Newlyweds New Desires Ch. 03

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Chris and Ashley travel to Vegas.
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Note from the Author: Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. I love all the feedback and constructive feedback. This one is a bit different than the last couple of chapters. It was one of those situations where a side plot ended up taking up much of the story than I intended. As a result, I felt like this chapter should live in a different category. I'm very interested to see what you all think of this one.


Ashley snuggled into Chris' arm as they took their seats on the large 747 nonstop to Vegas. Neither one of them had ever flown first class before and were both completely shocked when Clayton handed them the tickets. In fact, they had only ever flown once before, and that was on their honeymoon to Miami. Ashley's father surprised them with it the night of the wedding. Neither family had much money and she knew he must have worked hundreds of hours in overtime to afford such a lavish gift.

Clayton had also booked them a suite at the Aria hotel right in the heart of the Vegas strip, telling them it was important they looked the part of a successful company. Chris tried to tell him it was unnecessary, but he waved his hand and dismissed the thought. Chris promised to land a couple of big fish while at the convention as a way to show his gratitude, but Clayton assured him that he and Ashley were already becoming an Integral part of the team and he knew Chris would give it his all. He thought it was strange that Clayton would bring her up as part of the team, he wanted to question him about it but things were already moving a lot more quickly than he could keep up with.

"Hey spaceman. What's going on in that head of yours?" Ashley asked, bringing her husband back to the present as she handed him a glass of champagne. He couldn't help but notice the twinkle in her eye. She was made for this type of lifestyle, he thought to himself as he took the glass from her hand.

"Just thinking about how lucky I am to be going on this trip with you. And how much our life has changed in such a short amount of time."

"Cheers to that." She said clinking her glass to his. It had been just over a week since the events that took place at Clayton's house. Ashley had wanted to talk to Chris about it more than once, but he had been working so much she just couldn't find the right time. She wanted to know that everything was alright between them, and ensure he didn't have any regrets. He seemed to be acting fine, and their sex life was better than ever, but she wanted to get a handle on whatever this was before it spiraled out of control. She sipped her champagne slowly as she recounted the events of the previous week and promised herself she would find time to talk to Chris about it as soon as they checked in.

As the plane took off, Ashley looked past Chris as the city disappeared beneath them. She finished her drink and closed her eyes, letting the gentle vibrations of the aircraft lull her into a peaceful sleep.

In her dreams, she found herself in their luxurious suite, surrounded by the glitz and glamor of Las Vegas. The room was dimly lit, casting a soft glow over everything. Ashley was amazed by the sheer size of the room. It seemed as if it were as big as her house back home. As she looked around the room her eyes caught her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing the same dress from a week ago. The short black dress showed off her curves perfectly as she ran her hands along the sides of it to smooth it out.

She heard a knock at the door and when she opened it, Clayton stood before her, dressed in a sharp suit that accentuated money as well as his boyish good looks. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Hello, Ashley," Clayton said, his voice low and husky. "Don't mind me. I'm just going to watch." Ashley gave him a confused look, unsure what it was he was coming to watch.

Clayton took another step forward, closing the distance between them. She felt a flutter of excitement in her chest as Clayton approached her, his gaze intense. She tried to speak, but no words came out. Instead, she found herself being forced to her knees in front of him. She tried to stand, but it was as if she had no control over her own body. The room seemed to fade away as he quickly lowered his slacks, and his hard cock sprung to life. Ashley could feel Clayton's hands in her hair, pulling her closer to the veiny piece of flesh in front of her. Her mouth began to water, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. She had never felt so alive, so wanted.

Just as she was about to take it into her mouth she heard a voice in the distance, calling her name. She reached out, unable to get her hand fully around the cock in front of her as she turned her head toward the voice. It was Chris, he was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, watching them with a mix of shock and confusion. Ashley tried to call out to him, to explain, but her voice failed her. Chris approached them slowly, his eyes never leaving Ashley's. He reached out a hand to touch her face, but before he could, Clayton pulled her face to his cock, his grip possessive.

"I told you she could do a lot more with those lips," Clayton said, as he plunged his cock into her waiting mouth.

Ashley's heart raced as she strained to get her mouth around the monster in front of her. She wanted to tell Chris that it wasn't true, that she loved him and only him. But the words wouldn't come. Instead, she found herself taking more and more of Clayton's magnificent cock into her eager mouth. Tears began to build in her eyes as she choked on it, but she was determined to not give up. Something inside of her wanted to prove to herself that she could tame this beast. As she continued to bath more of Clayton's cock with her saliva she saw movement from the corner of her eye. Chris had taken a step back, resigned to his fate as he began slowly stroking his own, now hard, cock. She heard Clayton laugh as he looked at Chris and felt like her body was going to explode as his hands roamed over her body.

Without warning, Clayton reached down and scooped Ashley up, causing a large 'pop' to echo through the room as his cock dislodged from her mouth. She let out a soft moan to protest as she found herself being carried off to the bedroom. Her eyes met Chris' one last time as he came on his hand. His eyes were begging Ashley not to go, but before she could form any words the door was slammed shut. They ended up in a lavish bedroom, surrounded by silk sheets and flickering candles. Clayton's hands were everywhere, exploring every inch of her body. Ashley moaned with pleasure, her desire for him growing with each passing moment as her clothes were quickly discarded and all thoughts of Chris forgotten.

Just as Clayton had lined himself up between her legs, Ashley was jolted awake by the sound of the captain announcing their descent into Las Vegas. She blinked, disoriented for a moment before realizing where she was. Her face was flush and her pulse was racing as she tried to calm herself down. Glancing over at Chris, who was still asleep beside her, she felt a wave of guilt wash over her. She needed to have that conversation with Chris sooner rather than later.


Clayton took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as he sat at his computer watching the cursor blink. This week was crucial for his company, and he needed to stay focused. The deal with The Morgan Group was set to close today, another large company was on the verge of signing, and Katie was managing an account that could add another 250 licenses. If they could pull it all off, they were looking at their first profitable quarter since he started the business.

However, despite the week's importance, his mind kept drifting back to that night at his house. Ashley looked stunning. Her dress showed off all of her best features. The entire night it felt like she was flirting with him, or at least not shying away from his advances. Then, he came down stirs and actually caught them fucking. For a moment he thought she would scream and tell her to get lost, or at least try to cover herself up. Instead, she looked at him with hunger. He could see the lust in her eyes as her eyes traveled down his body. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought she might have let him take her right then and there, if Chris hadn't intervened. Even so, despite Chris drawing a line, he still allowed everything to happen. He watched as Clayton stroked his cock in front of his wife. He urged her on when she started talking. He even told her how beautiful she looked covered in another man's cum. Maybe there was more to that than Clayton realized. He knew Chris had always been a bit of a pushover, but was it possible he would actually sit back and let Clayton take his wife right in front of him? What would he have actually done if Clayton pushed the boundaries and broke his no touch rule?

He shook those thoughts aside as he stepped out of his office and into the main room. Everyone was hard at work and barely even looked up from their keyboards. Clayton took the scene in and admired his handy work. "If it wasn't for me most of these losers would probably be jobless" he thought to himself, before calling a quick team meeting in the conference room to discuss strategy.

As the team filed into the conference room, Clayton looked them all over one by one. Most of them were young, somewhat competent sales reps who came from a larger company as more junior members. Here, they were expected to stand on their own two feet without as much hand holding. He knew they lacked that killer instinct that was needed to close deals, but he was hopeful he could draw it out of some of them, while others would just have to get the ball to the goal line and let him come in and get things done.

As the sales team settled into their chairs he watched them with the intensity of a hawk stalking its prey, his jaw clenched. Beneath his expensive suit and cocky façade, doubts still gnawed at him. The voices of all those failed business partners echoing that he'd never make it without his father's money. His own father, chastising him for his reckless spending and failed business ventures. He squeezed his fists, determined to show them all. Wealth, sex, women, power, it would all be his. A cough from one of the other team members brought him back to reality.

"Sir, should we begin?"

Clayton stood from his chair at the head of the table and put on his best smile as he looked over the small group of employees. "Alright, team," he began, his voice commanding. "This week is make or break for us. The deal with The Morgan Group is set to close today, and we have a couple of other major clients on the verge of signing. We need to be on top of our game. I don't want to see any deals fall through. If you feel like you are losing them then call me in. This isn't the time to have a pissing contest."

There was a murmur of agreement around the table as the team prepared to dive into the details of the week's activities. Each person talking to their neighbor smiling and nodding.

"First order of business," Clayton continued, "Chris, is in Vegas this week for the sales convention. Hopefully, he's drumming up some new business for us. That means your full attention should be on closing the deals you already have, not worried about getting new ones."

There was a sense of determination in the room as the team began discussing their strategies for the week. Clayton listened intently, offering his insights and guidance where necessary, and shooting down others when he heard something he didn't like. He wanted to make it clear, it was his way or the highway this week. No one was going to try to go out and be the hero.

As the meeting drew to a close, Katie timidly raised her hand, her voice barely above a whisper. "Um, sir," she began, her eyes downcast. "My client, Creative Horizon, is having second thoughts. They seem to think the price is too high. We have another call at the end of the week to discuss."

Clayton's brow furrowed slightly as he processed the information. This was a crucial deal, and he knew Katie was feeling the pressure, she couldn't fuck this up. He turned to her, his expression reassuring as he recalled their conversation last week. "Let's talk strategy this afternoon in my office. I have some business to attend to but I should be free around 4:30. I need you to tell me everything that was said and how you are going to respond. I'll help guide you through the finer parts of the deal and get the close. It will be some good hands-on training." Clayton felt himself stir and saw Katie shift in her seat uncomfortable when he said that last part. He kept his eyes laser focused on hers until he saw her bite her lip and look back down at her lap, giving a small nod of an agreement.

With no further business to discuss, Clayton closed the meeting, wishing the rest of the team luck and promising that everyone could leave at 4:00 today, provided their deals were considered to be in good standing. As everyone began to file out of the conference room, he noticed Katie's nervous look around as she realized she would be the only one in the office with him during the call.

Clayton returned to his office and immediately got to work. He wanted to start working on the next batch of features for Bitguardian, knowing that coding would help keep his anxiety down as his team worked through their sales requirements. The first couple of hours seemed to go well. He was able to focus on the task at hand and got a decent chunk of code done. However, as the day continued, he found himself clicking refresh on his email more and more, hoping to see signed documents in his inbox. He fought the urge to go out where the sales team was sitting and start barking out orders, knowing it would only make matters worse. While most of these deals were still not completed, they were more or less slam dunks at this point. Even worse, when he wasn't thinking about the sales team, he was re-living last week's events and the way Ashley seemed to gravitate toward him. He knew that once she saw his dick she would be intrigued by it. He hadn't met a girl yet who wasn't at least curious. What fascinated him the most was how easily she seemed to fall under his spell. He understood he was still a long way from actually winning her over completely, but he still needed to figure out how big of a roadblock Chris would be in all of this. "Was it as big as you imagined?'' That was what Chris had said when she told him Clayton had pulled out his dick. That seemed to suggest that not only had she already thought about it, probably after that night at the bar, but that they had openly discussed it. As Clayton pieced together the puzzle, the first signed contract came through his inbox. His smile beamed as he thought about his success. Then, to further test his fortune, he accessed his dashboard for Bitguardian and turned on a hidden feature within it. With just a couple clicks of his mouse he was now tapped into Chris' phone with access to everything he had stored on it. He could also start using it as a listening device.


As they checked into their room at the Aria, Ashley couldn't help but be impressed. The buzz and pure energy of the city was like nothing she'd ever felt before, it was infectious. The hotel itself was immaculate.The front face of the building reflected the neon lights of the Strip, creating a dazzling display that nearly sent Ashley into sensory overload. Above them, bundles of glowing glass hung like willow branches from a tree creating a warm ambient glow.In the background the distinct sound of slots and roulette being played caused her adrenaline to course through her as they checked in at the front desk.

Ashley knew she would love Vegas, but something about just being there made her body come to life. The anxiety she had just hours before seemed to melt away with the buzz of the city. She knew she still needed to talk to Chris about the events of last week, but now it felt less anxious and more sexy. She walked lazily around the reception area as Chris checked them in. She found herself gazing into a large indoor fountain. She watched in amazement as water zipped out of one spout to another. She was getting hypnotized by the water dancing in intricate patterns. While she watched she couldn't help but think about her future with Chris. In the past they had talked about kids, but always dismissed it due to money issues. Now, they seemed to be living the dream, and in just a couple of weeks have had more money thrown at them than they'd ever seen. Could she finally open up to Chris again and broach the conversation of her getting pregnant?

"We're all set. You ready to head up to the room, babe?" Chris asked her from behind, breaking her from her trance. She gave him a warm smile and a quick kiss on the check as they made their way to the bank of elevators.

When they finally got to their room, it was even more impressive than they had imagined. When Clayton said he booked them a suite, they were expecting a small room with a view. Instead what they walked into looked to be a small apartment. As the door to their room opened, it triggered something in the blinds allowing them to open as well bringing in the lights from the city. The sitting area was easily as big as their living room back home, and the large bedroom had a jacuzzi inside the room. The couple stood in the door, mouth agape taking it all in. They could not believe this was where they were staying for the week. It was like it was a dream they never wanted to wake up from.

Chris fell backward on the bed, his body immediately sinking into the pillowtop mattress. "I still have a few hours before my first meeting. Do you want to explore the city a bit, maybe grab a bite to eat?"

Ashley stepped away from the window. The lights of the strip dancing in her room as she turned toward the bed as she stared at her husband look aimlessly up at the ceiling. "I'd love that, but first, we should talk." She said with a playful edge in her voice as she lifted her shirt over her head. Her large chest concealed only by the thin white bra she wore. Chris was still lazily staring up at the ceiling and didn't see her remove her shirt. His mind was on the conference later and how he was going to win some business for his new company.

"Sure, what do we need to talk about?" Chris felt Ashley's bra fall across his face and he immediately looked to his wife, his eyebrow cocked.

"Last week," she said in a low voice as she stood between her husband's legs half naked.


Clayton shot up in his seat. He couldn't believe his luck! He quickly pressed record on his computer and made sure his door was locked. He felt his dick stir as he replayed that night. He pushed a few more keys on his computer, hopeful to access Chris' camera so he could get the full experience. Unfortunately, his phone seemed to still be in his pocket and all Clayton saw was darkness.


"What about it?" Chris asked, swallowing hard as his mind tried to process what was happening. His mouth suddenly felt dry. Last week got a bit wild, even by his standards. He was still trying to come to terms with how he felt about it. Having Clayton walk in on them, and then...finish on his wife had been something he thought he would be disgusted by. However, it seemed to have the opposite effect on his body. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about it since that night.

Ashley smiled, as she slowly and seductively kneeled in front of her husband. She wanted to get this out before they got too deep into the Vegas experience. She thought she knew everything there was to know about her husband, but these last few weeks proved there were aspects he kept hidden from her. Fantasies that they needed to be on the same page about in order to make them work. Had Mrs. Johnson been right? Did Chris want to see her with other men? Even though these thoughts scared and confused her she felt like she had to at least discuss them with Chris in order to be a good wife.