburn pussy. FUCK-ME!! And at that very moment, I woke up...

FUCK!!! FUCK!!! FUCK!!! I wanted that moment back. My dick was raging hard, and still slimy from

the earlier jerk-off session, but I wanted Jennie and her mom. FUCK, I was so close! I was breathing hard,

and my heart was racing, and at that moment my mind was near convinced that Jennie was still in my life.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I repeated over and over again, while trying to accept the reality of my current


I needed to calm down if I was to ever to get back to sleep. I got up, went to the bathroom, peed, cleaned my

crotch a little, splashed some water on my face, and took a few deep breaths while holding firmly onto the

sink. Fuck, that was so intense. The sex was energizing, but I had sex dreams all the time. This was more

about the intensity of the emotions that I harbored for Jennie. I loved that girl and found myself so distraught

about missing out on a lifetime together with her. Fuck; what a life I could have had!

Marching drearily back to bed, I noticed the time on the clock flashing 12:45am. At that moment I had a

fleeting thought that maybe the next spirit was due to arrive at 1. I could only hope, I chuckled to myself as I

climbed back into bed. Thankfully, while my mind was racing with thoughts of Jennie, my body was tired,

and sleep did return rather easily.

Cue up more dream sequence music... Today was our wedding day. I was finally going to marry Jennie, the

girl of my dreams. Following tradition, we planned to have no contact with each other today, until destiny

would bring us together on the alter. Jennie was at our house, with her small contingent of bridesmaids (her

sister Lynne, and her friends Marcy and Renee), preparing and dressing for the big event. I was at my

brother's house, with my three brothers, who would all dress and prepare together as well. All of us had a

3pm meeting scheduled with God.

At about 11 am my brothers and I were sitting around the kitchen table, drinking beers, and smoking a joint

while trading old war stories of chasing women. At that moment, the phone rang in my brother's house. My

brother Alfie chit-chatted a little bit with the caller, then handed the phone to me saying "it's for you". Not

expecting a call, and not knowing what to expect, I said "hello" rather sheepishly. "Jaime, it's Marcy over at

your house", Marcy started. "Jennie and the photographer have been brainstorming photo ideas, and they'd

like to get a pre-wedding photo of you and Jennie together. She knows she's bucking tradition, but really

wants this photo idea to work; can you drive over right now"? "Um sure, give me about a half hour and I'll

be there. Oh, and tell Jennie I'm trusting her on this one". "OK, I'll tell her", Marcy promised, then

concluded with "don't get dressed, just come as you are, and I'll see you shortly, thanks", and hung up.

After getting some minor grief from my brothers for breaking up the party, and being henpecked

already, I quickly threw on some shorts and a tee shirt and headed over to see what Jennie had in mind.

Upon arrival at the house, I was met by Marcy, who oddly enough was in full make-up but wearing

only a robe and heels. "What do you have in mind", I asked as she led me into the house? "Come on

up-stairs, as I think it's best that Jennie explains this to you", she replied. As I followed Marcy up the stairs,

I noticed the excellent view of her lower legs, and the sexy red, platform, heels that the girls chose to wear

with their bridesmaid dress. Very nice!! Right before we entered the bedroom, I heard all sorts of giggling

and warnings to "Sssshhhh, he's almost here", and I thought to myself, what the fuck is going on here?

When I turned the corner, I was hit with the most beautiful vison I may have ever seen!

My beautiful bride-to be Jennie, was seated on the love seat, (yes, same love seat) with the Maid of honor

(Sister Lynne) on her right, and bridesmaid Renee on her left. Stunningly, Jennie was dressed in a full

white satin and lace lingerie set, minus the panties but complete with bra, garter belt, nylon stockings, and 5"

white heels. Both Lynne and Renee were dressed similarly, albeit their entire ensemble was in red. All

the ladies went sans panties as well. When I turned to look at Marcy for explanation, she had dropped her

robe, and was also now outfitted in the full team uniform.

Marcy, who was clearly the spokesperson of this girl band offered the start of an explanation. "Jamie honey,

we girls have come up with a plan to make your wedding night especially explosive, and we wanted to give

you a preview of what to expect tonight". As Marcy was chatting along, I was totally consumed by the

view in front of me. The girls were not just dressed as Victoria Secret models, they were in the middle of

some sort of lesbian fuck-games. Jennie was squeezing a vibrator between her legs, and Renee was holding

what must have been a 12" black dildo, and I swear it looked as if Lynne had two small clamps hanging from

her pussy lips. Woah!

"Jamie, sit down here now, and I need you to start listening to me", Marcy sternly started again as

she guided me to the corner of the bed. "Did you ever hear of the female hormone Oxytocin", she asked me.

I shook my head to indicate no, while continuing to stare at Jennie as she worked her leg muscles to

maximize the effects of the strategically placed vibrator. "Oxytocin is released into a women's bloodstream

by her brain as she becomes sexually stimulated Jamie. And the hormone generally will not dissipate until

the lady achieves orgasm. With her system filled with the hormone Oxytocin, a woman will become

radiantly happy, and extremely sensitive to touch, taste, smell, and all other sexual stimuli", Marcy

continued. "The hormone also improves social bonding, relieves anxiety, and even eroticizes the

impact that pain might have on the body. Jamie, Oxytocin is an amazing natural chemical that will benefit

your beautiful bride throughout her evening tonight, and right now we have her at the Oxytocin station

getting her tank loaded up with premium", Marcy concluded.

Now, I am a guy with limited capacity to understand the complex female condition. But I do fully

understand the visual delight of beautiful women, wrapped in elegant lingerie, wearing come-fuck-me

heels, and strumming each other's private parts with sex toys. "So, let me get this right", I started in attempt

to clarify the situation. "You three beautiful brides-maids are building up Jennie's Oxytocin levels by