Nora's Big Mistake Ch. 28


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Superhuman agility: Eobard possesses inhuman bodily coordination, balance, equilibrium and dexterity. He is able to change direction immediately, thus allows him to make sharp turns on city streets without sliding or losing his balance.

Superhuman momentum: Eobard can generate an inhuman amount of physical force from any part of his body, especially while using super speed. This allowed him to exert inhuman physical strength with almost absolute ease, commonly to restrain opponent at super speed and pinning them down with little effort, as well as to kill his opponents through high-speed collision. By channeling this force to his strikes, even the Flash was quickly pummeled and rendered unable to fight back despite healing powers. When he faced the Black Flash in 2025, Eobard punched with enough force to send the creature flying through several rooms before slamming against the far wall. He could also punch clean through people, as he did do impale Bridge on his arm in 2015 and even to punch through his chest-piece of the A.T.O.M. Exosuit to tear out Ray's heart in 1916. Alternately, when Eobard removed Ray's heart, he may've phased his hand through Dr. Palmer's chest, much like he did when he crushed Cisco's heart in an erased timeline.

Superhuman reflexes: Eobard's increased speed also augments his reaction time, allowing him to react to danger and events far faster than a normal human.

Time travel: Using the Negative Speed Force, speedsters such as Reverse-Flash are able to conduct chronokinesis or temporal manipulation, which allows him to travel throughout time. Unlike users of the Speed Force, Eobard's ability to travel through and manipulate time is more refined compared to other speedsters as he is easily able to drastically alter history and completely erase people from existence (other speedsters cannot change the past without dramatic consequences). This ability has also allowed Eobard to continue existing despite being erased from existence in the current timeline. However, when using the Speed Force Eobard does have side effects such as watching for Time Wraiths and has his Speed Force time remnants able to be erased by the Black Flash.

Time remnant construct: By shifting momentarily back in time, Eobard is able to "create" a time remnant. As each one is as real as the other, it allows Eobard to overwhelm his enemies with multiple copies of himself. It also protected him from any alterations to the timeline and secures his existence when he shouldn't exist by becoming a Time Remnant himself. As a Time Remnant he was also able to create his own Time Remnants, but they a merely extensions of himself and under his direct control, as evident when Black Flash erased Eobard from existence, all his time remnants phased out of existence shortly after him.

Retrocognition: When existing as a time remnant, the Negative Speed Force provided Eobard with memories of his former life (and possibly alternate timelines) masquerading as Wells, as seen when his time remnant-self reminisced about working with Cisco and Caitlin. When Barry visited a version of Eobard as Wells, Eobard was quite familiar with Savitar even though Savitar was presumably not part of the original timeline. Due to his preservation within the Negative Speed Force, it is assumed that Eobard retains his pre-Crisis memories, which is likely due to the fact that the Negative Speed Force is immune to changes to the timeline.

Superhuman stamina: Eobard's body can handle the stresses of superhuman racing without noticeable distress. His body's enhanced stamina allows him to function much longer than a normal human without getting tired or weak. Therefore, he is also adapted to the extreme amounts of force exerted on him while he is moving at super speed, as well as the extreme temperatures and lessened amount of breathable air.

Superhuman strength: Due to the tremendous amounts of Speed Force energy in his body, Eobard displays a degree of superhuman strength, exerting inhuman amounts of force without using his speed. He was also seen punching Mason which made Bridge go all the way up to the roof and as the man came falling down he once again punched his victim, making Mason go all the way across the room. From a stationary position, he was able to throw the Flash several yards away with one arm. As means of intimidation or restraining, he has repeatedly been shown able to easily hold down, or even pick up, a full-grown adult with a single hand, usually by their necks. He was also able to effortlessly break a man's neck. Eobard's method of intimidation/restraining has been done on Rex in 1947 and Malcolm Merlyn in the Vanishing Point, and method of breaking a man's neck has been done on Mercury Labs' various staff and the CCPD in 2014-2016, and government agents while protecting Damien Darhk in 1987.

His abilities were as follows:

Genius-level intellect/Great business acumen/Master tactician/Leader: Eobard is considered a genius even in the more advanced era of the late 22nd century, having learned astro-navigation in grade school, potentially making him more intelligent than all individuals of the early 21st century (besides Clifford DeVoe) he has displayed in-depth knowledge and understanding of time-traveling like the Time Masters. With this, he was able to effectively evade any encounters with a Time Wraith and confidently travel back over 150 years to change the past with no fear of affecting his own future, as well as to give the Legends trouble balancing the timeline. Eobard is a great tactician, businessman, and leader, having personally founded S.T.A.R. Labs and ran it very successfully for 14 years and was able to effectively lead Team Flash and swiftly come up with plans to help Barry Allen defeat the meta-humans while simultaneously carrying out multiple deeds to fulfill his own agenda and preventing them from figuring out that he is Reverse-Flash for nearly a year. In addition, his mastery of contingency plans was also shown by how he had set in place the necessary tools to force everyone to go back into the pipeline, therefore forcing Team Flash to still help him return to his time even after he had been defeated by Barry, Oliver and Firestorm. After rewriting reality with the Spear of Destiny, Eobard once again proved able to efficiently run S.T.A.R. Labs, becoming a prominent figure in the world of business. Eobard is proven to have great intelligence about the Speed Force and it's usage. He has many times helped and guided Barry to use it better. He knew it has powers to create vacuums, move seamlessly pass through any solid target and was able to direct Barry on how-to use the Speed Force to time travel. Eobard also has knowledge relating to mystical artifacts. He knew that the Askaran Amulet was a Judeo-Christian artifact which acted like a compass for the Spear of Destiny as well as knew the object's divine capabilities. He even related some knowledge of the Fasces Axe which Damien Darhk was purchasing. He also revealed he knows about time remnants, when he went up against the Legends. His knowledge and understanding about the Speed Force seems to be among the greatest (if not the greatest) among the speedsters due to him being from the future. Eobard is among the most intelligent individuals in the multiverse and the most intelligent individual on Earth-1.

Medical knowledge: Although never explicitly stated to excel in the medical field, Eobard was still a good enough of a medic to perform complex surgeries, as he was put in charge of transplanting Supergirl's healthy heart into Overgirl.

Computer specialist/Skilled computer hacker: Eobard is a skilled computer hacker, being able to hack into the radio signals of multiple cars in order to destroy Hartley Rathaway's weapons.

Master scientist: Having learned astro-navigation in grade school and dedicated his life to learning the secrets of the Speed Force, Eobard is a vastly knowledgeable, resourceful and ingenious scientist, specializing in various fields of science. Throughout his life, Eobard has been a genius professor, especially a physicist, from the advanced 22nd century, and when stuck in the 21st century as Harrison Wells, while running S.T.A.R Labs, he was able to effectively act as one of the greatest scientific professors of that time and make great advancement to multiple scientific fields. He has a superb knowledge of meta-human biochemistry and molecular structure, creating a biomolecular enhancer. When given the formula of Velocity-9, Eobard was able to quickly identify a way to disable the artificial speed. This may all be because he's from the 22nd century. His greatest feat of science was his successful replication of the Flash's accident to replicate his former idol/future archenemies' powers for him self and he even created his own method of being a speedster and time travel by creating/tapping into the Negative Speed Force, a force leeching power from the Speed Force and fueled by negative emotions and negative tachyons, in order to be a speedster yet be undetectable by the Flash, as well as a means to be protected from his existence being erased from his ancestor's death.

Master of deception/Manipulator: Eobard is highly accomplished at deceiving people, as he was able to work closely with Team Flash for months as Harrison Wells without them knowing who he really is and even deceive those close to the real Harrison Wells, all but Tina McGee. He is also an excellent manipulator, as he managed to effortlessly manipulate Tony Woodward and Hannibal Bates respectively into helping him. He even manipulated Nora West-Allen into trusting him, telling her to help punch Devoe's satellite in order to manipulate the timeline and create a Cicada that Team Flash could defeat in order do destroy Cicada's dagger which was dampening his powers in the future, thus freeing him.

Master engineer: Eobard is highly proficient in the art of engineering due to his consummate knowledge of futuristic technology from 22nd century, as he successfully created and modified the particle accelerator with only the resources of the 21nd century, recreated the tachyon device into a Quantum Splicer with Cisco's help and was able to create the ring that contains his suit, the Time Vault, anti-speedster guns, and the appearance-stealing cord, which he managed to modify to be nonlethal to the person whose appearance is being mimicked, allowing him to keep Martin Stein alive. Eobard while serving as a SS General on Earth-X even designed and constructed the Wellenreiter mostly on his own.

Multilingual: Eobard is capable of fluently speaking English and Latin. He can also read and write in the time language.

Expert hand-to-hand combatant: Though suffering a beating at the hands of the Flash from 2016 in his first encounter, Eobard eventually became a seasoned expert of hand-to-hand combat, being able to fight on par with the Flash of 2024 and easily defeated the younger Flash from 2014-2015 in multiple fights, along with later on winning two fights with the 2017 Flash, who's speed equalled his, before being defeated in their final fight. Whereas the novice Flash from 2014-2015 relied primarily on speed to overwhelm slower opponents with random striking, the older Eobard proved to be a very methodical combatant, using his speed to seamlessly and quickly strike at precise spots to systemically wear down his opponent. Even without his speed, Eobard's fighting skills on their own right proved formidable, capable of trouncing Ray Palmer in his A.T.O.M. Exosuit when they were in a no gravity area, which effectively stripped him of his speed, with solely superior fighting skills, quickly turning the tides after Ray briefly overwhelmed him to swiftly beat and kick him away, with Ray only overpowering him using his suit's blasts and even managed to roughly hold his own against the extremely skilled Oliver Queen, who had already been trained by Ra's al Ghul at this point long enough to regain his speed, able to dodge and block quite a few of Oliver's blows before eventually being overpowered. When in Nash's body and not having his powers, Eobard was still able to outfight Cisco, easily knocking him down and restraining him and breaking out of his grip after being hit and tackling him to a table and ultimately subduing him after easily blocking his attack upon being kicked away. Like his rival Barry Allen, Eobard is also quick to adapt in battle, as shown when they used their newly created lightning swords against the temporarily much faster Godspeed, with their combined efforts proving to be a match for him.

Skilled knife-fighter: When fighting Ray, Eobard was able to use a knife to slash him twice before getting disarmed.

Expert stick-fighter: When fighting Oliver, Eobard was able to wield a metal pole against the bow-wielding vigilante, hold his own for a time and even land a hit on him though he clearly caught Oliver off guard.

Intimidation: As the Reverse-Flash, Eobard possesses an intimidating presence that would force people to give up information or stop an investigation on him. Damien Darhk notably wasn't afraid of him; only his super speed.

His former powers were as follows:

Possession: After Eobard's death in the Crisis, he was reduced to a form of negative tachyons, as his physical form was no longer preserved. As negative tachyons, he has the power to possess humans. However, he could not take over the body and connect to the Negative Speed Force until the host was fully overwhelmed by him. However, since the Speed Force gave him back his body, he doesn't need to find a host again.

His weaknesses were as follows:

Anti-speedster weapons: The Legends have an arsenal of anti-speedster guns, invented by Eobard himself, which would allow the user to momentarily slow Eobard down. However, Eobard showed himself resistant to the weapons, restoring his powers after mere moments.

Positive tachyons: Since the Negative Speed Force is the opposite of the regular Speed Force, positive tachyons are theorized to weaken Eobard's powers as he produces negative tachyons. However, negative tachyons can also leech off positive tachyons to draw power. This suggests that too much positive tachyons can actually offset negative tachyons.

Cold temperatures: Much like other speedsters, Eobard seems to be weakened or at least momentarily stunned when exposed to an extremely cold environment. This was proven when Leonard Snart's Cold gun knocked Eobard unconscious for a short period of time.

Irregular gravity: Eobard is unable to access his speed while in space or on the moon. While Ray suggests this is because of the lack of gravity, Eobard is still unable to phase or vibrate himself while tied up on the moon, which does possess a gravitational force. However, this may simply be because of the differing gravitational forces of Earth and the moon, meaning that Eobard would be able to phase in that particular level of gravity. Also, he needed to manually restore his normal appearance with the appearance-stealing cord instead of vibrating on his own power. He can however still access his speed and phasing abilities to their fullest effect when Earth-level gravity is artificially replicated (e.g. on the Waverider).

Nanites: When Eobard was shot with a nanite arrow, he lost his powers for a short amount of time even though Oliver said it'd take away his speed for "quite awhile," and he could somewhat vibrate, allowing him to phase the nanites out of his body, instantly restoring his powers.

Time alterations: While willing to make huge leaps through time and likewise meddle with events, Eobard still has a great respect and fear of time manipulation done recklessly. This is from fear of both undoing his own future and the existence of the Time Wraiths who act as guardians to the Speed Force's energy. Even more, while existing as a time remnant as his past self was erased from existence, Eobard was forced to constantly run, even through the timeline itself, to avoid getting killed by the relentless hunting of the Black Flash, of which Eobard was utterly terrified of facing. After his return from some unknown place, Eobard seems to have solved his problem with the Black Flash. He claimed to discover that "the timeline is malleable" and was able to predict the timeline with ease.

His former weaknesses were as follows:

Cicada's dagger: Cicida's dagger has the power to disable and negate the superhuman abilities of meta-humans who gained powers due to exposure to dark matter, including Eobard. In 2049 it is used to dampen Eobard's powers while he's in prison on death row. However, since Team Flash sent the dagger to the Mirrorverse in 2019, this caused it to vanish in 2049, thereby allowing Thawne to regain access to his powers.

Speed Force connection flux: According to Gideon, Eobard severely damaged his connection to the Speed Force from having traveled back in time and killed Barry's mom. However, a more likely explanation is that Eobard altered the timeline to the point there was no source of inspiration for his powers. This case was shown when Barry's temporary amnesia wiped Savitar's (a future version of Barry) memory causing Wally (as his reason to be a speedster was due to Savitar) to lose his connection to the Speed Force, so it is implied the same held true for Eobard. Even when Eobard's ancestor Eddie committed suicide to wipe Eobard out of existence, the Negative Speed Force continued to exist despite Eobard being the creator, so this implies the Negative Speed Force truly is immune to timeline changes as Thawne said. While later regaining his super speed and most of its related powers due to setting the timeline back on course through the Particle Accelerator explosion leading to Barry becoming the Flash, he still lacked a stable connection to the Speed Force, rendering him unable to travel through time and stranded in the distant past. At the same time, his recovered speed was unstable, randomly working, and also appeared to affect his ability to walk. To compensate somewhat, Eobard relied on the tachyon prototype to stabilize his powers for a longer duration. However, the version that had existed after the Flashpoint timeline never experienced these damaging events (likely to being a time aberration), thus is able to use his powers to their fullest with ease. Later, the original version who wore Harrison Wells's appearance somehow (likely due to feeding on the negative emotions of others) managed to stabilize his connection.

Lack of host body: As negative tachyons, Eobard does not have a stable form and has to possess a person to remain stable as well as the connection to the Negative Speed Force. In addition, when he possesses someone, he has to make them fully give in to their negative emotions (such as Nash Wells's despair and guilt over losing Maya) in order to completely take over their body. Until he's fully taken over his host, he cannot access the Negative Speed Force. However, since the Speed Force gave him back his body, he doesn't need to find a host again.

His equipment was as follows:

Gideon: Eobard uses Gideon, an advanced artificial intelligence created by Barry Allen, to aid him during his travels through time and when monitoring the timeline.

Reverse-Flash ring: Eobard owns a ring with a Reverse-Flash lightning-bolt symbol on it that can open secret rooms within S.T.A.R. Labs. He uses it to open up a wall that contains a mannequin which he uses to store his Reverse-Flash suit. Eobard is able to hold his entire costume in his ring, and shoot it out of the top, allowing him to change into it at super speed and always have it ready for wear.

Reverse-Flash suit: Eobard wears a protective suit while acting as the Reverse-Flash, to hide his identity from his victims And withstand extreme force. It is similar to the Flash's future suit, but only reversing the colors (red to yellow, white to black).
