New Years Eve Ch. 03

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My brother David was about to fuck my wife. What would I do?
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New Years Eve Ch 03 - The real ending.

This is part 1 of MY ending to a story that was started by “mischevious”.

I am just so sick of these stories having such limp dicked wimpy endings, so I decided to write an ending a bit more believable than the standard “ gutless husband” ending where the husband without any balls accepts his wife being fucked by anyone who feels like it. This is so unreal it makes my blood boil. Now, I know we are talking fiction here, but any good fiction has to at least be believable by those reading it. I will be waiting to see the original writer’s ending when he gets around to doing it.

You really should read New Years Eve Ch 1 and 2 by mischevious before you read this and it may make more sense.

For some reason I picked up my jeans and T shirt and put them on while my mind ticked around what had happened in the last few minutes. My wife had just sucked my brother David’s cock and then thrown me out of the room saying he was going to fuck her.

And now I knew I was not about to let that happen even if David thought he was going to score. What was going on here? David’s wife Ann was in there too – surely she would not let this happen? Would she?

David and I are really close, even for brothers, but not so close I was prepared to let him fuck my wife, whether she thought she wanted it or not. This was obviously a case of way too much drinking and a few people acting so far out of character it was frightening me. I was glad I had been the one drinking less and losing far fewer hands at cards than any of the others. I knew David was aware of what to expect if I got really mad – and was I getting mad now thinking he was about to fuck my wonderful wife Marie. How could the mother of my three children possibly intend to do such a stupid thing?

Many years ago David had watched from an upstairs window one day when he was about 18 and I was asking four local “tough guys” to leave our yard and pool and not come back unannounced. The big tough leader of the pack put his nose to mine and asked who would shift them. I had enough of these guys (all about 24 at the time) and their shit - they thought they owned the whole neighbourhood.

So I stepped back – he thought I was going to run away – but I landed a hard right punch right in his stomach and he doubled up in pain. Then I smashed his nose with a quick knee to his face. The other three came at me but by this time something had snapped and I mercilessly beat them up till they were all in a heap on the ground. I then dragged them one by one out onto the street just as the police arrived – David had called them because he thought I was about to be badly injured by these jerks.

The police were hard to convince that I had not used a baseball bat or something similar to give the injuries they were looking at. But they knew the guys and were actually happy that someone had eventually stopped them in their tracks.

When I went inside David was speechless for a while and then overawed by what I had done, even though I was slightly smaller than he. The episode brought back flashes of things I had thought forgotten. When David asked me how I managed to do it I told him I didn’t want to talk about it, but added that you learn you lots of ways you can hurt and kill people when your missions are behind enemy lines.

After I grabbed David’s digital video camera I went to the door and called out to Marie first.

“Open the door and come home with me before you do something you will regret the rest of your life”

All I heard were low mumblings of Marie saying “Don’t”

Then I spoke to David.

“David, you are my brother. Leave my wife alone and open this door now. Or Ann, you open it”

No answer at all, and no footsteps towards the door.

“One more chance David, open the door. If I have to open it I will not be responsible for what happens when I get in there!”

“5 seconds!!” I yelled, now so really pissed off I knew what I was about to do.

The three of these people who, after my three kids, were the three next dearest people in the world to me. And they were all prepared to be part of ending my marriage.

One well placed kick near the door catch and the door jamb splintered. The door swung wildly back on its hinges and slammed against the wall behind it. The camera was running and picked up the whole scene. Ann was kissing David as he kneeled between Marie’s legs ready to slide his not quite erect cock into Marie’s waiting pussy. Funny, I thought, really funny!! David is so pissed he can’t even get it hard. I dropped the camera on the chair and in one swift move picked David up and threw him across the room and into Ann’s dressing table, causing a whole lot of makeup, perfume bottles and the general clutter women have near their mirrors to smash and rattle to the floor.

David looked up in a daze at me.

“Don’t you move a fucking muscle you asshole” I said quite calmly to him, “or I will beat you to a fucking pulp!”

David understood precisely what I meant and stayed where he was on top of the broken chair which must have been extremely uncomfortable – but FUCK HIM!

Marie looked up at me in utter disbelief – she had never seen this side of me ever before. But, let’s face it, she hadn’t needed to see it before. Ann started to get up from the bed to move away from me in fright – she didn’t expect anything like this from me either.

“Stay right where you fucking well are”, I said to her, “don’t go anywhere and everything will be okay”

“And as for you my supposed wife – look at you! Lying here on my brother’s bed ready for him to fuck you stupid”

“Doesn’t our marriage and our kids mean anything to you? You ready to throw that all way for a taste of David’s prick?”

“Well, I have a little proposition to put to all three of you three drunken assholes after I say this to my supposed wife – this supposed wonderful mother of our children. Those nephews and niece of you other two scumbags”.

“What do I tell the children? Mummy won’t be here any more because she has decided she would rather fuck uncle David and aunty Ann??”

“Come on Marie – you are so fucking clever tonight. Is that what I tell them?”

Marie’s eyes still flashed defiance through the disbelief at my strength with David and now my cutting but calm words.

“Before you speak, my so-called wife, I have a lot to say about your behaviour tonight. At least twice David and I wanted to stop the game – you, my darling, were the one who insisted we keep going. From the time you removed David’s underwear you never took your eyes off his cock or your hands off him”

Marie started to say something to disagree with what I was saying.

“Shut up and listen to me till I finish”, I said, “or I walk out of here right now and none of you see me or the children ever again. What is it to be??”

Marie lowered her eyes and closed her mouth.

“It was you Marie who told me to lick Ann’s pussy – but that was just so you could handle David’s cock thinking I couldn't see what you were doing”

“Then it was you Marie, just remember, who grabbed David and took him to this room while you thought Ann and I were too busy to see what you were up to”.

“And then you have the fucking hide to tell me you want revenge on me. I haven’t fucked anyone tonight, and I haven’t tried to fuck anyone either!”

“You are the one cheating here, and now I am the cranky one, and I might want some revenge”, I said with obvious anger in my voice for the first time.

“Your little bullshit act of being miffed because I came in a few seconds when Ann started to suck me was because I was so turned on by watching you naked, my darling”.

“At that particular point a fly could have landed on the tip of my cock and I would have come. It had nothing whatever to do with Ann”.

“Sorry Ann, but that’s how it is. You are my brother’s wife and there is no way I could fancy you because of that. I would have thought I could trust my brother to be the same, but instead he is a slimy sleaze who I may never see again”.

David started to say something from his position on the floor.

“Shut the fuck up asshole”, I spat at him, “You had your chance to be a man and let me in here, but you chose the hard way – now you will fucking live with it”

“Then, my so-called wife, you chose to suck David's cock just after I fucked you. THAT, my dear is where you should have stopped your stupidity, if you insist on counting Ann sucking my cock for three seconds needed revenge”.

“But was that enough? NO! NOT FOR YOU! I could easily be physically sick right now thinking about what my so-called wonderful wife, mother of my children, was about to do out of some silly twisted idea of revenge for something you made up in your mind”.

Tears started to form in my eyes as I continued speaking .

“I am not even sure if I will ever want anything more to do with a woman who wants to fuck another man. I’ve been faithful to you Marie, but you obviously have a problem with your commitment. That gives me very good reason to review my place in your life and your place in mine”.

Marie had always been used to getting her way. Never really big things – we always managed to agree there. You know - what house, where to live. But I always figured if I could live with what she wanted, why have an argument?

So this side of me she had never had to see before. In fact Marie was startled by me actually saying I may leave her. Also she is a fairly stubborn woman, even in her drunken state she was not prepared to concede anything whatever.

“Okay, David, you first, and be truthful. Is there anything in what I have said about this evening that is not correct?”

“No”, he said slowly, “You are right, except I didn’t see what happened with you and Ann”

“Yes David, and we know why that was – you were in here about to fuck my wife, except that Ann called you out of here before you could finish.”

“David” I said with an angry edge to my voice, “Do you expect me to just forget this and say or do nothing about it? How well do you know me David?”

“Too well I think” David said quietly, “too well. But......”

“No BUTS asshole” I yelled at him, “ NO BUTS! Just think about what you would do if our situations were reversed. Then tell me what your punishment will be”

This was psychologically a shit of a thing to do – but at the moment he deserved it, every second of it.

“Now you Ann, is anything I have described wrong?” I said gently to her, “I want to know if there is something here I have misinterpreted”

Ann was sobbing now, but she agreed that the way I had described the night was correct, and added that she was sorry.

“Marie, love of my life, what have you got to say?”

She said nothing – just stared at me.

“I’m sure David would like to know why you wanted him to fuck you Marie. Because you liked the look of his cock? Because it tasted nice”? Because you are sick of me?”

“Please tell him Marie, surely he has the right to know” I added, “Let-a-fucking-lone I have a right to know why you were going to fuck around on me. Did you really think you could just lock me out of the room and I would walk off and let you fuck him?? Maybe I should have done that and just said good riddance”

“I still might do that yet”

“There are some things we all have to work out, but you three are too drunk to make decisions that will affect all four of us for the rest of our lives”

“I have a proposition that should make you all happy about how to work this out. If you agree I give my word I will accept your decisions – no physical recriminations – just, depending on the decisions some or all of us may never see each other or speak ever again”

“My proposition is this: It is now early hours of Friday morning, we have a long weekend for New Years. You lot who have been drinking will be next to useless the rest of today, so sleep it off. You will have Saturday to decide what you want to do. David, if you still want to fuck Marie, you can come to our house and get her at 8am Sunday morning. If Marie wants to fuck you, she is free to go with you, because if she wants to do that then I certainly do not want her and she is free to go.

Marie, if you really want David, and he hasn't come to our place, then at 8:30 you can come over here and see if he is willing.

Ann, you and David need to work out where you both stand on this. You know he was prepared to fuck Marie, but you were here willing to help him, so you have a lot of thinking to do. I will think a bit more about what I will do if Marie is not prepared to stay with me.”

“You all know I am a man of my word. I will not take out any revenge on David or Ann no matter what they decide. Marie must know there are some obvious consequences of deciding to go with David or come over here on Sunday.

Also there will be no phoning or talking between Ann and David and Marie. No phones , no cell phones. Each is to decide for themselves”

“Do you agree? If you want to continue this fucking around you all have my blessing, but you must make the decision in the cold sober light of day.”

Marie’s eyes flashed defiance, but she agreed, along with David and Ann.

“I will ring mum and ask her to keep the kids for the whole weekend, she will love it – you know how she and dad love to have the grandkids around. And the kids love what gran lets them get away with at her house.”

I told Marie to get some clothes on and go to the car. I flipped the CD out of the video camera, wanting to look at it at home to see those few seconds when I burst into the room before dropping the camera to throw David to the floor.

Marie said nothing during the few minutes drive to our house and I put her straight to bed when we got inside because she seemed very drowsy, as would be expected after all she drank that night. Within seconds she was fast asleep and I went back downstairs to play my few seconds of revealing video.

What I got was a real shock to me. Yes, the video clearly showed David with his cock ready to shove it into Marie’s gaping pussy. Their faces were clear as a bell. Ann was hidden mostly behind David. And yes, the scene lasted for only a few seconds before the picture showed only the wall above Ann’s dresser. But the totally unexpected thing was that David’s camera must have had some sort of lock-in trigger that stayed on when I dropped the camera. I had the whole thirty or so minutes of sound recording of what we all said. Now there was no way Marie could play completely dumb when she got up. It was all there! Everything we all said.

Well, I need to get some sleep because I have a lot of things to do tomorrow so I can be ready for whatever Marie decides to do. I wish I was sure she would stay with me.

Part 2 to follow, unless you all crucify me...

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SarahwithloveSarahwithloveover 1 year ago

Keep going. Finally a real man shows up in Literotica land.

Mustang88LXMustang88LXover 1 year ago

I like that hubby got angry and stepped up to put the three assholes straight. But then he kept talking and gave them an out. That ruined it.

lukeey90lukeey90almost 2 years ago

You did a very better job than the 2 previous chapters. 4*

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2about 2 years ago

I don't find your version believable either. Lots of anger and yelling but still a weak cuck.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 3 years ago

Unreadable. You lost me at: "...when your missions are behind enemy lines..." But, this writer was clearly "one and done".

ErotFanErotFanover 3 years ago
Finish the story. We're waiting!


Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 3 years ago

U cannot polish a turd. Stories so bad u have to try to fix them are seldom worth it.

gyjunkiegyjunkiealmost 5 years ago
Not bad chapter one.

One star because you failed to finish it.

Raleighman53Raleighman53about 5 years ago
I read everyone elses endings...

They were okay but I feel you would have done a better job. You really captured the cheater attitude in Marie and I hope you will one day complete this. Rac or btb makes no difference to me.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 7 years ago
Got r done! Well done

Glad the lad grew a set

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 7 years ago

Well, at least he's not a wimp, but it's just not that well-written, overall the writing feels clumsy, especially the dialogue.

I would suggest becoming part of a writing forum to get feedback, as well as an editor, and then doing a complete rewrite of this chapter before even considering a second one.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3over 8 years ago


rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
not a resolution

not a conclusion.

not even a good mental image.

oh well, moving on.

ErotFanErotFanover 9 years ago
Oh come on!

Part 2


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 10 years ago

I guess you were crucified.

sp9rkssp9rksover 10 years ago
What a bunch of dikheds

I fail to see what is sexy about bashing someone doing your wife?

Wtf with all you people thinking there is something sexy about this story, ending or no ending? You stfu instead.

People come on here for sexual fantasy, erotica. That's imagination. Sexy, forbidden, naughty, and yes, betraying acts.

Yes, you may be right about realism, but what the f#$%ing hell is the point of an oh so tough guy getting his back?

What a cock head in the first place. Like, chill out and relax. These are stories...duh.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago
So where is you part 2

This is a great start -

MaryAnn678MaryAnn678almost 12 years ago
Uh erotica? Where?

No kidding reading about a guy beating the crap out of another isn't erotic at all.

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 12 years ago
Bring it on, I love it.

He should still beat the hell out of his brother and leave his wife. I will wait to see what happens in the next chapter.

magmamanmagmamanover 13 years ago
Easy answer to "Good."

The loving wifes catagory gets drilled with comments about "wimps", the authors get called names if the text contains anything at all about a wife having any kind of sex outside of marriage. The only saving grace is if the wife is skinned alive, covered with battery acid and thrown out into a snowbank broke and alone, the other man disembowelled by friends with no consequence. I checked my own favorites list, so many very good story tellers are now just....gone. I am close to giving up myself, and I am one of the less "intense" type authors.

Yep. This site needs some new catagories. Writers by their very nature are sensitive, they have to be to even write. Note the anonymous comments are shut off on this one which means new readers cannot comment.

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