Nightmare Master Pt. 02


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I turned in my chair to face him. "Master! That's plagiarism of Pet's words."

"It is," he answered, studying me with a small smile, and then he fell quiet, as if unsure what to say and I understood that, actually.

I teetered on a ledge. Part of me, the part that had always been terrified of that dark self inside of me, wanted to stay in my only partially dark world. Part of me wanted to stay in the shallower end of kink, where I knew it was safer, where it would be one play date at a time with different Doms and Sadists, where I'd only wish for my worst nightmares and I was the worst demon in my night. I'd be lying if I tried to claim that part of me didn't question myself.

That comforted me actually. A rash state of mind wouldn't have questioned at all and he was not a light Master. He was hard and his lifestyle was all encompassing. Of course, he wouldn't be him if he wasn't like that.

He held out his hand, leather clad again, and I glanced at Pet and Two, which was another thing that comforted me. A girl should always look to her girlfriends, but they both had that smile that said even if they did think I was crazy and even if they wouldn't want it, that it seemed to clearly make me happy.

So I took his hand and it was a moment where I think we both knew what it was. His eyes lit up in pure triumph and I felt like a fall from grace all over again when I closed my eyes and nestled into his cruel embrace. He lowered his voice so that only I could hear it. "It's going to be a thing of nightmares, Honey, you know that, don't you? I'm going to twist you into a pain goddess and it's going to be a wonderland."

I closed my eyes, grinning with those thoughts that had haunted me for a week now. I had been in a state of perpetual hell, where I woke up in a frenzy from nightmares that only got darker. I was masturbating seven times a day and it wasn't enough and felt like it would never be enough. The night before, I had woken up from a nightmare where I was kidnapped, where I woke up chained to a chair. It was in a room where blood surrounded me on the floor and walls. Hooks and chains hung from the ceiling and they dripped with something that looked like tar. A man in a demon mask was a silently pacing torturer and at first he had bolt cutters that he snapped in the direction of a diamond choker at my throat. And I didn't know why that diamond choker was more precious than my life, only knew that I screamed with each snap in the direction of it. But my masked captor didn't actually touch the choker and it turned out he wouldn't be so cruel as to cut it from me. He only taunted before he disappeared again and came back with a miniature drill and forceps. He placed the latter on my nipples... before he went to drill the holes through them and that was where I woke up, more aroused that I'd ever been in my life. "Yes, Master."

He chuckled low. "I heard that you had to use Ash's Pet after you had nightmares."

I flushed because that had been the other part of waking up in the night. "You seem like you're in pain, Evey, and isn't it such a good thing that my slave is heavily trained in oral?"

He had stroked Pet's hair back, while her eyes said she floated happily in her slavery headspace, and he helped me crawl over her face, so that she used both her hands to ever so gently spread my pussy and then started with a long lick that made me moan. And Pet was deeply trained to take pleasure when she gave it so her body had shuddered with the sound and she gave her own soft whine before she thrust her tongue up inside me so that I rode her face. Our whimpers and mewls blended together while Ash watched at first and then came back with his riding crop. I soared when he cropped my nipples. "Sit straighter, Evey."

I obeyed and then Pet's moans increased into something frantic, her tongue lapping in eager, hungry strokes, so that I looked back to see Ash stroking the crop delicately up her thighs to tap lightly around the stainless steel chastity belt that held her filled. But the look in his eyes was clear, calm and distant.

Nothing like my Master. Oh, he was most definitely implacable like Ash was in some ways, but he turned excited when he picked up a toy. Of course, his toys were to hurt, not to tease with pleasure. If he made me an oral slave, it would be because I wasn't permitted a kiss to the lips as his degraded rabbit. It made me shudder in deep humiliation, how quickly I had gotten used to thinking of kissing him and picturing my lips at his cock when I did.

That thought had been enough to make me cum with a shout on Pet's face.

"Yes, Master."

He smiled. "But, of course, they're not really nightmares for you." I had to grin because they truly weren't. They were romance for me, dreams of the most twisted kind, and they made me go so hot. Master looked over my head and raised his voice back for Pet and Two. "Mind if I borrow your friend for a walk? I'll bring her back."

Two was the one who grinned, while Pet looked bashful. She always turned a little quieter in the safety of her Master's playground, especially in the presence of a Master, even if outside of it she could argue with the best of them. "Well, if you insist and all that." And Pet giggled, inclining her head in something more of a subservient bow, rather than a nod of affirmation.

Master snorted and shook his head at Two, who grinned wickedly, pat Pet's head, who bowed lower in joy, and guided me with a hand around my shoulder so that we left Sulfur's. The sunshine on my face made me smile and I was glad I hadn't been drinking overly much that day. It was enough for a daytime glow, so to speak, but under the sun and with him, it was easy to forget about it. "I believe it was Ivy who said, 'God save us from submissives and masochists,' back in the day and it still holds true."

I cuddled close to his arm, smiling up at him. "He still says it."

"Good, he should. Especially with you three hanging out together. The lot of you are trouble."

I giggled. "Perhaps the three of us need our Masters to keep us in hand."

That made him smile down at me. Out in the streets, during the day, it was busy, but no one looked at my collar or paid attention to us. It felt like they looked at my collar, though. It wasn't tacky or anything like that, but it just felt so big and noticeable with its soldered padlock. It felt even larger when Master's eyes fell to it. "Is that right?"

"Mhmm. You knooooow." I drew out the word so that his eyes darkened. "Before you and I met, I had this conversation with Ash." I was held in the grip of recklessness but it was a kind of premeditated and acknowledged recklessness, as impossible as that sounds. Once the words started, they excited me with terror too much to stop them or take them back. "Where I was trying to describe to him why I hate telling people my limits even though I know you're supposed to do things like that for safety and sanity. But I was telling him how I didn't want to like things, how I wanted to absolutely hate it, and telling people limits felt like giving permission and that ruined everything."

Danger thrilled down my spine with the look in his eyes and the knowledge that I better damn well shut up if I wanted any hope of escaping him, if it wasn't too late already. "That's an interesting conversation to have. Little rape bunny."

But his voice on that last phrase made it clear that it was the nail in the coffin. He lifted my face to look into my eyes where we waited at a crosswalk and the motion felt painful with how we were standing at a publicly acceptable distance, when it made my skin itch to be that far apart. His eyes searched mine thoughtfully, a soul search that scared me when I knew what he'd find because the real thing was the secret torture in my maso heart. At last, he smiled and the moment was over so that he walked on, holding me close again. "Tell me more about the book you're reading. It sounded interesting over the phone."

I spoke quickly to override the surges of terror beating outwards from my chest. "It is! It's a trilogy version of Wheel of Time and it's really cool! It goes super fast though, especially if you've already read Wheel of Time."

His smile was warm and calm when I spoke on and on in a state of heightened anxiety and fear, wondering one word.




I let her fear take a nice, dark hold. For weeks, I went and found her at Sulfur's, asked her on dates. I would take her out for coffee, feeling like an animal waiting in a predatory stance, the way a crocodile might be still before it snaps in a sudden burst. It felt twisted, sitting across from her, thinking that the collar on her throat was more permanent than she knew. I would think delighted thoughts about how I could let my little rabbit enjoy her free mentality before I dragged her back under the dark silt and held her there, no matter how hard and often she struggled me.

Messed up, sure, but it was supposed to be. That's what made it such fun. With her, that's what made it so good. I still remember how she'd start to chatter sporadically with nerves and fear after she'd see something in my eyes, after some speculation must have crossed my face. God, it made my chest tight, to have her say it so easily, to hear how she didn't hide from who she was and that she didn't want to give permission.

But of course she wouldn't. A masochist of her level? She needed to burn in helpless force. It was something I could appreciate, when I did too.

I tortured us both, though, because it was fun. It felt like my little bunny was free of the dragon coil of my tail. Instead of holding her captive with it, I wagged that tail behind me like a cat, on my paws in a crouch, my snout pressed against her rabbit nose while we played a wicked little game of chase without the chase. I would snap my teeth and she would hop away in a kicking circle only to make her way right back to me and press her little rabbit nose back to my snout in a stand-off. For weeks, I let it go too. It was beyond joy. After that first week, I invited her over to my place again and she walked through the door with blatant terror in her eyes. You could just tell that's when she thought it was game over. She paused at the door, staring up at me where I stood inside, and I smiled at her, waiting, making my expression as innocent as possible.

She swallowed and stepped inside, taking my hand. "Do you like chess?" I asked softly.

She choked, her answer stunned. "W-what?"

"Chess, Honey bunny. Do you like it?"

That's when she laughed and I had to smile at how breathless it was. "I know how the pieces move, but that's all I've gotten. I'm afraid I'll be akin to a chaotic squirrel when it comes to any real strategy challenge."

I stroked her hair. "I'll teach you. Come and play with me?"

And she shivered, while I felt something very dark, the undertone a delicious charge for something so mundane. It struck me as a twisted form of romance. How often would a man turn an ordinary day into magic for his loved one by sending her flowers? How often would one feel like they were floating when new love had them before a date night?

People often have a hard time understanding me and I can see why, but for me, this was something twin to that, only darker and more violent, a wilder, more evil type of romance, I suppose. In the same vein, I imagined a demon's possessive build up to taking what he covets by force something much like an angel asking his beloved for her hand. Something similar, only vastly different due to that black charge of satanic energy.

Or perhaps a simpler way to say it is that some tied their loved ones with velvet ropes and I used spiked chains that pierced the flesh and ensure my beloved wasn't escaping.

I let her leave that first day and she was quaking. "You didn't hurt me," she whispered.

"I haven't for a while." I winked, letting her know that I was damn well aware and that I hadn't forgotten. Even when I found her at Sulfur's, I didn't touch her. Sometimes I would watch a scene with her, stroking her shoulder while we both burned, but I didn't touch her.

Weeks. Each time she stepped through my door, she looked terrified, but then after enough time, she seemed tied in knots in general. She jumped when I touched her at Sulfur's, when I went to say hello and ask her about the movie she had watched the night before. Of course, when I interrupted her with Pet and Two on those days, there would be a small secretive smile between them that made me feel all the more playful. The result was a blend of that darkness and something that made that darkness acceptable without forcing me to withhold from it. I'm sure a psychiatrist would already have a field day with me, but it was something that made my shadow self an entity I could embrace, as extreme as it was.

For a while, I wondered. How to go about it? It seemed so obvious to do it at my house, like something too easily expected, and I wanted to feel the sadism satisfaction of her broken misery, that pure, deep feeling I'd had that one magical night. But I hated the thought of being someplace like Sulfur's, where I couldn't have her in my dungeon. It wasn't a bad thing to make myself wait while I tried to figure out something perfect. It gave me a chance to really crank the screws of fear in her every now and again.

For instance, one night when we were playing chess, I had a pretty memorable moment. She was figuring out the strategies, even if she had a problem with the logic change from what she was used to. Her lawyer mind was well trained to a certain flow. If A came before C and C came before D, then A also came before D kind of thing. The change up to the strategy of chess made her frustrated at first, but she seemed determined to conquer the challenge in the same way she seemed determined to take ridiculous amounts of pain. While she was deciding on a move, I spoke up with a thought that came to me. "You know, Pet and Two should be setting a date for their weddings."

At first, she grinned up at me. "Yeah, I know! I get to be in both of them."

I smiled, then softly added the killer part. "I won't give an engagement ring. Just a heavier collar. There will never be a wedding to let a slave pretend they're anything but something I own for my torturing desires, just more long needles pierced through their skin. There won't be a kiss from a bride like in the movies, just more submissive begging and nuzzling against my cock."

She froze, the meaning making her eyes dilate with fear and my God, it made me so hard it hurt. She lost that chess game, but I didn't win as well as I should have, not when the scent of her horny slit was a flood to my senses with how aroused it made her.

And I let her go again, smiling, wondering. How to make this good? How to go about really breaking her when I was given free reign?

I thought through everything I knew about her, sifting through her small antics and those little routines. And I finally remembered one that might work for the brokenness I wished to see.



Fridays were usually special, if I wasn't busy. See, here's how it went. I'd been staying with Ash a lot lately and he still hadn't let me go home, which meant usually, on Fridays, I was having fun in Sulfur's. Those first two weeks after my Hell Weekend, as I had come to affectionately think of it, I realized something. See, my collar marked me, but even with it, Ash could set me up if I wanted to play. And I wasn't technically attached yet, something that Master would come to softly say to me when we watched scenes together and I suffered at his side, when I considered how he hadn't hurt me in ages.

But I didn't want to anymore. It was a moment of horror where I realized... Nothing was going to be like him for me. I hung out still, though, because the people were awesome there, but since my Friday fun time had a little bit of a kink in it - heh heh - I set up another date to, shall we say, supplement it.

Almost outside of the city, there was this magical, glorious, wonderful place. It was fantasy land, almost as good as Sulfur's. Okay, that's a total lie because nothing was as good as Sulfur's, but it was great is all I mean.

The coffee shop and bookstore. I got a Venti Cinnamon Dolci Latte, with a double shot of espresso and extra cinnamon flakes on top. And I bought one book for myself every Friday. That night I was having a problem deciding, actually. There were a couple of books I wanted and the personal rule was one. I could have one. Ugh. When I looked out and realized it was starting to get dark, I finally forced myself to reconsider all my options. I had to get back to Sulfur's by a certain time or Ash would be worried and I wanted to play anyway.

I turned around to one of the shelves I'd been looking at for a specific book consideration and froze, then felt my heart start in double time. A red rose sat on top of the shelf.

"Oh, no." I whispered it, trying to not shout. Here, now? This was the only place I hadn't been expecting things to end. Darker than me. Oh, no.

Why had I done this? Why was my masochism like this? Somehow, in all my considerations, I had forgotten to take into account how bad the night might be when this happened after weeks and weeks of his sadism being left frustrated and denied. He had been as teased and taunted as I had with those scenes we had watched together.

I picked up the rose and didn't end up buying anything at all. I just forgot about it in the sudden rush at the sight of that rose. Where was he? I shivered and walked to the left for the subway, wondering why I had agreed to this, when it was going to be so bad. He was evil, a monster! I looked right and left while walking, but was too wrought up to really focus and he ended up making me yelp anyway when he caught my wrist from a side alley, cupping a hand over my lips almost tenderly. "Poor little masochist," he said quietly. "It's so awful, isn't it? You hate the thought and you don't want it... but, of course, that's exactly what makes you do want it so badly. It's such a rare gift and so twisted already."

I was following where he tugged me, whimpering, and too cowed to make a sound. The thought of fighting him here in the middle of witnesses made me become terrified, made me curl into his side fearfully, my soldered collar so heavy. I had that much of a slave heart and he knew that about me, damn him, damn him, and damn him again because it was the worst way he could have done it. It left the option for me to fight... and it was an option I was incapable of taking with my dual nature. He practically flaunted the fact in my face, taking me to a parking garage, and he was amused when he looked at me. "I had a theory that your strange blend of pleasures might work quite a bit like mine does. I've struggled with it for years, you know, the thought that one side wants to break and the other wants to nurture. It made me wonder which side of yours would take over in different atmospheres. Call this an experiment, of a sort, to show me more about my little slave and how to manipulate her. Come on."

He was watching me with a mild curiosity, a surgeon's curiosity really, as if vaguely fascinated if this would be the place where I snapped and ran from him, if this would be the place I might let the masochist's need for rape and struggle have reign. I wondered what he'd do if it was, right beside his car in a parking garage in a large city, but the thought of that made me cringe into the passenger seat and I lifted my knees to my chin. "There, there, little rabbit. I had a feeling that I might be the devil you know, so to speak. Like I said, I've always had such problems with my two desires, but how fun it is to torture you and enslave you at the same time. You'll have your chances to fight me soon enough, all you like."
