No More Wasted Time


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Toward the end of the meal, I was sitting back and enjoying the after effects of eating a good steak and watching my family interact. Even Adrian seemed to be enjoying the moment. She didn't have any siblings of her own and I think she might have missed mine.

It was sort of cool that she was here, mostly because I could see how happy it made my older daughter. Bethany was sitting on the opposite end of the table doing pretty much the same thing as I was. Our eyes met and we shared a father-daughter smile that lasted until Neil's big head got in the way. He was done eating and stole a quick kiss from his pregnant wife.

I turned to my own wife who was using a wipe to wash Jake's hands, now that he was finally done making a mess... I mean eating. I grinned happily as I watched the two of them.

"Momma, I like Aisha. Where is she?" It was such an innocent question. It came from my son during a lull in the conversation at the table. The shock on Jess's face was downright funny.

"Aisha?" Masie asked, looking more than a little curious. "My little sister at the last foster home was name Aisha." Jess didn't groan, but I could tell she wanted to.

"I know." My wife was looking at me hesitantly, which wasn't really like Jess. "As it turns out, she's supposed to be moving on to another foster home. Sunny called to see if we were interested in adopting another child. Aisha's paperwork is already in order, but I told her no, since we agreed that two kids were more than enough." The truth slowly dawned on me.

"Would that be where you were this morning, after Jake's doctor appointment?" It was a question, but I would have bet an awful lot that I already knew the answer.

"Sunny has been so good to us that I couldn't very well ignore her request to meet." Everyone was watching us, but I ignored them and focused on my wife.

"And you didn't tell me because..."

"There was no need to bother you. I was just meeting Sunny to be nice. We agreed not to adopt any more kids, so what was the point?"

In my head, I literally found myself saying, 'Wait for it... Wait for it...' I didn't make it to third reiteration.

"Only, Sunny brought Aisha with her and the little girl is precious. She's seven and hasn't had the easiest life."

"Her mother died when she was just a baby," Masie interjected, looking older than her years in that moment. "And her father wasn't very nice. She has burn marks all along her side." If possible, the crowded table became even more quiet.

Bethany's eyes misted up. Mary looked pissed, which was so my sister. Tommy was somber, which was a very odd look for him. Everyone else fell into one of those categories, to one degree or another.

"She has been acting out recently," Jess said into the silence that followed. "Sunny thinks it starting happening when Masie left."

"Aisha needs someone to take care of her." The sadness in my younger daughter's expression was heartbreaking.

"Someone she trusts, like you," Jess added, smiling proudly at Masie. The young girl blushed a little and shrugged.

"I remember being little and the older kids being mean," Masie explained. "I didn't deserve that. Neither did the littles as I got older, so I became their friend instead. The littles always need one."

I finally understood where Masie learned to be such a good big sister. She amazed me more and more every day. I was certain I wouldn't have turned out half as well as my youngest daughter if I'd been raised in her situation. Sure, she had bad days and could be a handful, but her good days far outweighed them. I couldn't picture my life without her any longer.

"Aisha needs someone like you, Masie, but older." Jess was careful not to look at me as she said it. I wasn't going to let her get away with that.

"And?" I asked pointedly. My wife finally turned toward me.

"I told Sunny that we weren't interested in adopting, but that I'd talk to you about fostering Aisha for a time. She thinks it will help the girl to see Masie again."

Everyone was looking at me. Jess's expression was a little guilty for dumping this on me in front of my family, the kids and my ex-wife. Masie looked downright hopeful, clearing loving this Aisha. Oddly, it was Jake's expression that I most related to. My three-year-old son was obviously confused.

"It's a lot to ask." This was from Adrian. She wasn't wrong, and I knew she was trying to help, but her getting involved in the conversation right then wouldn't do anyone any good. Oddly, the thought quickly helped clear my thoughts.

"No, I don't want to foster Aisha," I interjected before anyone else could respond. "If I've learned anything from our time with Masie it's that I'm not a foster parent. It takes a special kind of person to take a child in, care for it and then give it up when the time comes. I don't have that in me. It would kill me to have to give up Masie now."

"But..." Jess began. I cut her off, knowing what I had to do.

"No, it's foster-to-adopt, like we did with Masie, or nothing." I smiled at my wife, knowing that's what she really wanted. We'd agreed not to adopt any more kids at our age, but it was more me than Jess. The excited squeak from across the table let me know what Masie thought about the situation.

"Are you sure?" Jess asked, but she was smiling that smile of hers that made me feel warm all over. There was nothing sexual about it, not that Jess didn't have a number of smiles that did that when she chose to.

"Another college tuition," my brother grinned. "You're never going to retire at the rate you're going."

"Such is life," I shrugged, and then actually laughed.

"You people are crazy." Adrian said it in a joking tone as she shook her head and stood, but I knew my ex-wife. She meant it whole heartedly. "It's time we left." Her departure was a bit abrupt, but I'd given up trying to understand my ex's little eccentricities years ago.

"Congratulation," Don said, shaking my hand as he stood to leave with my ex. They said their goodbyes. I watched them disappear out the side gate and shook my head before turning back to my wife and family.

It wasn't my job to try and make Adrian happy any longer. I wished Don luck. It was my job to be there for Jess, and that was easy. She was the best thing in my life. Well, her and the kids.

"You know, Mother's not wrong," Bethany grinned, restarting the conversation. "But then again, crazy isn't necessarily a bad thing." I smiled, thinking not for the first time that my older daughter got the best from both me and my ex.

"You'll never survive it, old man!" Neil teased.

"You better hope I do," I retorted. "Because this means another mouth for you and Bethany to feed if I kick the bucket early."

We left Jake to my daughter Bethany and Neil in the will we set up once our son was born. We were too old to put it off for long, sowe figured why wait? We added Masie when she came into the picture. I guess it was time for another update.

"Not a problem," my son-in-law laughed.

"Only slow down a little," Bethany interjected. "We'll need a mansion to house all the kids you two have at the rate you're going!"

"Don't worry," Jess interjected. "I'm planning on living a very long time."

"And what about my brother?" Tommy asked, once more his grinning self.

"He wouldn't dare die before me," Jess replied, almost sounding serious. "Not after making me wait so long for him."

"There is that," my sister laughed.

"You do know what this means?" Jess asked me pointedly.

"No more steak for daddy," Masie said, making everyone laugh this time as she climbed onto my lap and gave me a happy hug. Not to be left out, Jake clamored out of his chair and jumped on me from it, barely missing the family jewels.

"Easy tiger!" I snorted, resituating him.

"You'll like Aisha, Daddy," Masie was saying excitedly. "She's funny, plus, she's very dark skinned. She doesn't have to worry about sunburn!"

"I'm sure your mother is thrilled about that," I couldn't help saying.

"Just for that, smartass," Jess said, fighting a grin. "You get to reapply the sunscreen to Masie. And you might as well do Jake while you're at it."

"Yes dear," I replied. That earned me a kiss.

"So much for no PDA's," my niece Sarah teased. She was also texting like crazy. I'm sure she was telling her sister everything she'd missed.

"That pretty much was always the case with these two. They're incorrigible." Tommy was smiling despite his words, or maybe because of them.

"Like you're any better," his wife teased.

"Good point!" he retorted, reaching for Emily. She tried to get away, but not very hard.

"I miss Bob," my sister sighed as they kissed.

"I need a boyfriend," my niece added, sounding a little glum.

"Funny you should mention that," Jess smiled, zeroing in on Sarah. "I have a nephew..."

I shook my head and tuned out of the rest of the conversation. I knew which nephew she meant and he was a good kid, but there was no way I was going to get involved in one of my wife's match-making schemes. Instead, I turned to the kids who were still sitting on my lap.

"How would you two like to help me go find the apple pie Mom made?" I said it softly so only they could hear. They both grinned widely. Everyone was so focused on Jess and Sarah that they didn't notice. Masie slipped off my lap and I stood with Jake in my arms. My youngest daughter took my hand and we moved toward the house.

"And where exactly are you three going?" Tommy asked, suddenly right behind us with Junior in tow.

"You heard Jess. I need to put sun block on the kids." It was a good answer, but Tommy knew me too well.

"And sneak some of the apple pie," he retorted. I didn't bother denying it, not with the kids so obviously excited.

"Are you sure you want to come inside with us? I mean, it sounds like Jess' is setting your daughter up with some strange guy. Don't you want to..."

"Please!" my older brother snorted. "Sarah got a good head on her shoulders and can choose her own boyfriend. Plus, Emily's there. She's a lot tougher audience than me. Besides, it's not like Jess would set Emily up with a loser."

"There is that," I agreed with a sigh, leading the way inside. "I sure hope no one else wants apple pie. There's going to be nothing left with this crew."

"We'll cut it in half," Masie said with a surprisingly amount of authority in her voice. "This way they'll be some for everyone."

"Spoilsport!" Tommy groaned. "You sound just like your mother!" Masie beamed at that and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.


The morning sun was shining in through the bedroom window. Jess was still asleep, snoring gently. I smiled down at her, tempted to wake her, but knowing she could use the extra sleep. I settled for rolling her so that she was laying on my shoulder. Jess stirred, but only briefly before nuzzling deeper and falling back asleep. I smiled, kissed the top of her head and then played with her hair gently.

It had been a busy week, but then again, most weeks were these days. The kids were sprouting up and demanding more and more attention, not that Jess or I had any problem giving it to them. They were all good kids.

I'm not sure how long I lay there just enjoying the feel of Jess against me and letting my mind wonder, but eventually my wife stirred. She lifted her head, looked at me and then smiled slowly. I tilted my head down and kissed her. Jess responded with more passion then I expected, not that I minded.

"What was that for?" I asked afterward.

"Well, it is your birthday." Jess was sexy as hell when she woke up like this.

"Good point," I replied, rolling on top of her, making her laugh.

"Aren't we getting a little old for this?" she teased. "I mean, you're sixty today!"

"Yes, I am," I replied, looking down at my wife and letting her see my love and desire. "You want to know what I was thinking just before you woke up?"

"Sure." Jess slipped her hand between us and squeezed my growing stiffness. She was clearly in the mood. It took me a moment to remember what I was talking about.

"I was remembering my fifty-first birthday. It was the last one I had before you came back into my life."

"And?" she prompted when I stopped talking. It was hard to concentrate, especially when Jess slipped her hand into my pajamas.

"I remember feeling so old at the time," I said, hoping she'd understand. "But it's been nine years and somehow I don't feel nearly as decrepit as I did back then. Having you in my life has done that for me. It's made me feel young again... no, not young so much as alive. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she smiled sexily. "I love you, too." We kissed passionately. It was intense, but Jess pulled away too quickly for my liking. I understood when she added, "We're going to have to hurry. The kids will be up soon. They're excited about your birthday."

We got rid of the clothes between us with surprising quickness. I wanted to take my time and do what came next right. I started to kiss my way down my wife's body, but Jess laughed and pulled my lips back to hers.

"They'll be plenty of time for that tonight after everyone has gone to sleep. Right now, we need to do this quickly!" Jess took hold of my stiffness and brought it to her center. She rubbed me along the length of her opening. It was wet and welcoming. "Besides, I'm ready. So are you!" She squeezed my cock to prove her point.

I pushed inside my wife of nine years with one long, slow thrust. Jess moaned the entire time. I had my arms out with my hands pressed against either side of her head on the bed. I watched her expression as I worked at stoking the heat deep inside of her. Jess wrapped her hands around my arms and held on as I picked up the pace. It didn't take long before I was thrusting into her with everything I had.

"Come in me!" my wife gasped when we were both close. "I want to feel it!" We were well passed the fear of her becoming pregnant anymore, but that didn't stop Jess from wanted to feel me fill her. I was happy to oblige.

"Soon!" I grunted, fighting against my release for as long as I could. Jess's reaction was to wrap her legs around my thighs and pull me deep while simultaneously lifting her hips off the bed. I finally lost it when I felt her nails dig deep into my arms. "Now!"

"Yes!" Jess cried as we crashed into each other one last time. I lost track of pretty much everything except the feel of my cum filling my wife, and Jess's body shuddering under me in release.

"Now, that's the way to start a new decade," I groaned afterward as I fell onto the bed, exhausted.

"Just remember that next year, when it's my turn."

"Oh, I will," I laughed. Jess upper lip was sweaty and I couldn't resist kissing it. She opened her mouth to mine and accept my kisses without complaint, at least not until I started caressing her chest.

"Later," she said, pushing my hands away and rolling out of the bed. "We need to get going. It's going to be a busy day." Jess reached for her clothes and began putting them back on.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, getting out of bed and doing the same. "I told everyone I didn't want a party."

"Do you not know your family?" Jess snorted.

"Great," I sighed. I really didn't want a party, but then again, seeing my family was never a bad thing.

Jess was only up to buttoning up her pajama top by the time I'd pulled mine on. I hadn't bothered unbuttoning them in the first place. Seeing how sexy she looked with her breasts peeking out was too much for me. I grabbed Jess and fell into the bed.

She fought me, but not all that hard. Mostly because somewhere in the middle, we both started laughing. That only lasted until there was a knock on the door. Jess rolled away from me and fought to straighten her pajamas. She also worked at finishing buttoning them. I shifted so that I was sitting up resting against the headboard.

"Come on in!" I called, causing Jess to squeak. She gave me a nasty look when she saw me grinning.

The door opened and there they were: my three angels. Masie was a beauty at sixteen, and was carrying a tray with what smelled like my favorite breakfast. Jake was eight and somehow already dirty, despite having taken a shower the night before. He was so my son. He was carrying a container of orange juice and the syrup.

"Happy birthday!" the cried, each giving me a kiss in turn.

Aisha was almost a teenager and showed signs of being just as beautiful as her older sister, although in a completely different way. Her skin was more black than brown and she had one of the wide-open smiles that lit up a room. She also had long dark hair and loved to have it done in cornrows and braids. Both Jess and Masie were experts at working with it.

The only thing Aisha was carrying was the family iPad. I grinned when I saw my oldest daughter smiling at me from the screen. They'd face-timed Bethany to make sure she could take part. It gave me a warm feeling to know they wanted to include her.

"Happy birthday, Dad," Bethany offered. I was about to respond when the screen shifted to Neil and their three kids. "Happy birthday, Grandpa!"

"Thank you all." The next few minutes were a bit crazy as the kids climbed into bed with Jess and me while the grandkids sang a very bad rendition of happy birthday, led by Neil whose voice was the worst of them all. I wasn't thrilled when Jess and my kids joined in, but I took it with as much grace as I could muster.

"Okay, we've got to go," Bethany said afterward. "We got big plans for later today. Have a great day!"

"Plans?" I asked, but my oldest daughter only laughed and disconnected.

"Just how big is this party going to be?" I asked Jess, but Masie jumped in before she could answer.

"What party? There's no party." She gave me a quelling look that she'd learned from the best. Her and her mother could have been book ends right at that moment. It didn't take a genius to realize that the younger kids were excited about surprising me, and that neither my wife nor Masie wanted me to ruin it for them.

"Why don't we eat?" Jess suggested, distracting Aisha and Jake.

Jake liked that idea and dug in to the pile of bacon they'd made. Aisha hesitated, but then did the same. Soon, we were all picking from the plates on the tray. There was plenty of laughing and teasing going on between the three kids, not that Jess or I were much better. I still insisted my wife was the first one to throw food, but she denied it. The sheets needed to be changed by the time the we were done, but so be it. You only turn sixty once.

"All right, it's time for your dad to get into the shower and gets ready. The birthday boy has a big day ahead of him." Jess was grinning because she knew how much I hated parties in my honor. I couldn't let her get away with enjoying my discomfort so I leaned down and kissed her before shifting my mouth next to her ear.

"You missed a button," I whispered. Jess quickly glanced down and blushed when she saw that I was right. Not only did she miss a button, but in her haste to get dressed all the buttons above that were off by one.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"Tell you what, Mom?" Jake asked with a confused frown. If anything, Jess's blush turned even darker.

"How much I love her," I interjected with a serious of an expression as I could. "Of course."

"That's silly," Jack replied. "You tell her that all the time."

"He tells us all that," Aisha put in with a big smile.

"Well, it's true," I shrugged.

"We know." Masie's smile was just as wide as Aisha's if a little slower to form. "And we love you, too." She then turned to the younger two kids and added, "Let's get going. We still need to wrap Dad's present."

I watched the kids troop out of the bedroom. Masie was the last to go. She turned back just before walking out of the door. "By the way, Mom, your shirt isn't buttoned right." She said it with a straight face, but I could see the humor in her eyes.
