Nude Scene Coach


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Now I groaned for less hot reasons, but I still felt a smile forming in spite of myself. It was hardly my first involuntary reaction of the night. When I finished, I opened my eyes to see Alexandra standing in front of me, still naked. "I guess I should get the cuffs off now," she figured.

"I'm willing to assume you have a prop key too," I hoped. Like many more improbable hopes tonight, this one came true.

The next big hope was that the aftermath wouldn't wreck everything. How was I supposed to leave after that -- or find a way to stay? How could I stay, given she had two big nude scenes tomorrow that...hold on. "You said there was another nude scene in this?" I asked carefully.

"Half-nude, technically," Alexandra corrected. "They let me keep my shirt on. Nothing else, though. Other than that, it's all talk, no 'action.' Still, it's talking with my pussy exposed, so..."

"That's all it is? Just exposure?" I pushed on, perhaps against my better judgment.

"Well...there is one very suggestive part at the end. Involving more...suggested tongue work," Alexandra teased.

"If you're nervous about that too...then I think I'll need to read the script first this time. If there's real talking and all," I proposed. Tucking my cock back in my underwear, I took my phone out from my pants and put it far away. "There. Now I can't take script pictures without HBO's permission."

The downside of Alexandra agreeing was that she really did put her sweater back on. It also hurt that the script didn't have her taking it back off -- or have Woody's character reach underneath it. But the end of the scene was...still more than suggestive enough.

I agreed to zip myself back up, read the scene without peeking at others in the script, and not try to impersonate Woody. Alexandra actually knew her lines, so I was the only one who had to read from the script. Between that and the actual script directions, it was like I was being handcuffed all over again.

Nonetheless, Alexandra sat her bare, heart shaped behind backside on my covered lap as the scene started. I almost wanted to screw up the lines so she'd sit there longer -- or at least long enough for me to feel anything down there again.

Yet there I went, reading my lines correctly so Alexandra could focus on reading hers too -- like this was a regular old rehearsal.

Once Alexandra got off my crotch and sat next to me on the couch, I could actually focus on reading and acting with her -- when her bare pussy wasn't completely visible. But I survived, and so did she, until we got to that suggestive ending.

"You just wanna have your cake...and eat it too," Alexandra said her last line, then got up from the couch. She bent down and put herself -- and her ass -- right in position.

Putting down the script, I remembered enough to still say, "What good's cake...if you can't eat it?"

On that cue, I had to put my face directly against her perfect ass. Like in the last scene, however, they would cut away just before the good oral stuff really happened. However, since Alexandra decided to do the extended version of the last scene...was she really suggesting I do the same?

It would be fair. It would be one of the few logical reasons to actually take it this far, instead of just reading the script. And maybe a Woody Harrelson could smother an ass like this on his face and do nothing else -- but the rest of us didn't have such a high tolerance.

Last time, Alexandra said "And scene," and only blew me afterwards. If she didn't want me to act sooner, she'd have said "And scene" by now -- or walked away. Right?

"I may need to have his face on my ass for a few takes," Alexandra said. "Should get used to it now."

In that case...time for take two.

I pulled away and sat straight up on the couch, attempting to start fresh. But I had to start quick before Alexandra stood straight up too. Right on time, I repeated the line, "What good's cake if you can't eat it?" then leaned back to her bent over behind.

In the script, I wasn't supposed to put my hands on her ass, or anywhere else. Yet the script had handcuffed me long enough. And when there were no last second objections, I finally laid my hands on one of Alexandra's sexy body parts.

With my hands on her ample cheeks, I merely savored the texture and full, thick surfaces for starters. Ultimately, I stuck my tongue out for added stimulation as well. Once the tip of it reached her pussy lips, it licked them up and down from behind while my hands pushed her ass up and down too.

I was doing quite enough behind her -- but the front of her needed attention too.

In a flash, I got down on my knees behind Alexandra, who could now stand up straight again. Reaching around, I put my left hand on the front of her pussy and went to work, while I kissed up the top of her legs. I inserted a finger just as my mouth reached her ass -- remembering just in time that I couldn't leave any marks on it.

Not unless I wanted Woody Harrelson and a whole HBO film crew to see it, and immortalize it on TV. I wasn't quite that desperate for infamy. Still, Alexandra's apple-shaped ass nearly made me desperate enough.

Finally, I just settled on kissing her left cheek for a while, letting my right hand squeeze her right. Yet my main target was below her cheeks, as I licked the bottom of her pussy while my fingers worked over the front of it. Attacking her from both ends, I was able to drive her 25 percent as crazy as she drove me -- which speaks more to how crazy she made me.

After one more good ass squeeze, my right hand reached around to her front, so both my hands could rub and pinch her. I kept licking her from the back, all while my left and right fingers took turns fucking her. "You wish that was in the script, huh?" I moaned on her.

"Well, fuck, now I do," Alexandra answered while groaning.

"Does Woody do that to you?" I kept going. "Does your character want him to? Do you play it like that?" I got carried away, even as my mouth was busy on other things.

"I'm not playing now, am I?" she chose to answer. For all I know, she could be -- but when she turned around and shoved my face right into the front of her pussy, I saw it couldn't all be an act. Soon, I tasted it too.

I ate her out like a man possessed, now that I finally had room to really taste her. My hands went back to her, pinching and pulling her lips apart as I licked the open space. I was tempting to tug and play with her hairs, but I doubted I had to get that Method.

Alexandra still tugged and played with the hairs on my head, yet I didn't mind that. Or her hips bucking against my face. Or when I put my hands on her hips and felt up how curvy they were -- careful not to leave marks.

As she got closer, I couldn't take it any more. On the chance she'd end this after her orgasm made us even, I needed to feel up two more curvy body parts.

Not even bothering to lift up her shirt, I went underneath it and reached up. When I grabbed those heavenly tits at long last, I squeezed with all my might while my tongue buried itself in Alexandra. The combination made her squeal and gyrate herself on my face, which only made me lick and grope faster.

A few more licks and nipple tugs got her right there. Cupping her tits up and rubbing the undersides with my thumbs finished the job.

Like she did for me, I drank Alexandra down and licked her juices clean. Since she was standing up, however, she leaned on my shoulders to keep her balance. Eventually, she stepped away and plopped herself back on the couch, while still giving me room to sit next to her.

After remembering my pants and underwear were still around my legs, I got out of them before sitting down. We were both naked from the waist up, we both still had shirts on, and we'd both tasted each other's cum.

But one difference between us was that I doubted my afterglow face looked that hot.

With a clearer head, I would have waited a while longer to kiss her -- or checked to see if she wanted more. However, I got lucky when I went in to kiss her, and she didn't shove me away. In fact, she eagerly joined right in soon enough.

I moaned as I could finally run my hands down her cheeks, her hair and her neck. When they rested on the back of her head, Alexandra made her move and pinned me to the couch. Lying on top of me, I let her take control, as she got me out of my shirt before kissing me again.

My hands went down to cup her ass again, then slowly went under her shirt again and up her bare back. This time, I removed her sweater, albeit less seductively and teasingly than she did. I just needed it off -- and feeling her gorgeous bare breasts pressed against my adequate bare chest made it worth it.

Yet despite how I could touch her fully naked body this time, my hands went back to her face and our kisses slowed down. Her tits were still lying on my chest, so that was an added bonus.

Nevertheless, it was also enough to kiss her, enjoy her soft lips and run my hands over her face and hair. They were asking for it half as much as her breasts were, really.

When it wasn't completely enough anymore, I tried to turn us over. I got Alexandra to lie on her right hip, then I actually backed off and gave her room to lay on her back. Once her full frontal, fully seductive body was laid out on display, she asked, "You coming back here?"

My answer was too obvious for words. So I used other methods.

Lying on top of Alexandra now, I grabbed a hold of her breasts again -- only while they were fully naked this time. The sight gave me tunnel vision, especially when I went back and forth kissing and suckling them. But after I kissed up and down her cleavage while pushing her tits against my face, I made myself see more.

I went back to Alexandra's left boob, kissing the tip slowly and watching her face in the process. I teasingly nibbled her with my teeth and batted her nipple with my tongue, all to see her impressed, flushing reactions. I was so focused, I didn't look away from her eyes as my mouth went to her right boob.

There was so much soft, full flesh to enjoy, I almost forgot I couldn't afford to nibble too hard. However, getting lost in her clear, eager blue eyes eased me down a little. Yet Alexandra was less in control, parting her legs to get them around me.

Grinding her groin against my hard cock, Alexandra made me just about ready to push in. However, I merely kept kissing and rubbing her tits, all while watching her sweet face get more impatient.

"You gonna fuck me for real or not?" she asked directly.

"I guess if you need it for the character," I teased, although I should have been too horny and on edge to joke. Yet it was better than cumming early, so I went with it. "I mean, she's fucking a married man. She's gotta be good when the handcuffs are off, right?"

"You tell me..." Alexandra asked, right as I lined up with her -- and she bucked back to get my head into her.

Pushing the next few inches in myself, I started to keep up with her. Once I got myself going, I held onto her left tit, put my head down to suckle her neck, and stroked her hair with my right hand. The various attacks made her breathe harder and fuck back deeper, hissing, "Yeah, fuck me hard..."

"Millions will be jacking off, thinking about this when all...this hits the Web," I illustrated by squeezing her boob. "They won't have this kind of imagination though..."

"Fucking shame..." Alexandra lamented, though she recovered enough to put her hands on my back -- giving it a little scratch. Since my naked body didn't have to be on camera tomorrow, I assumed.

"Still in character?" I groaned.

"Improv," she answered, though a better answer was when she kissed me and suckled my lips. I returned the favor, putting more of her hair into my fist in the meantime.

I did let go of it to grab her right tit -- at least so I'd have a tit to hold while my left hand trailed down to her pussy. Reaching it as I tweeked Alexandra's right nipple, I made it another four way attack by licking her lips -- somewhat like I licked her pussy lips. She did a better job of suckling my tongue like a cock, though.

"I want a ride," she told me when her lips were free. Seemed like a fitting way to...finish full circle.

Making myself slow down, I got off her and sat straight up on the couch. Alexandra got up and sat on my lap, just like when this started. Only my hands were free, we were both naked, and she was set to finish this job.

Once she sank back onto me, Alexandra began riding as my hands felt her up all over. They went up and down her waist, then held her ass, then bounced her boobs around despite how they were bouncing already. Eventually, they settled on her supple hips and squeezed, while her hands held onto my shoulders.

I watched Alexandra's tits bounce by themselves, until I leaned forward to take a few more love bites. After rubbing my face against each boob, I kissed her with their taste still on my mouth. Tasting her mouth again only made me pump her harder, causing her to throw her head back and moan.

Thinking quick, my right hand went on her pussy, rubbing and pinching her with everything I had. Combined with my faster hips and my left hand palming her breast, Alexandra hissed and rid me furiously, eager to go off.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum...take it, take my cum!" Alexandra yelled. That wouldn't be a problem -- other than the one with me holding back my own cum.

Yet as she tightened and came on my aching cock, I got myself to just take it instead it. My left arm pressed against her boobs, helping them to stop bouncing -- which was probably easier for Alexandra. My right hand gripped the top of her leg as I leaned back on the couch, getting myself under control as Alexandra finished her release.

Once she was finished, Alexandra laid herself against me, catching her breath and getting her wits back. Soon enough, she had enough wit and energy to take herself off me -- and get back on her knees in front of me.

As I got my wits back, I noticed Alexandra just before she started licking her juices off my cock. She suckled them down and much more, leaving her own saliva in place -- and giving me lube to slide back between her tits again.

"You do it this time," Alexandra offered. Snapping out of my shock, I leaned forward to take her tits, keeping them smothered on my cock. She took her hands off and just watched as I pumped her chest, losing what little control I had left.

I looked back and forth between her tits, my cock and her flushed face, ready to give all of them sweet relief. However, Alexandra put it off again by taking my hands off her chest, and her chest completely off me.

"I want you to finish yourself," Alexandra declared. "If they're gonna jack off when this comes out, I might as well see how it goes. See how they'd think about shooting it all over me..."

That sounded reasonable.

Of course, those guys would probably take longer than several seconds to cum to her -- despite her best efforts. But I'd been fucked, sucked and teased all night and came once already, so my quick finish could be excuses.

Still, when I pumped myself to the finish, I had enough foresight to aim.

After getting a stream or two on each of her tits, I went up to get the rest on her face. I missed her hair and eyes, and she didn't move away, so it could have gone worse.

When I was done, I let go of my deflating cock, but nearly grabbed it again once I saw Alexandra dripping with cum. Nevertheless, I figured I had to be the one who cleaned it up. "Where...where can I find napkins?" I remembered how to use my voice.

"Next to the lamp," she answered, in spite of cum sliding down her cheek. I tore myself from that sight and looked back, seeing a napkin box on the table behind the couch, next to that pesky lamp.

I took a few tissues and kneeled down myself in front of Alexandra. She stayed still as I took a tissue and gently wiped my release off her face. I did it extra softly, just in case -- enjoying the regular softness of her own face once more as a side effect.

After my cum came off, I traced my fingers over the affected areas again. Just in case. Yet the memories of my cum covering this face -- and probably having some traces still left on it -- made me go above and beyond to cover her lips too.

When she kissed me back, I impulsively grabbed her tits -- before remembering my cum was still on those too. Yet it felt pointless to use a tissue by then.

Maybe I was too good a kisser for Alexandra to stop me from rubbing my cum on her breasts. Maybe she just liked that part too much instead. Either way, she was going with it.

Perhaps it was a twisted form of solidarity that made me break off and kiss all over her face -- in spite of what I'd put on it moments ago. Either way, I went with it.

Finally, I was out of ideas and ways to draw this out. Alexandra certainly proved that she knew what she was doing, and would know what she was doing tomorrow as well. As such, I'd done what I'd unknowingly came here to do at first.

It was too bad there was no such position as "Nude Scene Coach" that could be listed in the credits. Even HBO wasn't that innovative.

Nevertheless, when the Internet indeed broke eight months later -- over getting just a taste of what Alexandra had to offer, as it turned out -- I considered that my credit. Not that they were really drooling and jacking off because of my contributions.

Or that their imaginations had anything on reality anyway.

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