Nigkala Tales Pt. 02: How I Became Nigkala

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I look fake, but I'm very real.
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Part 2 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 01/30/2022
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Part 02: How I became Nigkala

I look fake, but I'm very real

Thanks to my editor kenjisato. Also, to LanguageTool. Combined, they put me right. Any problems left all belong to me.

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You know the Nigkala Tales, powerful stories of sex and violence in Sumeria. How Nigkala of Kish, seven foot tall, four breasted guard captain proves her strength on the field of battle and in the bedroom. You also know of me, Helen Asher, the actress who plays her. But I have secrets I have kept my whole life. Some the paparazzi have never discovered. The greatest secret is how I came to have four breasts and grew so tall. I assure you, I have never been under the knife, nor taken drugs or hormones to achieve this. It all began in my childhood....

I was born Becky Sue Tate, daughter to a pair of hypnotists. One worked on the stage, the other worked in a therapy office. My home life was filled with discussion on hypnosis, how it worked, and what it could do. Being so young, I didn't understand much beyond it could do nearly anything if you believed. They even taught me to hypnotize people. They tried to give me a well-rounded life, and that included reading me stories until I learned to read. The stories I loved most were those of the Sumerian Guards. I loved the adventure, intrigue, and mystery. The stories they read to me were children's books, meant for kids a few years older than me. Seems my parents thought I was really smart. I practically memorized those books, and can still quote large parts of them. I also would pretend I was one of the guards, spoke a little Sumerian and wrote short notes in cuneiform.

It wasn't long before I learned about the other books about guards. First the ones for older kids that told darker tales with greater heroics, and years later, the adult ones about Captain Nigkala. Sometimes, when one of my friends was reluctant to play 'guards', I would try to hypnotize them. Usually they called me on it, but with practice, I learned to be subtle. At seven, I could reliably hypnotize a willing subject. A few months later, tragedy struck. A semi didn't stop for the car crossing the intersection at night, killing my parents instantly. The next few months I remember only as a confused series of foster homes before my mom's sister and her husband accepted me into their family. They even formally adopted me, so I could call them ma and pa. (I had called my birth parents mom and dad.) I later learned they couldn't have children. While my home life settled down, culture shock set in. Going from middle-class suburbia to country poor meant getting used to a lot of changes. My new parents also held me back for a year since I lost so much schooling that year.

My new neighborhood was improving economically, due to the recent discovery of mineable radioactive minerals nearby. The discovery also explained the significantly higher incidents of mutation and stillborn babies. Most of the mutations were extra fingers and toes, but sometimes mismatched eyes or other mutations. I knew a few classmates with extra parts, and one with mismatched eyes. With a small school, I soon learned everyone's name, and even found a few fans of the guard stories. I realized no one knew my skill at hypnotism, so I kept it a secret, using it very carefully and subtlety, and therefore, maintaining deniability. I quickly learned the signs of going under and of noticing. If I saw the latter, I changed tack to make what I had been saying seem something other than an attempt to hypnotize. I used it on my new parents to let me get the more adult stories, but I also hypnotized my fellow students to help them study and learn. Reading the Nigkala books did confuse me with many of the adult themes, but they still had lots of action and heroics. They also introduced me to her hypnotic stare, where she would look someone in the eyes and give them the whammy.

When I was ten, my pa got sent overseas. Since it was the same town as some extended family, he managed to make it a family vacation of sorts. On the flight back, my folks slept nearly the whole way. I amused myself listening to the other passengers and watching them. The man behind me talked about using hypnotism to control the body and change it, capturing my attention. I was fascinated, and soon realized he was dictating a report. I waited until he finished before speaking up.

"Wow, hypnotism can really do all that?"

"Huh?" He looked around a bit before spotting me. "You were listening?"

"Yes. I know all about hypnotism, and have even hypnotized some of my friends. How come I never heard of this?"

"Well, I doubt you know all that much, as it is not too hard to hypnotize a friend. What I was talking about is some very advanced stuff, and how hypnotism can affect the mind."

"Well, maybe I don't know everything, but I know you can't make someone do what they don't want to do."

"Actually, you can, but it is tricky."


"Sure. You just have to make them think they want to do what they don't want to do. That can be easy or hard, depending on just how solid their will is."

"Oh. What about this changing of the body? I'm really interested in that!"

"Well, when the body is hurt, it starts to heal itself. But it usually takes time, and the healing generally likes to be fast. This is why we often get scars. But if I hypnotize someone, I can instill an image of their body whole and without scars. The healing can take a bit longer, but sometimes, they will heal without scars. Once, a guy I worked on had lost a fingertip, and I instilled an image of a replacement fingertip. Two months later, his finger was whole, complete with fingertip. My thesis is that this technique can be used for ever greater changes, but it does require a very strong self-image to work."

"So you mean if I really believed I would grow seven feet tall, that I would?"

"Yes, but that would take years, and a very potent self-image. Something you are not likely to have for a time you would be unwilling to commit."

"Oh, I can do it. I want to become just like my hero, Nigkala. She is a powerful warrior and defender of her city back in ancient times."

"Well, maybe you will. But it is getting late. I need to sleep."

"Yeah, I probably should too, but wow, I can become her!"

He chuckled, and we both got ready to sleep.

That night, my head was so filled with this idea, that when I finally slept, my dreams included growing up to actually become Nigkala by using hypnosis. The next morning, I forgot much of what the man said, but I remembered that he said hypnosis could convince someone into changing their body. And with that dream, I wanted to make it happen. It took a month to learn self-hypnosis and to get it to work for me. I felt the easiest thing would be to change my hair from dark brown to the mixed black and blonde shoulder-length hair of Nigkala. The book covers showed it as some strands were blond and other black, with the overall mix not favoring one or the other. In just two months, I noticed my hair color was changing. I saw some black strands and some blonde, as well as mostly dark brown ones. That was when I decided to go all in.

My first objective was to get a big poster of Nigkala. My parents even helped me (although she was wearing her armor and not a sexy outfit). Still, it would do. I spent weeks building my self-image to be that of her. She was over seven foot tall, so I wanted to be over seven foot tall. She had a long tongue, I wanted it also. She had emerald green eyes that glinted like true emeralds, so I wanted them also. While it wasn't technically body image, I also decided to include her hypnotic stare. Oh, how naive I was. And I knew so little about how biology works. But I was also stubborn, as part of my hypnosis was to make myself believe it would all work. I must have taken three months building my self-image. Every night, I meditated for a few minutes on changing my body, and I focused on the poster of Nigkala.

I began to exercise, run, and lift my pa's weights. Pa loved spending time with me getting fit. Ma didn't see the need for someone as young as me to do all that, but did like me spending time with pa. At first, I couldn't do much, or run very far, or even lift much. But I persisted, because I was seeing my body grow. Some, I figured, was normal for any young girl, but other things I knew were due to my body image. I also decided that with all these changes, I should also dress more like Nigkala. I had to use hypnotism to ease my parents' concerns and allow me to be the new me.

For my birthday, my parents took me to a big-city bookstore, and I convinced them I was old enough to read the graphic novel I saw of Nigkala. Even more important, was the coupon in the back for a life-size poster of her. It took a few weeks to save up, but I sent away for it. It arrived as two posters: an upper half and a lower half. I mounted these inside my closet, so I could look at my reflection and the poster at the same time. Reading the book showed me some stuff I didn't understand. But the combat and detective stuff was real interesting. I got several more graphic novels that year, and I started to act more like her. I practiced my stare on the boys to let me join them in their rougher play. Soon, I didn't need to because they saw I fit right in and was big enough and strong enough to be their equal.

When summer was over, I began junior high school. Gym class, or rather the showering afterwards, caused me to be the talk of the school. The other girls immediately noticed my differences. The teacher took one look at me and had me immediately report to the school nurse. The exam showed nothing alarming, so she sent me back to class. My parents, on the other hand, took me to a doctor to check me out. They were worried that I might have been exposed to the radioactive minerals of the mine. I decided that I could use this opportunity to aid my plans. By now, I knew how sex worked for reproduction and that there were ways to prevent conception. So, even as the doctor was examining me, I was subtly hypnotizing her. At first, I kept it simple: monthly exams to check for radiation effects. While they could not explain it, they never found any sign of radiation. They did examine my long tongue, but just added it as another odd thing about me and not really important. At those exams, I deepened my control on her, and started having her teach me about sex. By Christmas, I got an unexpected present: puberty.

I started growing tall fast, putting on a lot of muscle. I got the doctor to teach me about what my body was going through, and to help me adjust to it. She warned me about underage sex. While I could still have it, I would likely be poorly able to handle getting pregnant. She talked to me about long-term contraception, and when she felt my body was ready, she offered me the five-year option. I accepted, and she did the procedure.

I started using my stare on selected older guys to get them to ask me on dates, starting with ones that were shy around girls. I had them take me to private places. I wanted to see how much I could get away with without actually doing anything. If a guy got frisky, I first used my stare to keep them civil. Only twice did I have to take physical action to stop them.

By the end of the school year, I was more than a head taller than the other girls, and taller than a lot of the guys. I started to wear more skirts, as they would last longer with my growth. I was going through clothes quite quickly, so my ma helped me learn how to make my own clothes. I talked my dad into self-defense lessons starting in the fall. I had played on being an innocent girl and the dangers out there, but my real purpose was to learn how to fight. He signed me up, and soon I would be getting weekly lessons. Each night, I would spend a few minutes staring at my body in the mirror and the Nigkala poster behind me hiding in the closet and meditating on making my body into hers.

By the end of summer, my hair matched hers, and I had grown a bit as well. When school started, everyone noticed the changed hair and height. My fellow Nigkala fans also noticed, and we had fun imagining I was Nigkala during our play.

The rest of my junior high years went by quickly, and I was over six feet by the end. Many considered me a tomboy because of all the guy-like activities I joined in, yet others considered me a slut for all the flirting I did. It was all part of my training to become Nigkala. She needed to be tougher than all the guys with her fighting skills, while still being all-woman.

The summer before high school, I made another social change: dating. I started accepting dates with older guys, but I wanted to go to bars that carded people for their age. I used my stare to pass such age checks. While we got tossed out of some places, my stare prevented legal trouble.

One of the surprises I had that year, was that some guys said I should try out for the football team. I was a bit pre-occupied about learning the arts of makeup and looking feminine. Yet, the idea stuck in my head. I didn't give it serious thought until the New Year. One of the concerns I knew that would come up, was being the only girl on the team. Another was the locker room situation, as we didn't have any after school girls' sports at the same time, so that their locker room would not be open. Then I had an idea. What if I was issued a key to the girl's locker room? I liked the idea so much; I set about 'prepping' certain people to accept it. Next year, when the football tryouts came, I applied, and was accepted. The next day, I spoke to the girl's main sports coach. I told her of my joining the football team, and the need for after school access to the locker room. She was hesitant, so I had her confirm I was on the team, and that the principal was okay with giving me a key. As she spoke, I used my stare to ease her concerns.

Our school had the custom of the football team wearing jerseys on game day in the second half of the season. I didn't let them change that just because I was a girl. I also wore a miniskirt in school colors on game day. By now, everyone thought I had regular sex, like at least once a week or more. I often smiled when I overheard such comments, because I knew no one would believe I was still a virgin. Oh, I knew a lot, and had seen a lot on the internet and cable TV, and even teased a lot, but so far, I hadn't done anything yet.

One day after practice, the coach called me. "Becky Sue, I have someone at the door to the locker room that wants to see you. Are you decent in there?"

"No, I just got out of the shower. My hair is in a towel, but I answered before I had a chance to get dressed. Give me a minute to get dressed. I'll come to the door."

"Okay. I'll tell him." He told the man to wait for me a few moments.

I quickly dried off and got dressed. When he found me, I heard a gasp, followed by the name "Nigkala". That is how Mr. Marvin Chipley and I met.


"She is a sexy fictional hero, and there are a number of stories about her. When I saw you, I immediately thought of her."

"I know who she is. I am a fan of the books, and even have posters of her in my room. Are you a fan?" He nodded. I flexed, and then spoke in Sumerian, asking, "Did you like?"

Blushing, he answered in Sumerian, as well. "Very much. You look just like her. You even speak Sumerian." We spoke a few minutes before switching back to English.

"Wow. Um, I think we should start over. I am Marvin Chipley, and I am a recruiter for Herschel College." This was the local college. "I watched you play today, and am impressed at how well you played." I sat down, and I saw him checking me out. We talked about what signing for Herschel College would mean. Parting, I asked him in Sumerian to meet me after school at the local pizza shop. He just nodded.

Over pizza, we discussed all things Nigkala. I told him some of the training I was doing trying to become her, and he told me about an author signing that would be in the next city over in two months. I said I had no way to get there, and he offered to take me. While I waited for the day of the signing, Marvin and I met often. We even celebrated my eighteenth birthday.

I was keyed up for nearly a week before the event. We had to stay overnight as we could not get there early enough, but found rooms were hard to come by due to the comic convention being held. While he was finishing up with the clerk, I went into the room. It was late enough that we planned to go right to sleep. But with only one bed, I decided to turn down the covers, strip, and get in. He opened the door to see me naked in bed.

"We only have the one, so why not share?"

When he tried to be chivalrous, I asked in Sumerian, "Are you man enough for Nigkala? I am eighteen." I then stuck out my tongue and licked one of my nipples without bending my head. That convinced him. We had sex, but had to quit after an hour, as we both needed sleep.

In the morning, before getting dressed, I said, "I have also patterned myself on her. I sleep in the nude, I don't even own any underwear, and I do like to tease. I don't shave, yet I am smooth down below, just like her. And my nipples, well, just watch this." I briefly played with one, and they all stretched out over an inch and a half. "See how long they get?"

"I saw they were long, but wow, two inches. I didn't think it was possible. You really do look like her."

We got in line to see Albert Rho, the author of the Nigkala books, at the book signing. My shirt was sufficiently transparent that anyone could see I had four nipples. Over that was a windbreaker that hid everything. I had it open enough to show a little cleavage from my upper breasts, but I kept the others well hidden. When we were finally next in line, I undid it enough to show all four nipples, but kept close to Marvin's back, so others didn't see. During our turn, I let Marvin get his signature before stepping out for mine. I spoke in Sumerian, saying my name and asking if he would autograph my book. [I had to make up some words, but he got the idea.] He replied in Sumerian, only the word for tongue. I quickly stuck out my tongue and pulled it back. I don't think anyone else saw, or seeing, believed. He signed my copy, then added below in cuneiform "call me tonight" followed by a number. As I turned away for the next person in line, I quickly closed the windbreaker back to where it was before.

Although we were only there for the book signing, I had my first experience of cosplay. The two hours waiting in line, combined with my height, meant I could see what everyone else in the area was wearing. The others in the line were happy to explain everything to me. I saw a few characters I recognized, but there were so many more I didn't know.

Over the next few days, I thought about how easy I could play Nigkala, but I didn't know if she was popular enough. When I asked Marvin, he said she was popular, but a difficult character to portray due to needing fake breasts, and the height was also an issue. I then asked if I could pull it off. He was shocked, thoughtful, and then he smiled and said, "Easy. All you need is a good costume and props."

I called Albert after checking the book signing schedule. He took my call and said he remembered me quite well. He is sorry we could not hook up the other night, so he could see just how real I was. I assured him I was quite real. The first pic I texted him, was of my tongue licking a two-inch nipple without seeing above the mouth or below the nipple.

We soon struck up a friendship. We spoke of my plan for cosplay, and I got some ideas for outfits and props. He even sent a pair of sketches he had for some jewelry.

By now, I worked part-time at the dojo, so I asked if my sensei could train me in any of the weapons Nigkala had mastered. He asked why, so I told him. We decided I could pay for some lessons with some additional hours. I haven't worked with leather much, but the sensei described the kind of leather Nigkala would use, and what it has to stand up to. I made a set of armor, and he had me wear it for ancient weapon practice, so I can get used to how it affects combat. A few fixed malfunctions later, and it was reliable and more comfortable.