Of Reunions and Life Ch. 01


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“Yes Becky, Martin,” he smiled.

“Your looking great, I almost didn’t recognize you.” She found his name on the list, and gave him his badge with his name and his senior picture on it. The conversation quickly digressed to her husband and of course babies. Fortunately, some more people came up behind him and he excused himself, exchanged parting pleasantries with Becky, and then wandered down the hallways towards the gym and the dance floor. He walked up to his old locker, memories of that day in April five years ago assailed him he heard some giggling behind him the three women just passed him by like he didn’t exist, ‘well’ he almost laughed to himself, ‘some things never change, I’m still invisible.’

“Well, well, well, just what do we have here,” a nasty sarcastic voice intoned.

Martin shook his head, ‘well I’m invisible to most people,’ and then turned to face Doug and four of his football buddies, as they tried to circle around him and intimidate him.

“Hello Doug,” Martin replied, with a calm easy demeanor.

“Listen slime ball, you don’t talk to me unless I say so, I still haven’t forgotten what you tried to do to me at senior prom, I should still pound you for that,” he spat out with venom as he charged Martin. At the last, second Martin tightened his Abs, thusly when Doug’s fist smacked into his stomach it bounced off and didn’t do any damage. Martin looked up into the taller man’s face the look of surprise was evident, Martin struck once as his fist slammed into Doug’s unprepared diaphragm, which in turn caused him to expel all the air in his lungs. The bully bent over tears running down his face, Martin looked at the other four guys, “Anyone else.” All four of them turned and moved away at a quick pace, He heard one of the four say, “Are you guys sure that was Dweeboid, Martin Floyd.”

Doug couldn’t do anything as this little nothing bent down and looked him in the eyes, “If you want to continue, nod your head, my next punch will be directed to someplace more vital, otherwise go away and don’t bother me ever again, and I won’t bother you. Do we have an agreement?” Doug’s head was nodding up and down.

“Good, I want this to be a fun night for everyone.” Martin replied as he gently helped Doug to straighten up and let his body relax so he could breath.

Martin looked down the hallway to the right a tall slender dark-haired Hispanic beauty was walking towards the two of them watching intently, as she got closer she asked, “Honey are you all right?”

Doug put out his hand and the woman took it, “Martin this is my wife Irmina, baby this is Martin Floyd, we were playing around and I got stupid and he accidentally knocked the air out of me.”

The woman smiled and said, “do that stuff when the girls aren’t around, Ok guys,” then pulled on Doug’s arm and said, “Nice to have met you Martin,” as her eyes momentarily connected with Martin’s he though he saw something more in them, then she abruptly turned and walked off with Doug.

Martin replied, “The pleasure is all mine.” He casually moved behind the couple and thought to himself, Doug did have an uncanny ability to attract beauty. The woman on his arm was probably 5’9” about 125 – 130 pounds she had on a silvery dress that clung tightly to her body accentuating her breasts, and drawing attention to her more than generous endowment of cleavage. The dress fit her tight toned body like a glove, her perfect little tight ass swayed with an almost hypnotic charm. To top it off she had a pair of lithe sensuous legs that seemed to go on forever, they just screamed for a head to get between them. “Oh well,” he sighed and enjoyed the view.

Martin smiled as the new perfect couple entered the Gym and moved quickly into the throng that awaited them. He was also pleased that the current score was ‘Martin 1, Ghosts 0.’

Martin entered the Gym, he smiled the reunion committee had really done an excellent job, streamers hung down all over the gym, there were dozens of tri-fold panels with hundreds of pictures all over them. The band was playing tunes from their senior class’s four years in High School and a few couples were already out on the dance floor he overheard someone behind him say, “This is so neat it’s decorated like our senior prom night.” That revelation made Martin tingle a bit; he would get to go to a Prom after all

Martin looked around it was 6:50 and the gym was starting to fill up, spotting the cheerleaders in a clutch to the left of the door, he watched as they talked and laughed, noticing, ‘no Cindy, how odd.’ Then almost as he thought it Cindy Le Smythe entered, she was still the ravishing beauty he remembered, and the Blue satin sequined cocktail dress she wore looked stunning on her. It accentuated every one of her feminine charms perfectly, and still kept an air of dignity and grace, she looked sexy and classy, unlike two of the other five cheerleaders who looked like they had just stepped off their street corners. Only he noticed she didn’t explode into the room, she moved with uncertainty, as if she were afraid.

She looked around and saw the other cheerleaders; taking a deep breath as if she was gathering her courage, she then slowly moved towards them. The other five cheerleaders all seemed to stiffen up a bit as their captain and teammate approached their conclave. Two of the girls embraced Cindy one of them being Teresa the redhead whose calves were still too large, the other three responded with curt even indignant nods. Many people had now noticed the interaction, and were watching as the core group of three now dismissed Cindy with a cold arrogance. It only took a few more moments for the former Captain to get the message; you are not wanted or accepted here.

Martin watched the whole scene take place, he was both happy and sad as he watched Cindy quietly move away from her former friends, happy because she had felt the sting and pain of rejection, but sad because he understood how painful and heart wrenching that was.

He made his way over to the food table, poured two cups of punch, and collected two plates of fruit and chips, then taking a deep breath he walked almost unseen to where Cindy Le Smythe sat. Martin ensured he moved slowly as he came up next to her and said, “Cindy I brought you something to drink and munch on.”

She half looked up and mumbled, “Thank You,” never making eye contact.

“Mind if I join you?” he inquired.

“No, go right ahead, I’ll be leaving in a few minutes anyway, I shouldn’t have come.” She kept staring at the floor to her left; Martin noted the single tear marring her perfect face. He was in a quandary, should he leave her in her gloom, or should he intercede, he remembered ‘the ghosts,’ fear and self-doubt had already been beat; now rejection and loathing were going to get a beating.

“You know Cindy, the last time you had me get ready for a dance we never did get on the dance floor. I think you owe me a couple of dances.”

“What are you talking about?” She shook herself out of a daze; she looked up at the man in the Tux standing in front of her, his right hand outstretched to her, confusion etched on her face.

“Who are you?” She said as she looked at his nametag, recognition dawning as she smiled.

Martin looked at Cindy and nodded his head yes, he watched as an unspoken pain raced across her eyes and was replaced a second later with her smile, that same smile that she had shown him the night of the prom, before she had dropped him off at home.

“Martin?” she gulped.

“Yea, Cindy,” he smiled broadly, “I’m Martin!”

Cindy stood smoothing her dress out and took his hand, “I believe your right sir, and I do owe you a whole grunch of dances.”

The next three hours were magic for Martin as Cindy kept his sorry two left feet, and his “I couldn’t dance if you paid me butt,” out on the dance floor. While she was dancing, she showed little glimpses of her self-confidence and at the same time tried her hardest to make her partner look good.

During the band breaks they caught up on the past five years, Cindy honestly cried when he told her of his parents dissolving their parental relationship with him (he did tactfully forget to mention his new employer and his new tax bracket courtesy of his parents). Martin thought as he watched and listened to Cindy, she’s different, friendlier, unassuming, he liked the change in Cindy, she was funny and down to earth now, and showed a genuinely caring attitude. Over the course of the night, he was able to glean out of their conversations that she was a schoolteacher in a town 50 miles away.

She told him that the humiliation and embarrassment he had witnessed tonight were just the latest installments on a problem that occurred the summer after they had graduated. He was stunned to find out Doug had dumped her two days before Graduation because she had tried to screw up his prom with a geek loser. Martin smiled and confided in Cindy what had happened earlier that night when Doug had come over to welcome him to the reunion. He also explained he had caught the former prep football star off guard, Doug in spite of the injury that finished his football career two years ago, was not to be taken lightly.

As the night grew to a close Cindy looked at Martin, “I have had a wonderful time with you tonight.”

“As I have with you.”

“I have a favor to ask of you,” He Nodded. “Can we go back to my parents house I have a couple of things to talk to you about and I want to be someplace I can fall asleep if I nod off, I am not used to staying up this late.”

Martin looked around, “shall we go then I think I can still remember the way.”

“Silly boy just follow me.”

As they left Martin was walking behind her, he noticed for the first time that she was a bit hipper than five years ago, but that was about the only flaw, as the package was still the same as it had been five years ago. She was a fireball package 5’4” 117 pounds, her breasts were somewhere between the size of a large orange and a softball, they seemed to be a bit fuller now, a toned athletic body, nice tight little heart shaped ass, and legs just made for wrapping around a body. Couple all that with her just over shoulder length golden blonde hair, and sparkling sapphire blue eyes, and you had Martin’s idea of perfection. Martin snickered a little as he thought back over the last five years, every girl or woman he had ever been with were all compared to the perfect proto type walking just in front of him, even though Xia had come really close, Cindy still was the standard of beauty and sexiness in his eyes period.

Martin followed Cindy who still had the BMW he had last seen her driving (He thought about the Silver Blue Lamborghini Diablo that was parked in his garage in Washington, his play toys had definitely gotten bigger and unquestionably more expensive).

When they arrived at her parent’s home, Cindy brought Martin to the door then turned to him, “Promise me you’ll let me explain everything I have to say fully, before you leave, please!” Her pleading was almost as if her heart was breaking.

“I promise,” he responded although he was a bit confused.

As she entered, she said “Mom, Dad, I brought somebody home, is anybody awake?”

Her mom walked into the living room from a doorway to the left of the room, Cindy crossed over to her, hugged her, and whispered something to her, nodding her mother asked, “Now who is the gentleman you brought home with you.”

Cindy turned, “Actually it’s someone you’ve met before, remember the prom, the ‘other guy’.”

The older woman, who was a clone of Cindy with light brown hair, stared intently at him, thought for a moment then said, “Martin, correct?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

She shook her hands in front of her, “Don’t get me started on the prom thing.”

“Mother,” Cindy implored.

“Right, I’m headed to bed, you two enjoy, Goodnight, Martin nice to see you again.” She kissed her daughter and left.

When her mother had left, Cindy took his hand, “Let’s go into the family room I want to be comfortable. Would you like a beer?”

“Sounds good but no thanks, I haven’t had any alcohol since last June, I’m trying to detox from three years of Frat house living. My liver still quivers at the sound of a beer being poured.” She giggled then disappeared down a hallway. “I’ll be right back.”

Martin made himself comfortable on the couch while he waited for Cindy to get back from changing. She reappeared in a dark green silk Chinese style pajama set, and a towel in her hand. She got them both a glass of iced tea then sat down at the other end of the couch as she started fumbling all over herself apologizing for her choices and actions on prom night.

Martin scooted over and placed his index finger on her lips. “ You said I’m sorry for that five years ago, if I can get over it, so should you.” She only nodded her head.

Cindy stood and went to the fireplace mantle, where she retrieved a picture bringing it back with her and handing it to Martin. The photo was of Cindy and a small boy three to four years of age.

“Martin this is Seth, my son, my 4 ½ year old pride and joy, the single reason for both the pain you watched me go through tonight, and my sole focus and purpose in life. You see.” Cindy explained, “By my senior year in High School I was out of control, so hip, so cool, so in charge. No one was going to tell me what to do; I elevated and destroyed guys and girls to my lofty plane of existence at my whim and for my pleasure. Starting after my 18th birthday in October of our senior year, I had become sexually active; I got involved with three guys including one of the teachers before Christmas, prior to Doug and I becoming a thing. As I have since explained to my parents, I was ‘a rich spoiled out of control bitch.’ When Doug dropped me two days before graduation I was not expecting it, see I was going to tell him to get out of my life at his party the night of graduation. However, when he told me get lost I was shaken—nobody had ever dropped ‘me’ before. Three weeks later, I missed my period for the second straight month, that coupled with the morning sickness told the tale.

My fall from perfection was hard and fast. First the Father was gone out of my life, second I told my parents, third I contacted the University of Miami who notified me that my scholarship was revoked and I was told to reapply next year. Then lastly my own friends destroyed me. You see Martin when you’re the center of the ‘IN’ crowd your can do anything and get away with it, except get caught, and I was caught permanently. Children don’t disappear after a few months, and I could not bring myself to abort the baby, so...

It was amazing how many different guys the three girls you saw humiliate me tonight, said I had slept with. Since I had isolated everyone but my little clique, I had no one to turn to as three of my own group smelled blood, and went for the jugular, Donna stayed neutral, Teresa stood by me until she left for college. I was suddenly the school tramp, slut of the week, month, and year, ‘The Class Whore.’ I was so depressed I wouldn’t go out of my room for weeks; when you’re full of yourself, it takes the wrecking ball of life to destroy you; I have never been in so much pain.

My parents talked to Doug’s parents, it was decided that since the revelation of my ‘sexual appetite’ they were going to wait for the child to born and do a paternity test, ‘before doing anything rash.’ When Seth was born, I named him after my father; Doug wouldn’t even come and see his son. When the Paternity test came back with Doug as only 30% possible chance of Him being the father thus in a court of law Doug wouldn’t even be considered, someone else was the father, I was devastated.

My doctor finally had me come in to see her about a week later to start all of my postnatal care. We talked about any other guy that I had been with during March April or May, then it hit me there was one other guy, on prom night, but only one time and he didn’t release inside of me.” Cindy was sobbing as she looked at Martin, “Oh god Martin please don’t hate me, but you are the only possible one.”

“How could I be the Dad, like you said I didn’t….”

Cindy held up her hand and interrupted, “ My doctor explained that the pull out method is almost useless because a guy will expel a small amount of semen a few seconds before he orgasms, with me on top we probably forced it into my womb. The doctor said you had strong swimmers, at least stronger than Doug’s.” She giggled through her tears.

“I know you will want to take a paternity test, you pick the lab we will pay, if it comes back positive, I only want two things from you. I want you to give our baby his rightful last name and I want you in his life. I don’t care if you hate me or want nothing to do with me, I can understand that. Please don’t make the baby suffer because of my foolishness. He has a mommy but he needs a daddy. I’m not talking about you and me together; I’m talking about you and Seth. I don’t want money, I need his father in his life, he needs his father in his life.”

Martin looked at Cindy, a stunned almost silly half smile on his face, and said, “Well as one of my philosophy professors always said, ‘other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play,’ I’m glad you brought me here instead of Denny’s to tell me this.”

He shook his head, smiling he almost whispered, “I have a son, Seth Floyd,” he rolled the name around his tongue a few times and decided he liked the sound of it. Martin stood and helped Cindy out of her chair, “Is Seth here?” She nodded, “can I see my son…. our son?”

Cindy took Martin’s hand and led him to a bedroom near the front of the hall, entering she turned on a small table lamp which gave off a soft warm glow. Martin knelt next to the bed and slowly reached out his hand to touch the small miracle of life that was sleeping so comfortably and peacefully. Martin ran his fingers over his son’s face and touched his small hands for the first time; tears were falling down his cheeks.

“What’s he like?” he asked over his shoulder.

Cindy sighed, “He’s all boy, rough tumble, constantly moving, running, jumping, he wants to be a fireman, or racecar driver when he grows up. He likesDexter’s Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, Sesame Street, and Scooby Doo, his favorite movie is “George of the Jungle”, but he hates Grandpa’s News show. He loves bacon and eggs, Captain Crunch, and hotdogs, as well as mac and cheese, and any type and kind of cookie, oh and loves any clothes that are red in color.”

Martin bent and ever so gently kissed the small sleeping child on the side of his forehead, then whispered, “Hello my son, I’m sorry it took so long for me to get here, but now that I am, I’ll make up the time I’ve missed. I’ll see you later today buddy, sleep tight, Goodnight.”

Martin stood, he heard Cindy’s muffled sobs behind him turning he saw Cindy, her mom and dad all three hugging each other not a dry eye in the group. Mr. and Mrs. Le Smythe both held Martin in turn as the emotions erupted into tears, Cindy shooed them out of the room and turned the light off, so the baby wouldn’t wake up. After he recovered and Cindy’s Mom and Dad said, “Goodnight,” Martin returned to the family room again and sat in a big recliner. Cindy came over a look of fear etched in her beautiful face; Martin pulled her into his arms and popped the recliner out. Holding a very scared young lady in his arms, they both cried and comforted each other, eventually falling asleep in each other’s arms.

End of Part 2.

Please take time to vote, we all take a huge amount of time to work out a story, good bad or indifferent your voting helps us to become better more focused writers, which in turn gives you the reader a better product. I appreciate any and all feedback.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Excellent story. Very well written. Reliving high school memories (good and bad-real and imagined)

dgfergiedgfergie11 months ago

I gave you 5 stars for touching baby scene and Martin's confrontation with Doug. You are a god writer, though less sex and more story would make your stories even better.

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4u11 months ago

I didn't read the previous part and honestly don't feel a need to. This is a great stand alone story in itself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well done, well done!


Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 5 years ago
That was a

Helluva yarn. Fun and original at least to me

msocaltimemsocaltimeover 6 years ago
Feeling a Story

I felt every nuanc of this twisting and turning story, I thoroughly enjoyed every word.

nil_r2nil_r2about 12 years ago
good stuff

very well written

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago

I agree with Gatorhermit. Well written. Good stand alone story.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
Painful and beautiful

Excellent job great story

RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago
Fantastic story so far

Great writing

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