No Way You're a Faggot, Dude

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Damien came out to his straight buddy, Andy.
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"What do you mean?"

"Forget it, Andy."

"Hold on, buddy. You said you're not into pussy. What the fuck is that about?"

"Andy, we've been friends since we were little kids. We grew up together. We went to school together. We played on the varsity team together. We have joined the same college together. But you still don't know me."

"Hey. I know you, Damien. I know you as I know myself. You can't just dump shit on me like this."

"As I said, Andy, forget it."

Andy scratched his head, gazing at his childhood buddy, not believing what he had just heard. What did Damien mean he didn't like pussy? All guys liked pussy. Dicks were made for pussy. There must be something wrong with his friend and he was very concerned.

"Listen, Damien. Tell me, bro. Is it something medical? I mean do you have problems with...," Andy said pointing at Alan's crotch.

"Don't be ridiculous. No nothing's wrong medically."

"So what's wrong then? You got the package dude. I've seen it in the showers. Heck, Damien, I've seen your fucking dick erect and huge when we jerked off watching porn. Fuck, man."

Damien glared at Andy, almost tearing. He had decided to come out to his friend when he discovered that he was gay. But he had kept putting it off until now when Andy suggested that they double date.

"You know Jessica? Damien, she's hot, and Linda says that Jess likes you. Dude, let's just go out and have fun," Andy had said, out of breath, barging in a few minutes ago.

Damien had known that Jessica wanted to get into his pants, but he wasn't interested, not after the incident in the park, which had convinced him once and for all that he liked men not women. And he liked Andy the most. And that hurt like hell.

Two weeks before, a sexy man had lured Damien behind a bush in the park, had pushed him down onto his knees, had thrust his hard dick between his lips, had held his head and fucked his face, and had cummed inside his mouth. Damien had jizzed onto the foliage as soon as the man's squirts started to hit his throat. As the man pulled up his pants, tucking his dick in, Damien knew that he was as gay as they could get.

Slowly, Damien pulled Andy down sitting him on the edge of his bed and looked straight into his piercing black eyes.

"Andy, I don't like pussy. I am gay."

Andy froze. No way. Not Damien. Damien a faggot? No fucking way. He slowly started to shake his head from side to side as if he were in pain. He needed to scream at his friend, to grab him by the hair and shake him senseless. He looked around Damien's small studio apartment for any signs. Of what? Dildos? Nude men magazines? Panties or high-heeled shoes? What was he doing? He couldn't think straight.

Damien took a deep breath and sat next to Andy taking his hand in both his. "You are my best friend Andy. You know that. There is no one in the world that I care for more. But, buddy, you need to accept who I am... what I am."

Andy hung his head low looking at the floor between his bare feet, his hands clasped together, elbows on his knees. Almost in a whisper, he said, "You are wrong, Damien. You can't be gay. I will not allow you to be gay. You will fuck pussy and you will love it coz I know you."

Andy raised his head and looked straight into Damien's moist eyes. He continued: "How can you be gay with a cock bigger than most of us? How can you be a fruit when there's more hair on your legs than there is on your head? How can you be a faggot when most of the girls on campus are after your dick? Tell me, bro, this is a joke, right? You're fucking with my head, aren't you? Please, Damien, tell me you're not a faggot."

As a tear trickled down Damien's cheek, he heaved. "You tell me, Andy. You tell me that my sexual preferences are more important to you than our friendship. Tell me. Do I look different to you? Is there a flaming pink G on my forehead? Do I look like a 'fruit' to you? LOOK AT ME, ANDY."

Andy sensed the anger and the hurt in Damien's voice. But he still could not process the fact that his best friend was into guys, that he liked cock. It simply could not be. He had met gays. He could immediately tell their "faggoty" ways, how they walked, talked, moved their hands, held down their wrists. No way could Damien be a faggot like them. His friend was a guy, a normal guy, a guy who liked to fuck pussy.

"I would have known long ago, Damien. We're so close, I would have known. You don't look or act sissy. Fuck, dude, you're a fucking stud. I would have known, for sure."

"No you wouldn't. You never noticed how when we jerked off I was not watching the porn flick but watching you stroking your dick. You never noticed a damned thing. You took it for granted that I must like what you like. That I am like you. That I can't be different."

"Fuck different, dude. You watched me jerk off and that turned you on? I can't believe it. You'd want me to get naked for you and jerk off for you? To turn you on? No fucking way." Andy grabbed his crotch. "This is a cock, Damien. Just like yours. A COCK. For guys. I have one. You have one. How can you get turned on by something you already have? Huh?"

Andy stood up, rubbing his fingers through his hair, striding back and forth, shaking his head. Suddenly, he turned and faced Damien.

"Listen. I don't believe you are a fag. Ok? I can't think of you fucking another dude or, for Christ's sake, getting fucked by another dude. Tell you what. Let's make a deal."

"There's no deal to be made, Andy," Damien's cheeks were wet with tears. He hurt to watch his best friend refusing to accept him as he was, to be so opinionated, so unrelenting.

"You bet your fucking ass there is. This is the deal, dude. We double date. I know Linda wants to fuck. Jessica has the hots for you. My parents are away for the weekend and we have the house to ourselves," Andy grabbed Damien's shoulder, almost panting. "We take the chicks there and fuck their brains out. Huh? Dude? If you get grossed and do not perform, I will personally go with you to the Roast Chicken gay bar and pick out a dude for you to fuck. This is the deal. If you fail to fuck Jessica, I would be your pal forever and get you hunk dates day and night. Huh, buddy? What do you say?"

Damien wiped the tears off his cheeks. "You just can't accept that I don't like pussy. Ok, fine. If that's what you need to get persuaded, I'll do it. But it hurts me that you can't take my word for it, Andy."

"I fucking will NOT take your word for it because I KNOW you're no homo, D. I love you as my brother, you fuck."

Andy pulled Damien into a buddy hug. "I'm gonna take care of you, bro. Not to worry. You're a fucking stud for women and I'm gonna prove it. Jessica will be fucking ecstatic, dude. I know it."

Damien heaved a sigh. He knew how difficult it is for Andy, being straight, to accept the fact that Damien is attracted to other men sexually. He wondered whether Andy realized the he, Damien, was attracted to him, Andy, sexually. Damien felt miserable.

Andy made sure to choose a romantic place for their double date. The restaurant had dim lighting with booths that seated 4 to 6 people. He kept thinking about Damien. His friend couldn't be a faggot. And Andy was going to prove it to his buddy. Jessica had practically drooled when he told her about the double date.

The two couples ordered, sipped their drinks and held on small talk about campus and stuff. Damien was more quiet than usual, Andy noticed, more pensive, more subdued. He was not very comfortable with Jessica at his side. Andy kept his attention focused on Damien, gauging his reactions to Jessica's forward advances.

At the other side of the table, Damien made himself busy with the food and drink, and when Jessica slid a bit closer to him, hips almost touching, he moved a few inches away. Damien felt he owed it to his friend to at least try. He was attracted to Jessica as a person, but not sexually. He kept comparing how he felt towards Jessica to how he felt towards Andy. Not that he had any doubts, but a deal was a deal. He snickered inwardly at the thought of straight Andy going into a gay bar and trying to get him hooked up with another guy.

Andy had prepared the scene well for the two couples as they stepped into his house. Damien was nervous. Throughout dinner, he hadn't experienced any romantic feelings towards Jessica. Instead, he was more aware of Andy, sitting opposite him, his arm around Linda's shoulder, flirting. Damien had been jealous. And as they paired off on the two couches in the living room, Damien was almost sure of his gayness. He watched as Linda and Andy made out. The kissing, the rubbing, the low moans.

"What's the matter?" Jessica whispered, as Damien gently removed her hand from his thigh. His erecting penis was not caused by Jessica's hand nor by her closeness. His erecting penis was responding to Andy's bulge as he made out with Linda.

"Nothing, Jess," Damien stammered. "It's just... it's ok. Nothing."

Damien leaned and brushed his lips against Jessica's soft neck. He had to put on a show for his friend at least. He felt her hand back on his thigh. His peripheral vision caught Linda's hand sliding inside Andy's pants as Andy leaned and licked into her cleavage. Damien erected almost painfully.

Unabashedly, Linda fished out Andy's cock through his fly as Andy pulled out one of her boobs and started suckling. Damien held Jessica's breast in his hand. Jessica rubbed on his erection. Watching Linda bend over and take Andy's cock in her mouth, Damien pushed Jessica's head down on his own cock. His whole attention was on Linda's mouth gobbling his friend. Jessica was doing a good job going down on him. Instead of reciprocating, Damien leaned back letting Jessica do her thing and watched Andy getting a blowjob, superposing Linda's mouth with his own.

Andy kept glancing over to check on his buddy. He had a smirk on his face when he watched Jessica sucking Damien's cock. No. Damien was not gay.

After a few minutes of the girls working on the guys' cocks, Andy pulled Linda off and led her to the bedroom leaving Jessica and Damien in the living room. Damien lost his erection.

"Let me take you home, Jess," Damien stood up after Jessica's futile attempts at getting him back up.

They could hear Andy and Linda fucking in the bedroom, the bed creaking crazily.

"Is it me?" Jessica mumbled, a tear flowing down her cheek.

"It's... Just... Let's go."

Damien knew that this was cruel to Jessica. She was a sweet girl and was ready to go all the way with him, but he simply was not interested. His earlier erection was caused by watching Andy. But there was nothing he could do.

Damien was supposed to stay at Andy's for the weekend. When he came back after depositing Jessica at the dorms, Damien found Linda, already dressed up and heard the shower going.

"Where did you guys go?" Linda asked.

"I took Jessica to the dorms," Damien said.

Linda raised an eyebrow, a smirk on her face. "That was fast."

Damien felt himself blushing and turned away. He hated the feeling. He hated having to prove himself a man. He hated that everyone expected him to fuck pussy. He hated the injustice of it all.

Andy walked out of the shower, naked and dripping, a towel around his shoulders.

"Hey, dude, you're all dressed up. Where's Jess?"

"Damien walked her to the dorms."

"Oh. Dude. Could you do me a favor and go with Linda?"

Damien nodded and headed to the door, Linda close behind him.

"And if you could pick up some beer on your way back, Damien?"

Damien nodded again.

"What happened, Damien?" Linda asked as they walked out, hooking her hand inside Damien's arm.

"Um, oh, nothing, really," Damien stammered. How could he explain? What could he say?

"Nothing? I saw you guys making out. And then you left, taking her back to the dorms."

Damien suddenly stopped, grabbed Linda on both arms and looked at her straight in the eyes. His own eyes teared as he told Linda about his dare with Andy, about how he was gay and how Andy wouldn't accept that, about how this evening was to prove that he, Damien, was not gay.

Linda's eyes were wide with shock as she listened. "Damien, that's awful. I mean not that you are gay. That's so fine with me. But that was cruel to Jess. How could you guys do this? To prove that you're not gay? You serious? Andy is an asshole."

"Listen, Linda. Please keep this to ourselves, ok? Don't tell Andy that I told you. And please explain to Jessica that I didn't mean to hurt her. Please?"

Linda and Damien walked the rest of the way in silence. Damien was tormented, but it felt a little bit better now that he had come clean to Linda. She would understand, unlike his own buddy, Andy.

"Well?" Andy grinned as Damien walked back carrying the beer and putting it in the fridge.

"Well what?" Damien glared at Andy who was leaning back naked except for his white tight boxers, outlining his dick and balls.

"Did you fuck?" Andy's grin widened, adjusting his penis sideways.

Damien just stood in the middle of the room, gazing at his friend's super-sexy half naked body and outlined package.

"You did, didn't you? Come on, bro, details."

"I'll get a beer. You want one?"

"Fuck, yeah," Andy scratched his cock and balls, shifting from one foot to the other, anticipating the juicy details of his stud friend's performance with Jessica.

Damien swallowed down half the beer can, burped. "I only got it up when I was watching Linda sucking on your dick, Andy."

"Fuck, dude. You mean... you didn't fuck... Damn."

Damien shook his head.

"This means I have to find you a date, huh?"

"I have my date right here, Andy."

"What the fuck are you talking about, buddy?"

"Andy, I am crazy for you."

"You gotta be kidding, right?" Andy sat down on the couch, legs spread wide. "You need to get your head straight, Damien. Come on, dude. We're guys. We got dicks. We fuck pussy."

"I want to suck your dick, Andy," Damien mumbled averting his eyes, his heart pounding.

Andy was speechless. He regarded his friend's face, the eyes welling up. His heart went out for Damien. Slowly, he stood up and pulled down his undies. His dick was limp. His eyes were staring at Andy. His hands rested on his hips. If Andy needed to suck his dick, he would let him. Nothing to it. He would, because he loved his buddy.

Damien went to work on Andy's cock, hesitantly at first, but when Andy erected hard inside the gobbling mouth, Damien worked with hungry lust, not minding the gagging and choking.

Minutes later, Andy shot a huge load inside Damien's throat.

"Ok, buddy," Andy heaved, his dick still dripping cum, lifting up his undies. "Ok. That was fucking awesome, but you're getting a gay date. Not me. I gotta admit: You sucked my dick much better than Linda, but I'm staying with her. Let me get dressed and we can hit the Roast Chicken."

"I don't want a gay date, Andy. Just... let me sleep with you tonight."

"Oh man. Damien, I told you, dude. I'm staying with Linda."

"Please, Andy. Was that a sympathy offer for me to suck you off? I can tell you liked it, Andy. Are you going to make me beg?"

Damien slid into Andy's bed, naked, raging hard. He felt his friend's naked body emanating heat, almost burning him. It took some convincing, but the love-making that ensued was beyond Damien's wildest imagination. Andy fucked him hard and deep. His virgin butt was sore. But Andy's masculine thrusting into him, impaling him, made it all worth it. Was it Andy's lust for him, or was it revenge at him being gay?

However, Damien and Andy fucked often, even though Andy still went out with Linda.

"I never thought," Andy confessed about one week later, holding Damien close to him, as he settled after an intense fucking session, "that ass fucking could be this amazing."

"Looks like you're turning faggot-y," Damien snickered, glowing with the aftermath of being plowed and seeded.

"Fuck you, D," Andy said, slapping Damien's butt cheek playfully.

"You just did, A."

"No, seriously, Damien. I often thought of going into Linda's butt, but she wouldn't have anything to do with that."

"I wouldn't know, buddy, seeing that I have experienced neither."

"I tell you, man. Ass is tight and dry. Unwelcoming. Not like a wet pussy that sucks you in. But it's this resistance that meets your cock that is so intense. It's the stretching, as if the ass is telling you that it's not for fucking and that you should pull out your fucker right now, like it's forbidden territory."

"Don't tell me you're giving up pussy for ass, bro," Damien said snaking his hand to cover Andy's slimed cock, still semi-hard, drawn to it like a magnet.

"Hell, dude, I'm fucking pussy till kingdom come. No, man. It's not about fucking ass or fucking pussy. It's about fucking you. If I hadn't had this feeling for you, Damien, I would have never been able to get it up enough to go into another guy's butt. I might convince Linda, but now that I have you, Linda will get it into her pussy only. Fuck, even the sucking, D. Linda puts my cock in her mouth and kinda waits, as if she's doing me a favor. You? Damien. My God. It feels like you own me with your mouth... like... like you're making love to my dick. Sorry, dude, I'm not dissing you or anything. It's just so new to me, these sensations."

"Well, Bud, you got an awesome cock. It's hard not to treat it with respect and love and ... and lust."

"Exactly, dude. Couple times? You won't believe it. Couple times I went limp inside Linda's mouth. With you? Damien, I was so hard as you sucked me, I was so turned on, and the explosion as you took me into your throat. Holy Fuck! It was more intense than when I shot into a condom inside Linda's pussy. And you fucking swallowed it. Linda would have spit it out. With disgust."

Damien listened, not knowing whether to be insulted by all this or being proud that his buddy had enjoyed the way he sexed him.

Andy took a deep breath and looked straight into Damien's eyes. "I love you, Damien, as a buddy, my best buddy, and now as my lover too. I'm not gay, so don't get any ideas, but I love you."

"That's good enough for me, Andy. I hesitated for so long to come out to you. I was afraid of losing you. But now..."

"I don't know if I can do to you what you've done to me, Damien," Andy confessed.

"You don't have to. I need your respect, your acceptance, your friendship."

Andy leaned and brushed his lips on Damien's mouth.

"Lie back."

Damien gazed at his buddy as Andy slid down, his face over Damien's crotch. Damien tried to pull Andy back up.

"Don't, Andy."

Grabbing Damien's cock, Andy looked at Damien's face with a smirk, placing his hand squarely on Damien's chest pressing him back down. "Just let me try. It's gonna be weird. But I want to try. You seemed to like it so much."

Tentatively, palming Damien's cock shaft, Andy wrapped his lips around the cock head. He pressed under the ridge, feeling the knob swell, stretching his face cheeks.

"Fuck," Andy mumbled, wiping his lips with the back of his hand as Damien erected to his full 8 inches. "Yeah, it's so weird, but ... fuck it... kinda nice."

Andy went back onto the now erected cock, swallowing until he gagged. He gave up going deeper but remained working the throbbing knob and stroking the shaft. Damien's moans came out loud and intense.

"I'm cumming, Andy. Pull off. I'm cumming. Oh, my God."

Andy pulled off just in time to receive the first squirt right at his face, followed by three or four long ropes of man cum, covering him from hair to chin and dripping onto his chest. He put out his tongue and licked off a little of Damien's cum.

"Ewww," Andy laughed, as Damien started to settle, his cock still throbbing and dripping. "How can you swallow this jizz, bro? Tastes and feels so weird. I can't believe you jizzed on me."