Not IN Love Ch. 01

Story Info
He starts dating a bi-curious lesbian.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 02/18/2022
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This is a fictitious story. All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to real people is coincidence. Do not take any information in this story as health advice.


Joe walked in through the backdoor. As usual, Jenny was preparing some food on the kitchen bench. He could see her breasts moving under her silk blouse. Her beautiful nipples were rubbing against the material. He wondered what it would be like to feel those breasts and then remembered she was married. He then wondered what it would be like to have his nipples brushing against the sensuous material.

Jenny looked up and Joe said, "Hi Mrs G. How are you?" he then looked over at Lucy, Jenny's daughter, and said, "Hi Lucy."

Jenny smiled and said, "I'm well thank you Joe," and continued jiggling her breasts.

Lucy said nonchalantly, "Hi Joe."

"Is Dan in the shed?" asked Joe.

"Yes, as usual," answered Jenny smiling.

Joe knocked on the shed door. There was a rustle and then Dan opened the door. He said, "Hi Joe. Come in."

Joe said, "Maybe you should turn on the exhaust fan Dan,"

"Yeah," replied Dan, "I'm thinking of giving up the bong and eating the stuff like you do.

"I've got some new dope. Do you want to try it?"

"Okay," answered Joe, "I think eating is more healthy than smoking."

Dan said, "Yeah, you're probably right. Your dad is a good example," Joe's father had died of lung cancer. Dan retrieved a tin can from its hiding place, opened it and offered its contents to Joe. Joe took a pinch of the cannabis and started eating it.

"Drink?" asked Dan.

"Yes please," answered Joe, "I need to wash it down with something."

After finishing their drinks Joe said, "Would you come inside with me? I want to give Mrs G a birthday card."

"Yeah sure," answered Dan and they went back into the family room.

Joe walked over to Jenny and said, "Happy birthday Mrs G," and offered her an envelope.

"Thank you Joe," said Jenny as she wiped her hands on a hand towel and accepted the envelope.

As she was opening the envelope, Joe said, "It's from all of us."

Jenny read the card. She smiled and said as she looked at Dan, "And you're the best husband in world," She then looked at Lucy, laughed and said, "'The best mum you've ever had.' I'm the ONLY mum you've had," She then looked at Joe, smiled and said, "You're also the very best of friends, Joe."

Joe said, "There's more in there."

Jenny looked into the envelope and pulled out two credit sized cards. She read one out aloud looking a bit confused, "Woman's Tennis Club?"

Joe replied, "Yes. It's a year's platinum membership. It entitles you to free games and lessons. Your first lessen is on Wednesday at 3pm with a lady called Tracy."

Jenny looked at Dan, smiled and asked, "Am I getting too fat?"

"No of course not Jen," answered Dan, "It'll do you good to socialise."

"I can give you a lift if you like," offered Joe.

"I'm not taking that E-trip," said Jenny.

Lucy chuckled and both Joe and Dan had big smiles on their faces. Jenny realised that she'd said something funny, felt embarrassed with her naivety and asked, "E stands for 'Electric' doesn't it?"

"It also stands for Ecstasy," offered Lucy, "You know, MDMA."

"Your electric vehicle is named after a drug?" asked Jenny of Joe a bit disappointed.

"No," answered Joe, "It does stand for 'Electric' but it does appeal to a specific generation."

"I'll take the Volvo thank you. It may be old but it's still a very good transport," said Jenny.

Jenny pursed her lips then Lucy said, "Come on mum. You might meet some sexy ladies there."

Jenny looked at Lucy and said, "Not all women are lesbians Lucy."

"I wish," said Lucy under her breath.

Jenny ignored Lucy and asked, "What's this?" as she held up a gift card.

Joe answered, "It's a gift card. It works at all the stores at the mall. You'll probably need to buy some sports gear for tennis."

"You've got to look good for all those tennis babes," teased Lucy.

Jenny shook her head.

Joe felt uncomfortable. He didn't like conflict so he said, "I'd better get going. We're catching up for some games this afternoon."

Jenny asked, "Are you still going to the movies tonight?"

"Yes of course," answered Joe and then he asked Lucy, "If you still want to go Lucy?"

"Yeah sure," answered Lucy.

"Well, then dinner will be at six," said Jenny.

"Okay, thanks," replied Joe and left via the backdoor.

Dan followed and when they were out of earshot of the others, he said, "I'll give you some money for the present."

"That's not necessary," said Joe.

"Joe," said Dan, "You've got to stop doing this," Joe looked confused, "You can't keep buying us expensive presents. You bought me that Mig welder for my birthday. Jenny told me she didn't know anything about it. And now you've bought Jenny that membership. It must have cost hundreds if not thousands?"

"It's not such an exclusive club," answered Joe smiling.

"How much is on the gift card?" asked Dan.

"A thousand," answered Joe, "Sports gear can be expensive."

"Gees..." said Dan as he ran his fingers through his hair, "You can't buy someone else's wife expensive presents."

"You're both my best friends and Mrs G feeds me every Saturday evening. That must add up to a lot of money. And she looked after me after school until my parents came home," replied Joe, "I can easily afford it Dan. I inherited a lot of money from my parents.

"Speaking of dinner. I thought that I would shout us all dinner at that new fancy restaurant for Lucy's 18th birthday?"

"I know you can afford it mate but..." answered Dan, "That new restaurant? That'll be expensive?"

"I want to try it," replied Joe, "and I don't want to go by myself. What better reason than to celebrate Lucy's birthday and... she duxed her year, she deserves to celebrate. Besides, who else would I spend my money on but my best friends?"

Dan could see the logic and if anything, Joe was logical, "Okay, after the restaurant, no more expensive birthday presents.

"Look Joe, I... I know that you can't fall in love but one day you might find someone to love and then you can spend all your money on them."

"I love you, Mrs G, Lucy, Tom and Harry. I loved my parents," said Joe, "I sort of like Shelly and Dick..."

"No," continued Dan, "Someone like you."

"Harry's like me," offered Joe.

"No, a woman," answered Dan, "Unless you're gay?"

"No Dan, I'm no gay," answered Joe, "I've had girlfriends but, it just didn't work out. We weren't compatible. They wanted to fall in love and I can't do that. My position on the spectrum doesn't allow that."

"I know Joe but," Dan said a little bit frustrated, "maybe you'll find someone that you love, but can't fall in love with, that you can spend the rest of you life with, you know."

"Someone like Mrs G?" asked Joe.

"Yeah, someone like her," answered Dan.

"Joe, we can't afford to reciprocate these presents..." started Dan.

"I know," replied Joe, "You can't afford to buy me presents and I don't want you to. If I need something, I'll buy it. You needed a welder, you now have one of the best. Mrs G likes tennis, she can now play it. We all like eating good food and we can do that when we celebrate Lucy's birthday. It's all logical Dan."

Dan realised he wasn't going to win this discussion so he said, "Just promise me that after we go to the restaurant, you won't buy us anymore expensive birthday presents, okay?"

"So you agree that I can take us all to the fancy restaurant?" asked Joe.

"I'll have to clear it with Jenny but I think it'll be fine," answered Dan, "Now promise me."

"Okay Dan," answered Joe, "I promise that after we celebrate Lucy's birthday at the fancy restaurant I won't buy your family any more expensive birthday presents."

"Good," said Dan as he nodded, "Now go kill some zombies or whatever you do playing those console games. See you at dinner time."


Jenny and Lucy were buying clothes to wear to the restaurant. Jenny asked, "What about one of these?" as she held up a bra.

Lucy looked briefly and said, "I'm like you mum I don't need a bra," and kept looking at other clothes.

"Just a minute," said Jenny as she went off to the fitting rooms. When she came back she said, "Look."

Lucy looked at Jenny's chest. The bra was a padded push up bra and Jenny now had a cleavage and a couple of nice rounded bumps, "You'd wear that?" asked Lucy smiling.

"Yes, but only on special occasions," answered Jenny and then a little embarrassed, "Besides, some dresses won't fit properly unless they're... filled out."

Lucy looked again and said, "Your tits do look good. Do you think that dad will be able to resist you like that?"

"Be serious Lucy," answered Jenny and then she added smiling, "No he won't."

"Oh, you dirty old woman," said Lucy laughing, "Ah, okay. It won't hurt trying it on but I like my boobs just as they are. However, I do see that some people might like a bit more to ogle at."

A little while later Jenny gasped when Lucy came out wearing the beautiful dress that she'd chosen. This was the first time she realised that Lucy was all grown up, "You're absolutely beautiful," she said smiling, "You'll knock their socks off."

"I'm aiming for their underpants," joked Lucy.

Jenny was a bit disappointed. It was what she expected Lucy to say but she was hoping for her to say something a bit more mature, "Oh well," she sighed.

"It was a joke mum," responded Lucy.

"I know," answered Jenny, "I... I was just hoping for a bit more maturity. Are you happy with those?"

"Yes, if you are?" answered Lucy.

"Well, there's still lots more money on the gift voucher," she joked as she held up the gift card that she was given for her birthday.

"Mum," said Lucy, "That's your birthday money. You should spend it on you."

"It's my money and I'll spend it on whatever or whoever, I, like, and I like you," answered Jenny smiling, "Besides, what else can I spend a thousand dollars on?"

"A thousand?" asked Lucy.

"Yes," answered Jenny, "Dan must have done some cash in hand jobs. Now, I don't condone that, but it was probably for his friends."

Lucy just nodded.


That evening Joe arrived dressed in a suit. He'd walked to Dan's home so he rang the front door bell instead of going around the back as he usually did. Lucy answered the door. He was stunned. Lucy was no longer just a lanky teenager. Besides Jenny, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. The transformation was incredible. Lucy danced around showing off her dress as she asked, "You like?"

"Yes" answered Joe, "Except there's one thing missing."

Lucy frowned, looked at her outfit and asked, "What?"

"These," Joe said as he held out a box.

"For me?" asked Lucy a bit stunned.

"Yes," answered Joe smiling, "Happy birthday."

Lucy took the box and opened it. Her eyes went wide and she gasped. She picked up the pearl necklace and rubbed the pearls against her teeth, "They're real!" shrieked Lucy. Joe smiled wider. Lucy grabbed his hand and led him into the family room saying, "Could you put them on please?"

Joe said, "I think they'd look better on you."

"Idiot," replied Lucy as she smiled and turned her back to him.

Joe was clasping the necklace when Jenny came out. Joe said, "The TWO most beautiful women in the world and I'm in their presence simultaneously."

Jenny laughed but felt very flattered. Lucy said, "Look mum, Joe gave me these," as she lifted up the pearls and rubbed them against her teeth, "and they're real."

Jenny was shocked and then said, "You don't test them in front of the person who gave them to you."

"Oh it's alright mum," admonished Lucy, "It's Joe, he doesn't mind. I've got to put these on," she said as she took the pearl earrings into her bedroom.

Jenny looked at Joe in shock, "What do you think you are doing?" she asked in shock.

Joe stopped smiling. He was stunned. Just then Dan came in and saw both their expressions. He stepped in and asked, "Alright, settle down. Let's not spoil the evening."

Jenny turned on Dan and said emphasising each word, "Joe just gave Lucy a pearl necklace and earrings."

Dan sighed. He could see that Joe was ready to panic. He said, "Jen, you go and make sure Lucy's ready. I'll talk to Joe."

Jenny stormed out. Dan said, "I thought we agreed no more birthday presents?"

Joe's eyes were darting around. He said, "No more after tonight's dinner."

Dan sighed and said, "Okay, don't panic. I'll sort this out with Jenny. I'll tell her that we both bought the pearls, okay?"

Joe nodded and said, "I never meant to hurt anyone."

"I know," replied Dan, "Let's just enjoy ourselves."

Dan followed Jenny into their bedroom just as Lucy came out of her bedroom wearing the earrings, "What do you think?" she asked as she showed off her wares.

Joe immediately cheered up. He smiled and said, "Stunningly beautiful," as he looked Lucy up and down.

"Hmm," she said appraising, "You scrub up pretty well yourself. Oh, I haven't thanked you for the pearls," as she leaned over and kissed Joe on the lips. She frowned and licked her lips, looked around and said, "Dope."

Joe replied smiling, "Isn't your catch phrase 'Idiot'?"

"No," answered Lucy as she looked around to make sure that they couldn't be overheard, "I can smell and taste weed," Joe didn't say anything so Lucy asked, "May I have some?"

"No," answered Joe.

"Oh come on," pleaded Lucy, "It's nice to share."

"I don't have any on me," replied Joe.

"Oh," said Lucy disappointingly, "That's a pity. I'd like to get stoned tonight. It would be the perfect accompaniment. I haven't had any for a few days," as she smiled.

"How long have you been using?" asked Joe suspiciously.

"Since orientation day at uni," answered Lucy, "I met a very nice girl and things lead to this and that and... well," and she shrugged her shoulders.

Jenny and Dan came back into the family room. Jenny said, "Joe, I'm sorry for the way I talked to you. I... well I was just a bit shocked that..."

"That's alright Mrs G," said Joe smiling, "I was a bit stunned myself."

Dan said, "I'll lock up. You three wait out front for the taxi."

"Shall we?" said Joe as he offered his arms to both women. They both accepted his offer and Joe escorted them outside. He then said, "The two most beautiful women in the world and I'm sandwiched between them."

Lucy laughed and said, "You wish."

Joe ignored Lucy's double entendre inference and said, "No really You two could be sisters if not twins."

Jenny smiled and squeezed his arm. She was flattered because she felt younger. Lucy was also flattered because she felt older. She said as she raised her eyebrows, "Did you hear that mum? Sisters, with the same man."

Jenny blushed and said, "I've heard about that, sisters or twins dating the same man, but I don't think we'd do it Lucy."

"Why not mum, I mean 'sister'?" asked Lucy seductively, "Joe might be man enough to handle both of us," she joked.

Jenny laughed and said, "Bedding down with you, 'sister', is not appealing. Contrary to the infamous saying, incest is NOT best."

Lucy laughed and then said, "Yeah, I think you're right this time, sister. Sleeping with you is NOT a turn on," She then said, "Although, we could date him on different days," Joe hoped that his semi-erection wasn't showing.

Dan came out after locking up. He said, "Well you three look like you're enjoying yourselves."

Lucy said, "I was just wondering if I should let Joe be my boyfriend."

"Lucy," said Jenny sternly, "just because a man gives you a pearly necklace doesn't mean that he's your boyfriend."

Lucy snickered and said quietly, "I think it does."

Jenny looked at the other three. Joe couldn't have smiled more and Dan was chuckling. She realised that she'd again said something provocative and was again, embarrassed that she didn't know what. Dan saw her looking at him and said, "I'll tell you later."

"Show you more like it," said Lucy.

Dan looked at Lucy and said, "At least act a little bit mature, please."

"Sorry," was all Lucy could say still smiling.

The taxi arrived and Dan insisted that he ride in the front, mainly so that he could pay when they arrived at the restaurant. Lucy slid across the seat. As she did so her dress rode up and Joe noticed she was wearing stockings not pantyhose. He offered for Jenny to enter the car and Jenny insisted that he sit between the two 'sisters'. Joe was happy with that.

At the restaurant they ordered wine entrees and mains. Joe suggested that they wait until they've finished those before ordering dessert. Jenny was a bit concerned that there were no prices on the menu but Joe lied, saying that he'd arranged it that way so that they wouldn't worry about the cost.

Jenny asked Lucy what she thought of the wine and Lucy said that she liked Moscato more than Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio and Pinot Noir because it was sweeter. Jenny realised that Lucy must have been drinking under age but Dan told her not to say anything or it might spoil the night.

After they finished their mains, Joe ordered a dessert wine. He made a toast to wish Lucy a happy birthday and to the dux of her year. Just then the waiter brought out a beautiful birthday cake and after singing happy birthday to Lucy they ate some of the cake for dessert.

They caught a taxi from the restaurant to Dan's home. Joe excused himself and was about to walk home. Lucy showed him out and in private asked if she could come over the next day to get stoned. Joe agreed and left.

Jenny commented that Lucy showed very good manners by showing Joe out.


Joe and Lucy would regularly have dinner at her house and then they'd see a movie together. After the movie, Lucy would always shout Joe an ice-cream from the Gelato shop which they'd eat on a bench in the Central Park and they'd talk about the movie or other things.

Just over a month after Lucy's birthday dinner, she asked Joe,after they'd finished eating their ice-creams, "Why haven't you ever tried to properly ask me out on a date?"

"Don't you consider this a date?" asked Joe in return.

"No," answered Lucy, "We've been doing this since I was a child. It's what we do as friends. I mean a real date like a boyfriend and girlfriend date."

"Oh," answered Joe, "I don't mean to pry but I thought you were a lesbian?"

"Well I'm open to being bi-curious," answered Lucy smiling.

"I'm seven years older than you Lucy," replied Joe.

"Oh," said Lucy, "Am I too immature?"

"Well no actually," answered Joe, "I think that you've greatly matured since your most recent birthday. It's probably because of your experience at uni."

"Thank you," replied Lucy.

Joe then asked with a big smile on his face, "Lucy, would you like to go on a date to the pictures with me next Saturday evening?"

"Idiot," she answered and then formally, "Why yes Joe, that would be lovely," they both laughed and so they officially started dating.


Joe's doorbell rang and he answered it. Lucy was standing there in hot pants and a Monty Python T-shirt, "Hello," he said, "You're early."

Unusually, Joe did not step back to let her in. Lucy saw that he had on his old karate gear, black belt and all, "Should I leave or is it me you want to beat up?"

Joe laughed, stepped back and said, "Welcome, please enter."

Lucy entered as she said jokingly, "So it IS me that you want to hit?"

"No," answered Joe smiling, "I was just doing some Tai Chi."

"Oh. So you want to SLOWLY beat me up?" joked Lucy as she followed him towards the pergola.

"I'd have to do Tai Chi quickly to beat you up," answered Joe.

"To ATTEMPT to beat me up," replied Lucy.

"Are you still practising Taekwondo?" asked Joe. Lucy nodded.

"Make yourself comfortable in the entertainment room if you like. I'll be about half an hour," said Joe as he took his position in the middle of the pergola.