Not What It Seems Ch. 10


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"That's where you're wrong." Jared said as a slow smile crept up on his lips, "I came here to talk business with you-"

Haltor's rich laugh cut him off, "Are you seriously out of your fucking mind, Valentine? Are you this pathetic after your girlfriend left you? Business? Seriously this has made my day."

Jared waited patiently for him to finish his immature behaviour before he took a pile of documents and threw it on his desk. "I'm sure you'll change your mind after you see this."

"God, humour me." Haltor said as he picked it up. There was a few moments of confusion as he started to see a whole host of numbers of documents, "What the fuck is-" he started but realisation hit him hard and Jared saw the triumph moment when his face turned white.

Jared got up from Haltor's leather swivel chair. "So what do you think? I'm sure even with your limited knowledge you'd understand what these are right? I'm just thinking, which do you think, fraud, breaking competition laws or money laundry acquires the highest sentence in the federal court?"

Haltor threw all the documents on the floor, "What the fuck are you trying to play at?!"

Jared ignored him and walked down two steps to the main area of his office, and sat down on the couch. He leaned forward to pour himself a drink, casually leaning back, he watched as Haltor approached him. Stopping barely a meter from him, Haltor leaned down and shouted, "Do you think with this shit, you can fuck me over? It proves nothing!"

Jared looked at him mockingly, "Do you really think I'm new to this game? I wouldn't have come here if I didn't have enough evidence to fuck you over. Charles? That dog, really you paid him millions and millions of dollars to do a shit job. As for Faye, you paid her $3million to put on that little show? Not only do you have more money than sense, I'm sure this little news will delight your grandfather."

"I don't believe you!" Haltor growled.

"I don't care what you believe. From the statements, even you know the deal. So don't try to bullshit me. I'll be looking forward to see how your attorney tries to get you out of this one, but believe me, you're finished."

Jared got up and walked to the door, "Thanks for the wine." He was about to leave when Haltor suddenly spoke up.

"Wait, I'm sure there's something we can work out." He pleaded desperately.

"Scared your trust fund will go? I'm sure this is the least of your worries. You chose the wrong man to fuck with." Walking back up to him Jared grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall. Anger blinded him. The months of pent up frustrations at the realisation of how Haltor played him like a string puppet by throwing money and bribing his people.

"Do you know why I'm here today? No money or business contract you take can replace the one thing so important to me..." Jared said dangerously as he pushed him harder against the wall, using his arm he pressed it hard against his neck.

Haltor chocked, unable to breathe as Jared continued to press his arm harder and harder into his neck, "F-fuck, n-nothing happened between Alin and I. Argh... s-she's all yours."

Jared snorted but finally loosened his grip. Taking a deep breath to control his anger, (because if he didn't he feared he'd beat the shit out of him,) Jared backed away from him.

"You said there's something we can work on...I'll tell you what the deal is. You don't want to be exposed and get cut off, fine... I want the contract you have with Petrov and any others you have with any Chinese companies-"


"Do you think this is up for negotiations? Let me tell you, you son of a bitch, either you give me ALL those contracts or you get exposed." Jared looked at him smugly, "can you imagine the media? Not only will you be scandalised with your business activity, I'll clear up what you did to Alin's reputation. You sad motherfucker! Insinuating you had an affair with her? You're more fucked up than I gave you credit for."

"Fuck you." Haltor glared at him, "You stole from me first. She was mine, you know that? She was working as an intern for me. I gave her all the opportunities and then you came and fucked it up! I gave her everything she ever wanted. You fucked her, she was my fiancée! Do you know how many people laughed at me?"

"I didn't steal her. WE were about to marry until you hired Faye Morlan." Jared stopped in frustration, "I'm not here to talk bullshit with you." He walked towards the door, "If we have no deal, then I don't want to waste anymore time being in this shit hole."

For the second time Jared was about to leave when Haltor stopped him. For once in his life John was no longer arrogant, cocky and smug as he whispered in defeat, "I'll g-give you all of the contracts, but please don't leak out anything."

Jared smiled but didn't turn around, "never thought I'd work with The Haltor Corporation, but the thing that surprises me the most is JOHN HALTOR begging me. If I don't receive anything within a week from Petrov and the Chinese companies, I'll assume our deals off."

As Jared left his office he bid his secretary a good afternoon and when he left the building, he knew this wouldn't be the last time he'd return to The Haltor Cooperation...


Charles's hand was shaking as he listened to the other end of the line.

Haltor screamed down the phone at him, "You dumb fuck! Do you know how much you've cost me?"

Jared had found out? Knowing Jared for a good eleven years had taught Charles one thing about him: his need for vengeance on people who've done him wrong.

Instead of answering Haltor, he hung up on him quickly and went on his computer to quickly book a flight to Monaco. He had exactly about two hours to pack and leave this god damn place. As he opened the door, he nearly slammed himself against three men in suits.

"Mr Francis, in a hurry are we?" The men produced a warrant and their identity cards, "You're under-arrest for fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud..."

Everything seemed like a blur for Charles as he was handcuffed. Just today he was smiling at the fact that he was earning an astronomical salary and looking very much to his weekend in Vegas. Everything crashing down, but it only took him a few moments to react,

"What the fuck. Get this off me! I want to see an attorney! I have the fucking right to." He shouted angrily.

"I wouldn't if I were you." Charles turned to see Jared leaning against the door casually. "You've stole millions of dollars from the company, not to mention your connection with Haltor."

"It's all lies!"

Jared walked towards him, "Officer, please can we have a private moment?"

The officer nodded and left the two alone, closing the door behind them.

"Never thought you'd end up like this, huh?" Jared said as he sat on the desk. Without waiting for an answer he continued, "The thing is Charles you were too greedy, using your sister's company just wasn't enough for you, and you had to steal 35% on top of what you earned in your salary?"

Charles quickly did the maths, "what the hell are you talking about? You gave me a pay rise!"

"I did not. Why would I?" Jared said as he smiled smugly.

Catching up quickly, Charles anger boiled over, "You son of a bitch!"

Shaking his head, Jared leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "You orchestrated the whole thing in ruining my relationship with Alin, do you really think I'd let you off easily-"

"You were fucking stupid enough to believe what I said!" Charles growled.

Jared zoned out for a second, considering what he had said, "You're right I was stupid to believe you." but then his lips up curved slightly in an arrogant way, "we learn from mistakes and I'm sure you'll learn a lot in jail. You stealing that extra 35% on top of you planning to leave the country, which I'm sure you did before the officers came will surely land you in prison longer than what you were going to get. I was not satisfied for you to just get a few years. You covered your ass by making sure that all the money you stole was put into your sister's account. But greed will always get the better of you. Now that the account is related to you with that extra 35% transferred into it, any money Haltor transferred to you for the past five years will be used against both of you..."

"Fuck you, Jared. Even if I'm going down, I'll still drag you down with me! Five years ago, you lost the contract with E-bid because of a scandal, do you really think-"

"Do you really think, I'll let it happen again?" Jared said cutting him off. "Son," he started mockingly, "a statement will be released upon your arrest, and of course it's your reputation that is ruined, not mine. Having to explain this to you, I think my biggest mistake was employing someone like you. And by the way Charles, sorry that you have to cancel the trip to Vegas..."


"Happy birthday." Ryan said as he got up to greet Jared.

After all the fiasco from Charles arrest, Jared was waiting for the shit to hit the fan, since once the media got hold of the scandal, they were sure to latch on to it. However, this time Jared was fully prepared in dealing with it, which was sure to cause even more controversy; though he would deal with that when he came to it. Today, he just wanted a quiet day, but Ryan had insisted he at least come out for dinner and drinks.

Jared sat down and replied, "We didn't have to do this..."

Ryan snorted, "You know I can't believe you. The notorious Jared, not throwing a massive party this year, completed with strippers, is practically unheard of. Do you know Alvin, Penn and the others have begged me to ask you to re-consider? Now, even for a meal you won't come out?"

He rolled his eyes, "it's not as if you've come ever since your business took off. Besides aren't I a little old for that scene?"

Ryan raised his brows, "I thought your motto was, 'you're never too old.' If Hugh Hefner can do it, why can't you?"

That earned a slight smile from Jared, but it was quickly replaced by a sullen expression, "Well, I just want a quiet night today. Charles was arrested yesterday."

"I was wondering why it took you so long to do it." he shrugged his shoulders, "you have your reasons. I'm surprised you managed to keep his arrest quiet though."

"Well, when senior management level is involved usually they don't want anything to happen to the company, knowing this will ruin our reputation and their livelihood."

"And Faye Morlan?"

"I have my ways." Jared said as he scanned the menu, "Anyway, how's the Daniels contract going?" He stated ever so casually.

Ryan was not fooled as he laughed at Jared's pretence. "Trade secret."

Jared started to protest but Ryan laughed and explained the situation to him.

"Okay, no using this to your advantage but I'm not sure if it's working out. I mean in the beginning they were pretty optimistic. In China, they planned four chains in Beijing with future expansions in Shanghai. But with all the bureaucratic bullshit, only one received permission to be built in Beijing. Steven Daniels said they would only go ahead with the project if at least another were given permission. So at the moment we're just waiting. This was maybe three weeks ago. He hadn't told me anything since. However, I'm sure we're on the verge of signing since Alin has started the prototypes months ago, but I've heard nothing as yet."

Jared smiled slyly, "Well then we should celebrate!" He prompted the attention of the waitress and ordered champagne.

"I thought you wanted Alin to work for Daniels." Ryan asked as the waitress poured their drink.

"What I mean is there's a cause for celebration because it gives me time to get us back on track. Of course I want her to go, but not quite yet with so many things unresolved between us. Hell, if it takes more than that, I'm willing to go anywhere with her, I'd leave Tom temporarily in charge, but I can't let her leave without having her back in my life. I don't trust Daniels."

Ryan suddenly burst into laughter whilst Jared narrowed his eyes, "What's so funny?"

Ryan swished his wine studying it but he continued to grin mockingly at Jared, "Just every time I see you acting like a teenager falling in love the first time, it makes me feel like, maybe karma does exist. I mean how many poor girls have been waiting for your calls in the past? Or how many times you've been an arrogant dick? Jared Valentine pouting over a girl? It's almost a shame only I get to witness this."

Ryan toasted Jared, "As lame as this sounds, still, with all your flaws you're still my closest friend and yet again as lame as it sounds, happy birthday man, and I hope your only wish comes true."


After bottles of champagne, red and white wine, and rounds of JD on the rocks, Ryan had called it a night. It was only eleven.

After riding a taxi with Ryan and putting him to bed, (since he was so drunk he couldn't even walk) Jared left in the same taxi and made his way home.

Coming out from the shower, Jared heard a faint knock at his front door. Pulling on sweatpants and using a small towel to dry his hair, he wondered who was at the door. No one would come this late, save for his close friends who had access to the place.

He opened the door and could not believe what he was seeing.


Jared stared at the beautiful woman in front of him. His breath was sucked right out of him. He couldn't breath. Was he dreaming? Was he that deluded and crazy he started to imagining things? It must have been the drinks he and Ryan had.

"Alin?" He said foolishly as their gazes locked.

His apartment was dark, but the light from where she was standing outside, she could clearly see him. He hadn't changed at all, save from the growing stubble. But that just strangely added to his appeal. Damn, Alin thought why did he have to look so good?! You're here to talk. Just talk. Alin chanted to herself over and over, but who the hell was she kidding?

The truth was she had battled whether to come or not for weeks. Since she had things still at his apartment, which were very dear to her, like the architecture tools her mother had brought her when she had insisted on being an architect when she was younger. Also, items from her childhood and photographs that, at the time when she was packing was not the immediate items that she needed.

However she had debated when to go and for weeks had kept putting it off, and eventually chose today to come. Still, who was she kidding? Today was his birthday and she knew she had used it as any excuse coming to see him today. Even if just for one night, she needed him. Desperate to prove that she wasn't that attracted to him, that one more night would be enough...

Jared still looked at her. This must be a dream. And then his dream was short-lived as a few thoughts suddenly entered his mind. Was she here to collect her stuff? Then a worst thought entered his mind: was she here to tell him that she hated him before taking her stuff? Laced with uncertainty, Jared blurted out, "Alin, w-why are you here?"

Alin blushed. Not knowing how to answer, without sounding stupid. She forgot to add that he was topless. That definitely did NOT help.

" to collect some of my stuff. I'm sorry it's so late, but today was the only day I could come."

Jared watched as she reddened. Was he making this more difficult for her? Did she hate him that much that she was angry when he spoke to her, was she-

"Can I come in?" Alin whispered but didn't look at him.

"Oh yeah, s-sure I'm sorry I'm just a little dazed after drinking with Ryan tonight. Come in." He moved away so that she could walk pass and then he closed the door behind him. Watching her retreating back, he missed the days when he could wrap his arms around her waist. Don't push her, he reminded himself.

"D-do you want something to drink?"

Alin turned and looked at him. He was still topless with a small towel around his neck. His hair ruffled. "Thanks, just a glass of water will do."

"You can go ahead and get the stuff I'll come in and help you in a minute."

After getting her a glass of water, Jared went to their room and noticed Alin struggling with the heavy box inside the wardrobe, as she tried to push it back, he could see it was about to fall on her.

Putting the glass down on her vanity table, he moved swiftly and was behind her. Reaching up he pushed the box back.

He breathed a sigh of relief, though he quickly realised the position he was in. The close proximity he was to her. Don't push her, he reminded himself again. But he couldn't move. He missed her. He didn't want to let her go.

Alin froze. He was so close to her she could hear his breathing as it slowly sped up. Did she affect him as much as he affected her? She could hear her own heart beat.

Alin turned around and since Jared was nearly six inches taller than her, her eyelevel was on the gentle curve of his neck. She was barely an inch away from him.

Jared didn't move and neither did Alin. He really didn't know what to make of the situation. He couldn't read her expression since he couldn't see her. But surly, she was not as indifferent to him as before, since she hadn't moved away from him? Don't be deluded, why would she forgive you?

Before he could over think anymore, Alin tiptoed and her lips were on his. His brain tried to process a thousand things in a space of three seconds. He couldn't comprehend what was happening as he slightly tumbled back. She darted out her tongue to lick his lips, and then his brain stopped working. His heart pumped a thousand beat a minute. Damn was that even possible? Blood going to his head, he was dizzy, but in a good way, a very good way. He opened his lips, their tongues met. He turned her around and never breaking contact with her lips, he manoeuvred her so that he could kick the door shut and switch on the lights. He wanted so badly to see her. He felt as her hand hesitantly went to his torso, as she stroked his hard muscles. He felt his blood now pumping down there. He could feel his cock start to harden.

Fuck, fuck, not now! Not when he was trying hard to make sure he didn't scare her with his inability to keep himself in check. Because to be honest he still wasn't sure what the hell was going on. Alin continued to lean closer and kiss him, and then her hands slid to his very hard cock. She slowly and lightly started to stroke it through his sweatpants. Seriously if this is a dream, Jared would die. Her hands alone were making him so hard he didn't know if he'd come right away.

Jared broke away from her soft plump lips reluctantly and stepped back a little. If he kissed her any longer coupled with her hands tentatively stroking his cock leisurely, he was bound to come or make love to her there and then. He didn't want that. Trying hard to regain his balance, he looked at her just as she opened her eyes and looked right back at him.

She took his breath away.

Jared leaned in, cupping her face in his hands, he stroked her face softly with the pad of his thumb, then tracing her lips swollen from his kisses. Her eyes cast down shyly.

Jared watched her blush as she cast her eyes down displaying her long lashes. She was so beautiful, cute and sexy. Everything she does made him weak with desire and love. He didn't know why she was here, nor could he even distinguish if this was a dream or not. But assuming this wasn't a dream. She was in his arms, loving him. Jared felt his heart swell. She loved him. There were no other reasons for her to be here with him but one thing he was sure was, that tonight he had to make this right. He leaned close to linger his lips on her, instead of kissing her and distracting both of them, he decided to do the right thing. Ignoring his erection, Jared whispered, "Alin, tell me now you don't want me, because it would kill me...if I were to stop myself from loving you. Seeing you tonight makes me so happy, but please tell me I'm not deluding myself. Tell me this isn't a dream. Tell me you want me too, because-"
