No More


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"You know it is," I gently replied, "Besides, we need to get back home so that we'll have enough time to get ready for the party at Laura Davidson's house tonight."

"Oh, that's right," she giggled, "Damn, I almost forgot."

"Uh huh," I teased her, "Having a blonde moment were we?"

"You shut up," Lucy laughed, "Mister Smart Ass. I swear, Michael, you can be such an aggravating shit sometimes, I swear,"

"That's only because I love you, my beauty..."


When I pulled into Lucy's driveway, Linda came out to see my new car, and with a smile on her face, she knowingly winked at me and teasing her daughter, said, "My goodness, Michael, that sure is a beautiful car honey. You're going to have all of the girls after you now."

"They'd better not be after him," Lucy hatefully spat, "I'll beat the hell out of those bitches."

"Wow, Lucy," I teased, "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were jealous."

"I'm not jealous at all," she told me in no uncertain terms, "I'm just protecting what's mine, that's all."

"I was only teasing you, baby, I swear," I gently told her, placing my arms around her waist and kissing her pretty cheek, "What time do you want me to pick you up tonight?"

"I don't know," she halfway growled, "Do you think you can pull yourself away from this car long enough to come get me?"

"You need to stop acting like right now, young lady," Linda firmly told her daughter, "Michael loves you and he was only teasing you, girl."

"I know, Mom, and you're right," she replied. And then after placing her arms around my neck, Lucy looked at me and said, "I'm sorry, baby. You know I didn't mean that."

"I know," I smiled, "Forget about it, I already have."

"You're so good to me, Michael," she softly cooed, "Sometimes I don't know why you put up with me."

"There's nothing to put up with," I smiled, "Besides, I love you, and that's what you do with people that you love."

"Pick me up at seven," she sweetly giggled, "Okay?"

"Seven it is," I smiled, giving her one last kiss, "I'll see you tonight, I love you..."


"Oh, my God," Mom giggled, holding Rikki in her arms as I pulled my new car under the carport, "Would you look at that pretty car."

"Do you like it, Mom?" I grinned, and then after looking around, I asked, "Where's Maggie?"

"I sure do; Maggie went with your father to go get her things," Mom smiled, "I'm going to put her and the baby in your brother's old room."

"As you should," I approvingly replied, leaning over and kissing my niece, "How's our girl doing this afternoon?" making Rikki giggled when I tickled her litte ribs.

"As you can see, she's doing just fine, Uncle Mikey," Mom lovingly smiled.

All of a sudden we heard little Rikki say, "Mikey," which made Mom and I laugh.

"See there, honey, Mom smiled, something I could tell that she'd been doing the whole day, "She already knows where her home is," and then she held her granddaughter up and said, "Don't you, baby girl?" as Rikki again said, Mikey..."

"Isn't she a pretty little thing, Mom?" I softly asked, kissing my niece's soft cheek, "I sure think so."

"So do I, honey, Mom happily sighed, tenderly nuzzling Rikki's soft little cheeks, making her giggle like only little girls do.

"I guess little Rikki is living proof that God really does work in mysterious ways," I said.

"That, he does, baby," Mom softly told me, "He most certainly does..."



Although the rain had passed, it was still partly cloudy but the moon still peeked out from behind the clouds from time to time, A few people were there when we arrived at Laura's house so I pulled into the driveway, and when Laura greeted us at her front door, Lucy excitedly pulled her outside so she could show Laura my new car.

"Holy cow, Mike," Laura happily grinned, "That sure is a pretty car, I know you two are going to do some serious cruising in that thing as soon as the rain is gone."

"What're you talking about, girl?" Lucy giggled, "He took me all over the county in it today."

"You lucky bitch," Laura teased, "I wish Randy (her boyfriend) would buy something like that. I ain't like he doesn't have the money."

"Hey, give the man a break, Laura," I teased her, "You're entirely too pretty to be so mean."

"Thanks for taking up for me, Mike," Randy chuckled, immediately showing up behind Laura, "But she's been that way all her life."

"You better watch it, Buster," Laura giggled, giving him a kiss, "Or I won't be so nice later, if you know what I mean."

"Uh huh," he grinned, playfully goosing her in the butt, "What else is new?" and of course I started laughing.

"Uh oh," Lucy giggled, I better get Michael away from Randy before he starts to pick up some of his bad habits," which made us all laugh...


We had been at the party for about thirty minutes, when Laura's older brother, Tim, walked in and loudly asked, "Which one of you little motherfuckers owns the black Corvette?"

"I do," I heatedly growled because of the language he was using, also standing up so that he could see who he was talking to, "And watch your mouth around these girls, you jerk, before I kick your butt again like I did when I was a sophomore and you were a senior."

"Oh, Jeez, Mike," he quietly replied, "I'm sorry man. I didn't mean to be such an ass. It's just that you parked in my parking place and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind moving your car...please."

"Doesn't that sound a lot better?" I gently replied, "I'll move it right away. How would that be?"

"Thanks, Mike," he fearfully replied, "And I'm sorry for using such foul language. It won't happen again..."


"What was that all about?" Lucy asked while I was gone.

"My jerk of an older brother got his ass handed to him when he tried to bully Mike and a couple of other underclassmen," Laura laughed, "It didn't change him one bit though. The minute Tim graduated, he returned right back to being an asshole again."

"Is that right?" Lucy softly asked, "What did your folks have to say about it when Michael stomped his butt?"

"They both laughed like hell," Laura giggled, "My Dad told him that he deserved it for picking on someone littler than him."

"Holy shit," Lucy cringed, "I'm sorry I asked."

And not knowing who she was, Laura's brother, Tim, walked up behind Lucy, and placing his hand around her hips, he slyly asked, "And just what might you're name be, be, sexy?"

""She's Mike Hanson's girlfriend, Tim," Laura hatefully spat, "So, if you don't want both of your arms broken this time, I would take my hands off of her if I was you, you dumb ass."

"Fuck you, little sister," he growled, raising his had to slap her, "I'm gonna teach you a lesson about being such a little cunt to me all the time..."


This time, I not only heard what Tim had just said to his sister, and around Lucy at that, but I saw him raising his hand to slap Laura. I wasted no time and hurried across the back lawn just in time to stop him with a hard ridge-hand blow to the jaw, knocking him not only back onto his ass, but also out cold...


"Are you mentally handicapped, Tim?" I angrily spat when he woke up, "what did I just tell you?" and when he refused to say anything, I gave him a hard shove in the chest and growled, "Answer me, you jackass."

"I'm calling the police," he spat, "And this time the charges will stick, you asshole, because you're on private property."

"The police are already on their way, numb nuts," Randy angrily told him, "Don't get me wrong, but didn't your parents tell you to leave your sister alone?"

"Shut up, punk," Tim spat, "Or else I'm gonna kick your little ass, bitch."

"And that's what we call threatening a minor, Tim Davidson," announced Police Officer Don Fowler, "And I believe this makes the second time you've pulled this crap, a felony at that, and, if I'm not mistaken, Judge Timmons warned you that if you ever did it again, you' be held without bail until your trial date."

"This man just assaulted me, and knocked me down, Officer Fowler," Tim whined, pointing at me, "And I wanna file charges."

"He was about to slap me, Officer Fowler," Laura told him, "Mike was protecting me, that's all."

"Is that rue, Mike?" Officer Fowler asked me, "Did you knocked him on his ass like he said?"

"Yes sir," I truthfully replied, "But like Laura just told h you, Tim was about to hit her."

"Good," he laughed, looking at Tim, "I hope it hurt like hell. Let's go, Tim. You know the drill...put your hands against the wall with your legs apart..."


"I didn't mean for that to happen, Laura," I quietly told her, once the police had taken her brother to Jail, "But you have to that I couldn't stand idly by and let him hit you. Please tell me that you understand this."

"I understand," she softly cried, while Randy held her in his arms, "You did nothing wrong, Mike. It was all Tim's fault, just like it's always been."

"You can tell me that this is none of my business, Laura," I cautiously said, "But why does he act the way he does?"

"Tim and I were adopted," Laura sadly began, "I was the product of a teenage pregnancy, and Tim's mother and father were both executed by the state for murdering his grandmother. He was only five when he came to live with Mom and Dad; but I was adopted at birth and never knew my real mother."

"I don't care about any of that stuff. I still love you very much, sweetheart," Randy softly told Laura, gently pulling her against his chest and holding onto her like he was never going to let her go, "And the only thing that will ever matter to me is you, Laura."

"I know, baby, she sniffled, "And that's why I love you like I do..."


The party had immediately broken up right after the police had taken Tim Davidson away, and the only people left when Laura's father arrived were me, Lucy, Randy and Laura, who had regained her composure by then.

"Laura," her father worriedly called out, coming around to the back patio to find the four of us sitting there, "Honey, are you alright? I got a call at the hospital from the Dan Fleming across the street, and he told me that the police just took your brother away in handcuffs. Would somebody like to tell me what happened?"

And then once he noticed that Lucy and I were there, Dr. Lowell Davidson smiled and said, "Hi, Lucy, Mike. Are you two alright?"

"I think that maybe I can explain, Doctor Davidson," I replied, standing, "Tim came in here raising hell and using extremely foul language around these girls, and of course I brought it to his attention. He'd taken issue with the fact that I had unknowingly parked in his parking place so; in order to ease any tension, I went out front and moved my car. And then as I was returning to the party, I saw..."

"He was about to hit me, because he'd put his filthy hands on Lucy, and I got in his ass for it, Daddy," Laura politely interrupted me to speak up in my defense, "Mike was only trying to take up for me, and when Tim got out of control, Mike was left with no choice but to take him down."

"Damn him," Dr. Davidson swore, "That means that he's stopped taking his medication...again."

"I don't understand, sir," I told Dr. Davidson, an awful feeling beginning to take root inside of me, "Would you please tell me what you're talking about?"

"Tim is bipolar, Mike," Dr. Davidson explained, "It's because his real mother and father were..."

"Laura already told me about them, sir," I gently interrupted him, "And I don't think it's fair to you to have to relive all that stuff. Now I feel really bad about the events that took place between Tim and I when I was a sophomore and he was a senior. Had I been aware of the circumstances, I would've handled things a lot differently back then, I swear," as my eyes began to fill with shameful tears, "Please accept my deepest apology."

"How could you have known, Mike?" he compassionately smiled, gently patting me on the shoulder, "Besides, Tim forced your hand. He openly admitted that to his mother and me. You have nothing, and I do mean nothing to feel guilty about, son."

"Still though, I didn't know he was sick," I now openly as well as shamefully began to cry, "You have to believe me, I swear I didn't know," and by this time I had fallen to my knees, reduced to a mass of shame and tears, as my heart was breaking wide open."

"Shh," it's alright, Mike," Dr. Davidson gently replied, leaning down and picking me up off of the ground and then handing me over to Lucy who was there the moment my knees began to buckle,

"You're a good boy, Mike Hanson, and I know in my heart that you're going to become an even greater man," Dr. Davidson kindly told me, "So; please don't blame yourself for this. I'm not going to let you carry that burden, because it is not yours to have to bear."

"I'm going to take him home now, Doctor Davidson," Lucy tenderly spoke, "Laura, will you and Randy help me get Michael to the car?"

"You bet we will," Laura sweetly replied, as she and Randy immediately hopped up to walk us to my car...


Right before we got to my car, Lucy quickly shoved her hand into my back pants pocket to retrieve the handkerchief that she now knew I always kept there, and then she began to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

"Here, baby," I said trying to take over from her to wipe my own face, "You don't have to do that."

"And miss the chance to cop a feel of your nice ass?" she impishly giggled, "I don't think so, Mister Man," her remark suddenly striking me as funny as I began to openly, as well as foolishly laugh, while she, Laura and Randy laughed right along with me...


"I love you, Lucy," I softly told her, as I drove her home, "And thank you for what you said about sticking your hand in my back pocket. Your timing was perfect."

"You're welcome, my love," she contentedly sighed, "Besides, laughter through tears is one the best feelings that God ever gave us."

"Yes it is," I tenderly replied, "Yes it is..."


When I got home that night, Mom was in the den watching the news, and because she knew me so well, she looked at me over the top rim of her glasses and asked, "Michael, honey, are you alright?"

"No, not really," I sniffled, "But I will be. I just need a little time."

"Did you and Lucy have an argument, or something?" she asked, and when I shook my head "no", she asked me, "Okay then, is it something you want to talk about, honey?"

"Not right now," I softly replied, "Maybe later, okay?"

"That's fine, sweet heart," she gently told me, "You look exhausted so; why don't you go get some sleep, okay?"

"Thanks for not prying, Mom," and then I turned and headed down the hall to my bedroom...


Chapter Six

When I opened my eyes the next morning, I looked out my bedroom window and saw that it was still raining, meaning that I wasn't going to be able to meet with Gary Hobbs and Jim Mercer like we'd agreed because of the rain. So, with that in mind, I reached into my right pants pocket and retrieved my wallet in order to get their contact information so that I could call them and reschedule the self-defense class I was going to hold with the two of them...


As it was twenty minutes before nine o'clock, I figured that they would be awake, because they, too, attended the same church as me and Lucy; and were in the same Sunday school class as well.

"Hello," Gary pleasantly replied when he answered his phone.

"Hey, Gary," I smiled, "This is Mike Hanson. How's it going this morning?"

"Hey, Mike," he excitedly grinned, "I talked to Jim yesterday and we're really looking forward to seeing you after church this afternoon."

"That's the thing," I said, "How are we going to be able to hold class with it raining like this?"

"Don't worry about it, bro," he chuckled, "I made arrangements with my Uncle Frank, and he's going to let us use the building that he trains his stallions in to hold the Self-Defense class, if that's alright with you."

"That's fine with me," I chuckled, "But is it going to be big enough?"

"Are you kidding?" Gary laughed, "It's basically an indoor arena and I promise you that there's going to be more than enough room, I promise."

"Okay then," I chuckled, "If you say so."

"I can't wait, Mike," he excitedly replied, "Oh, and both of our girlfriends wanted to know if you wouldn't mind teaching them as well. I mean, if that's okay with you."

"Why not?" I laughed, "The more the merrier..."


The boys and girls in our Sunday school class were all drooling over my car after church, and when Gary and Jim, with their girlfriends saw it, Gary smiled and told me, "Man, this car is so cool. I'll bet Lucy went gah-gah over it when she saw it."

"I was with him when he got it, Gary Hobbs," Lucy playfully but snootily teased him, her hands on her hips, "And the only thing I've ever gone "Gah-Gah" over, is the man who drives it, thank you very much."

"Come on, Lucy," Gary chuckled, "You're way too pretty to be so mean."

"I'm not being mean," she good-naturedly smiled, "But somebody has to keep you football players in line."

"Tell him, Lucy," Cindy Taylor, Gary's girlfriend smiled, "Way to go, girl."

"I need to run home and change clothes," I told Gary, after receiving directions to his Uncle Frank's house, "Do ya'll want to meet somewhere, or should I just meet you out at your uncle's house?"

"Why don't we meet in the K-Mart parking lot in about an hour, or so?" Gary said, "That way we'll all have time to eat lunch. I don't know about you, but I can't concentrate with my stomach growling."

"Give us a break," Cindy giggled, "You can't do anything when your stomach is growling, baby," as we all laughed.

"Don't encourage her," Gary smiled, pulling Cindy into a hug, "It only makes her worse."

"I want ya'll to wear sweat pants and tee shirts," I told everyone, "That way you won't be restricted by your clothes, and besides, it'll make it easier to stretch out and warm up before class, okay?"

"That sounds like a plan," Jim smiled, "We're really looking forward to this Mike. Thanks again, brother."

"No problem," I smiled, "I'll see you guys and girls in the K-Mart parking lot in an hour..."


We stopped by Lucy's house so that she could pick up a change of clothes, and then we went to my house and ate lunch with my family...


When Lucy and I pulled into the K-Mart parking lot, I quickly spotted Gary Hobbs, and his girlfriend, Cindy Taylor; Jim Mercer, and his girlfriend, Samantha "Sam" Wilkes. However, I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw the starting quarterback, and captain of the football team, Mark Henderson, and his girlfriend, Patricia "Trish" Mathis. Each one of them had dressed as I'd requested and were all standing around their cars talking together when Lucy and I arrived.

"Hey guys," I bewilderedly asked, as I looked at the clock on my console, "Am I late?"

"Not at all," Mark smiled, "I heard about what you were doing for Gary and Jim so; I hope you don't mind that Trish and I tagged along."

"I don't mind one bit," I cordially smiled, putting my car in park, as Lucy and I got out to join them, with Mark and I shaking hands, "It's good to see everyone."

I was wearing a pair of black ghee pants and tee shirt, but I had my white top and black belt folded and sitting in the car. And when Gary saw this, he looked at me and disappointedly asked, "Why aren't you wearing your Karate uniform, Mike?"

"It's called a ghee," I said, "And I'm wearing my ghee pants, but it's disrespectful to wear the whole thing out in public, especially my belt so; that's why I've got my top and belt in the car. I'll put it all on when we get to your uncle's place, okay?"
