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"I don't think I do," I said softly, still thinking about it.

"How could you? You'd have to actually have sex first to know if you like something."

Peeking at him, I frowned. "I thought you were convinced Josiah and I were having sex."

"He was at your house all the time, what would anyone think? He was the only one at your house though, no other guy. Ever."

I looked over at him again, wondering if he knew how creepy he sounded just then. "Stalker much?"

"Janice Pemberton lived across the street from you and she always told me about you because she knew how much I hated you," he told me with a glare. "Don't get big ideas about yourself, she just wanted in my good graces and in my pants."

"Did she get in them?"

"My pants? A few times. She was horrible at sucking cock."

"You're such a pig. How would you feel if you knew she went around telling people you sucked at going down on girls?"

He snorted again. "As if I ever put my mouth on her nasty snatch. I wouldn't even finger her, legends of the way she smelled were everywhere. Jax said he had to drive in the middle of winter with his hand out the window because he didn't have a place to wash his fingers and they smelled so bad. No fucking way. No one says I suck at going down because I fucking don't."

"Generous of you. You expect a girl to perform for you, but you don't return the favor?"

"What could you possibly know about it, virgin?" he snapped viciously.

"I know what I hear and what I read. Just because I've never personally found the right guy doesn't mean I'm clueless. I'm not a prude, I've read about it plenty."

He laughed then. "Go through a lot of batteries do you?" he asked mockingly.

"No," I shrugged. "Mine plugs into an outlet."

He let out a shocked laugh, quickly reigning it in as we pulled up to the sorority house.

"Why here? My dorm is..."

"You're missing a rush event. Plus, you already have a room here, you were moved out of your dorm today. Just stay quiet," he demanded, getting out and coming around to open my door.

I got out, then tried to take some of my bags as he pulled them out of the back. He refused to let me carry anything, telling me to go inside.

When I went in, the place seemed empty.

"Same room you woke up in," he told me, nodding up the stairs.

I hurried up and looked round, confused. The other bed was gone and all of my things were there in bags and boxes next to the bed. "I won't be sharing a room with someone?" I asked.

"And give you the comfort of a roommate and friend?" he asked lightly. "Not fucking likely. Nothing is going to be easy for you here, bitch." There was no heat behind the insult this time. A word thrown out without meaning. Setting my bags down, he turned and took me by the shoulder, leading me back down and into a back room.

Immediately, I blanched back, horrified.

In a dozen chairs, a dozen men sat, pledges in front of them, loudly sucking their cocks.

"About time!" Cicely snapped, hurrying to him. "It's almost over! Get her up there and on Jeremy, he's done nothing but complain about..."

"It's too late," Noah cut in, jerking his chin at a man who had his fist up, his eyes closed as his head tilted back. "You have a winner any second."

"She can still be the loser!" Cicely growled, grabbing my other arm, pulling on me.

"Next time is soon enough, it's too late this time. If she contests it, they'll take her side and the dean might be pissed, even if they did all sign waivers and agree. Looks like you're doing great here, Ces," he smiled down at her, then bent and kissed her head, never letting my arm go. "You have this all about wrapped up. Good for you, I knew you could do it."

She beamed under his praise, looking up at him adoringly.

"I have to be up early for practice. I'll put this one in her place before I leave."

Cicely opened her mouth to object.

"Looks like you do have a winner," he spoke quickly as the man opened his fist and growled loudly. There was cheering as the girl sat up, wiping her mouth proudly.

Cicely turned to look and Noah pulled me back out of the room, leading me back up to the room upstairs.

"Stay in your room until you have to go to class," he snapped. "Leave early enough to grab some food from the quad, but don't come back after and hang out here. Don't come back until all of your classes are done, do you understand?" he demanded.

"Why can't I be..."

"Do you fucking understand orders, bitch?" he demanded angrily, getting in my face. "Are you stupid too, that you need me to spell out simple fucking instructions? You follow fucking orders or you can drop out, do you understand?"

"Yes!" I yelled back angrily.

"The brown top with the tulip sleeves tomorrow and the floral skirt with the Jimmy Choo's. Do you understand?"


"Fix your hair and make-up exactly the same as today," he snapped as he turned to leave.

I stared at the door, not understanding any of this. Why couldn't I be at the house if I was living here now?

I dismissed it, putting everything away, then climbing into bed with a sigh. It was ridiculously comfortable.

Jerking awake in the night, I sat up in bed and looked around. It was dark save for the window and soft light from the street light and I still couldn't see anything. I was going to have to get a nightlight for my room. What had woken me? A sound? I couldn't hear anything. Almost, I got up to turn on the light, then decided against it. I was tired and didn't really care.

Morning came too early and I grumped at my phone as I turned off the alarm. I'd set it with enough time to try and do my hair and make-up, something I never had to worry about before.

The house was quiet when I left and I wondered where everyone was. I had one of the earliest classes, they couldn't all be gone yet? It occurred to me then that none of them were up yet. Of course they weren't.

I left and stayed gone all day, happy to have some peace for the most part.

During my last lecture, a girl sat next to me and I recognized her as one of the pledges.

"Hi! It's Sutton, right?" she asked with a smile.

"Yeah," I answered, unable to tell if it was a genuine smile or not.

"Delaney, but you can call me Dee, everyone does. So how cray cray was last night, am I right? Holy shit, who saw that coming? She thought she won, then bam, she's gone. Guess that's fair though, you know? Is she really that good or did she just get an easy guy, right? When she couldn't get Noah off, he didn't even give her a chance to keep trying. Like, ten minutes and he told her to fuck off. Harsh, but I guess the man knows what he knows, right? He made the rest of us do two minutes each and only Courtney got sent home from the rest of us! Can you believe there's only nine of us left? And you already basically a sister! What's it like being a legacy?"

I looked her over in a sort of stunned stupor. Noah had gone back down there and... "Didn't that upset Cicely?" I asked. "To see all those girls with her boyfriend?"

"Oh, he's not her boyfriend, just her daddy. He's the one who does most of the tests? He made most of them! He's so hot! If I make it in, I'm going to find a man right away though, someone from the frat so I don't have to be on cock duty, like ever. I don't suck at blowjobs, but I don't like them either, do you? Does any girl? I'm just glad I don't have to suck Noah's cock every night like Ces does, can you imagine? Did you see the size of that thing? He was huge and hard to get your mouth around! It was like, all hands, right? Mouth over the top and stroking. Maybe I'll see if Rod is single, you know him? His cock was huge too, can you imagine getting fucked by HIM every night? Mmm. If I had to suck though, I'd go for Henry. Not a microdick like Avery, but not too huge to suck off all the time either. Perfect size to have in your mouth. You know?"

I smiled at her like I was in agreement, though I had no idea who those people were.

"You excited about tonight?"


"The pool party? At the frat? Attendance mandatory, you'll be there, right?"

"Of course," I smiled.

"Oh my god, are those Jimmy Choo's?!? Those are so freaking cute, I love them! I WISH I could afford a pair, but it's whatever. My knockoffs get me by! Just don't tell anyone," she giggled, touching my arm in a friendly gesture.

The professor began his lecture before I could say anything, but I thought about what she'd told me.

I sat the entire class imagining Noah up on a throne like chair, girl after girl coming to him and going down on him. Her fate was decided on how well she performed for him, his whim.

I would have been sent away.

Not that I would have done it, that was the most absurd thing I'd ever heard of, even if it was in the bylaws and waivers we all signed.

I should have read everything before I signed. How was I supposed to know POP had gone away from academics and into the way of the Kardashians? The worst I had expected was to have to use chemistry equipment to make alcohol and get tipsy. I had a medical waiver ready for that or anything similar.

No alcohol.

Heading home, I was feeling a little nervous about this pool party. How hard was all of this going to be to handle?

When I went into my room, there was a bag on my bed, and in it a two piece bathing suit.

I guess I was expected to go to the party.

"Oh my gosh, your room is totes adorbs!" Dee squealed, looking in. "And you get it to yourself? Holy cow, you're so lucky!!"

I smiled at her, too embarrassed to tell her it was a punishment. "Come in, sit down. What time is the pool party?" I asked, holding the swimsuit up before pulling off the tags.

"Is that... Luli Fama? Wow, that's beautiful! You must be freaking loaded!"

I laughed looking at her, "Why do you say that?"

"All your clothes? Your REAL name brand clothes! I struggled to get one outfit for the rush and I bought it like fourth or fifth hand! The rest are knockoffs and even those are second hand!"

I looked at the bathing suit, then at her. "They can't require you wear these clothes and not buy them for you?" I told her, shaking my head.

"It's in the bylaws! You have to own them already to even be considered!"

I looked down at the clothes, none of which I had owned the day before and none of which I had bought for myself. I assumed the sorority was paying for the clothes since they required they be worn like a uniform.

So who had paid for everything? And why? I would have fought the dismissal, you can't exclude people for being poor, but... they could have tried to use it to be rid of me. Maybe they only did it for girls who made it in and I was a legacy. I was in by default.

I swallowed hard, then turned back to Dee, trying to smile. "My dad's in real estate," I told her with a shrug. It wasn't a lie, but we definitely couldn't afford the sorts of clothes hanging in my closet right now. Not since he lost his position at the head of the old company. Maybe a single outfit once a year, but not a wardrobe in a single day. "Don't suppose you know how to style hair?" I asked her hopefully.

Dee looked gleeful as she sat me down.

I decided then that I liked her, she was genuine and while she wasn't a normal sort of friend I would make, she was nice.

She left to go get herself ready, but promised to come back and ride with me to the pool party.

When the door opened, I assumed it would be her, but it was Noah who stepped in, looking me over.

Snatching up the wrap, I pulled it on quickly.

"That works alright, I guess," he told me, looking at the door. "I came early, you forgot this," he told me, holding up the nail polish.

"Oh, Dee is coming back, she can help me with..."

"I said I would fucking do it. It needs to be done right. Get the open toed black pumps out, try them on with that. Those will work. Sit down and prop your foot up here," he demanded, going to a knee and patting his thigh. He was in swim shorts, so my foot was half on his skin, half on his shorts as I sat down.

His giant hand held my foot, engulfing it as he lifted it up high to paint my toenails. I had small feet and even smaller toenails, I couldn't understand how his massive hands were able to paint them without getting paint everywhere.

While he was distracted, I took the opportunity to look over his half exposed chest through his open button down. Defined muscles all the way up and down were a feast for the eyes, even if I didn't want to admit it. He wasn't skinny anymore, his working out had paid off spectacularly. No wonder the Dee's of the world were so enamored with him.

When he switched to my other foot, he shifted and his shorts shifted. My eyes dropped to the bulge in his shorts. The... large bulge in his shorts.

He was hard. Very hard.

He was getting off on this?

No wonder he'd insisted on doing this himself, he had a thing for feet. Also explained why he wanted to pick out all my shoes. Did he pick out the shoes for all the girls? Was that a thing for him? Taking everyone who got in shopping and picking out their shoes? Seeing their feet as he tried shoes on them?

Leaning close, he moved as if to kiss my toes and I jerked back, horrified. "What are you doing?" I demanded heatedly.

"Blowing so it'll dry? What the fuck? If you messed it up and I have to start over..." he growled, yanking my foot close again.

Blowing. Duh. I was a freak.

Glaring at me, he started on my fingers, holding my hand firmly as he painted.

He still had a hard on, bent almost double with a leg up to hide it, it was hard to see unless you were looking. How did he intend to get rid of that thing?

Finishing my other hand, he looked them all over, then gave a small nod. "Go down and wait for me by my truck, I need to go see Cicely."

"Dee said..."

"NOW!" he demanded, making me jump.

I fled the room, hurrying down the stairs. I didn't make the door before I remembered my phone.

Going back up as quietly as I could, I slipped into my room and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. Stepping out, I looked down the hall and I could see Noah. His head anyway. He was in a chair, his head back, his eyes closed.

Moving closer, I could see someone's legs on the floor, her body between his legs. I couldn't see who, but I knew he was getting his hardon taken care of by someone.

Going down, I waited by his truck. He took long enough I was able to catch Dee when she came back, telling her I had to ride with them and couldn't drive.

When Noah came out, Cicely and two other women were with him, Cicely leaning heavily on his arm as he smiled down at her. She glared murder at me as he helped me into the back of his truck with the other two, but once he helped her up front, she never turned around again. No one else existed but Noah for her.

Noah spent half the drive adjusting his rearview mirror and lifting enough to see me in it. The fourth time he did it, I flipped him off without looking at him.

"Why is the rush riding with us?" one of the sisters in the back demanded.

"Is that an issue for you, Holly?" Noah asked calmly.

"No, I just wondered!"

"She's one of four freshmen allowed a vehicle. She's riding with me so she doesn't have her vehicle there. I don't want her trying to run off when the fun starts," Noah told her, then gave me an evil smirk in the rearview.

"The rushes are all on cock duty tonight, right?" the other girl asked, her tone whiny.

"Why, Miranda, you no longer want to be on rotation?" Noah asked, his voice deceptively calm.

"I do! That's not what I meant! I just mean, it's their turn tonight, right?"

"Tonight is the stew," Noah smirked. "No more talking, I don't want the surprise spoiled."

The girl next to me gave me a very satisfied evil smile that made me sick.

The frat house was half the size of the sorority and much older. There was a huge pool out back though, and people already there, drinking and swimming and being loud.

When Noah arrived, the party settled and everyone seemed excited.

"Are the rushes all here?" Noah asked loudly.

A dozen men were shoved forward with blindfolds on and not a stitch else.

"And yours?" Noah asked Cicely.

"Hannah?" Cicely called.

"All but the one with you," a tall woman answered, the POP rushes lined up next to her in swimsuits.

Cicely pushed me towards the line and I crowded in next to Dee who squeezed my hand.

"Rules," Noah yelled loudly. "No taking off your blindfold, men, no peeking at all! No one is in the house but you and the POP rushes and a couple brothers to keep watch. Ladies, you go in and you hide. Once you hide you cannot move from your spot if and until you are found. Men, you find your POP rush, and you fuck her until you cum, then throw her in the pool. She cleans out the cum in the pool, gets out and hides again after ten minutes, men can go looking again after fifteen. Ladies, you know the rules. If you are found, you are his to fuck until he comes, then you get in the pool and stay there until it's a nice cum stew at the end of the night. Each of you will be drinking one full cup of cum stew at midnight! If you hide well, you may only be found once, if you choose not to hide, well, that's fine too. Fucking is fucking fun! Additional rules. There are three locked doors in the frat. You will not break into them, they are already locked, no one is behind them and you can't hide behind them. Ladies, you may not leave the house, you hide inside and that's it. No moving once you have hidden. There will be watchers and you will be punished for breaking the rules and then tossed out. Our rushes have been put through hell and this is their night for reward! Your night to show them how eager you are to serve. Now. On my mark."

"Wait!" I yelled, shaking my head.

"Are you dropping out?" Cicely asked eagerly.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Sutton," Noah called angrily. "Not another sound. You signed the waiver, it's all in the bylaws."

"But I'm..."

"I'm not fucking interested. On your marks, GO!" he yelled, before I could object again.

Hesitating, I watched the other girls run inside, squealing like it was a game. I was starting to panic a little, looking around.

"Two minutes," Noah yelled, then looked at me.

I took off into the house, immediately kicking the pumps off. I was small, I could hide in a tiny space! Running upstairs, I was looking around when a hand caught me, another hand over my mouth as I was dragged into a room.

It hadn't been two minutes! Struggling, I kicked and scratched until Noah spun me and let me go, looking down at something in his hands. Not even looking my direction, he moved and unlocked a closet, his closet I realized as I looked around his room, then grabbed me and pushed me in. Tossing me a pillow and blanket, he shut the door, then locked it again. "Not a peep," he rumbled, his voice pitched low.

I don't know if I was relieved or terrified. I was locked in a closet, NOAH'S closet, but that also meant I was safe from all of those rushes.

Why had he done that?

Making myself a little bed, I curled up to wait.

The door was tried dozens of times, and the bed was used half a dozen times, but I never made a sound.

Close to the end of the night, the door was quietly unlocked, then left alone.

Moments later there was yelling in the hall. "Midnight! Everyone come down to the pool!"

I slipped out and Cicely glared at me when I came out of the house dry. I was the only one who came out dry.

"How the hell did you..." she began, moving closer, then shoving me as hard as she could into the pool.

Floundering, I flailed my arms and tried to swim, but I didn't know how to swim as I tried to scream. My lungs filled with water, the water burning my eyes as I struggled.

Hands yanked me out of the water, rolling me roughly as I vomited up all that water immediately.