Nora and her “Cherub”

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Davin enters the world of being a cuckolded husband for Nora.
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Davin was alone again that evening in May. The dishes were done as he wiped his hands on his apron before hanging it on a hook by the sink. He sighed and looked around, missing his wife. Everything looked clean and ready for her return later tonight or tomorrow. It was going to be a long lonely night as he headed up to her bedroom to lay out her evening wear and choose her clothes for tomorrow. He chose some charcoal color pantyhose, white blouse and black skirt. Since she preferred to choose her own panties and bra; he made sure that the dresser was full and organized. He picked out high heels in black and gave them a quick polish. He was happy with his choices for Nora; he knew she would look great and, with her beauty and figure, the center of attention at her high power corporate position.

Nora at 45 had risen through the ranks of her company to hold a very important position of Senior VP: Operations. She was a striking woman to look at and even at her age overshadowed many younger women. She had a compassionate, intelligent, and expressive face with full lips, huge brown eyes, and auburn mid length hair that sometimes fell in front of her face sometimes giving her a sultry look.

At 5'9" she had stayed in shape; although through the years she had added a pound or two and it only served to enhance her sexuality. She liked to wear clothes that featured her appealing figure, but not to the point of being showy or cheap. She admitted to herself that she enjoyed the longing gazes of men that she met. She knew what power she had and used it to her advantage to attract well-built successful and confident men. More important though was her personality that sparkled and glowed with kindness, humour, and intelligence.

Davin, on the other hand, wore his years heavily. Unlike Nora he had failed at most everything he tried and watched through his life as better more competent men and women became wealthy and successful, while he eventually accepted a life of domesticity and routine. He looked at himself in his wife's bedroom mirror and saw himself for a second. Bald and tubby would be the only way to describe himself. As he saw himself in the humble and plain cleaning maid's outfit that Nora had bought for him, the big granny panties underneath, and the frilly apron, he reviewed his body, lifting the edge of his dress, including his pudgy belly and bum and miniscule penis.

Sometimes Nora, for a treat, would pat his ample bottom or rub his boobs and belly in a kindly way and smile. He both loved the attention but felt ashamed at the same time. She loved having a sissy maid but sometimes felt bad for him and the small life he had cooking and cleaning for her, while her life was full of glamour and romance. She worried sometimes after her dates that he seemed sad and melancholy. She sometimes spoke with her friend Sharon about him. Sharon was a slim blonde woman that Davin had a crush on for many years in college before he met Nora, always trying to impress her, but always suspected that he would never be man enough for her. Of course, he was right.


She met Sharon at a crowded bar for drinks while Davin was at home doing the washing and scrubbing. Sharon wore a fluffy pink sweater that hugged her large breasts provocatively and tight jeans that left little to the imagination and Nora was in a shapely skirt and jacket ensemble. Sharon was sympathetic to Nora's problems with Davin but tried to help her to understand some things that he must be feeling. Sharon said "Nora, you must understand how humiliating it must be for any man, even Davin, to be put in such a position. To be so totally rejected as a man by you and spend his days just making your life easy."

"I really thought that he had already accepted his reduced status by now," said Nora. "I have been seeing Scott for over a year now and he seems to be understanding of that. I brought Scott over to the house so that he and Davin could talk alone about the situation and everything. I thought it went well but Davin has been quieter lately."

Sharon smiled, "Yes, I know that you are healthy woman that has needs and I know from personal experience that Scott can handle that side of your personality. Although Davin can't handle a woman like you, or any woman from what you have told me about his lack of size and poor performance, it must still sting to have to face the man that has replaced him. He loves you more than you know."

Nora replied, "I know and I care about him too. That's why I am talking to you, I want what is best for all concerned. I thought that he understood that his role in our relationship would not be a manly one. I know that having Scott and I together must hurt particularly since they have known each other since boyhood"

Nora reflected back to his early attempts at sex with her and how he was such a disappointment in the bedroom. All his silly fumbling around and laughably small where it counts added to his frustration and embarrassment trying to love his wife. Being a kind girl, she did her best not to giggle or smirk at his pathetic attempt at manliness; after all he was trying his best. He would never admit it, she thought, but cutting him off from sex with her was a relief for him. No sillier attempts at being a man. It's really for the best that he stays in my life and take care of me, she thought. That way the little man can at least be around a woman like me in some reduced capacity.

Lost in thought in the noisy bar, she didn't notice that the men had arrived. Feeling a strong hand on her delicate shoulder she also felt the 5 0'clock shadow of her new lover and then the delicate but passionate lips of her man in the nape of her neck. She swiveled around in her chair to see Scott standing there with Sharon's husband Charlie. She brushed back her hair from her face and sweetly smiled. Both men had come from meetings and were dressed immaculately in bespoke suits. They look great and smelled great and just oozed confidence.

"Oh you scared me" she laughed and swatted him playfully on the arm. Nora felt a warm erotic rush as Scott sat beside her and stared lovingly into her large brown eyes. He was a solid man with mature good looks. They looked like a "power couple" together. Having a sissy at home taking care of her and her house was great, but sometimes a woman needs to be with a man.


Meanwhile Davin was leaving his wife's bedroom and walking down the stairs to his small room in the basement. He walked past the laundry machines and ironing that seemed to take so much of his time these days. He saw a basket of underwear that needed to be fluffed and folded. He would get to that tomorrow but noticed with annoyance that some of Scott's underwear and socks had made their way into the laundry.

Davin thought back to the eventful night two weeks ago when Scott and him had "the talk". Nora had broached the idea of having Scott over to discuss the relationship he was having with Davin's wife. Davin resisted for a while but was talked into it by his vivacious bride. Scott arrived at the door in a dark blue business suit, polished shoes, and red tie. Davin answered the door in his wrinkled maid's smock and apron. He began to explain that the feelings that the two lovers had for each other was growing and they didn't want to hide it from the world any longer.

"What does that mean?" cried Davin, "is she leaving me for you"?

Scott smiled calmly and said "calm down old buddy. It just means that we don't want to sneak around and pretend. Nora and I have been developing strong feelings for each other but you can stay a part of lives though. Listen... I know it must sting to know that your beautiful wife that you love and desire needs to turn to other men for sexual satisfaction. I thought that maybe having an old friend like me help you out after your failure in the bedroom so often would make it easier to accept."

Davin looked to the floor and sniffed "I know that I didn't measure up for her and she would need other men. But now I get nothing. No kissing, hugging, affection, nothing! I cook and clean and slave and what do I have.... I have a sexless marriage with a lovely cheater"?

Scott frowned: "Do not call her a cheater. You weren't up to the task! You couldn't compete with real men! You failed at work and at love. She makes all the money and supports your sissy ass. What was she to do...settle for a husband that dresses like a woman and pathetic sex?"

"Besides" laughed Scott calming down again "your marriage is only sexless for you. She is well taken care of."

Davin, trying not to cry from frustration said "I know Scott. Thanks for taking such good care of her. She seems so happy and content these days. That is due to you, I am sure"

"That's the spirit" said Scott with an amused look in his eyes. "And you are a great help to her. She has an important career and having you take care of the housework, mopping, cleaning, and helping her. For example, I always appreciate how she looks when we go out on dates. I know that you help her to get ready for her dates and it shows! She looks amazing...I am always so proud to have this woman as mine in front of colleagues and friends. Davin, I am so grateful for the effort you put into preparing your wife for me."

Scott continued "so you see, she isn't leaving you.... she just wants to change things up a bit...change is good right? She loves you but not in the way a woman loves a man. And you know you were not entirely honest with her about your sissy tendencies when you married. You can imagine the shock she felt when she learned about that."

Davin said quietly and in a shaky voice, "I don't think I could face the world if the word got out about all of this, I would be so ashamed. We would lose so much respect if we did that. The guys I know would think I lost my balls, imagine the smug condensing looks and comments we would get from the town gossips."

Scott replied "Don't worry. You should know that we have told a few people about the living situation between you and Nora and how I help you with her in the bedroom. People also see me and Nora together regularly now so there won't be much of an adjustment. For example, we told Charlie and Sharon and they didn't lose any respect for us. They thought it was great and admirable that Nora was pursuing her needs and that I was the man that was called upon to do it. Their judgement of me went way up when they heard that could take your sexy wife away from you, at least physically."

Davin felt the blood rise to his cheeks as he realized that Sharon and Charlie have been talking to Scott and Nora about his inadequacies and reduced status. To his embarrassment and shame Nora had confided in her best friend a few years ago and Sharon thought it was wonderful. "Sure", he said, "they respect for you and Nora in the community would be enhanced by all of this. But what me, what am I to the world...I wanted to be a man and not just a useless sissy?"

Scott leaned forward and quietly put his strong hand on the shoulder of the defeated husband. "I acknowledge that we have a way to go in our society before male sissies are completely accepted. For now, people tend to look down with amusement on a man that can't satisfy his wife like you. It's not fair since you just aren't built for sex like most is not your fault. Once a woman turns to another man to meet her sexual needs, as Nora had to do with me, it is obvious to everyone what your role needs to be."


As the two men in her life continued to talk in Davin's tiny sleeping quarters beside the laundry room, Nora walked up the stairs to her large bedroom. She was pleased to see that Davin had tidied the room, turned down the bed for her and Scott, and laid out her clothes for tomorrow. The little cherub, she laughed, was such a charm to have around for these kind of things. Her heart swelled with gratitude and joy for the life she was given; good looks and health, great sex and prosperity, and two very different types of men in her life taking care of her in very different ways.

Nora was a compassionate and kind woman so she really appreciated Scott sometimes. Here he is taking the time to comfort his old friend and get Davin more comfortable with the circumstances; particularly around the sensitive subject of Scott and her going public with their relationship. She understood that Scott would help him understand because he is such an admirable man and good friend to Davin; and this is going to be so good for our marriage. It also so progressive looking to the community to have a husband publically supporting his wife and her needs. She felt on top of the world; she sighed and hugged herself and smiled thinking about how blessed she has been.

She began to get changed by removing her high heels and nylons. She unbuttoned her pink dress shirt and slipped out of her slim navy skirt. Standing in her white panties and bra, like Davin earlier, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Unlike Davin, she was pleasantly surprised by how good she looked.

Nora was not a vain person but, like most women, she liked to look attractive. She looked critically at the woman in the mirror and saw a still trim and healthy woman. Sure the breasts needed a bra now but they were still stunning. She pulled off her bra over her head and kicked off her panties and threw them into the laundry basket for Davin. Her skin was flawless still, alabaster white apart from lovely pink nipples and vagina. Her breasts were firm and soft and she noticed, with a pout, that her bum was getting a little rounder with age. Her long dark brown hair cascades over her shoulder and face. Her large brown eyes looked calm and her shapely red lips parted in satisfied little smile.

She looked at herself and the peaceful and contented woman in the mirror looked back. How did we get here she said to her reflection? Can people really live this way? It felt like they were living in a romantic magic spell making her life a fairy tale. She giggled, am I a princess now and is Scott my Prince Charming? She tried to push these girlish thoughts away...after all she was not a girl anymore; she was a mature full grown woman with womanly needs from her prince on a stallion.

She slipped on her white sheer negligee and panties. She enjoyed the feeling of the fine cloth touching her hardened nipples she slid between the cool silk sheets to wait for her lover. She wasn't sure if Scott was going to stay over tonight. "I guess it depends on how the talk is going with the little guy downstairs" she muttered out loud. She reached into her panties, closed her eyes, and moaned quietly hoping that her wish would come true.

When she opened her eyes she saw the silhouette of her man framed by the bedroom door. He was in his shirt sleeves with his jacket over his large forearm. She broke out in a large smile, her eyes gleaming as she watches him approach her bed confidently. He sat down on the bed, took her in his strong virile arms, and kissed her. Nora felt his warm breath and his whiskers against her soft face as she pulled head back to accept his advances.

He kissed her firmly then pulled her back to look at her pretty face. "Looks like Davin is on board!" he said with a cocky sense of amusement. He light-heartedly raised his hand in the air and said "Who's the man"? Nora, her voice filled with desire said "You are the Man. Never doubt that."


The events of that night two weeks earlier had left a real and lasting impact on Davin. Since the night of "the talk" Davin had tried his best to accept his position in Nora's household. She had been so sweet and understanding as he tried his best to adapt to her lover being around more and more. To Davin having Scott step up and assume the manly role he had failed to live up to, was both a relief and a source of continuing disgrace. To be sure, it had been at least a decade since Nora had allowed little Davin the chance to experience her body. But it was even harder for Davin to accept the hurt and embarrassment of being excluded sexually now that Nora had a full time man to call upon.

Davin stood at the doorway of Nora's bedroom with a small tray upon which two cups of Americano coffee sat along with fresh croissant with cheese and strawberries. Davin was wearing a light blue working maid's outfit that came to just below his knees, off white pantyhose and full apron. He never wore a wig, at Nora's insistence, because she said that he wasn't trying to impersonate a woman. He was a sissy trapped in a dress...not a woman. She felt it was the best way for him to learn to accept his fate and shake off false notions of manliness.

He looked into the bedroom and saw the lovely Nora still slumbering, the sun pouring in through the light curtains which spackled spots of sunbeams over the bed. He watched as she reached out to her lover...but his side of the bed was empty. That's when Davin noticed that the bathroom light was on and the sound of the shower could be heard.

Smelling the coffee and treats, Nora began to stir and pulled herself up in bed with her tousled hair and loose fitting nightie. Her beautiful breasts pushed up against the filmy fabric and Davin saw the outline of the areola and nipples. He quickly turned his eyes away to avoid looking at her as he had lost the right to see his wife naked many years back.

She saw him blushing and smiled and said "Why hello sweetie, don't you look so adorable standing there so quietly with a tray. What did you make us today?" She still felt a little sore after the last evening of lovemaking with her man; breakfast in bed really was just what she needed. The little cherub was so thoughtful

His face still burning with embarrassment, he placed the tray down on the bed. She smiled at him and thanked him for being so kind. Nora felt consideration mixed with amusement as she thought of earlier times where women were forced to submit to their husbands and took such menial jobs as ladies' maids to make ends meet. It made a lot of sense in this day and age that weak men, such as Davin, would be able to fill that humble role from time to time. She felt stronger and more confident thanks to Davin.

"We will be taking my car into the office today" she said. Scott and I have some meetings with the board this morning and then he is off to Saudi Arabia later tomorrow to talk to investors about our new product line. Do you think that you will have time to wash and detail his car after you hand wash my panties later?"

She felt a twinge of pity for her husband, having been demeaned so completely over the last two weeks that she thought about him and remembered that he still had a special place in her affections. Looking at him her eyes shone with tenderness and amusement, "I know that this has been so hard for you, Davin but it is a special kind of life we lead, isn't it? It feels like we are flying free and unencumbered and each of us living up to our true potential. There is a real freedom there when you accept it and allow yourself to submit to it."

Davin stuttered, "Y-y-yes Nora, it is difficult to accept where we are now but I am trying to learn and be a help to you in the ways that I can. I get sad and lonely sometimes when you spend too much time away and I get jealous and anxious. I know that I shouldn't be so needy and clinging but...." His voice broke, he fell to his knees and he let out a couple of pathetic sighs as a tear ran his face. He tried to hide his sobbing face by bringing his fringed apron up to wipe his face. His wife who looked at him with sympathy. Davin also thought that he detected a trace of contempt for him fall on her beautiful face for a split second.

Holding his face, Nora said "don't turn away, baby! It's okay to cry sometimes. Sharon tells me that it is emasculating to be so completely cuckolded, I guess she is right. Knowing that you will never get to have sex with me again while I get regularly railed by your best friend from childhood. Of course there are the sissy clothes and chastity that we agreed upon.... that can't be easy either. I get it." She said in a soft breathy voice.