Nigkala Tales Pt. 34: Life as a Valkyrie


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"I see your arrows are designed for the bow." He then drew the arrow, pointing down, to see the draw. "Indeed, this explains it. Your arrow goes so fast, and it so heavy, no wonder it goes through an armored man or two. If your prey lines up, you can kill more than one with a single shot. I want to know how you became so good, but you don't remember. Then there is the magic. It is clear you have had it a long time, for your spells seem done without needing thought. And the results are so complicated. Tell me, what kind of magic do you know?"

"There is a nation far to the south. Egypt. I have learned some of that magic. Further south, I learned an older magic of creation. It was that I used to make the bandages. To the northeast of Egypt is another area, now known as Babylon. I know some from there. Going far to the east is the land of China, with yet another magic I know. Yet even these four magics do not account for some of the magic I use. But as you said, I do not remember learning them."

"Have you traveled a lot?"

"I don't know. But I do know many languages. I must have traveled."

"What of your companions Inga and Leif?"

"The signs say they are a couple. My interactions lead me to think they are honorable. But I have only known them a short time."

"And the others?"

"The captain, and his aide, were involved with the newest arrivals, so I did not spend much time with them. I mostly dealt with the others. They are men and women, some good, some bad, but all there with the captain by choice. I am sorry I don't have a better informed opinion for you."

"I did not expect it. But your honesty is also unexpected. No wonder Inga and Leif follow you."


"Yes. When you stopped fighting, they stopped. In our questioning of them, they said you were a leader. The kind that they would follow to Hel and back. Your humility, and competence, makes you one to follow. Even now, talking with me, I see these qualities in you. I shall leave you to your thoughts, as I go to do some thinking of my own."

The next morning, Captain Thundershield came to me and said, "Thor and I have spoken. My command has suffered, and needs warriors. He has said you can be trusted, and are honorable. Tell me, will you three join my command?"

"After all we've done? I fear your warriors would fear and resent me. As to Inga and Leif, I cannot speak for them."

"They already fear what you can do, but your actions on the field of battle speak well of you. They may be uneasy, especially if they lost friends to you, but I think they will come round. As to the resentment, you are a Dragon Warrior. They know you are something special. And while jealousy might be a problem, they do not see a weakling or a coward. Lastly, Thor himself proposed it to me and my senior warriors. They have personal feelings, some of them, but they all believe you would be a powerful addition to my command. I have already spoken with Inga and Leif, and they said they would stay with you, stay or go as you will."

I was quiet for a time, then spoke, "I am alone. All I have is what I carry. Being a warrior is a job I know, and am good at. If you will have me, I will be honored to join."

"I shall pass the word. Don't be surprised if others seek you out to test you." Then, he left.

It did not take long before some warriors asked to examine my weapons. Those who examined my bow wondered at my strength, but it helped them understand its deadliness. Mid-morning, a small group of warriors left with a bound Captain Ironblood, along with the remainder of his band, but without weapons. Afterwards, a lot of the tension at camp went down. There was still some around the three of us, but it wasn't as strong. Smoke, on the other hand, was mildly feared. They came to accept he wouldn't attack them, but they did recall what he did earlier, and the fact that he occasionally disappeared made them think he was supernatural. Even the other horses knew he was different, and were uneasy if he was close for more than a few moments, so he usually hung out at my tent.

The next several days, I was sent to shadow the patrols, so I could learn the lay of the land. Leif did as well, but on other patrols. Back at the camp, there were occasional competitions, as well as games and entertainment. Once I knew the area, I was placed in the scout rotation, and would go on patrol every few days. Since I usually completed my patrol quickly, I would take the time to do a little hunting far from camp to help with the food situation. I usually brought back several rabbits or other small animals that I could carry from my belt. The cooks appreciated food they didn't have to have send hunters out for, and I usually got a preferred portion of whatever I brought back. I was also offered the skins, and I took some to decorate my outfit, but I let others have most of them, as I didn't need them.

As the days passed, it was noted that I was not only a strong fighter, but a skilled one, knowledgeable in several forms. I was asked to help others learn it. In a few weeks, I noticed that some things I taught would stick, but some things they couldn't keep more than a few days. Somehow, seeing this, I knew I had encountered it before, and that the things that would not stick had a reason for it, but I could not remember the reason. So I just stopped trying, and focused on what did stick. I also got plenty of company at night, as my reputation there, made it to these warriors.

We stayed there three more months, when another large band came to relieve us. We headed back to the shore, and we took the ships that brought the relief band. I rode near the head of the band, and when we came to where the ships were, Smoke returned to the talisman. This meant he would not disturb the animals on the boat as we returned to the homeland. The trip took several weeks, as we stopped at a number of small coastal villages, to take messages back to the homeland. Often, it was for assorted needs they had, but sometimes it was to relay great news. One village discovered silver in the nearby mountain, and they needed people and equipment to mine it.

Arriving, as I had no place, Captain Thundershield helped find me a place to stay near the port. Inga and Leif chose to go with some others they had made friends with, and went to another town further inland. During my stay guarding the mountain pass, I learned to play a chess-like game called Hnefatafl. I found I enjoyed it, so I carved my own out of assorted woods. I used the creation magic to create glue so I could assemble the board's two colors. For the pieces, I carved them to look like my companions. The defending pieces were patterned after ones who were more protective. For those who were more aggressive, they provided the attacking models. For the king, I modeled the piece after Captain Thundershield. After each piece was completed, I showed it to the model. When the set was finished, I called all the ones I modeled, and revealed the set to them. Starting the next day, I would often use it when I played at camp.

It was several days later, when the captain invited me to a local drinking hall to play, that I finally found something to do. I brought my board out, and soon had a number of admirers. After the game ended, several people asked to examine the board and pieces. When they learned I had made it while in the field, they were even more impressed. One person offered to buy it, but I said it was too personal, however, I could make another with them as the king piece. I got three orders that day. After the captain left, several men paid attention to me. Since they bought me drinks, I paid attention to them. I chose to invite one back with me. I was currently using an empty loft in a barn to stay in. I had enhanced it with a few rugs, and the bed I had been using in my tent, but otherwise it had little. My guest was surprised at how little I had, but stayed the night anyway.

I made ten boards at once, as I figured others would want ones. I made the kings in the image of the buyer, and the other pieces either other people in the hall, or people I saw in the street. When I was asked to make the pieces look like the gods, I declined, as I felt it was not my place to decide who was which piece. I did buy some jewelry metal with some pearls and ornamented the sets. When I delivered them in the hall, others noticed the delicate jewelry incorporated on the figure of the kings. I soon had requests for more sets, but also for jewelry. Within a month, I had made enough to get my own place.

Another change over that month, was that I stopped wearing armor and carrying all my weapons with me. Instead, I left most of it where I stayed, guarded by Smoke as a large wolf. I had made him a large studded leather collar to wear, so others would recognize he belonged to me. Most mornings, I would magically hide my stuff, and go on a run with Smoke. Once I found the mountain lake, I often returned there to swim. Meanwhile, Smoke would hunt for fun. Sometimes, he would hunt as the wolf, and bring down a deer, but more often he hunted as a fox or eagle and brought down a rabbit or two. Since he did not need food, he gave them to me to eat, but he really enjoyed the hunt. Sometimes, when he was an eagle, I asked to watch, so he would land on my bare arm to draw some blood, and then I would enjoy his flight also. I soon realized that the sharing was treasured because I was letting it be what it was, and taking in the simple pleasure of the hunt.

When I moved, I built my own home. I was on the edge of town, away from the port, so I could make it larger than the others, both in floor space, but also in ceiling height. I also added a secret room for my collected treasures, and used a solid illusion to hide it. However, this was the more difficult form, where I could bypass it just by will, while it would still feel and look real. The upper floor was my bedroom, and a workroom, and a sun room. I added a lot of thick glass, since I could make it from sand. With glass windows in the roof, and sides, it let the sun in, and kept the wind out. For most of the year, I could work here in warmth and plenty of light. The first floor had a kitchen, den, and storeroom. There were fireplaces in all the rooms.

With plenty of glass, I added a second layer to make the windows more insulated, even as I had added an extra layer of wood inside the rooms with some empty space keeping it from conducting the cold. The fireplaces were stone, but were all at the center of the house. The one in the kitchen was two feet higher, making it far more convenient for cooking. I also had a bathroom of sorts off my bedroom. It was part outhouse, and part rain-supplied washstand. Outside, in another building would be a sauna, hopefully before winter.

With my making jewelry, and carving wood depictions of wildlife, people, and stuff, I settled in quite nicely. I also was called upon to write, as my hand was quick, and elegant. A man stayed over perhaps twice a week. While I had breakfast at home, I usually had meat for dinner, with some fruit and vegetables. When Smoke brought down a deer, I would eat some, and make the rest into jerky. The large bones would make stock for soup. I kept in touch with the warriors by inviting one of them to a meal every few weeks. While I mostly bought bread, I would make it myself on those occasions. Likewise, I would make pies.

Two years later, I was asked to join a warrior band for guard duty again. So I let a recently wed couple use the place while I was away, saying they needed to set up their own place before I came back after my year of duty. I learned I would be one of Captain Thundershield's senior warriors, and a number of others would return with us. About one third of the warriors were young, on their first or second tour. I chose to use one of the common horses to get there, and let Smoke remain as a large wolf. We went to a different mountain pass, and relieved the warriors there. That's when we learned they had been attacked a number of times by warriors from the kingdom nearby. While they had lost a fair number, the pass was narrow enough to keep a large army out with a small force.

As a more senior warrior, I made my tent larger, so I could accommodate a larger crowd, and a large map table. Smoke went where he willed at first, and when he learned the area, he usually slept in the tent with me. I made the table of wood, and used clay to make a realistic miniature of the land about us. I then used twigs to mark the forest areas, and I painted the creeks. I then added sides to the table, and a wooden tabletop to cover the model. It parted in the middle, and there were holders on the side of the table to hold it. There was a rope and curtain that hid the bed when we met in here. I also had several hanging lanterns.

The map table took a week to construct, and another to dry and make a miniature camp. That's when I spoke to the captain.

"Svend, I have a surprise for you. Please come to my tent."

As it was evening, I think he mistakenly thought I was inviting him for sex. But when I directed him to the table, I said, "Help me uncover the table. This half is held by the legs on this side." I directed him in removing the top, and when the other half was off and held on the side, I said, "Here is the pass and the surrounding area. I think it could be useful for making plans."

"This is a lot of work for two weeks."

"Yes. I intend to leave it here when we leave, and it can be used to understand the land about. You know how scouting reports are sometimes difficult to understand where they are? Well, with this table, the scout can show exactly where they were and where they saw something. There is also enough light and room for holding a council if needed."

"This is well conceived, and when we are attacked, will help us to quickly know what is happening."

"Starting tomorrow, feel free to hold meetings in here and use the model. For now, let's put the top back on to protect it." After doing that, we went back out and the captain went off to talk with some others. Two days later, we needed it, as a scout reported a large force approaching.

An hour later, we were on our way to meet them, and maybe surprise them. When their lead element reached the designated point, one of the veterans called out from close by, but hidden, "What is your purpose here?"

That surprised them, as they thought they had hidden from us. They held still for a minute, when the question was repeated. This time, I sent an arrow into the tree one was hiding behind. Since it was a little off center, it pierced the tree, and the arrowhead stopped just short of piercing the warrior also.

We waited another minute, and I sensed them whispering. When the question was repeated, someone answered, "We are here to drive you out."

"You have failed so far, and you will fail again today."

There was silence for another minute, then they exploded out from hiding. I picked my targets carefully, and when I shot, I usually felled two. When the quiver was empty, I spelled my bow and quiver back to my tent, and then ran down into them, sword drawn, with Smoke by my side, but larger. Others also began to enter the battle, and with over half of them dead, they ran away. I then proceeded to help care for the injured. We only lost one of the new guys, but three other new guys would be out for a while. I wound up carrying one of the injured back to camp.

About a month later, they tried again. They held three elite warriors in back to keep them from arrows. When I entered the fray, they swiftly moved up to attack me, and two lesser warriors kept Smoke busy. While they lasted longer, they failed in the end, and others noted that they had not landed a single hit on me, causing them to fear me more.

They tried again three months later. This time they had ten elites, and they also found a pair of mages. Their magic was sufficient to stop my arrows, but having revealed themselves, I brought out my jar of sand. As I ran down, I caused the sand to swirl about my legs. When I entered combat, I kept an eye out for offensive magic, and when I sensed it, I headed there. Before I got there, some elites engaged me, but the mage also tried to attack me. I had plenty of cover, courtesy of the enemy, but I sent the sand down low to engage the mage. Strangely, I also sensed us being watched.

The sand did not hurt him, but swirling closely about his head, he could not see, nor concentrate. This made him an easy target, and he soon was killed. When the second mage revealed his presence, I sent the sand to him, as well. But he was craftier, and surrounded himself with a shield. The sand could not get too close, and he was hampered, not blinded, and could still do magic. We also learned that a shield also protected him from swords. When I finished off the elites, the rest were reluctant to engage me. So I went after the mage. I cast a spell upon my sword, and used it on the shield. The mage was surprised when it weakened. I repeated the spell, and this time the sword went through.

However, I pulled the stroke, leaving it at his neck. "Surrender, and live."

He stayed silent, likely in shock that I had pierced his shield so quickly. I soon noted he looked at something behind me. When I saw triumph begin to enter his eyes, I swiftly turned around and my sword cut down the warrior who was about to kill me. Before he could react, my sword was once again at his neck. In less than a second, he went from thinking I was about to be killed, to becoming hopeless before me.

"... Uh..." He tried again to speak, getting it this time. "I surrender."

"Tell the others to also surrender."

"I'm not in command."

"I don't care. If they don't, they will die. Now say it."

"We have failed, and must surrender."

The battle was noisy, and few heard it, so I said, "Say it again, loud enough to be heard by all."


That was heard, and some paused. "Again!" at this point, I felt the watching intensify.


This time, more warriors paused, but the enemy commander shouted back, "KILL THE BITCH."

I briefly turned my head and sent a whammy to put him in great pain. Then I shouted, "YOU WILL SURRENDER OR DIE!"

At that, the fighting stopped, and only the wounded and the enemy commander cried out in pain. The sensation of being watched almost disappeared, but I saw from the corner of my eyes some women briefly bending over a few of the fallen, and then the feeling went away.

I called out, "Take their weapons and send the warriors back to their home."

My words were followed, but when the mage looked hopeful, I said quietly, "Not you. I have questions. Cooperate, and you can return also."

It took only fifteen minutes to send the rest packing. While we waited for them to be far enough, the men looted the fallen, but then placed them neatly to one side and said some prayers. I specified for the other mage's stuff to be brought to me back at camp.

When we were ready, I told this mage, "I don't need weapons to kill you."

Then I cleaned off my sword and returned it to its scabbard. I summoned the jar, and had the sand return, before sending the jar back to my tent. He was impressed when he saw the sand obeying me, and at my dismissing the jar. When all was ready, I cast a solid illusion over the bodies that imitated the ground they were on. Now, it looked like the ground was a foot or so higher, but otherwise was like the rest of the nearby ground. No sign of the battle was visible. The mages jaw dropped at that, especially as others walked on the illusion.


"Silence. You are a prisoner, and will soon be questioned. Now, follow the others. I will be behind you, so don't try anything." Smoke walked beside me, and resumed his usual wolf size, which the mage also noticed. But he thought better of saying anything now.
