New Years Kiss Pt. 02 - The Run Up

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The run up to that fateful New Years Eve.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 05/18/2024
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This is the second chapter to 'New Years Kiss'. In hindsight perhaps it would have been better if I'd published chapter two as chapter one. As it is, chapter one deals with that fateful New Years Eve while chapter two deals with the run up - arse about face I know.

I have tried to take on board some of the more positive comments while ignoring the usual Anonymous BTB stuff. One guy seemed to think it would have been in the interests of the husband to throw away his career in the military to exact some form of revenge - although fiction, I am trying to keep it somewhat real?

Anyways, here goes.


Chapter Two: A few months before New Year.

Feeling alone and with a baby and with her husband Mathew deployed in Afghanistan, Sally, was depressed. Yes, she had a small support network, namely her parents and her best friend Gina, but that didn't mean she didn't get to feel lonely, especially on a night. In fact, if it wasn't for her mother taking care of baby Megan through the day Sally wouldn't see anyone, she certainly wouldn't have been able to go work behind the counter at the builders' merchants. That job was a life saver. Gina, Sally's best friend and wife to Paul, Sally's employer, didn't like to see her friend so down in the dumps and was forever looking for ways to cheer her friend up. To that end, Gina's latest idea had been to persuade Sally to go on a night out with her and her husband Paul to a gig. Gina made sure that Pauls brother Greg would also be going so Sally didn't feel like a third wheel. Sally knew Paul and Greg, she worked for the two brothers and spoke to them on an almost daily basis, and although they were technically her bosses, she primarily looked upon them as the husband and brother-in-law of her best friend Gina.

Sally gave Gina's suggestion some thought, well not a lot of thought because she wanted to go. Deciding to accept the invite she justified doing so by telling herself that although she would be paired up with Greg, it wasn't as if it was a date, he would be acting more as a chaperone. That was Gina's take to Sally, telling her friend that Greg's presence by her side would deter unwanted advances. Sally agreed - plus they were going out as a foursome so it was above board.

Although Sally was keen to get out for a night, she told Gina it still didn't feel right going out while her husband was away. Gina however knew that Sally needed to let her hair down, to have a drink, to have some fun, pointing out that it wasn't exactly as if she was going to a bar by herself on the pick-up. Gina suggested that if she had any doubts, she should run it past Mathew. Sally did agree with her friend that she could do with a night out, and that it would refresh her batteries. The truth was when she married Mathew, she hadn't really reckoned on how hard the long periods they'd be spending apart would be. Besides she didn't see any harm in going to a gig in the next town with friends.

That Saturday night, when Sally went out with Gina, she had no agenda other than enjoying a few drinks with friends, and listening to some live music. Fate though had other plans for her. What is it they say, 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions', and that night the devil came a calling.

Sally enjoyed a heady cocktail of drinks, and it is safe to say that the alcohol she consumed; coupled with the live music and some dancing, lowered her inhibitions. With her latent frustrations coming to the fore, she and Greg began to enjoy each other's company a little more than they should, so much so that Sally ended up making out with Greg. She certainly enjoyed the kissing; Greg was a good kisser.

The following morning as Sally woke up with a hangover, she began to recollect what she'd got up to the night before, she was truly mortified. Later that morning, having picked up Megan from her parents, she received a friendly conspiratorial phone call from Gina. Gina listened to a slightly frantic Sally who was not only worried about what she'd done but that somehow Mathew would find out. Gina was a calming voice and talked Sally into seeing the lighter, funnier, slightly naughty side of things. Gina insisting Sally had only had a little innocent fun. The conversation developed with Sally confessing that Greg, as it happened, as she remembered, had been a very good kisser. This left them both giggling like teenagers. Sally was still worried about Mathew finding out and also what Greg thought of her, probably thinking she was a slut. Gina reassured her friend that there was nothing for Mathew to find out, and Greg was one of the good guys, yes, he was a bit of ladies' man, but he wouldn't think ill of her or say anything bad. Gina let Sally know, in a teenage kind of way, that she believed Greg had a thing for Sally.

Monday morning Sally went into work with a strong sense of foreboding. Feeling embarrassed she was intent on avoiding Greg, she just felt it would be awkward for them both. Greg however had other ideas and made a point of seeking her out to quietly put her at ease, he even went as far as apologising for his behaviour if he had gone too far. Sally appreciated this and they even joked, with Sally teasing Greg that he wasn't a bad kisser.

That night Mathew telephoned Sally, she was relieved to receive his phone call because she knew he must be back on base, and that meant he was relatively safe. When they talked, they talked about anything and nothing. She did mention that she'd gone to a gig with Gina, but didn't mention Greg. Although she felt a little guilty, she didn't feel 'guilty' guilty. She was happy that Mathew asked if she'd had a good time, thankfully he wasn't mad at her for going, but then she hadn't really expected him to be. He asked what band she'd been to see and had they been any good, saying that when he got back they'd have to catch a gig themselves. Mathew even said she should go out more often.

With a sense of relief Sally went into work the next day feeling a lot happier, happy to enjoy the light hearted banter that was now developing between her and Greg. It was innocent enough but at the same time flirtatious, which made her feel good. Tuesday night she again talked with Mathew over the telephone, they even had a little phone sex. On the Wednesday, Greg, testing the waters and pushing his luck, gave Sally's backside a playful pat, when her reaction was to smile, he followed up with several more playful pats. In turn Sally would take any opportunity to nudge him aside with a bump of her hips; hoping to knock him off balance.

Then later, mid-afternoon, when the trade counter was quiet and seeing there was just the two of them behind the counter, and feeling confident that Sally was a good sport and wouldn't scream harassment, Greg slipped his arms around her trim waist to give his new squeeze a squeeze and a hug from behind. When he took this liberty, Sally quickly looked to see if anyone was watching and seeing no one was, she pushed back with her ass, gently chiding him that he mustn't, but certainly not in a tone that he wouldn't do it again...

Their harmless flirting continued for the remainder of the day. Harmless flirting it was, until mid-morning Thursday. Thursday was when Greg spotted Sally going into the back stock room. Making sure no one was watching; he took the opportunity to follow. This was when he made his move on the pretty and married employee. He had enjoyed making out with her the previous weekend and wanted more, truth be told he was hoping for a bit of low key consensual on the QT extra marital hankey panky. Sally was, after all, a very attractive, very sexy woman; and though married, her husband was safely out of the way. By his reckoning she was fair game, it wasn't as if they were going to run off together, and it would just be a bit of fun.

He sneaked up behind her ass he checked along a long shelf and surprising her with some playful grabbing he began tickling. Sally was giggling and playfully fending him off, telling him to stop and to behave. He gradually backed her up to a wall and although in her personal space she didn't mind. With his hand on the wall by her head and leaning in with a seductive grin he asked...

"Did you mean what you said, 'about me being a good kisser'.

Sally grinned back and teased. "Hm, I've had better."

Sally didn't know how it happened, but before she knew what she was doing she instigated a kiss, or was it that he instigated a kiss with her, she had didn't know. What she did know was that her arms were around the back of his head and they were locking lips and making out like nobody's business. Sally was transported into another realm of alternative reality, she felt the heart beating exhilaration that came from 'kissing' Greg, from 'being' with another man other than Mathew. The fact she knew it was wrong, and yet she was doing it, only added to the sense of excitement coursing through her.

Remembering what Gina had told her about Greg having the hots for her and the fact she fancied Greg like hell, she didn't hold back on the kissing. What was there not to fancy, he was attractive, a hunk, sexy, funny, she liked him, liked being with him, liked his scent, his company, liked when they talked. Despite this, it still didn't register with Sally that she was smitten with him. Sally was in, all in.

Without a word being said, or either of them questioning their actions, Greg was helping to pull her shop tunic over her head. He didn't hesitate in slipping his hands under her t-shirt and she didn't stop him from pushing it up, along with her bra, to reveal her bared breasts. Sally gasped as he first fondled and then leaned in to suck on her rock-hard nipples - it seemed so long since she'd been touched by a man. She loved how Gregs big hands were caressing and kneading her heavy and fleshy but firm mounds. Closing her eyes she was living in the moment and gasped with pleasure, chuckling as his breath tickled. As he bit her nipples between their kisses, their passion filled kisses, she placed her hands on his head, holding him to her. Feeling confident he slipped his hand down the front of her trousers and down the inside her panties, Sally was so caught up it didn't even register to stop him. Then he began rubbing her clitoris and dipping his fingers into her wetness, fingering her towards an orgasm. She literally felt as if her head spinning, if only he knew how sexually frustrated, she had been feeling, perhaps that would explain why she came so quickly, their kissing stifling her groans.

It was over so quickly but had felt so good, the orgasm so strong it had taken her breath. Feeling flushed and flustered and coming back to her senses and suddenly embarrassed by the cold air of the stockroom it was as if she woke up - what had she just let him do. Sally hurriedly dressed herself without his help and then, as if remembering to say 'thank-you', as if to say 'sorry', she gave him a parting kiss to dash back out, slightly dishevelled, into the shop.

Feeling red faced she took her place behind the counter and smiled at the waiting customer. Still feeling her heart racing, she was on a natural high as she took the contractors payment and issued him with a receipt. Just then, as she looked up, she saw him, she smiled politely at the passing Greg who having followed her a minute or so later gave her a wink as he headed out into the yard. Sally was sure someone must have seen this interaction but everyone was just getting on with what they were doing and paying no special attention. As she smiled a second contractor came to the counter, she felt her heartbeat still racing in her chest.

That night Sally half expected Greg to call, was hoping he would, and truth be was disappointed when he didn't. She thought about calling him but that felt a little needy. Instead, after talking with Mathew for a good forty minutes she went to bed and masturbated. Disturbingly to her, the thoughts in her head were not of her husband as they should have been, but of Greg. Friday morning, feeling some trepidation but also looking forward to going into work she dropped Megan off with her mother. Sally felt an old familiar, much missed ache between her legs, an ache she hadn't felt in a long, long time. Whatever the rights and wrongs of her behaviour she was excited at the prospect of seeing Greg. That Friday morning was torture as they exchanged glances and smiles and the occasional pulled face, but with the trade counter being as busy as it was, they couldn't sneak away.

Friday lunchtime and finally the rush seemed to ease off. Seeing Greg standing by the stockroom door she gave him a smile. As he hoped she would, Sally followed him in. As she entered, he was waiting for her and taking her hand he pulled her to the back behind the shelves. They knew why they were there. They fell into one another and began kissing like two starving lovers feeding on one another, the risk of discovery paling against the need they felt or one another. Sally reached to feel the bulge in Greg's cargo shorts, feeling the shape of his erection she kissed him harder. Pleased at what she found she happily rubbed him for a few more seconds before deftly unzipping him to fish out his cock. She was amused, acting like a seasoned slut at the ease and skill with which she accomplished her task. That was the first time she felt and saw his penis. Sally smiled as she held the throbbing cock in her hand, she liked what she saw, liked what she felt. Sally gave him a few unnecessary strokes; he was already hard but she liked the feel of the solidness.

Without being asked to, but knowing he wanted her to, Sally dropped and crouching on her knees, and with his cock in her hand, she proceeded to give him a very nice blow and hand job. It ended all too quickly with her swallowing a rather large mouthful of thick tasty cum. Greg couldn't believe his luck as Sally looked up and smiled, coquettishly licking her lips. Giving his cock an affectionate 'goodbye' kiss before she stood back up, she tucked it back inside his shorts. Greg didn't hesitate to kiss her and then with a chuckle asked if he could take her out that night. Sally hadn't been expecting this and said she couldn't, she hadn't arranged for her parents to babysit, but asked if she could have a rain check. He said he'd like to call round anyway; he'd bring the movie - if she provided the popcorn.

Sally took a second or two to think it over. Letting him into her home! "Okay" she smiled. "But no funny business. I mean it."

That night, with baby Megan asleep by the time he arrived they settled down, popcorn bowl in hand to watch, to Sally's amusement, American Pie Bandcamp. They were both a little fidgety. Understandably Sally felt a little nervous having invited him into her home, even guilty, especially with Megan in the house. Greg didn't want to spook Sally so was on his best behaviour.

Good intentions aside, it wasn't long before the film was left playing to itself and the two of them were earnestly making out on the sofa. Being with Greg made Sally feel young again, it might sound daft but she felt as she did as a teenager, when she'd sneak a boy home when her parents were out. As they were kissing, adrenalin was coursing through her. In their haste, and as if it was the given thing to do, they began to tear the clothes from one another, their underwear, her bra, panties, his boxers thrown and kicked wherever. Climbing over him to straddle his lap Sally found herself reaching between their bodies and in true slut form fed him into her, she was riding him as he feasted on her breasts. It had literally been months since she'd been with Mathew, months since she'd been fucked, and it showed. Sally experienced an eagerness to feel him inside her, it didn't matter that he wasn't her husband or even that she was married, she wanted, needed, to be fucked. It was enough that she found him attractive and fun. She wanted him, she really wanted him.

In the midst of this opportunist passion, it was difficult to say who wanted the other the most. Greg knew he was there to fuck the ass off Sally, he wanted to drill her into next week, she was attractive, as sexy as hell and had a great figure. Sally wanted to feel wanted, and Greg did want her. It was sex, sex for sex's sake, yes there was the obvious mutual attraction but primarily they were fucking for fucking's sake. Neither felt in love but each was drawn physically to the another - and they sure liked each other's company.

The lovemaking, the sex, their coupling lasted a good half hour with lots of grunting and growling and shrieks on Sally's part. The ongoing foreplay and kissing accompanied with guttural verbal entreaties which along with the sound of strenuous gymnastics, filled the living room. Throughout Greg was measuring her up, thinking, trying to give her what she wanted, trying to figure out what she liked. Was she a verbal person, was she a giver, a taker or did she prefer to just let it happen? Did she like being called names, slapped, did she like being reminded she was married, did she have a dirty mind - God he hoped she had a dirty mind. When it was over, was she going to be one of those women full of regret, wallowing in remorse, guilt, would he have to make a quick exit? Why was she even with him? Was it that she was a slut or simply lonely, was she both? Was he just the lucky sod who came across her at the right time or was she looking to dump one man for another?

Questions aside, Greg knew he had struck gold. He had himself a possible booty call.

To begin with Sally held his gaze, her nose touching his as she rode him slowly, she was savouring the feel of him filling her, looking for any small changes in his expressions. It had been a long time since she'd had sex. She rode him with purpose, with a surety, with confidence. Sally knew how to ride a cock, she'd been doing it since high school, and had had lots of practice in the back of Mathew's car. Sally was enjoying herself, at times she screwed her pussy down onto his cock and deliberately bit his lip, it felt good, empowering. To change the angle of his penetration and to arouse her G-spot she crouched over him to sink herself down, resting her forehead on his as she did. He for his part supported her weight, grabbing her buttocks and bouncing her up and down.

Eventually, deciding he wanted to take charge a change in position was called for, lifting her from him he threw her onto her back so she was laid along the sofa. As she shrieked with feminine delight, he climbed between her parted legs and open arms and fucked her hard.

The harder he fucked Sally the harder she bucked back until she was somewhere between hanging onto him for dear life with arms wrapped around his shoulders and legs wrapped tightly around his upper thighs - and being slammed into the sofa cushions under her ass. Sally felt she was having the best sex ever.

Sally wasn't comparing Greg with Mathew, she couldn't even if she'd wanted to. The truth being Greg was clearly a more experienced lover and made love so differently, seeming to attune to her needs mid fuck more than Mathew ever did. Greg had a different technique, moved differently, worked her differently, whether it be the writhing twisting movement of his hips that seemed to put a curve on his cock, or the ever-changing power behind his thrusts. Sometimes these were hard, forceful, stabbing, sometimes gentler, sliding into her. Then there was the constantly changing tempo, fast, slow, driven, romantic. It wouldn't be until they were weeks into their relationship that Sally realised one of the reasons she was drawn back to Greg, was that he was the better lover.

Not that she was being disparaging of Mathew, he too was good in bed. She enjoyed their lovemaking, just not as much. Then there was the way Greg kissed her, there was something about the way he kissed that she liked. Then there was the way he bit her, bit her nipples, her neck, her ass, the way he sucked on her breasts, the way he pulled her nipples between his teeth. She loved the way he manhandled her, firm, sometimes roughly, yet still gentle. She liked the way he touched her, trailing his fingers over her skin, and of course she loved the way he ground his pelvis into hers. It wasn't that Mathew didn't perform in bed, he did, but the two were so different. Two men, two different styles, and as with most things that are different, one inevitably seemed to suit more than the other - even if it was to be on a temporary basis.